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Avian Pathology

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Onset of white striping and progression into

wooden breast as defined by myopathic changes
underlying Pectoralis major growth. Estimation
of growth parameters as predictors for stage of
myopathy progression

Jacqueline Reedy Griffin, Luis Moraes, Macdonald Wick & Michael Snell

To cite this article: Jacqueline Reedy Griffin, Luis Moraes, Macdonald Wick & Michael Snell
Lilburn (2018) Onset of white striping and progression into wooden breast as defined by
myopathic changes underlying Pectoralis�major growth. Estimation of growth parameters
as predictors for stage of myopathy progression, Avian Pathology, 47:1, 2-13, DOI:

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VOL. 47, NO. 1, 2–13


Onset of white striping and progression into wooden breast as defined by

myopathic changes underlying Pectoralis major growth. Estimation of growth
parameters as predictors for stage of myopathy progression
Jacqueline Reedy Griffin, Luis Moraes, Macdonald Wick and Michael Snell Lilburn
Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA


The broiler industry has incurred significant economic losses due to two muscle myopathies, Received 17 April 2017
white striping (WS) and wooden breast (WB), affecting the Pectoralis major (P. major) of Accepted 10 July 2017
commercial broilers. The present study documented macroscopic changes occurring with
age/growth in the P. major and P. minor muscles of commercial broilers from day 2 through Broiler; ontogeny; Pectoralis
day 46 (n = 27/day). Distinct myopathic aberrations observed in both breast muscles major; myopathy; white
corresponded to the onset of WB. These distinct morphological changes were used as striping; wooden breast
determinants in developing a ranking system, defining the ontogeny of WB as the following
four stages: (1) WS, (2) petechial epimysium haemorrhages, (3) intramuscular haemorrhages
and (4) ischaemia. A cumulative logit proportional odds model was used to relate the rank
probabilities with the following growth parameters: body weight, P. major and P. minor
weight/yield/length/width/depth. The best-fit model included P. major length/width/depth,
P. minor width, P. major and P. minor yield as predictors for rank. Increasing P. major depth,
P. minor width and P. major yield increased the odds of falling into higher ranks (more
severe myopathy). Conversely, increasing P. major length, P. major width and P. minor yield
increased the odds of falling into smaller ranks (less severe myopathy). This study describes
the macroscopic changes associated with WB ontogeny in the development of a ranking
system and the contribution of growth parameters in the determination of rank (WB
severity). Results suggest that physical measurements inherent to selection for high-yielding
broiler genotypes are contributing to the occurrence and severity of WS and WB.

integral to this success – a large decline in days to mar-
Darwin’s description of natural selection was substan- ket and disproportional increases in breast yield – have
tiated, in part, with the knowledge that humans had contributed to an increase in skeletal muscle myopa-
successfully produced changes, over time, in domestic thies (Petracci et al., 2015), such as Deep Pectoral
animals using artificial selection (1859). For the broiler Myopathy (DPM), white striping (WS), wooden breast
industry, selection has remained focused on maximiz- (WB) and spaghetti meat (SM).
ing muscle growth for the production of meat (Barbut Among the first of these recognized myopathies is
et al., 2008). The Pectoralis major (P. major) and DPM, identified as ischaemic necrosis of the P. minor
M. supracoracoideus (P. minor) breast muscles are of in broiler breeders (Page & Fletcher, 1975; Richardson
considerable value to the broiler industry, with the et al., 1980; Wight & Siller, 1980; Bianchi et al., 2006),
P. major being the predominant meat producer and selected for increased breast muscle growth (Siller,
consequently that of greatest economic value (USDA, 1985). Macro- and microscopic characterizations of
2016). As such, selection for increased P. major yield WS/WB have striking similarities to what have been
has become a primary genetic focus of the broiler described for DPM (Wight et al., 1981), including mild
industry, along with improvements in growth rate to severe oedema (Soglia et al., 2016), haemorrhagic/
and feed conversion (Havenstein et al., 1994, 2003; inflammatory lesions (Sihvo et al., 2014; Bailey et al.,
Zuidhof et al., 2014). These improvements have led 2015; Trocino et al., 2015) and ischaemia (Kuttappan
to significant increases in body weight (BW), et al., 2013a; Petracci et al., 2013a; Sihvo et al., 2014;
P. major yield (Lilburn, 1994; Mazzoni et al., 2015) Zotte et al., 2014). Microscopic similarities include poly-
and conformational changes in breast muscle (Godfrey phasic degeneration, perivascular necrosis and infiltration
& Goodman, 1956; Reddish & Lilburn, 2004), resulting of connective and fat tissue (Kuttappan et al., 2012b; Kut-
in commercial strains that are marketed in half the tappan et al., 2013b; Kuttappan et al., 2013c; Ferreira et al.,
time with nearly twice the BW of their 1950s counter- 2014; Mudalal et al., 2014; Russo et al., 2015; Alnahhas
parts (Barbut et al., 2008). However, the same factors et al., 2016; Vignale et al., 2017; Zambonelli et al., 2016).

CONTACT Jacqueline Reedy Griffin

© 2017 Houghton Trust Ltd

P. major breast muscles affected by WS and WB can as a direct result of the observations made in the pre-
be easily distinguished from one another by their sent study that led to its early termination two weeks
macroscopic characterizations. WS is characterized prior to the proposed end date. At 46 days of age, it
by the presence of white striations parallel to muscle was determined unethical to maintain birds on feed
fibres (Kuttappan et al., 2009; Kuttappan et al., for further growth, as the vast majority exhibited severe
2012b), with varying degrees of haemorrhagic lesions muscle damage (WS/ WB/ DPM) (details provided in
(Kuttappan et al., 2017), whereas WB is characterized subsequent text).
by a pale, hardened breast muscle with haemorrhagic In an effort to further understand the aetiology and
lesions (Sihvo et al., 2014), a condition that was first connection between these myopathies and their shared
detected in live broilers, as having palpably stiff breast characteristics, the overall objective of the present
muscles (Puolanne, 2015). When examined histologi- study was to relate and characterize the muscle devel-
cally, the white striations and haemorrhagic lesions opment changes that occur with age/growth in the
associated with WS and the diffuse, hardened areas P. major of commercial broilers beginning at day 2
associated with WB exhibit overlapping characteristics. post-hatch through 46 days post-hatch. During the
Included in these are: polyphasic myodegeneration, course of the experiment, distinct aberrations in the
perivascular necrosis, interstitial inflammation, perive- macroscopic morphology of the P. major and
nular infiltration of T lymphocytes with the infiltration P. minor were observed corresponding to the onset
of connective tissue and lipid (Sihvo et al., 2014; Velle- and progression of WB. In the present study, a ranking
man & Clark, 2015; Abasht et al., 2016; Clark & Velle- system was devised to describe the ontogeny of WB
man, 2016; Baldi et al., 2017). and a model was developed to relate the rank probabil-
Lastly, a more recent muscular abnormality to be ities with the physical measurements and growth par-
reported in the P. major of modern broilers has been ameters associated with P. major and P. minor
termed SM, due to the altered structural integrity of growth during the post-hatch growth period.
the P. major, characterized by poor fibre uniformity
(Baldi et al., 2017). Baldi et al. (2017) reported an
increase in P. major weight, thickness and length in fil- Materials and methods
lets affected by both WS and SM. Experimental design
In addition to a correlation between WS and SM,
there are ample data to support an association etween Birds, housing and management
WS and WB (Sihvo et al., 2014, 2017; Bowker & All procedures involving the birds used in the present
Zhuang, 2016; Tasoniero et al., 2016; Radaelli et al., experiment were approved by The Ohio State Univer-
2017). In addition, the onset and severity of each sity Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. A
anomaly are influenced by the same factors: Genotype mix of 1-day-old male and female commercial broiler
(high > standard breast yield) (Petracci et al., 2013b; chicks (n = 900; Hubbard X Ross 708) was delivered
Alnahhas et al., 2016), gender (males > females) (Lor- to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development
enzi et al., 2014), growth rate (fast > slow) (Kuttappan Center (OARDC, Wooster, OH) Poultry Research
et al., 2012a) diet (high > low energy) (Cruz et al., Farm. All chicks were wing-banded and randomly
2017) and P. major weight (heavy > light) (Petracci placed in nine floor pens with feed and water available
et al., 2014; Mutryn et al., 2015; Chatterjee et al., for ad libitum consumption.
2016). Although these myopathies appear coincid-
ingly with one another, the cause-and-effect relation- Sample collection
ships underlying their associations are not yet clear. Broilers (three per pen/n = 27) were randomly sampled
Not surprisingly, these myopathies have had a nega- on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week from
tive impact on consumer acceptability (Tasoniero et al., 2 to 46 days of age. Live BW was ascertained. Birds
2016; Tijare et al., 2016), resulting in the downgrading were sacrificed via cervical dislocation, ensuring mini-
and condemnation of affected breast fillets. With mal wing flapping. Immediately following cervical dis-
recent flock incidences (percent of broilers exhibiting location, the intact P. major breast muscles were
WS/WB) reported as high as 90% (Owens, 2016), the exposed and photographed from top and side view-
industry has incurred significant economic losses, points (see below). The subsequent sample procedures
with projections estimated to range from $200 million were done in a sequential manner directly following
to $1 billion (Owens, 2016). photo documentation. At this point, the left P. major
Of greater concern, to the economic implications, is and P. minor muscles were immediately filleted and
the increasing welfare concern for those broilers exhi- individually weighed. [Weights were later used to cal-
biting these myopathies; so the question becomes: at culate P. major and P. minor yield as percentage of
what point does a meat-quality issue become a welfare live BW. In addition, relative growth was defined as
concern? Although the present study did not investi- the percent change from the initial weight, set as 9
gate welfare parameters, this welfare concern is raised days of age (Actual-Initial/Initial × 100). Relative

growth calculations were made using daily pen weight WB. Rank 1 was defined by the presence of WS only
averages for the three sampled birds and the data rep- (WS severity was not measured) (Figure 1). All birds
resent the average for all pens (n = 9)]. Immediately exhibited some degree of WS following the initial
after weight collection the depth of each muscle was photo documentation, the reason for a lack of control
measured at the thickest point in the cranial region or completely unaffected muscle in the rank system.
of the muscle. At this point, both breast muscles were Rank 2 is defined by the presence of surface (epimy-
placed on a ruler grid and fillets were photo documen- sium) petechial haemorrhages (Figure 2). Rank 3 is
ted for a second time for later use in obtaining geo- defined by intramuscular haemorrhages (bruising)
metric measurements (length, width) using ImageJ (Figure 3). Rank 4 is defined by ischaemia (loss of
software (Schneider et al., 2012). P. major and blood supply observed as pale regions (Figure 4). As
P. minor length were measured from the longest WB is defined, in part, by pale regions of the
dimension of the fillet and width from the two points P. major breast muscle (Sihvo et al., 2014), rank 4
furthest apart from side to side (Kuttappan et al., muscles were considered to have the WB myopathy.
2013a; Mudalal et al., 2014). To maintain consistency, Ranks 1–4 were established based on the sequential
the same individual was responsible for filleting both onset of distinct myopathic abnormalities occurring
breast muscles, and obtaining muscle depth, length with increased growth/age. Based on the current litera-
and width measurements throughout the course of ture, it was determined that ranks 1–4 depicted the
the study. progression from WS to WB. In support of this con-
clusion, recent studies have reported an association
between haemorrhagic lesions and WS (Kuttappan
Photo documentation et al., 2017) and numerous studies (see Introduction)
Image analysis (Photo documentation of both intact have reported varying degrees of haemorrhaging and
superficial P. major muscles and filleted P. major and ischaemia (pale regions) in WB-affected muscles
P. minor breast muscles) began on day 16, following (Sihvo et al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2015; Trocino et al.,
the initial observation of physical changes to the 2015; Soglia et al., 2016).
P. major. All photographs were obtained on an individ- Once P. major myopathic abnormalities were
ual bird basis (n = 27 per day). Representative images observed during the sampling process, palpable detec-
are shown in Figures 1–4. These images were later tion of live birds was conducted to assess the presence
used for assigning a rank (1–4) to individual birds, of WB based on the established tactile method of WB
representing their degree of progression from WS to detection reported in the recent literature (i.e. hardness
of the breasts in live birds; Sihvo et al., 2014). The pre-
sent study outlines the sequential myopathic aberra-
tions associated with growth occurring in the

Figure 1. Rank 1 Pectoralis major breast muscle defined by the

presence of white striping (WS) only. WS severity was not
measured, although it is worth noting that breast muscles
with more apparent WS severity (increased thickness and
P. major coverage) exhibited same degree of haemorrhaging Figure 2. Rank 2 Pectoralis major breast muscle defined by sur-
or ischaemia and were therefore ranked accordingly. face (epimysium) haemorrhaging near the sternal apex.

Statistical analyses
The initial exploratory analysis of the data investigated
rank (P. major myopathy progression) differences on
growth parameters, using a linear mixed effects model.
In particular, the PROC MIXED of SAS v. 9.4 was
used to test for differences in growth parameters
among ranks, using a model with fixed effect of rank
and random effect of pen. The second step of the data
analysis focused on understanding the contributions of
specific growth parameters in the determination of
ranks. A generalized linear mixed model was used to
examine the effect of growth parameters on the rank
probabilities. A cumulative logit link function was used
in a proportional odds model (Stroup, 2013) with a ran-
dom intercept for pens and fixed regression coefficients
for growth parameters. The selection of growth par-
ameters to be used as subsequent predictors was con-
ducted using the following sequential steps: (i) all
possible models were created with all possible combi-
nations of the independent variables (P. major length,
P. major width, P. major depth, BW, P. major
Figure 3. Rank 3 Pectoralis major breast muscle defined by
intramuscular haemorrhaging (bruising) near the sternal apex. weight, P. minor weight, P. minor length, P. minor
width, P. minor depth, P. major yield and P. minor
yield); (ii) models for which the variance inflation factor
P. major, to elucidate the underlying morphological was greater than 10 were discarded; (iii) all remaining
changes occurring at earlier ages, prior to the point at models were fitted to the data; (iv) the 10 models with
which WB can be detected in live birds. Therefore, the smallest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) were
the present study reports the first day in which WB selected for further examination and (v) the model
was first detected using these same tactile methods with the smallest AIC was used for biological inference.
(Sihvo et al., 2014), but did not intend to use this Both the ordinal R package (Christensen, 2015) and the
method to characterize WB severity, as the first-day PROC GLIMMIX procedure of SAS v. 9.4 were used for
detection was not conducted until day 42. model selection and fitting.

Age- and growth-associated myopathic
Based on the progressive changes and abnormal
clinical presentation observed during P. major post-
hatch growth, the present study developed an objec-
tive ranking system which defined the onset and
progression of WB. Relative growth rate and relative
growth changes in the weight of the P. major and
P. minor are presented in Figure 5. The distinct myo-
pathic changes associated with age and relative
growth are indicated on the day in which they were
initially observed (Figure 5), starting with the onset
of WS on day 16. On day 18, was the initial onset
of SM and surface (epimysium) petechial haemor-
rhages followed by deep intramuscular haemorrha-
ging (bruising) on day 21.
SM myopathy has been previously shown to be associ-
ated with WS (Baldi et al., 2017). In the present study, the
Figure 4. Rank 4 Pectoralis major breast muscle defined by initial onset of SM occurred after (day 18) the initial onset
ischaemia (extreme paleness) near the periphery regions of of WS (day 16) and coincided with the initial onset of epi-
the muscle. mysium haemorrhages. Throughout the remainder of

Figure 5. Relative growth rate and relative growth changes in P. major and P. minor breast muscles ([Actual weight−initial weight
(day 9)]/initial weight (day 9) × 100). Grossly observed myopathic changes associated with age and relative growth are indicated
above the day in which they were initially observed. WS = White striping WB = Wooden breast DPM = Deep pectoral myopathy.

the study and after a thorough study of the numerous present study aimed to determine the day in which
photographs over the course of the experiment, it became live detection was first possible. Using tactile
clear that the occurrence of the SM myopathy was highly methods, WB was first detected in live broilers on
variable among birds and often difficult to detect visually day 42. As mentioned previously in Materials and
in the photographs. In contrast, epimysium haemorrha- methods, it was not the intention of the present
ging progressed in a consistent pattern with growth/age. study to utilize this method as a means to detect
Given the nature of the study, and the aim to objectively WB severity, as the majority of birds by this age
define ranks, for these reasons, SM was not included as a exhibited mild to severe myopathies (rank 3 and 4).
rank determinant. However, the timing of SM onset, rela- Rather, the intention was to determine the age at
tive to WS and WB, could perhaps prove useful in sub- which live detection was possible for relative com-
sequent studies. parisons to the underlying aetiology of myopathic
Lastly, the first documented case of WB (i.e. rank 4) progression occurring in the P. major reported herein.
was noted on day 23 and was characterized as a As shown in Figure 5, the P. minor and Gastrocne-
P. major muscle that was extremely pale in colour mius muscles underwent similar myopathic changes
with a ridge-like bulge on the caudal end. More severe during later stages of growth, starting with the initial
cases of WB were observed from day 30 onwards and observation of WS on day 32. The first reported case
included prominent changes in muscle shape (firm of DPM in the P. minor was on day 35. Lastly, on
and flat with a prominent ridge on the caudal end), day 46 the P. minor exhibited WB-like abnormalities
interstitial viscous fluid accumulation and severe hae- (i.e. rank 4), as a grossly pale muscle with a ridge-like
morrhaging (surface and intramuscular). In the most bulge at the caudal region.
severe cases, affected muscles were completely void of The muscle changes leading to the onset of WB
vascularization throughout the entire P. major muscle occurred in a cumulative manner paralleling their
with a thick, viscous yellow interstitial exudate sur- progression with age/growth. Birds exhibiting surface
rounding the muscle. Other characteristically severe epimysium haemorrhages (rank 2) also exhibited
cases included breast muscles that were nearly comple- varying degrees of WS (rank 1). Furthermore,
tely covered with thick white striations (WS), displa- muscles exhibiting deep intramuscular haemorrhages
cing the surrounding epimysium with a thick (rank 3) also exhibited surface haemorrhages (rank
collagenous layer, some with extreme haemorrhaging, 2) and WS (rank 1). Lastly, ischaemic muscles
where the white striation coverage was largely red in (rank 4) exhibited intramuscular (rank 3) and surface
colour due to the extent of petechial haemorrhaging (rank 2) haemorrhages, as well as varying degrees of
associated with the WS. WS (rank 1). Given this progressive pattern, these
The most common method reported amongst the distinct changes were used as markers for each
literature for detecting WB is via palpable detection rank. Representative images from each rank group
of stiff breast muscles in live birds. As such, the are shown in Figures 1–4.

Image quality rank determinants later diffusing throughout the entire muscle. Although
not used as a determinant for rank 4 classification, it
Rank 1 is classified by the presence of WS. On day 16,
should be noted that in conjunction with the onset of
faint white striations were observed in the cranial
ischaemia, there were observable changes in shape,
region of the P. major, present beneath the surround-
which included a flat, ridge-like bulge on the caudal
ing fascia (epimysium). By day 21, striations were easily
end of the P. major. These data are in agreement
seen on the P. major surface as part of the surrounding
with the current literature, which partially defines
epimysium. Throughout the remainder of the study,
WB by the presence of a pale ridge-like bulge (Sihvo
WS was no longer limited to the cranial region of the
et al., 2014; Trocino et al., 2015; Soglia et al., 2016).
P. major but had infiltrated the entire P. major muscle.
It is also reported to be lighter in colour when com-
This progressive infiltration coincided with an increase
pared to normal breast fillets (Kuttappan et al.,
in WS thickness (Figure 1). These data agree with
2013a; Petracci et al., 2013a).
authors who have grossly classified the severity of
WS as an increase in striation number and size (Kut-
tappan et al., 2012b), initially limited to the cranial Image rank frequency and growth parameters
region and subsequently developing caudally in the by day
P. major (Kuttappan et al., 2013c).
As previously mentioned, the occurrence and severity
Rank 2 is classified by the presence of surface (epi-
of WS/WB is positively correlated with increased
mysium) haemorrhages which was initially observed
growth rate (Kuttappan et al., 2012a). As such, rank
on day 18. Epimysial haemorrhages were initially
frequency, as a percentage of total birds, was calculated
small and focalized near the sternal apex, where visible
on each day to show the distribution of rank (1–4) with
stretching of the epimysial sheath could be seen.
age and growth (Figure 6). A clear trend from lower to
Throughout the course of the study, haemorrhages
higher ranking (less to more severe myopathy) can be
increased in size and dispersed throughout the
observed with age/growth from day 18 through day
P. major muscle (Figure 2). These data agree with
46 (Figure 6). In addition, individual growth data
studies that have reported P. major surface haemor-
(without rank separation) were plotted by day, to
rhages associated with varying severity of WB (Sihvo
show growth trends over time (Figure 7).
et al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2015).
The overall objective of the present study was to
Rank 3 is classified by the presence of deep intra-
relate the rank probabilities (stage/severity of WB)
muscular haemorrhaging (bruising), initially observed
with physical measurements associated with P. major
on day 21 (Figure 3). Similar to the progression
and P. minor muscle growth and development. In
described for rank 2, intramuscular haemorrhages
order to ensure differences in growth among the
were initially present near the sternum apex, dispersing
ranks, multiple least square mean comparisons for
distally throughout the P. major with age/growth. This
growth parameters were performed with respect to
coincided with an increase in colour intensity (red and
rank group (1–4). Significant differences (P < 0.001)
purple). This is in agreement with studies that have
were shown for all growth parameters investigated
characterized WB by the presence of large haemorrha-
among ranks. The variation in BW and muscle data
gic foci (Trocino et al., 2015).
(P. major and P. minor weight, yield, length, width,
Rank 4 is classified by the presence of extreme pale-
depth) among ranks 1–4 are presented in Figure 8 as
ness (ischaemia), initially observed on day 23,
individual boxplots. Mean rank values are denoted
coinciding with the first documented case of WB
above respective rank boxes and differing superscripts
(Figure 4). Ischaemia was initially present in the per-
signifying least square mean separation are denoted
ipheral regions of the P. major muscle at earlier ages,
between each sequential rank (P < 0.001).

Cumulative logit model

In order to understand the contributions of specific
growth parameters in the determination of ranks
(WB ontogeny), a cumulative logit mixed model was
developed to determine the role of one or more growth
attributes as predictors for the probability of breast fil-
lets being assigned to the four ranks. The 10 best (i.e.
smallest AIC) cumulative logit mixed models with pro-
portional odds are presented in Table 1, with inter-
cepts, parameter estimates and standard errors given
Figure 6. Image rank (1–4) frequency by day. Rank percentage for all 10 best-fit models. Within each model, odds
is based on total birds for each respective day. ratios were determined for individual predictors

Figure 7. Boxplots display individual growth parameter data over age, starting on day 25 through day 46. Boxes indicate the range
of data values between the first and third quartiles (25th and 75th percentiles); intra-quartile range (IQR). Whiskers extending from
each box indicate range of data outside the IQR, ending with minimum and maximum data points. Within each box, lines (▬)
represent day averages and circles (●) represent outlier data points.

while holding all other predictors at a constant value. values for P. major length, P. major width and P. minor
The model which best fit the data (Model 1) included yield increased the odds of these muscles falling into
the following growth parameters as predictors for lower ranks (less severe myopathy) versus a higher
rank: P. major length, P. major width, P. major rank (more severe myopathy). In other words, increas-
depth, P. minor width, P. major yield and P. minor ing these muscle factors decreased the likelihood of
yield. For the best fit model (Model 1), the odds ratios them having a higher rank.
showed that increasing P. major depth, P. minor width In considering the top 10 best models shown in
and P. major yield increased the odds of the muscle Table 1, P. major depth, P. major yield and P. minor
falling into a higher rank (i.e. more severe myopathy) yield were included as predictors for rank in all of
versus a lower rank (less severe myopathy). In other the 10 best-fit models. P. major width was present in
words, increasing these muscle factors increased the 8 of the 10 best models and P. major length was present
likelihood of them having a higher rank (i.e. increased in five of the 10 best models. P. minor width was pre-
progression and severity of WB). Conversely, increased sent in seven of the 10 best models.

Figure 8. Boxplots show descriptive growth parameter data for individual ranks 1–4. Boxes indicated data values falling within the
Intra-quartile range (IQR) between the first and third quartiles (25th and 75th percentiles). Whiskers extending from each box indi-
cate range of data outside the IQR, ending with minimum and maximum data points of each growth parameter. Within each box,
lines (▬) indicate rank median and circles (●) indicate rank means. Mean values are denoted above their respective rank boxes and
differing superscripts indicate significant differences in least square means among ranks (* = P < 0.001).

Discussion damage resulting from this was surface haemorrhaging

present on the epimysium only (rank 2). With advan-
The present study characterized the macroscopic phe-
cing age and increased muscle growth, intramuscular
notypic muscle traits of the P. major and P. minor cor-
haemorrhages (rank 3) were observed in regions with
responding to the ontogeny of WB in commercial
prominent surface haemorrhaging (near the sternal
broilers and developed a rank score system based on
apex). It is hypothesized that the continued increase
these distinct traits. It is generally accepted that during
in the degree and depth of the haemorrhages further
the onset of WB there is an inflammatory response, the
decreased intramuscular blood flow, leading to ischae-
cause of which is still unknown. In the present study,
mia (rank 4).
the first abnormality observed during post-hatch
A cumulative logit model was developed to try and
growth was the appearance of WS (fat/connective tis-
understand the morphological components of muscle
sue) on day 16. As the muscle increased in size with
growth that contributed most to the ranking system
age, the WS striations were observed close to the sur-
described in this report. The model that best fit the
face of the P. major and ultimately became part of
data showed that an increase in P. major depth and
the surrounding epimysium (rank 1). The primary
P. major yield increased the odds of that breast muscle

exhibiting a more severe stage of WB (i.e. higher rank).

1.54 (0.53)
1.50 (0.53)
1.72 (0.56)
1.67 (0.53)
1.45 (0.53)
1.32 (0.48)
1.18 (0.50)
1.39 (0.58)
1.61 (0.58)
1.52 (0.54)
Alternatively, the predictors P. major width and
P. major length were shown to be inversely related to
the severity of WB. These data are in agreement with

−0.487 (1.54)
studies that reported an association between WS and


WB and P. major depth (Kuttappan et al., 2013a;
Mudalal et al., 2014) as well as P. major yield (Petracci
Table 1. The 10 best (i.e. smallest AIC) cumulative logit mixed models with proportional odd estimates for growth parameters determined to be predictors for myopathy rank.

et al., 2013b; Alnahhas et al., 2016). Among these

−1.72 (0.83)
−1.71 (0.83)
−1.52 (0.81)
−1.84 (0.85)
−1.36 (0.81)
−1.73 (0.84)

−1.74 (0.84)
P. minor

reports, Kuttappan et al. (2013b) measured P. major


length, width and depth and reported an association
between the occurrence of WS and P. major depth,
only (Kuttappan et al., 2013a; Kuttappan et al., 2017).
0.296 (0.27)

0.073 (0.35)

Furthermore, Mudalal et al. (2014) reported signifi-

cantly greater P. major depth values in WS/WB-
affected fillets, with no differences in fillet length or
0.008 (0.01)

width (Mudalal et al., 2014).


The current data further support a hypothesis that

by increasing P. major length and width, the odds of

falling in a higher rank (more severe myopathy) are
Body Weight

actually decreased. The contrasting relationships

between selected phenotypic muscle measurements
and the severity of WB confirms the fact that physical

measurements which are inherent to selection for high-

−0.70 (0.18)
−0.671 (0.19)

−0.771 (0.19)
−0.598 (0.18)
−0.668 (0.19)
−0.575 (0.18)
−0.645 (0.18)
−0.687 (0.19)
−0.684 (0.19)
−0.669 (0.19)

yielding broiler genotypes are contributing to the


occurrence and severity of the observed myopathies.

The growth of the P. minor as a predictor for rank is
also of interest, particularly due to the inverse relation-
0.005 (0.004)

ship between P. major and P. minor yield and rank. The

best fit model for predicting rank indicated that an

increase in P. minor yield would decrease the odds of
a higher rank (more severe WB) whereas increasing
−4.69 (0.93)
−4.23 (0.86)
−5.10 (1.10)
−4.64 (0.93)
−4.56 (0.92)
−4.96 (0.91)
−4.64 (0.83)
−4.50 (1.01)
−4.50 (1.08)
−4.70 (0.93)
P. major

P. major yield increased the odds of higher rank.

These data, in conjunction with the physical measure-
ment data, suggest that alternate selection strategies for
0.741 (0.323)

optimizing growth rather than maximizing it might be

0.815 (0.39)

0.861 (0.39)

0.953 (0.39)
0.685 (0.44)
1.04 (0.36)

0.703 (0.43)
0.687 (0.43)

considered when trying to genetically minimize these

growth-associated muscle anomalies.

It has been hypothesized that in poultry selected for
0.335 (0.231)

meat production, growth of the epimysium can no

0.537 (0.19)

0.407 (0.17)
0.329 (0.23)

0.287 (0.30)

longer keep pace with underlying muscle growth, lead-

ing to the onset of muscle damage (Swatland, 1990; Kra-

nen et al., 2000) Observations from the present study


provide evidence in support of that hypothesis – that

Rank 3

the breast muscle has outgrown its surrounding epimy-



sium. It is likely that accelerated muscle growth reduces



the interstitial space between the P. major muscle and

Rank 2

its surrounding epimysium, limiting subfascial move-



ment in response to normal physiologic stimuli (move-

ment, wing flapping, etc.), leading to muscle damage. In
4.92 (1.08)
5.34 (1.05)
6.80 (1.54)
4.42 (1.04)
4.96 (1.10)
3.85 (0.98)
4.47 (0.93)
5.82 (1.39)
4.92 (1.09)
4.90 (1.11)
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
Rank 1

Percentage of live body weight.

the P. minor, the consequences of such fascial inelasti-

city (DPM) result in a rise in intramuscular pressure
(IMP), ischaemia, hypoxia and eventual necrosis (Mar-
Model 10 (AIC = 731)
Model 1 (AICa = 729)
Model 2 (AIC = 729)
Model 3 (AIC = 729)
Model 4 (AIC = 729)
Model 5 (AIC = 730)
Model 6 (AIC = 730)
Model 7 (AIC = 730)
Model 8 (AIC = 730)
Model 9 (AIC = 731)

tindale et al., 1979), of which, the onset of ischaemia is

prevented experimentally by cutting the surrounding
epimysium (fasciotomy) (Martindale et al., 1979).
DPM in the P. minor exhibits striking similarities in
appearance and potential growth limitations by the

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OARDC Chicken Research Facilities staff:Keith Patterson,
1991 broilers when fed “typical” 1957 and 1991 broiler
Jordan Welsh and Jarrod Snell. Their support and enthu-
diets. Poultry Science, 73, 1785–1794.
siasm during frequent and time-consuming data collections
Kranen, R.W., Lambooy, E., Veerkamp, C.H., Kuppevelt,
made this research possible.
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