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Update mode - LO Cockpit

Direct Delta

New records are directly taken to delta queue... delta queue can be viewed using Tcode
this mode is the fastest method... but delta queue have a limitation of 10000 LUWs... so
this method can be used only when number of records are low.. otherwise we have a
chance of losing data..

Unserialized V3 Update

In this mode, New data is taken to update queue first, Update queue have no limitation
for LUWs..
We don't have a sorting done in Update queue.. there is no priority... so this mode is
selected when we dont want data in a sorted manner... mainly used in Inventory...
Moving data from update queue to delta queue is done using a process called V3
collective run

Can see update queue using Tcode SM13

Queued Delta

The extraction data from the concerned application is collected in an Extraction Queue.
Then the data will be transferred to Delta queue, in a similar manner to the V3 update,
with an update Collections run.

This process is especially recommended for customers with a high occurrence of


By collecting new document data during the delta-init request, the downtime in the
process can be reduced for the reconstruction run (filling of the setup tables).

Collective run clearly performs better than the serialized V3. Especially the critical aspect
of multiple
languages does not apply here.

In contrast to the V3 collective run, a definite end for the collective run is measurable,
and a subsequent process can be scheduled. After the collective run for an application has
ended, an event (&MCEX_11,...) is automatically triggered which, if defined, can be
used at the start of the subsequent job.
Extraction is independent of success of the V2 update.

Tcode LBWE

Unserialized V3 Update
Please note that update method is not for individual data sources... it is applicable for
whole Application component..

when You fill setup tables.. every setup tables under that application component will be
when new data is posted, it will be reflected in SM13.. as we have chosen Unserialized
V3 update method...
when we have new posting,, we can see it here..

Now to move data from SM13 (Update queue) to Delta queue.. we have to do a V3
collective run...
Queued Delta

New data can be viewed from LBWQ (extractor queue)

Now move data from LBWQ to Delta queue...

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