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Daily Journal

Date: 06/20/2022
Day: M

My learning Experience

In my first day at EMB they just let me observe on what they doing at work, Sir Lexter, Explain

Everything about the coding and what’s the different between Comscie and IT. He told me to

Observe first because they don’t have extra or available PC to use. And its too risky for them to let
Someone use their computer.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual
Daily Journal

Date: 06/21/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

Second day at EMB. Sir Jerome guide or teach me how to use PHP on his project that sir Lex gave

Him and Sir Rodel taught me how to use and discuss to me about the basic steps for using My sql,

And he told me to read and analyze all the data and told me to observe them on what they doing.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal
Date: 06/22/2022
Day: W

My learning Experience

On the third day at EMB.Sir Jerome ask me if I can help sir Charles on technical

Support for fixing any problem inside the department he told me to come with him so that I can

Learn something about how to assemble and install data application on pc. after that sir Lloyd
Teach me how to create Batch files on phyton. Then sir Charles took me with him to help him fix
Something on their website and its because of technical problem.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/23/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

In my fourth day at EMB. Sir Lex gave me an assignment to make a batch files that will

Help the ID address.if you click the Batch files it will automatically change the dynamic to static

using same IP DNS, but the gateway will change and as a student like me its hard for me to create
that kind of system cause I don’t have enough knowledge and also I don’t have any experience and
that is my first time I will create this kind of system.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/24/2022
Day: F
My learning Experience

Goodmorning its my fifth day and still thinking how I will start my assignment that

Sir Lex gave me. I tried to apply what Sir Lloyd tells me and its work but it’s not what sir Lex exactly

What he wants me to do, because my Batch file is not working so I decided to find some idea on
Google to find a code that can I be used on the system. As a student and major on web developer
It’s totally hard for me to analyze this kind of program.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/27/2022
Day: M

My learning Experience
This day I asked Sir Charles if I can come with him on troubleshooting computer and

Assemble. After that we bring the hard copy of files to Budget Department and Executive

Department troubleshoot the Pc. After that Sir Vincent help me to do the program that sir Lex
Assign to me and after we complete the codes that we need. We try to run the program and it
Work but suddenly his laptop lost all the network connection.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/28/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

This whole day I just go with sir Charles for receiving all the files and troubleshooting
Computer on water department. After that he taught me how to install data on computer and also

Helps me to reformat the laptop that I use for making a program because of the Batch file that i

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/29/2022
Day: W

My learning Experience

Goodmorning this day me and sir Charles brought the pc to Water Department to

Assemble or to set up the pc that he troubleshoot I just help him to carry the monitor and to plug in
All the cables on computer. After that one of the staff on Water Department ask if we can fix her
Printer because its not connected on the pc and it can’t find the IP address.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 06/30/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

Goodmorning, This day me and sir Charles go to admin to fix the internet connections

And after that we came to Water Department to assemble a pc that sir Arnold fixed, and we deliver

Deliver the hardcopy of the files to admin.

Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/01/2022
Day: F

My learning Experience

Goodmorning, this day I just observed Sir Arnold on how to fix fix a computer, and after

He fix it, me and Sir Charles assemble it and brought it to the Water Department.
Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/03/2022
Day: S

My learning Experience

This day, Sir Charles assist me and guide me to set up a computer and to install

Application in it.
Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/04/2022
Day: M

My learning Experience

Goodmorning as what we did yesterday, we also do the same.We assemble and set up

Pc in different Department and install data in it.

Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/05/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

This day all i did was answering phone calls and observe or watching them on what

They doin.
Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/06/2022
Day: W

My learning Experience

This day were just assemble a Pc and installing all the application that is needed for

Every Department.
Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/07/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

Goodmorning at the end of the day,I did nothing just answering phone calls and

Observed them on what they doin.

Name and Signature of Supervisor
Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/08/2022
Day: F

My learning Experience

Goodmorning, this day I just answering phone calls and asking some information

About coding and programming language.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/11/2022
Day: M

My learning Experience

Goodmorning , and this wholeday all I did was answering phone calls because there is
nothing Pc to fix or to assemble. All I did was asking some questions to gain some information.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual
Daily Journal

Date: 07/13/2022
Day: W

My learning Experience

Goodmorning. I just watching them making their websites and asking some question

For idea and answering phone calls.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual
Daily Journal

Date: 07/18/2022
Day: M

My learning Experience

Goodmorning. This day Sir Lex ordered me to clean the Data Server Room. He asked

Me if I can wipe all the appliances and arrange all the boxes and Pc.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal
Date: 07/15/2022
Day: F

My learning Experience

Goodmorning, same as yesterday all i did was answering calls, observing, and asking

Some tips and advice on sir Rodel. I ask him what is the best programming language for this

Generation and he answered that it is Phyton.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

Date: 07/19/2022
Day: T

My learning Experience

Goodmorning. This day all I did was to complete all the requirements that needed to

Claim or to get my certificate and the assessment form, and after that I think all of them for

Accepting me as a OJT in their Depertment.

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

Daily Journal

My learning Experience

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Student Internship Program Manual

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