The Pleasures of Traveling

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Title Page

The Pleasures of

'Hit the road, you've already worked enough!'

This was a catchphrase from one of the TV commercials. Why did they recommend people to

travel instead of anything else? Many TV show program winners get a prize of travel. When they

get it, they jump to the ceiling for joy. How does travel affect people to act like that? Most

people have some curiosity or vague longing for different worlds that they have never

experienced. Travel alone is enough to lull the thirst. Travel gives an opportunity to meet various

people, various cultures, and above all it, Travelling is an emprise when a person reflects, relax

& ponder.

One of the great benefits of traveling is the connections that are built, and the relationships made

during one’s stay. We can meet different people through travel especially internationally. They

may use another language, wear different clothing and act differently. They may be poorer or 1

richer than us. These kinds of new meeting chances make us have broader minds apart from

thinking about ourselves. Sometimes, we decide to learn that language and help the poor. We

often become friends with them later. “Traveling fosters a medium to build human connections

with one another by learning about one another” (Dispatch, 2018, para. 5). Therefore, international

travel gives an opportunity and pleasure to meet various people.

The main venture of travelling is to have different experiences of food, cultures and enjoy day to

day life of different societies. Other cultures can eat some foods that we have never eaten till

then such as ants, worms, and even a Bear's tongue. They can eat the food just with fingers not a

spoon. Sometimes they may let us try the food very kindly without noticing our disgust. They

may live in an igloo, a floating house, or a very gorgeous castle. They can worship an animal.

This kind of new opportunity to meet various cultures often gives some spirits to change our

view of life. Therefore, one might become a traveling businessman or missionary worker.

Travelling was much difficult in ancient times because of no as such transportation facility.

People used to travel by roads & sea with help of boats. It used to take many days to travel from

one place to another. But with passage of time, Man used to make new innovations which

helped him out in making life easier. One of the greatest invention of man was transportation like

ships, airplanes cars etc. These transport means helped everyone to travel faster & cover distance

is less time. Now from all over the world travel either for education, job or just to relax from

monotonous life. But it has more benefits than satisfying one’s need to make money, like,

for example, to see loved ones and enjoy oneself on vacation. Eventually a break from

boring life is what everyone wants today to enjoy for a moment

As we all know that every person observes & captures world in his own way. the way one person

looks at a scene is not necessary that other person would same way. Whenever people travel they

all have new kind of experiences that totally cherish their mind. Artists like poets & painters they

travel a lot to explore new places and they can drop their thoughts of new places in form of

paintings or poetry etc. living in a closed room or saying home forever makes you dull and

boring. To travel world makes you more of self-dependent and companionable. As it can be

concluded that there are many Pros of travelling rather than Cons.

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet” (By Rachel



Traveling is important for mental growth and human happiness. (2018). Retrieved 19 July 2021,
Importance of travelling (2019).
Traveling – The First Thing on Your To-Do List by JK. Garcia. (Feb 2, 2021)

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