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Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203– 215 www.elsevier.


Effects of benzo[a]pyrene exposure on a fish population

resistant to the toxic effects of dioxin-like compounds
Diane E. Nacci a,*, Michael Kohan b, Marguerite Pelletier a, Elizabeth George b
US En6ironmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and De6elopment, Atlantic Ecology Di6ision, 27 Tarzwell Dri6e,
Narragansett, RI 02882, USA
National Health En6ironmental research Laboratory, En6ironmental Carcinogenesis Di6ision, 86 T.W. Alexander Dri6e,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA
Received 1 December 2000; received in revised form 10 April 2001; accepted 10 April 2001


Effects of a model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) were compared in populations of the estuarine fish
Fundulus heteroclitus indigenous to a reference site and one highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) and other compounds. The fish population resident to the PCB-contaminated site is genetically resistant to
those PCB congeners categorized as dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) that act through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
(AHR). In response to DLC exposures, these DLC-resistant fish showed poor inducibility for enzymes known to be
regulated by the AHR pathway and important for the metabolism of xenobiotics including some PAHs that also act
as AHR agonists. Therefore, a laboratory study using the model PAH, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), was conducted to
evaluate how PAHs might affect these wild fish populations that differed in their inherent sensitivities to DLCs and
in their tissue concentrations of contaminants. Following BaP treatment, the activities of two xenobiotic metabolizing
enzymes and the concentrations of BaP-DNA adducts, as measured using the 32P-postlabeling method, were lower in
the livers of DLC-resistant than reference fish. These results suggest that DLC-resistance could provide protection
following chronic exposures to PAHs from the long-term consequences of DNA adduct formation, such as cancer.
Alternatively, reduced metabolism and elimination of toxic or photo-activated PAHs could have acute consequences
to the health and reproduction of these DLC-resistant fish and their progeny. These fish populations provide useful
models to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of genetic adaptation in wildlife populations subject to
anthropogenic stress. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Xenobiotic resistance; Benzo[a]pyrene; DNA adducts; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor

This is contribution number AED-00-081 of the EPA ORD NHEERL Atlantic Ecology Division. This manuscript has been
reviewed and approved for publication by the U.S. EPA. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views
and policies of the U.S. EPA. Mention of trade names, products, or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted as
conveying, official U.S. EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-401-7823143; fax: + 1-401-7823030.
E-mail address: (D.E. Nacci).

0166-445X/02/$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S 0 1 6 6 - 4 4 5 X ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 9 6 - 5
204 D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215

1. Introduction but also as minimal increases in the activities

cytochrome P450 enzymes regulated by the AHR
Fundulus heteroclitus (‘mummichog’) is a non- (Nacci et al., 1999; Bello et al., 2001). Increased
migratory fish species indigenous to estuaries cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) activity, whether
along the East Coast of the U.S. and Canada (e.g. measured as mRNA induction or ethoxyresorufin-
Abraham, 1985). Mummichogs are a predominant o-deethylase (EROD) activity, is considered a
fish species in many urban harbors, including hallmark of AHR-signal transduction pathway
New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, USA (Nelson activation (e.g. Stegeman and Hahn, 1994; Whyte
et al., 1996; Black et al., 1998), where the concen- et al., 2000). This evidence suggests that NBH
trations of certain contaminants in sediment and mummichogs demonstrate altered responsiveness
biota are extremely high. The northernmost por- of the AHR pathway (also, Hahn, 1998; Bello et
tion of NBH, designated a Superfund site, has al., 2001; Powell et al., 2000). Consistent with
sediment concentrations of polychlorinated these findings, NBH fish also demonstrate low
biphenyls (PCBs) as high as 2100 mg/g dry weight, induction or enzyme activities in response to some
but other contaminants, including polycyclic aro- PAHs which act as AHR agonists (Nacci et al.,
matic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are also relatively 1999; Bello et al., 2001). Because some AHR-reg-
high (e.g. 170 mg summed PAHs /g dry weight, ulated enzymes are important for the metabolism
Pruell et al., 1990). Livers of mummichogs col- and elimination of some PAHs (Baird and Ral-
lected from the Superfund area of NBH in 1996 ston 1997), the biological fate and effects of these
contained an average of 324 mg total PCBs /g dry PAHs might differ between NBH and reference
weight which was 135-fold more than those from
a local, relatively uncontaminated reference site at
In this study, an experiment was conducted to
West Island (WI, MA, Nacci et al., 1999). Despite
address the hypothesis that wild populations of F.
high tissue concentrations of contaminants, NBH
heteroclitus that have adapted genetically to the
mummichogs are apparently healthy (review see
toxic effects of DLCs (Nacci et al., 1999) respond
Nacci et al., 2001a), as indicated by high fecundity
differently to PAH exposure than non-adapted
rates (Gleason and DellaVecchia, 2001), high con-
fish. To test this hypothesis, field-collected fish,
dition indices (M. Huber, personal communica-
tion), and nearly normal levels of stored vitamin known to contain varying tissue concentrations of
A (Nacci et al., 2001b). DLCs (Nacci et al., 1999) were challenged in the
One explanation for the persistence of a fish laboratory with the prevalent environmental con-
population indigenous to this potentially toxic taminant, carcinogen and model PAH, ben-
environment is that NBH mummichogs are rela- zo[a]pyrene (BaP). Responses to BaP were
tively unresponsive to specific classes of local or- compared between a contaminated, DLC-adapted
ganic contaminants (Bello, 1999; Nacci et al., and an uncontaminated, DLC-sensitive fish popu-
1999; Bello et al., 2001). These contaminants, lation. Specifically, activities were compared for
which include non- and mono-ortho PCB con- two enzymes that are believed to be regulated by
geners, act partially or wholly through the aryl the AHR pathway in fish and are of potential
hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), and are categorized significance to the rates of metabolism and elimi-
toxicologically as dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) nation of PAHs, including BaP. In addition, the
(e.g. Safe, 1990). While DLCs are extremely toxic quality and quantity of DNA adducts produced
to the early life stages of fish species (e.g. Walker by these fish were assessed to infer differences in
and Peterson, 1991; Peterson et al., 1993; Eisler the biological activity of BaP between popula-
and Belisle, 1996), including F. heteroclitus tions. Results of this study will be used to develop
(Toomey et al., 2001), NBH mummichogs are testable hypotheses concerning specific costs and
relatively unresponsive to their effects. In NBH benefits associated with toxic exposures and ge-
fish, non-responsiveness to DLCs is demonstrated netic adaptation to anthropogenic stressors by
as resistance to lethal effects (Nacci et al., 1999) wild fish populations.
D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215 205

2. Materials and methods activity of a single enzyme (EROD), only. A

subset of livers from male fish were also analyzed
2.1. BaP challenge experiments for DNA adduct concentrations.

In July of 1998, fish were collected from WI 2.2. Enzyme acti6ities

and NBH and maintained in the laboratory for a
period of approximately two weeks before use in Fish liver microsomes were prepared as de-
experimentation. The experimental design was scribed by Willett et al. (1995), using reagents
based on that of Willett et al. (1995). The average supplied by Sigma Chemical Company, unless
weights (sd) of female fish used in this experiment otherwise specified. Briefly, livers were homoge-
were 5.4 (1.7) and 4.4 (1.7) g wet weight for WI nized in 0.1 M Tris, pH 7.4 buffer containing 0.25
and NBH, respectively. The average weights (sd) M sucrose, centrifuged at 600× g for 10 min to
of male fish used in this experiment were 4.9 (1.7) remove nuclear debris, then at 5000× g for 10
and 3.7 (1.6) g wet weight for WI and NBH, min and 13,000×g for 10 min to remove mito-
respectively. In this species with a life span of chondrial material. The post-mitochondrial super-
about three years (Valiela et al., 1977), length natant was then centrifuged at 100 000× g for 60
data (not shown) suggested that these fish were min. The microsomal pellet was resuspended in 50
two years old. mM Tris, pH 7.5 buffer containing 1 mM EDTA
Fish were maintained in flowing sea water in 20% glycerol.
aquaria at 20°C and fed TetraMin® (TetraWerke, EROD and total protein were measured using a
Germany) ad libidum before and during experi- 96-multiwell plate method adapted from Kennedy
mentation. There were three treatments for each and Jones (1994). Sodium phosphate buffer (pH
of two fish populations. For each treatment, 12 8.0), microsomal suspension and ethoxyresorufin
male and female fish from one population were were added to sample wells of Co-Star® (Corning,
anesthetized with three-amino benzoic acid ethyl NY) white wall low fluorescence plates. The plate
ester (also known as MS-222, Sigma Chemical was warmed to 25°C, and reactions were initiated
Company, St. Louis, MO) and injected with 10 with the addition of NADPH (1 mM final concen-
ml/g of treatment solution. Injections were made tration) then incubated for 10 min. Reactions
into the peritoneal cavity using a 16 gauge needle. were terminated by the addition of acetonitrile
The injection site was sealed with a small amount that contained fluorescamine (300 mg/ml). A plate
of rapid-cure glue (Duro® superglue, Loctite reader was used to measure fluorescence indica-
Corp., Hartford CT) before the fish were returned tive of EROD activity (resorufin production) and
to a recovery tank. Treatment solutions consisted protein concentration (fluorescamine concentra-
of corn oil solvent, low dose BaP (nominally, 5 tion). Resorufin fluorescence was measured using
mg/kg) and high dose BaP (50 mg/kg). Each a 530-nm excitation filter (25-nm bandwidth) and
treatment group was divided into two replicate a 590-nm emission filter (35-nm bandwidth).
holding tanks so that there were 12 fish (six males Protein fluorescence was measured using a 400-
and females) from a single population in each of nm excitation filter (35-nm bandwidth) and emis-
two 80 l aquaria. Therefore, for each population, sion 460-nm excitation filter (40-nm bandwidth).
there were 72 fish divided into six aquaria. After Bovine serum albumin and resorufin were used to
10 days, fish were sacrificed using an overdose of generate standard curves for each plate.
MS-222. Fish were held on ice while livers were Uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferase
dissected and split in an anterior-posterior fash- (UGT) was measured using 4-nitrophenol sub-
ion. These replicate liver samples from each fish strate as described in Palace et al. (1997) for use
were frozen and stored at − 80°C for up to 3 with lake trout microsomes. Briefly, microsomal
months prior to analysis. Livers from male fish suspensions were mixed with an incubation mix-
were used to measure enzyme activities while the ture containing Tris–maleate buffer, (250 mM,
livers of female fish were used to meaure the pH 7.4), MgCl2 (5 mM), and 4-nitrophenol (0.5
206 D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215

mM), then warmed to 25°C. The reaction was and incubated at 37°C for 1 h. Protein was re-
initiated by the addition of UDP-glucuronic acid moved by successive extractions with phe-
(5 mM) and incubated for 30 min. The reaction nol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1)
was stopped with the addition of two volumes of saturated with 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, and
ice – cold 0.5 M trichloroacetic acid. The superna- chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1). DNA was pre-
tant solution was neutralized with an equal vol- cipitated in absolute ethanol, washed twice with
ume of 2 M sodium hydroxide and diluted with 70% ethanol, and resuspended in 10 mM Tris–
three volumes of water. Absorbance was mea- HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4. DNA concentrations
sured at 405 nm to assess the reduction in color were determined spectrophotometrically, using
caused by the formation of 4-nitrophenyl b-glu- absorbance at 260 nm. The ratio of absorbance at
curonide. The extinction coefficient of 4-nitrophe- 260:280 generally ranged from 1.75–1.85.
nol (18.1×103 cm2/mol, Burchell and Weatherill,
1981) was used to calculate transferase activity as 2.5. P-postlabeling analysis
the formation of 4-nitrophenyl b-glucuronide per
min. To measure BaP-DNA adducts, 32P-postlabel-
ing procedures were conducted on DNA extracts
2.3. DNA preparation and adduct Quantification of individual fish livers. For this purpose, fish
liver DNA (6 mg) was digested to 3%-mononucle-
2.3.1. Reagents otides at 37°C for 3.5 h with micrococcal nuclease
[g-32P]Adenosine triphosphate (3000 Ci/mmol) and calf spleen phosphodiesterase as described by
was purchased from Amersham Pharmacia Bio- Gupta (1985). DNA digests were treated with
tech (Piscataway, NJ). RNAse A and T1, a-amy- nuclease P1 as reported by Reddy and Randerath
lase, calf thymus DNA, and micrococcal nuclease (1986) with the following modifications. Aliquots
were obtained from Sigma Chemical Company of 13.75 ml of undiluted DNA digest (5.5 mg), 1.3
(St. Louis, MO). Calf spleen phosphodiesterase ml nuclease P1 (6.5 Units), 2.0 ml zinc chloride (1
and nuclease P1 were commercially available from mM), and 3.3 ml sodium acetate buffer (0.4 M, pH
Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA). Polynucleotide kinase 5.0) were mixed and incubated at 37°C for 45
(3% phosphatase free) was obtained from min. After incubation, 2.4 ml of Tris –HCl (0.5 M,
Boehringer Mannheim (Indianapolis, IN). Poly- pH 7.5) was added to the nuclease P1 mix and
ethyleneimine (PEI)-cellulose thin layer chro- evaporated to dryness. HPLC-quality water (10
matography (TLC) plates were purchased from ml) was added to the digest and incubated at 37°C
Alltech Associates, Inc. (Deerfield, IL). Opti- for 30 min with 7.5 ml of a radioactive mixture
fluor® was supplied by Packard Instrument Co. containing 50 mCi [g-32P] ATP, 1.5 ml kinase
(Meriden, CT). buffer (100 mM MgCl, 100 mM dithiothreitol, 10
mM spermidine, 300 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5), and
2.4. DNA Extraction 3% phosphatase free, polynucleotide kinase (5.4
Units). The total labeled mix was spotted onto the
Frozen liver tissues were homogenized (c2 origin of a 10× 10 cm PEI-cellulose TLC plate.
setting, Omni, 2000, Waterbury, CT) for 2– 3 s in The adducts were resolved according to the
5 × volumes of buffer (10 mM Tris– HCl,10 mM method of Ploch et al. (1998). Labeled DNA
EDTA, pH 7.4). The homogenates were cen- adducts were detected on the TLC plate by au-
trifuged at 4000× g for 10 min to pellet the toradiography after exposing Kodak Biomax®
nuclear fraction and resuspended in 1 ml of 1% MS X-ray film for 16 h at −80°C. The spots were
SDS, 20 mM EDTA, pH 7.4. An RNase mixture excised and placed into 5 ml of Opti-fluor® and
that included RNase A (80 mg), RNAse T1 (80 counted.
units), and a-amylase (20 mg) was added and To measure the total number of nucleotides, an
incubated at 37°C for 1 h. Proteinase K (0.4 mg in aliquot containing 0.5 mg of the digested DNA
80 ml of 50 mM Tris– HCl, pH 7.4) was added sample was diluted 1000×. An aliquot (2.5 ml)
D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215 207

was labeled as above with an equal volume of had significant effects on EROD activity. While
radioactive mix. The labeled nucleotides were di- BaP treatment tended to increase EROD activity,
luted 80× with 10 mM Tris base, 5 mM EDTA, this effect was lower in NBH than WI fish (PB
pH 9.5 and 5 ml were applied to a 20× 20 cm 0.001) (Fig. 2). Sex affected EROD response, also
PEI-cellulose TLC plate. Chromatography was in (PB 0.001). BaP-induced EROD activity was
one direction with 0.3 M ammonium sulfate, 10 lower in female than male fish, and not signifi-
mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4. After a 30 min cantly increased in NBH female fish, relative to
exposure at room temperature using Kodak their respective controls. Although fish from both
Biomax MR X-ray film, the labeled bases were sites used in laboratory experiments were gener-
excised and counted as above. Relative adduct ally similar in size, fish from WI were slightly
labeling (RAL) values were calculated by dividing larger than those from NBH (P= 0.004). How-
adduct counts per minute (cpm) by the total ever, the weights of males did not differ between
nucleotide cpm after correcting for the back- sites (P= 0.178). When male fish only were com-
ground activity, dilution factors, and volumes pared, BaP treatment increased EROD response
spotted. Because values for control livers are used by 14-fold over control in WI fish but not signifi-
to calculate background activity for the RAL, cantly in NBH fish (P= 0.071) (Fig. 3a). Simi-
these relative adduct labeling values cannot be larly, BaP increased UGT activity in males from
calculated for the experimental controls.
WI by 2.8-fold over control, while there was no
increase demonstrated in NBH males (P= 0.407)
2.6. Statistical analyses
(Fig. 3b).
Chromatograms of 32P-postlabeled hepatic
Percent survival data were arc sine square root
DNA from male fish showed dose-related in-
transformed to normalize variance across the re-
creases in the magnitude of DNA adduct spots
sponse range before one- and two-way analysis of
(Fig. 4), the chemical identities of which have not
variance followed by a test of least significant
difference. EROD activity data were ordered by yet been determined. Up to six unique spots were
rank then analyzed using one- and two-way vari- characterized by position, measured, and ranked
ance procedures to evaluate effects of factors in- by order of magnitude. The largest spots, referred
cluding sex, population, and treatment. This to as one and two, were evident in BaP-dosed fish
procedure was equivalent to Kruskal– Wallis k-
testing (SAS Institute, 1990). Differences were
considered significant when P B0.05. All analyses
except those on DNA adducts were conducted
using SAS® (SAS Institute, 1990). To compare
DNA adduct concentrations, data were analyzed
using a t-test or, when unequal variance was
determined, the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test,
using SigmaStat® software (Jandel Scientific, San
Rafael, CA).

3. Results
Fig. 1. Survival (mean 9sd, n =2 replicates of 12 fish each) of
During laboratory exposure to BaP, fish sur- adult F. heteroclitus following injection with corn oil carrier
vival ranged from 67 to 100% and did not differ (white bars), 5 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene (BaP, gray bars), or 50
mg/kg BaP (black bars). Fish were collected from West Island
significantly between populations (P =0.122) or (WI), or New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, USA. Trans-
BaP treatments (P= 0.317) (Fig. 1). However, formed values were not significantly different by Duncan’s
population (P B0.001) and treatment (P B0.001) multiple range test.
208 D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215

Fig. 2. Hepatic microsomal activity for ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD, mean 9 sd, n = 5 – 8 fish) measured in adult male (m)
and female (f) F. heteroclitus following injection with corn oil carrier (white bars), 5 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene (BaP, gray bars), or 50
mg/kg BaP (black bars). Fish were collected from West Island (WI), or from New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, USA. Letters
indicate significant differences among data that were rank transformed prior to one-way analysis of variance procedure, equivalent
to Kruskal – Wallis k-testing.

from both populations. While the ranking pat- AHR (Bello, 1999; Nacci et al., 1999; Bello et al.,
terns among spots were similar between popula- 2001). In this study, responses to laboratory BaP
tions, there were differences between populations treatments were compared between contaminated,
in relative magnitudes for similar spots and for DLC-adapted fish collected from NBH and rela-
total radioactivity in all spots (Table 1). Follow- tively uncontaminated, DLC-sensitive fish from
ing exposure to five or 50 mg/kg BaP, spot one WI. Consistent with prior studies of NBH fish
and total spots were significantly elevated in WI and some AHR agonists (Nacci et al., 1999; Bello
over NBH fish. The magnitude of spot 2 in WI et al., 2001), activities of two xenobiotic metabo-
fish was also increased above that measured in lizing enzymes believed to be regulated by the
NBH fish. AHR pathway in fish were affected minimally by
BaP treatment. These differences between WI and
NBH fish suggest potential differences in the
4. Discussion metabolism, activation and/or elimination of BaP
that could be reflected in differences in the con-
Effects of a model PAH and important envi- centration of total BaP-DNA adducts produced
ronmental pollutant, BaP, were compared in pop- by BaP treatment. In fact, BaP-DNA adduct con-
ulations of F. heteroclitus indigenous to a highly centrations were relatively low in NBH fish. How-
PCB-contaminated site and a local reference site. ever, the types and relative quantities of DNA
Fish from these sites vary widely in their tissue adducts produced by BaP treatment were appar-
concentrations of contaminants, including those ently similar between populations.
that act through the AHR (Nacci et al., 1999). In In response to BaP exposure, F. heteroclitus
addition, F. heteroclitus from these sites have been from a reference population demonstrated dra-
shown to differ genetically in their responsiveness matically increased EROD activity. EROD re-
to dioxin-like contaminants that act through the sponses following BaP exposure were similar for
D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215 209

F. heteroclitus from this reference site and related

fish species (Fundulus grandis and F. simulus, Wil-
lett et al., 1995), also presumably from relatively
uncontaminated sites. Since EROD activity can
be indicative of AHR-regulated induction of
phase I-type enzymes that can use BaP as a
substrate (Stegeman and Hahn 1994), these find-
ings suggest that BaP exposure can increase the
rate of BaP activation in reference Fundulus.
However, consistent with other studies using this
fish species and others, CYP1A expression and

Fig. 4. Typical chromatograms of hepatic DNA adducts from

fish from New Bedford Harbor (NBH, left panels), and a
reference site, West Island, (WI, right panels), following expo-
sure to corn oil control (0), 5 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) or
50 mg/kg BaP. Six unique spots, whose chemical identities
have not yet been established, were characterized by position,
measured for total radioactivity and ranked by order of mag-
nitude (1 – 6).

EROD activity can be suppressed in reproduc-

tively active females (e.g. Elskus 1992) like those
from WI and NBH that were used in this study.
Male and female mummichogs from NBH
demonstrated minimal increases in the activities
of phase I-type xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes
following BaP exposure. These results are consis-
Fig. 3. (a) Hepatic microsomal activity for ethoxyresorufin-o- tent with published studies which demonstrated
deethylase (EROD mean 9 SD, n= 5–8 fish) or (b) uridine poor responsiveness of NBH mummichogs when
diphosphate glucuronyl transferase (UGT, mean 9 SD, n=5 –
8 fish) measured in adult male F. heteroclitus following injec-
challenged with some other contaminants that act
tion with corn oil carrier (white bars), 5 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene through the AHR (Nacci et al., 1999; Bello et al.,
(BaP, gray bars), or 50 mg/kg BaP (black bars). Fish were 2001). Nacci et al. (1999) showed that embryonic
collected from West Island (WI), or from New Bedford Har- mummichogs from NBH showed increased
bor (NBH), MA, USA. Letters indicate significant differences
among data that were rank transformed prior to one-way
EROD activity only at the highest tested concen-
analysis of variance procedure, equivalent to Kruskal –Wallis trations of the dioxin-like PCB congener
k-testing. 3,3%,4,4%,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126), and the
210 D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215

PAH, 3-methyl cholanthrene (3MC). Similarly, and xenobiotics (Poland and Knutson, 1982), in-
Bello et al. (2001) showed that while the DLC, cluding CYP1A, and the conjugation enzymes,
tetrachlorodibenzofuran, was a potent inducer of UGT and glutathione-s-transferase (GST). How-
CYP1A1 in reference fish, it was not effective in ever, differences in the magnitude and temporal
NBH fish or their progeny. However, the PAH, patterns of inducibility by AHR agonists suggest
b-napthaflavone, was a relatively effective inducer that these enzymes may not be coordinately regu-
of CYP1A1 in fish raised in the laboratory from lated by the AHR pathway in all fish species,
NBH parents (F1). Therefore, although NBH fish during all developmental stages (Andersson et al.,
have displayed some variation in responsiveness 1985). In several fish species some isoforms of
following exposure to different AHR agonists, UGT, characterized by their substrate specificity,
they have shown generally poor increases in have been shown to be inducible by AHR ago-
AHR-regulated phase I-type activities. Disparities nists (Clarke et al., 1992; George, 1994). For
between field-collected fish and their progeny sug- example, exposure to DLCs that induced EROD
gest that responses of NBH fish may reflect ge- also induced glucuronidation of the substrate p-
netic differences between fish populations but also nitro phenol in immature rainbow trout
may reflect inhibitory effects produced by high (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Huuskonen et al., 1996).
tissue concentrations of DLCs and other contami- Conversely, Palace et al. (1996) demonstrated that
nants (e.g. Besselink et al., 1998; Schlezinger et in lake sturgeon (Acipenser ful6escens) exposed to
DLCs that elevated EROD minimally, UGT did
al., 1999; Whyte et al., 2000).
not differ significantly among treatments. Consis-
Reference mummichogs also responded to BaP
tent with the findings of this study, xenobiotic-as-
exposure with increased activity of a phase II- or
sociated increases in the activity of phase II-type
conjugation-type enzyme. The activities of these
enzymes is typically low (e.g. two- to three-fold)
enzymes are generally interpreted as affecting
relative to the high levels of induction often
xenobiotic elimination (George, 1994). In mam-
demonstrated for phase I-type enzymes (i.e.
mals, AHR pathway activation coordinately regu-
CYP1A, Stegeman and Hahn, 1994). UGT activ-
lates a bank of enzymes that metabolize endo- ity that was measured in this study using p-nitro-
phenol substrate may be indicative of
Table 1
Differences in hepatic benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adduct formation glucuronidation activity towards BaP metabolites
in livers of male F. heteroclitus from contaminated and refer- (George, 1994). This interpretation suggests that
ence sites the rate of glucuronidation and subsequent excre-
tion of BaP may be moderately increased follow-
Dose (mg/kg) Site Spot 1 Spot 2 Totala
ing BaP exposure to mummichogs from reference
5 NBH 49 2b 39 2 79 4 (8) populations. While in this study UGT activity in
4c 3 6 NBH fish was not elevated by laboratory expo-
WI 149 8 69 3 21912 (12) sure to BaP, Bello (1999) showed that UGT activ-
12* 5 17* ity was high in the livers of field-collected NBH
50 NBH 509 49 129 8 669 60 (8) mummichogs. Results from this study, also sug-
30 10 36 gestive of modest elevation in the chronic or
WI 385 9 264 108 974 510 9347 (7) constitutive levels of UGT, are consistent with a
318* 89* 425*
potentially important role for conjugation in
Values are reported as nmole adduct/mole nucleotide, with the xenobiotic elimination.
number of fish per treatment indicated in parentheses. While some BaP metabolism results in elimina-
Total adducts in all spots measured (up to 6). tion, metabolic activation can also produce inter-
Mean9 standard deviation of duplicate analyses from two mediates that interact directly with biological
or three separate 32P-postlabeling procedures.
Median values. Asterisks indicate adduct levels signifi-
targets, producing adverse effects such as DNA
cantly different (PB0.05) from those of fish from the NBH adduct formation. As indicated by the quantity of
site using the Mann–Whitney Rank Sum Test. total DNA adducts produced by BaP exposure,
D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215 211

the biological activity of BaP was higher in the (Ploch et al., 1998). Channel catfish also demon-
reference than the NBH fish population. As in strated higher EROD and GST activities (Has-
this study, Willett et al. (1995) showed that un- spieler et al., 1994; Gallagher et al., 1996),
contaminated Fundulus sp. exposed to BaP pro- indicative of faster rates of BaP metabolism. Sim-
duced dose-responsive increases in hepatic DNA ilarly, BaP exposure produced lower DNA adduct
adduct concentrations. NBH fish demonstrated concentrations in the cancer-resistant starry
dose responsive DNA adduct formation following flounder than the cancer-prone English sole
BaP exposure, also. However, significantly lower (Varanasi et al., 1986). Although the rate of phase
DNA adduct concentrations were measured in I-type BaP activation was similar between these
NBH than reference fish livers. Interestingly, fish species, Stein et al. (1990) suggested that
lifelong exposure to high concentrations of PAHs, higher phase II-type conjugation activity might
including BaP, in NBH sediment (Pruell et al., explain lower DNA adduct formation in the
1990), did not produce high concentrations of starry flounder. This observation may be impor-
DNA adducts in NBH controls. It is not known tant in reconciling the correlation between higher
to what extent the relatively low concentrations of rates of enzyme activities and higher concentra-
adducts in field-collected fish from NBH reflects tions of DNA adducts in AHR-responsive, refer-
the limited bioavailability of PAHs in NBH sedi- ence versus poorly responsive, NBH
ment or the limited biological activity of BaP in mummichogs. Specifically, the relative activities or
NBH fish. ratios of phase I-type (i.e. activation) and phase
Low DNA adduct concentrations in NBH fish II-type (i.e. elimination) activities, rather than the
livers may reflect low rates of metabolic activation rates for any one enzyme, may dictate the out-
come of PAH metabolism, biological availability
consistent with low AHR-regulated enzyme activi-
and health effects.
ties but could also reflect high rates of DNA
The finding that similar PAH exposure pro-
adduct loss via DNA repair. However, DNA re-
duces fewer DNA adducts in NBH fish suggests
pair activities have been reported as generally low
that this fish population may be relatively resis-
in fish species (Maccubbin, 1994). For example,
tant to PAH-mediated cancer formation. There-
the major BaP adduct formed in English sole and
fore, the adaptation demonstrated by NBH fish
brown bullhead persisted for up to 60 days (Mac-
may be beneficial for population persistence in an
cubbin, 1994). Willett et al. (1995) also showed environment polluted with co-occurring AHR-ag-
that in Fundulus species exposed to BaP, DNA onists. The physiological adaptation that reduces
adduct levels were stable from 2 to 14 days post- the toxicity of DLCs to early life stages also
injection, suggesting that DNA repair may not be reduces the rates of PAH-associated cancer for-
an important factor in the experiment described mation, a compensatory strategy that protects
here. However, further experiments will be neces- reproductively mature life stages. However, evolu-
sary to test directly whether low production or tionary theory predicts that inherited traits that
high losses contribute to the relatively low DNA are adaptive for specific environmental conditions
adduct concentrations measured in NBH fish. may present fitness disadvantages under alternate
Other researchers have compared fish species conditions and that these specific fitness disadvan-
for their ability to metabolize BaP and produce tages or ‘costs’ can be predicted based upon an
BaP-DNA adducts to explain their relative sensi- understanding of the mechanisms associated with
tivity or resistance to known health effects of toxicity and resistance (review Coustau et al.,
PAH exposure, i.e. cancer. In fish species, BaP 2000). In this case, it was hypothesized that while
responses were compared between the cancer- the long-term risk of cancer from PAH exposure
prone brown bullhead (Americanus nebulosos) and may be relatively reduced in fish that are poorly
the cancer-resistant channel catfish (Ictalurus AHR responsive, there may be other health risks
punctatus). Consistent with cancer resistance, associated with the retention of high tissue con-
BaP-treated channel catfish showed lower DNA centrations of contaminants due to low rates of
adduct concentrations than brown bullhead metabolism and elimination.
212 D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215

Data from field-collected NBH fish are consis- This initial experiment using field-collected fish
tent with the hypothesis that poor AHR respon- has confirmed that PAH exposures produce
siveness may be correlated with low rates for smaller changes in the activities of certain xeno-
xenobiotic activation that may limit elimination. biotic metabolizing or detoxifying enzymes and
Specifically, certain PCB congeners that can be lower BaP-DNA adduct concentrations in NBH
metabolized by AHR-regulated enzymes and versus reference fish. It is not possible to tell
that are usually depleted selectively in PCB-ex- from these results to what extent the differences
posed fish tissues (i.e. 3,3%,4,4% tetrachloro- between these two fish populations is related to
biphenyl, PCB77, Gutjahr-Gobell et al., 1999) genetic versus environmental differences. In or-
are present in relatively high concentrations in der to distinguish the contributions of these fac-
NBH mummichogs (Lake et al., 1995). Consis- tors, BaP responses will be compared in the
tently, PAH exposures to NBH fish could result laboratory-reared (uncontaminated) progeny of
in high, retained PAH concentrations in tissues field-collected fish. Such experiments will con-
of exposed fish, and enhanced maternal transfer tribute to an increased understanding of the di-
of these compounds to their young. Toxic conse- rect and indirect costs and the benefits of
quences could result following exposure to sun- compensatory strategies demonstrated by popu-
light that non-enzymatically activates certain lations exposed to persistent, bioaccumulative
PAHs, like BaP, into toxic intermediates. Exper- and toxic contaminants. Research underway to
iments are underway to determine whether under characterize the quantity and identity of metabo-
certain environmental conditions, PAHs are lites and DNA adducts produced by BaP-ex-
more acutely toxic to NBH than reference fish.
posed mummichogs from these populations may
In addition to these theoretical predictions
provide further insight into how metabolic route
concerning how high exposures to PAHs could
may contribute to the biological activity of
affect DLC-adapted NBH mummichogs, it may
xenobiotic compounds and their potential health
be useful to review evidence concerning another
risks to exposed fish populations. Additional ex-
population of mummichogs indigenous to a site
periments to characterize similarities and differ-
highly contaminated with PAHs. The Atlantic
ences between the mechanisms by which NBH
Wood Superfund site (Elizabeth River, VA) is
contaminated with creosote, and has sediment and Atlantic Wood fish respond to PAHs and
PAH concentrations 13-fold higher than those DLCs will provide further insight into toxic ef-
measured at NBH (2200 mg PAH/g, Vogelbein et fects and compensatory mechanisms elicited by
al., 1990). Like NBH mummichogs, Atlantic anthropogenic stressors on wildlife populations.
Wood mummichogs are resistant to the acutely
toxic effects of local contaminants (in this case,
whole sediment, Vogelbein et al., 1996), are rela- Acknowledgements
tively insensitive to CYP1A inducers (Van Veld
and Westbrook, 1995) and demonstrate elevated The authors appreciate the helpful advice pro-
activities for a phase-II type enzyme, GST (Van vided by two anonymous reviewers as well as
Veld et al., 1991; Armknecht et al., 1998). How- reviewers and technical consultants at the U.S.
ever, unlike predictions for NBH fish, Atlantic Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Na-
Wood mummichogs exhibit a high prevalence of tional Health and Environmental Effects Re-
hepatocellular carcinoma and other lesions search Laboratory, Atlantic Ecology Division,
(Vogelbein et al., 1990; Fournie and Vogelbein, Narragansett, RI: Dr W. Boothman, Dr R.
1994). Whether these findings contradict the pre- Burgess, L. Mills. Valuable assistance was pro-
dictions for the long-term effects of PAH expo- vided by Laura Coiro, Denise Champlin, Mark
sures on fish that are poorly AHR responsive Tagliabue, Jonathan Serbst, Adam Swank and
will not be understood until the effects of simi- Lance Brooks. All experiments conducted for
lar high dose, long-term exposures to AHR re- this report comply with current laws of the
sponsive fish can be compared. USA.
D.E. Nacci et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 57 (2002) 203–215 213

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