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to put out electoral rolls

Mistry replies to units across the country to
verify the rolls,” the MPs said
MPs who sought in their letter of September
transparency 6. “As long as this demand is
met, our concern about tran-
Sandeep Phukan sparency — a sine qua non in
New Delhi any free and fair election —
Responding to the Lok Sab- will be met,” they added.
ha members who had de- Responding to them on
manded transparency in the Saturday, Mr. Mistry wrote,
Congress presidential elec- “If anyone desires to get
tion procedure, the party’s nominations from ten sup-
Central Election Authority Earlier, five Lok Sabha pushing for internal reforms. porters from different States,
(CEA) chairman, Madhusu- members – Shashi Tharoor, “In case the CEA has any the list of all 9,000+ dele-
dan Mistry, said the list of all Manish Tewari, Karti Chi- concerns with respect to re- gates will be available in my
9,000-plus delegates will be dambaram, Pradyut Bordo- leasing the electoral rolls pu- office at AICC, Delhi, from
available at the All India Con- loi and Abdul Khaleque – blicly, it must put in place a September 20 (11 a.m. to 6
gress Committee (AICC) of- had jointly petitioned the mechanism to securely p.m.), before they file their
fice from September 20. CEA chief to make the elec- share this information with nomination on September
The list may be used “if toral roll available to them all electors and potential 24. They can choose their 10
anyone desires to get nomi- for the sake of transparency. candidates. Electors and supporters (delegates) from
nations from 10 supporters Mr. Tharoor and Mr. Te- candidates cannot be ex- the list and obtain their sig-
from different States to con- wari are part of the G-23 or pected to go to all 28 PCCs nature for nomination.”
test the upcoming election”, the ginger group within the [Pradesh Congress Commit-
he said. Congress that has been tees] and 9 Union Territorial CONTINUED ON A PAGE 13

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