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ECC Extraction

All the standard business Content DataSource will be Available in Tcode RSA5

We can Activate datasources from RSA5... 

All the Activated Datasources will be listed in RSA6.

After that data will be available in datasource and will be ready for Extraction..

RSA3 is Extraction checker.. to view the availability of Data.

When we get a reporting requirement, first thing we should do is to check Whether any of
the business content query meets the requirement... if any query is giving the desired
report then we should always do it with business content itself..

follow this link to check the business content queries
lets take an example for Customer Overdue

For that check business content, whether standard queries are available or not...

Now we know that our query is available in business content... 0FIAR_C30 is our data

Lets go and find it in RSA5

Click on our datasource and click activate datasources.

Once datasource is activated, It will be available in RSA6.

Goto RSA6 to check whether it is available .

DataSource is available in RSA6... Now lets check If we have any data in that

Goto RSA3
We have 34 records in "Z000" Company code...

Now lets replicate this data to BW..

First select source system as ECC
Select the correct Application component, and from the context menu select replicate
meta data..

Our datasource is created in BW... But its just a structure.. to pull data from ECC to BW..
we need an infopackage..
As we are taking data only for Company code "Z000"... specify that in dataselection..
Now our 34 records from ECC is available in PSA ..

Now 0FIAR_C30 is the cube that needs to be activated..

goto BI CONTENT tab to activate 0FIAR_C30

When we activate cube.. all the necessary objects are also activated..
Execute DTP
Now data is available in cube
As our query is done on multiprovider, Connect cube to multiprovider
Now run the query to get report

Goto RSRT Tcode

We can aslo edit this query in query designer if we need any customization...

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