Pociecha-2013-Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science

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J Agro Crop Sci (2013) ISSN 0931-2250


Different Physiological Reactions at Vegetative and

Generative Stage of Development of Field Bean Plants
Exposed to Flooding and Undergoing Recovery
E. Pociecha
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Krakow Kraków, Poland

Keywords Abstract
enzymatic antioxidants; flooding stress;
growth; hydrogen peroxide Plants at various stages of growth are differentiated in their susceptibility to envi-
ronmental stresses and possibility of regeneration during recovery period after
Correspondence cessation of stress. The role of antioxidative enzymes in the stabilisation of the
E. Pociecha physiological state of field bean plants was studied. Catalase, peroxidises activity,
Department of Plant Physiology
and hydrogen peroxide accumulation were determined after 1 and 7 days of
Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
flooding and after 1 and 7 days of recovery from flooding. The influence of
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Podłużna 3 flooding on plants growth was analysed on the basis of leaf area index (LAI), rela-
30-239 Kraków tive growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR). Changes in antioxidative
Poland enzymes caused by flooding applied at vegetative stage were reversible. In genera-
Tel.: +48 12 425 3301 tive plants, antioxidative enzymes were activated to a greater extent during recov-
Fax: +48 12 425 3302 ery period and in contrast to vegetative plants did not attain the control level
Email: rrchilmo@cyf-kr.edu.pl
after that period. The reduction in growth was greater when flooding stress was
applied at vegetative stage. Vegetative plants regardless of the stabilisation of anti-
Accepted October 5, 2012
oxidant system were not able to restore the physiological function to attain the
doi:10.1111/jac.12009 optimal growth level after flooding. Probably other injuries caused by flooding
had a dominant effect on enzymatic antioxidant changes during stress period.

survive the flooding period by intensification of antioxida-

tive system. Many authors have shown that flooding
Excess of water in soil is a common environmental abiotic strongly influences the whole metabolism. The submer-
stress, which affects directly the plant roots and indirectly gence led to significant decrease in photosynthesis, stomatal
the shoots (Henshaw et al. 2007a,b). Flooding may cause conductance and chlorophyll content (Pociecha et al. 2008,
severe injury and affects metabolism and functioning of Else et al. 2009). This as well as the senescence of leaves
most crop plants (Jackson and Ricard 2003). The conse- influences reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and
quences of flooding may be observed even after a long time peroxidation of lipids. To protect against oxidative dam-
after the cessation of stress. According to Araki et al. ages, plants are equipped with complex antioxidant systems
(2012), short-term flooding induced abnormally high res- composed by low molecular mass antioxidants and
piration rates for nearly a month. As a result of stress, the enzymes. Important for ROS detoxification are such
biomass and the final yield are restricted but the size of the enzymes as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD),
losses is dependent on physiological phase flooding stress ascorbic peroxidase (APX) and other peroxidases (PX;
occurs at. In Poland, during vegetation period, many crop mainly wall-bound ones), which decompose H2O2 to H2O
plants are exposed to sporadic or permanent flooding at and O2 (Mittler 2002). The aim of the presented experi-
various stages of growth. Because most of crop plants are ment was to find differences in the physiological state
not adapted to the conditions of excess water, damages between field bean plants exposed to flooding stress at veg-
caused by that stress are severe. However, some of the plant etative and generative stage of development. The aim was
possesses biochemical and morphological adaptation also to provide information on plant abilities to follow
mechanisms that allow them to succeed during temporary recovery. This process, if it proceeds successfully, is pivotal
flooding. One of the strategies of adaptation may be able to for the maintenance of regular physiological functions in

© 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 195–199 195


plants. The hypothesis assumed differences in enzymatic assimilation rate (NAR). All parameters were calculated
antioxidants in the course of flooding and followed recov- according to Shahidullah et al. (2010).
ery. Special emphasis was put on the changes of the mea-
sured parameters during recovery as the antioxidative
enzymes are involved in stabilisation of the physiological
state of plants after flooding stress. In the study, we also Student’s t-test and standard error of means (SE) were used
attempt to characterise the influence of flooding on some when experimental treatments were compared. All calcula-
growth parameters. tions were carried out using Statistica 8.0 software package.
Graphs were constructed using the means and standard
errors for each data point.
Materials and Methods

Plants material Results

Seeds of the field bean cv. Nadwiślański were sown into
Enzymes activity and hydrogen peroxide accumulation
pots (5 dm3) filled with a mixture of peat substrate, brown
soil of loess origin and sand (2:2:1 v/v). Each experimental Statistical analysis showed that the CAT activity in leaves of
treatment comprised 10 pots with three plants in each, plants at vegetative stage rapidly increased after 7 days of
totalling 30 pots. Plants were grown in an air-conditioned flooding in comparison with the control; however, activity
glasshouse at the temperature 23/17 °C (day/night), of that enzyme after cessation of flooding decreased to the
under a 12-h photoperiod with a light intensity of control values (Fig. 1a). Plants at generative stage demon-
250 lmol m 2 s 1 PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux strated the highest CAT activity after 1 day of flooding,
density). The plants were fed every week with Hoagland next decreased after 7 days and again increased after 7 days
nutrient medium. At the vegetative stage (the 4th week) or of recovery (Fig. 1d).
at the beginning of flowering (the 8th week), plants were Total peroxidase activity in vegetative plants gradually
flooded by placing the pots in a reservoir of water up to increased during 7 days of flooding and after 7 days of
their rim for 7 days. recovery came back to the control values (Fig. 1b). At gen-
Catalase activity, non-specific peroxidase activity, ascor- erative stage, a dramatic increase in PX activity after 7 days
bate peroxidase activity and hydrogen peroxide accumula- of flooding in comparison with the control was observed
tion were determined after 1 and 7 days of flooding and (Fig. 1e). Next, a little decrease was noted during recovery
after 1 and 7 days of recovery from flooding (drainage of period, but PX activity was significantly higher in compari-
the excess water from the treatment pots). son with the control.
At vegetative stage, APX activity demonstrated a similar
pattern of changes as PX activity (Fig. 1c). A small increase
Biochemical assays
was noted after 7 days of flooding; next, a greater increase
Catalase (EC activity was estimated according to was observed the 1st day of the recovery period. After
Aebi (1984). Non-specific peroxidase activity was measured 7 days of recovery, the APX activity in flooded plants was
spectrophotometrically according to the method described equal to that in the control. At generative stage, flooding
by Bergmeyer (1965). Ascorbate peroxidase (EC also induced increase in APX activity but the highest values
activity was estimated spectrophotometrically according to were reached during recovery period (Fig. 1f). Flooded
Nakano and Asada (1981). Protein content was determined plants were characterised by higher APX activity through-
according to the method described by Bradford (1976) with out the time of experiment as compared with control.
bovine serum albumin as a calibration standard. Hydrogen One of the symptoms of the influence of flooding on
peroxide was detected in leaves with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine field bean plants was accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
(DAB) using a modification of the method described by indicated by brown DAB polymer formation. At vegetative
Thordal-Christensen et al. (1997). The determination of all stage, the intensive DAB formation was observed on the 1st
parameters was carried out in five replicates (in five leaves day after flooding and during recovery (Fig. 2a). After
from different plants of each treatment). 7 days of flooding, the strong reduction in DAB formation
was accompanied by an increase in CAT activity correlated
with an increase in CAT activity. At generative phase, the
Growth parameters
strongest reduction in hydrogen peroxide concentration
The influence of flooding on plants growth was analysed was observed already on the 1st day after flooding
on the basis of estimation of the following parameters: leaf (Fig. 2b). These changes were also correlated with an
area index (LAI), relative growth rate (RGR) and net increase in CAT activity.

196 © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 195–199

Antioxidants and Growth After Flooding Stress

(a) (d)



Fig. 1 Catalase, non-specific peroxidise and ascorbate peroxidase activity in leaves of field bean plants subjected to flooding at vegetative (a,b,c) or
generative (d,e,f) stage of development. Means ± S.E.

Growth parameters
Flooding field bean plants resulted in reducing LAI and
RGR (Table 1). The decline was greater if the stress
occurred at vegetative stage (32%) than at generative
stage (7%). Such a strong factor as 1-week flooding
caused a further large decline in LAI during the follow-
ing recovery period. At vegetative stage the reduction as
(b) compared to control was 80% while at generative stage
44%. Also decrease in RGR was observed during
recovery period, and similar to LAI, the decrease was
greater at vegetative stage (22%) than at generative
stage (8%).
If plants were subjected to flooding at vegetative stage,
during following recovery, a slight increase in LAI and
Fig. 2 The detection of hydrogen peroxide using 3′,3′-diaminbenzidine RGR was observed in contrast to plants flooded at genera-
(DAB) in leaves of field bean plants subjected to flooding at (a) vegeta- tive stage where further decrease (LAI) or lack of changes
tive or (b) generative stages of development. (RGR) were noted during recovery.

© 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 195–199 197


Table 1 LAI, RGR and NAR after 7-day flood-
RGR (mg g per ing applied at vegetative and generative stage
1 2
LAI day) NAR (g g per m ) of development and after following 7 days of
Stage Period Control Flooded Control Flooded Control Flooded recovery. Significant differences between con-
trol and flooded plants
Vegetative Flooding 0.315 0.215** 0.505 0.504 NS 5.997 7.323*
Recovery 1.161 0.238** 0.620 0.485* 6.727 0.713**
Generative Flooding 1.996 1.854* 0.642 0.635 NS 1.404 1.865**
Recovery 3.268 1.823** 0.693 0.637* 2.981 0.440**

*P < 0.05.
**P < 0.01.
NS, not significant (Student’s t-test).

NAR values increased during flooding period, and the of one or more of the antioxidant enzymes is usually
increase was greater in generative plants (33%) than in veg- observed (Chirkova et al. 1998, Mittler 2002). In the study,
etative plants (22%). During recovery period, there was a flooding induced generation of hydrogen peroxide and
significant decrease in NAR at vegetative stage (89%) and activation of catalase and peroxidases. Brownish colour of
at generative stage (85%), similar to LAI and RGR. leaves indicates H2O2 accumulation, but the lack of brown
spots may be a consequence of enhanced activity of H2O2-
scavenging enzymes such as CAT and peroxidases. Hurng
and Kao (1994) stated that increased rates of hydrogen per-
Plants at various stages of growth are differentiated in their oxide in leaves of flooded tobacco plants could lead to
response and susceptibility to environmental stresses and increased capacities of the system scavenging the hydrogen
possibility of regeneration during recovery period after ces- peroxide. They suppose that accumulation of H2O2 in
sation of stress. The analysis of growth at vegetative and flooded tobacco leaves is regulated by catalase and glycolate
generative stages showed that field bean plants varied in all oxidase.
parameters and that at vegetative stage field bean plants are In the study, H2O2 accumulation was observed at both
most sensitive to water excess in soil. vegetative and generative plants, but in the latter was
To assess whether the reason for the growth disturbances accompanied by higher activation of antioxidative enzymes
is the ROS generation, the activity of selected antioxidative during the recovery period.
enzymes and H2O2 accumulation were determined. The It seems that the most important role is played by CAT
involvement of the main antioxidant enzymes catalase and because APX due to its low concentration in cells rather
peroxidases in the adaptation processes during the reaction has a regulatory function (Mittler 2002). Also, Miyagawa
to root flooding and during recovery is known (Yordanova et al. (2000) report that transgenic tobacco plants were able
et al. 2004). According to Sarkar et al. (2001), activity to protect photosynthetic apparatus by neutralising H2O2
antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase instead of chlorophyll APX.
(SOD), catalase and peroxidise were higher in flooding tol- It can be assumed that in generative plants, antioxidative
erant rice cultivar. enzymes were more activated and did not attain the control
Within a few hours, the effect of disturbances in roots is level in the course of recovery period. In vegetative plants,
transmitted via the transpiration stream to the aerial parts changes in antioxidant enzymes caused by flooding applied
causing the earliest adaptation of shoots to the stress (Jack- at vegetative stage were reversible. The 7-day period
son et al. 2003). Root flooding causes a systemic reaction allowed the recovery of antioxidant activity to the control
aimed at releasing a defensive reaction in plants, including rates in vegetative plants (although high level of H2O2), but
the activation of antioxidative enzymes. ROS generation is not in generative ones. Generative plants possibly had lar-
also accompanied by leaf senescence, which also occurs ger reserves, which may have been used for the synthesis of
during flooding (Hurng and Kao 1994). In turn, during new proteins including the enzymatic antioxidants. In veg-
recovery period, when plants are re-exposed to the air and etative plants, probably most of energy was required for the
oxygen, oxidative stress is induced again. The mechanism growth process.
of post-anoxic ROS generation includes lipid peroxidation Studies of growth patterns provide information about
(Monk et al. 1994) and generation of hydrogen peroxide how plants accumulate dry matter and how stress
by b-oxidation in peroxisomes and photorespiration events influence the plant. Optimum LAI and RGR at
(Jackson and Ram 2003). flowering according Sun et al. (1999) is reflected in
In plants characterised by resistance to different types of yield. In the study, the investigated growth parameters
environmental stress, including flooding, increased activity were reduced to a greater extent when plants were

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Antioxidants and Growth After Flooding Stress

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