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J Agro Crop Sci (2013) ISSN 0931-2250


Apoplastic Na+ in Vicia faba Leaves Rises After Short-Term

Salt Stress and Is Remedied by Silicon
M. Shahzad, C. Zörb, C.-M. Geilfus & K. H. Mühling
Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany

Keywords Abstract
apoplast; growth; field bean; Na+ toxicity;
salinity; silicon; oertli hypothesis Salinity primarily affects plants by inhibiting shoot growth. Salt-sensitive plants
have been suggested to accumulate Na+ within their leaf apoplast under salinity,
Correspondence leading to a reduced water status. Evidence related to apoplastic Na+ accumula-
K. H. Mühling tion is still enigmatic. We have focused on the effect of a short-term salt treat-
Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
ment by using the salt-sensitive Vicia faba. Moreover, we have examined the role
Christian Albrechts University
of silicon in alleviating sodium accumulation in the apoplast. Salt-sensitive field
Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 2
24118 Kiel beans have been subjected to increasing levels of salinity, with and without the
Germany addition of silicon under hydroponic conditions. We have demonstrated that the
Tel.: +49 0431 880 3189 dicot Vicia faba exhibits a rise in Na+ concentration in the leaf apoplast at higher
Fax: +49 0431 880 1625 salinity levels; this is significantly ameliorated by the addition of silicon. Further,
Email: enhanced shoot growth under high salt treatment in the presence of added silicon
is correlated with a significant decrease in Na+ concentration in the leaves. The
Accepted August 22, 2012
novelty of the current study is the detection of a high Na+ concentration in the
doi:10.1111/jac.12003 leaf apoplast of the salt-sensitive dicot field bean. Our results support Oertli’s
hypothesis that extracellular salt accumulation can lead to wilting leaves, plant
growth reduction and cell death.

7 days supported the Oertli hypothesis. However, these

data were later criticized (Mühling and Läuchli 2002a), as
The over-accumulation of Na+ is commonly held to be they were produced by X-ray microanalysis in which prob-
responsible for the reductions in growth and yield of crop lems are experienced in the resolution of small apoplastic
plants under salinity (Fortmeier and Schubert 1995, Mühl- spaces for the precise detection of the Na+ and the differen-
ing and Läuchli 2002b, Hong et al. 2009, Shahzad et al. tiation between Na+ and K+. Speer and Kaiser (1991) found
2012). The toxicity level of Na+ depends upon its subcellu- high Na+ and Cl concentrations in the leaf apoplast of
lar location. During continuous exposure of the plant to salt-sensitive pea compared with more salt-resistant spin-
salt, the accumulation of Na+ in a tissue can exceed the ach plants, a result that also supported the Oertli’s hypothesis.
capability of the individual cells to compartmentalize the However, in that investigation (Speer and Kaiser 1991), the
ions into the vacuole. If this occurs, salt ions will accumu- 100 mM NaCl treatment was given in one step without permit-
late outside the vacuole, either in the cytoplasm or in the ting the plants to adapt to the altered osmotic conditions. In
apoplast (Volkmar et al. 1998), resulting in metabolic tox- studies with salt-sensitive monocots, such as maize and wheat,
icity or osmotic imbalances (Munns 2002). Osmotic extremely low salt accumulation has been observed in the leaf
inequality caused by high concentrations of Na+ in the apoplast under salinity (Lohaus et al. 2000, Mühling and
apoplast leads to cell dehydration and reduced turgor Läuchli 2002a, 2003, Wimmer et al. 2003, Masood et al. 2012).
(Flowers et al. 1991). Therefore, in the present investigation, a salt-sensitive dicot,
Previously, Oertli (1968) suggested that salt build-up in namely the field bean, has been subjected to increments of
the leaf apoplast can lead to death of the leaves by the dehy- NaCl to address the potential Na+ accumulation in the leaf
dration of leaf cells and turgor loss. The accumulation of apoplast.
Na+ ions up to 600 mM in the apoplast of rice leaves (Flow- To test the Oertli hypothesis, silicon has been used to
ers et al. 1991) with a 50 mM Na+ supply in plants for alleviate the Na+ accumulation in the leaf apoplast of the

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Shahzad et al.

dicot Vicia faba. However, the mechanism(s) for these

Estimate of apoplastic volumes occupied by water and air
effects of silicon in stress resistance is(are) still unclear.
Ahmad et al. (1992) has suggested that silicon complexes Apoplastic air volume was determined by the silicone oil
sodium in the root, thereby decreasing sodium transport method (Cosgrove and Cleland 1983, Husted and Schjoerr-
to the shoot; however, no direct evidence for this has ing 1995). A determination of the apoplastic water space
been presented. Earlier, Zuccarini (2008) showed signifi- was carried out by a modified indigo carmine method as
cant reduction in total shoot Na+ concentration in bean described previously (Cosgrove and Cleland 1983, Husted
plants on the addition of silicon under salinity. The pres- and Schjoerring 1995). Calculation of the ion concentration
ent work includes measurements of subcellular salt accu- in the apoplastic water space was performed by multiplying
mulation, because silicon is deposited mainly in the the ion concentration in the AWF by the dilution factor
apoplast (Rogalla and Römheld 2002). In this context, we (Fdil = (Vwater + Vair)/Vair). Vwater gives the apoplastic
have examined the subcellular ion accumulation in the water space and Vair gives the apoplastic air space.
leaf apoplast of field bean plants with increasing salinity
levels. Silicon has been used as a tool to regulate Na+
Extraction of water-soluble ions from the leaf apoplast
accumulation in the leaf apoplast under salinity.
Apoplastic fluid was collected with the infiltration
–centrifugation technique (Mühling and Sattelmacher
Materials and methods
1995, Lohaus et al. 2001). Leaves were cut with a razor
blade and carefully washed with deionized water. For
Plant cultivation and NaCl treatment
infiltration, intact leaves were placed in plastic syringes
Seeds of field bean (Vicia faba cv. Scirocco, Hans-Georg (60 ml) filled with 40-ml deionized water and were
Lembke KG, Germany) were soaked overnight in aerated infiltrated by pulling the plunger, producing a reduced
0.5 mM CaSO4 solution and germinated in quartz sand. pressure of an estimated 20 kPa (Lohaus et al. 2001).
After 1 week, seedlings were transferred into constantly Thereafter, intact leaves were carefully blotted dry.
aerated plastic pots (four plants per pot) with 4.3 l of a Intact leaves were positioned with the xylem wound
one-fourth concentrated nutrient solution. The concentra- facing upwards between two plastic funnels fitted into
tion of the nutrient solution was increased after 2 and a 10-ml vessel located in a centrifugation tube and cen-
4 days of cultivation to half and full strength, respectively. trifuged at 71 9 g at 5 °C for 5 min. The collected
The full-strength nutrient solution had the following con- fluid is designated as AWF throughout the paper. Sam-
centration: 2.0 mM Ca(NO3)2, 0.2 mM KC1, 0.1 mM ples of AWF were stored at 80 °C for analysis. The
KH2PO4, 1 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM MgSO4, 1.0 mM K2SO4, calculation of the ion concentration in the apoplastic
10 lM H3BO3, 0.2 lM CuSO4, 0.5 lM ZnSO4, 2.0 lM water space of field bean leaves was performed after
MnSO4, 0.05 lM (NH4)6 MO7O24 and 60 lM Fe-EDTA. multiplication by the dilution factor of 9, as given by
Silicon was supplied at a concentration of 1 mM after neu- Lohaus et al. (2001).
tralization of Na2SiO3 solution (water glass) with HCl.
Nutrient solution was changed twice a week to avoid
Preparation of leaf sap
nutrient deficiencies. The experimental treatment structure
was a two-factor factorial, completely randomized design After the separation of AWF, the residual leaf tissue was
with the presence or absence of silicon and the concentra- shock-frozen in liquid nitrogen at 70 °C, thawed and
tion of NaCl being the two factors. The tested levels of centrifuged at 327 9 g, for 5 min, as described earlier.
NaCl concentration were 50, 75 and 100 mM along with a Thereafter, the leaf sap was stored at 80 °C until analysis;
control at 1 mM NaCl. The plants were slowly acclimated this sample was further designated as the symplastic leaf
to salinity in daily increments of 25 mM until a final con- fraction.
centration of 100 mM NaCl was reached. Each treatment
was run in five replicates. The whole experiment was car-
Determination of ion concentration in the leaf symplast
ried out twice in a greenhouse with an average day/night
and apoplastic washing fluid
temperature of 28/18 °C, a photoperiod of 14 h
(  350 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR) for 4 weeks, and a relative Samples were mixed with chloroform and centrifuged and
humidity of about 70 ± 5 %. For apoplastic washing fluid the clear supernatant was collected. The concentration of
(AWF) collection, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th paired leaves with ions was analysed in the leaf symplast and AWF by ion
no salt injury from the bottom of the plants were excised chromatography (Dionex, DX2500, Idstein, Germany) on
10 days after reaching the maximum salinity level at an IonPac anion exchange column (Dionex, AS9) or cation
100 mM NaCl. exchange column (Dionex, AS12) connected with a

162 © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 161–170

Subcellular Ion Patterns in Leaves Under Salinity

conductivity detector module (Dionex). Isocratic elution 160 –Si

with H2SO4 (15 mM, 1 ml min 1) was used for the separa- 140 Aa +Si

Fresh weight (g pot–1)

tion of the cations, and isocratic elution with Na2CO3 120 Ab
Ab Bb
(1.7 mM) and NaHCO3 (1.8 mM) was used for anions. 100 Ac Bc
80 Ad
Determination of total ion concentration in leaves 40

Leaf and root materials were ashed overnight in an oven 20

at 520 °C. Analysis of the cations was performed on the 0

1 50 75 100
ash of 150-mg dried plant material. The ash was dissolved NaCl treatment (mM)
in 2 ml of 4 M HNO3 with gentle heating. This suspen-
sion was adjusted to a volume of 10 ml with distilled Fig. 1 Influence of increasing NaCl concentration on the fresh weight
water and filtered through a paper filter (Schleicher and of the entire shoot of Vicia faba cv Scirocco. The plants were treated for
Schuell, white 589/3, Dassel, Germany). Thereafter, Na+, 12 days in a greenhouse with (black bars) and without (white bars)
1 mM silicon treatment. Significant differences between salinity and sili-
K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were analysed in the
con treatments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters,
filtrate by means of atomic absorption spectrometry respectively (n  3).
(Thermo Electron Corporation, S series AA Spectrometer,
Waltham, MA, USA). Analysis of anions was performed
on 30-mg dried plant material that was dissolved in
Yield of AWFs
1.6 ml of deionized water by placing it for 5 min in boil-
ing water. After cooling, each sample was centrifuged and The yield of AWF was significantly reduced at 75 and
the supernatant was collected. After washing with chloro- 100 mM NaCl compared to control and 50 mM NaCl with
form, samples were cleaned by passing through strata and without silicon. Maximum extracted AWF volume was
C-18 columns obtained from Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, 824 ll g 1 FW at 1 mM NaCl with the addition of silicon,
USA). Thereafter, anion (Cl , NO3 , SO24 and PO34 ) while minimum was 339 ll g 1 FW at 100 mM NaCl. In
concentrations were analysed by ion chromatography comparison with 100 mM NaCl, extracted AWF volume
(Dionex, DX5000). was significantly higher at 100 mM NaCl with the addition
of silicon.
Ratios of Na+/K+, Na+/Ca2+ and Na+/Mg2+ in whole leaf
Data were distributed normally with homogeneous vari-
and subcellular fractions
ances. Significant differences at P < 0.05 between treat-
ments were calculated by using a general linear model An increasing Na+/K+, Na+/Ca2+ and Na+/Mg2+ ratio was
with related multiple contrast tests by the statistical detected with increasing salinity treatment, reaching a max-
software ‘R’ Development Core Team (2011, Vienna, imum at 100 mM NaCl in all shoot fractions (Table 1). In
Austria) URL Error bars in whole leaves without silicon treatment, the Na+/K+, Na+/
the figures indicate the standard error of mean (SE). Ca2+ and Na+/Mg2 ratio increased significantly with
increasing salinity levels. The Na+/K+ ratio was significantly
reduced on addition of silicon at maximum salinity treat-
ment (Table 1). Except for Na+/Ca2+ at 75 mM NaCl in the
symplast, the Na+/Ca2+ and Na+/Mg2+ ratio was signifi-
Effect of silicon on growth of field bean plants under NaCl
cantly reduced by the addition of silicon at 75 and 100 mM
stress conditions
NaCl in whole leaf, apoplast and symplast (Tables 2 and 3).
Salt treatment alone (50, 75 and 100 mM NaCl) signifi-
cantly decreased fresh weight by 24 %, 35 % and 47 %
Accumulation of cations in whole leaf, extracted AWF and
compared with the control (white bars in Fig. 1). A
symplastic fluid of field bean leaves
NaCl treatment with the addition of 1 mM silicon (black
bars) led to a significantly increased growth at NaCl In whole leaf
concentrations above 50 mM compared with the corre- The whole leaf Na+ concentration increased significantly
sponding NaCl treatment alone. The treatment of 75 with increasing salinity levels (Fig. 3a). A 100 mM NaCl
and 100 mM NaCl plus 1 mM silicon increased biomass treatment led to a significant maximum Na+ accumulation
to 14 % and 18 % compared with the salt treatment when compared with other salinity treatments in which the
without silicon. Na+ concentration was significantly reduced by 22 % on

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Shahzad et al.

Table 1 Influence of salinity on Na+:K+, Na+:Ca2+ and Na+:Mg2+ ratios reduction in K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations,
in whole leaf. Significant differences between salinity and silicon treat- correspondingly (Figs 3d and 4a,d).
ments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively
(n  3)
Extracted AWF
NaCl Na+:K+ Na+:Ca2+ Na+:Mg2+ In the apoplast of field bean leaves, soluble Na+ signifi-
Treatment cantly increased at 100 mM NaCl compared with other salt
(mM) Si + Si Si + Si Si + Si treatments (Fig. 3b). At higher salinity levels, the addition
Control 0.04 0.01 0.24 0.09 0.44 0.15 of silicon significantly reduced the Na+ concentration in
Ad Ac Ad Ac Ad Ac the apoplast (Fig. 3b). Moreover, at 75 and 100 mM NaCl,
50 1.32 1.28 8.61 7.76 7.99 9.27 the addition of silicon led to a significant reduction of
Ac Ab Ac Ab Ac Ab 53 % and 31 % in the Na+ concentration in the AWF.
75 2.93 2.30 15.3 10.9 17.5 13.8 Maximum concentrations of 83 and 121 mM Na+ were
Ab Aa Ab Bb Ab Bab
found at 100 mM NaCl treatment with and without silicon.
100 4.94 3.32 23.9 16.6 27.8 17.6
Aa Ba Aa Ba Aa Ba
The increase in Na+ concentration compared with control
was 13-, 140- and 344-fold at 50, 75 and 100 mM NaCl
treatment, accordingly; however, on the addition of silicon,
the increase in Na+ concentration was less prominent at 5-,
Table 2 Influence of salinity on apoplastic Na+:K+, Na+:Ca2+ and Na+: 25- and 91-fold. Soluble K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations
Mg2+ ratios. Significant differences between salinity and silicon treat- also increased with increasing salinity levels (Figs 3e and
ments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively
4b,e). Addition of silicon significantly increased the soluble
(n  3)
Ca2+ concentration at maximum salinity level when com-
NaCl Na+:K+ Na+:Ca2+ Na+:Mg2+ pared with the respective salinity treatment without silicon
Treatment (Fig. 4b).
(mM) Si + Si Si + Si Si + Si

Control 0.05 0.09 2.24 18.5 0.37 0.98 Symplastic fluid

Ac Ac Ab Ab Ab Ba Increasing salinity levels led to an increase in Na+ concen-
50 0.23 0.25 3.29 5.32 2.45 3.09 tration in the symplast of the field bean leaves (Fig. 3c).
Ac Ab Ab Ab Ab Aa When compared with the Na+ treatment alone, salinity
75 1.26 0.53 30.8 7.82 27.3 12.8 treatment of 100 mM NaCl with the addition of silicon
Ab Aab Aa Bab Aa Ba
resulted in a significant reduction of 28 % in the Na+ con-
100 1.67 1.44 25.7 10.8 33.2 19.3
Aa Ba Aa Ba Aa Ba
centration in the symplast. Moreover, maximum Na+ con-
centrations of 136 and 174 mM were found in the leaf
symplast at 100 mM NaCl with and without silicon, respec-
Table 3 Influence of salinity on symplastic Na+:K+, Na+:Ca2+ and Na+: tively. A significant increase in the Na+ concentration was
Mg2+ ratios. Significant differences between salinity and silicon treat- observed in a comparison of 50 mM NaCl with 75 and
ments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively 100 mM NaCl, with and without silicon treatment (Fig.
(n  3) 3c). When compared with their respective controls, sym-
NaCl Na+:K+ Na+:Ca2+ Na+:Mg2+ plastic K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were significantly
Treatment reduced and showed more than a 50 % reduction at all
(mM) Si + Si Si + Si Si + Si salinity levels (Figs 3f and 4c,f). However, the addition of
silicon had no considerable influence on this reduction of
Control 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.16 0.11
Ac Ab Ac Ac Ad Ab
K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the symplast under
50 2.36 2.19 3.65 3.18 17.8 15.0 salinity.
Ac Ab Ab Abc Ac Aab
75 8.06 7.89 7.46 6.61 49.2 29.6
Ab Aa Ab Aab Ab Ba
Accumulation of anions in whole leaf, extracted AWF and
100 16.8 8.71 12.2 7.37 65.7 35.4 symplastic fluid of field bean leaves
Aa Ba Aa Ba Aa Ba
In whole leaf
After a 10-day exposure of plants to salt, an analysis of the
Cl concentration in whole leaf tissue revealed a signifi-
the addition of silicon (Fig. 3a). When compared with their cantly higher concentration at 75 and 100 mM NaCl, com-
respective controls in whole leaf tissue, salinity treatments pared with that of the control (Fig. 5a). However,
led to more than a 60 %, 58 % and 34 % significant maximum salt treatment plus the addition of silicon

164 © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 161–170

Subcellular Ion Patterns in Leaves Under Salinity

resulted in a decrease by 14 % in Cl concentration but sensitive plants. This accumulation in the cytoplasm will
was not significant (Fig. 5a). Surprisingly, the NO3 con- then cause enzyme inhibition (Kaiser et al. 1986) and the
centration was significantly higher on the addition of sili- breakdown of metabolism (Speer and Kaiser 1991). In
con in the control (Fig. 5d). Under salinity, the addition of comparison with the earlier investigations with monocots
silicon did not, however, change the NO3 concentration (Lohaus et al. 2000, Mühling and Läuchli 2002a, 2003,
when compared with its respective sole salinity treatment Shahzad et al. 2012), high Na+ and Cl concentrations in
(Fig. 5d). the leaf apoplast of dicots such as pea (Speer and Kaiser
1991) and field bean (in current study) might contribute to
Extracted AWF the salt sensitivity of these plant species.
A significant maximum soluble Cl concentration was
detected at 100 mM NaCl (Fig. 5b). When compared with
Subcellular ion distribution in leaves under increasing
non-silicon-treated plants, silicon-treated plants showed a
significantly lower Cl concentration in their leaf apoplast
at maximum salinity level (Fig. 5b). Furthermore, when A limited number of studies have investigated cations and
compared with the control, the NO3 concentration was anions at the subcellular level in field bean leaves under
significantly reduced at 74 %, 75 % and 90 % at 50, 75 salinity. Stress by salinity has often been reported to cause a
and 100 mM NaCl (Fig. 5e). reduction in plant growth via ion toxicity, in particular,
Na+ toxicity (Kaiser et al. 1986, Fortmeier and Schubert
Symplastic fluid 1995, Tester and Davenport 2003).
An increase in the Cl concentration in the symplast of In contrast to the earlier findings with monocots
field bean leaves was noticed with increasing salinity levels (Lohaus et al. 2000, Mühling and Läuchli 2002a, 2003),
(Fig. 5c). Moreover, silicon addition significantly reduced the accumulation of Na+ and Cl that we have observed
the Cl concentration (by 31 %) in the symplast at maxi- in the apoplast of field bean leaves during salt treatment
mum salinity treatment when compared with its respective without silicon addition might be attributable to higher
sole salinity treatment. Further, maximum 127 and xylem import. Upon the arrival of saline solutes in the leaf
166 mM Cl concentrations were found at 100 mM NaCl apoplast, two mechanisms are available to exclude them from
with and without silicon, respectively. Additionally, the the cytoplasm. Salt ions can be concentrated in the apoplast
NO3 concentration was significantly reduced, with a more or isolated within the vacuole. Accumulation of Na+ and Cl
than 90 % reduction at all salinity levels (Fig. 5f). in the apoplast (Figs 3b and 5b) gradually increases the
osmotic gradient between the inside and outside of the cell.
As a result, intracellular water moves outwards into the
apoplast to achieve a thermodynamic equilibrium, leading to
progressive cellular dehydration and, eventually, cell death
Reduction of leaf growth under NaCl stress
(Volkmar et al. 1998).
A significant decline in plant biomass under salinity reflects The high Na+ concentration in the apoplast of field bean
the rapid decrease in shoot growth and wall extensibility in leaves under salt stress supports the results of an earlier
the osmotic phase of salt stress (Munns and Tester 2008, study of salt-sensitive rice plants grown under mild saline
Szalai and Janda 2009, Geilfus et al. 2011). Earlier studies conditions (50 mM NaCl), which produced a high apoplas-
have reported the predominant importance of Na+ over, tic Na+ concentration of up to 600 mM (Flowers et al.
for example, Cl for many crop plant species as a reason 1991). However, this high apoplastic Na+ concentration
for ion-specific damage during salt stress (Fortmeier and was detected through X-ray microanalysis in which prob-
Schubert 1995, Tester and Davenport 2003, Slabu et al. lems are experienced in the resolution of small apoplastic
2009). In addition, Sümer et al. (2004) have demonstrated spaces for the precise detection of Na+ and the differentia-
a contribution of Na+ toxicity in the first phase of salt tion between Na+ and K+. In addition, the dicot salt-sensitive
stress. In the current investigation, added NaCl resulted in pea (Speer and Kaiser 1991) shows a higher apoplastic Na+
a significant increase in leaf apoplastic Na+ concentration concentration. In contrast, other studies have demonstrated
(Fig. 3b). This has previously been suggested as a possible extremely low Na+ concentrations in the leaf apoplast of the
reason for the decline in leaf growth (Oertli 1968, Flowers salt-sensitive monocots maize and wheat (Lohaus et al. 2000,
et al. 1991). Later reports have also indicated that a possi- Mühling and Läuchli 2002a, 2003, Wimmer et al. 2003,
ble reason for the differential salt resistance of plants is Shahzad et al. 2012). Therefore, the high Na+ concentration in
their ability to control total salt fluxes into the leaf apoplast the leaf apoplast of the salt-sensitive field bean (Fig. 3b) and pea
and into the cells. With increasing salinity, a highly loaded (Speer and Kaiser 1991) suggest that Oertli’s hypothesis is only
apoplast might favour salt flux into the symplast of salt- valid for dicot plants.

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Shahzad et al.

AWF extracted (μl g–1 FW) 900 Aa –Si In the cytosol, Na+ competes with K+ for binding sites
800 Aa +Si
Aa resulting in the inactivation of enzymes and cellular func-
700 Aa
600 Ab
tions on binding of Na+ (Tester and Davenport 2003). We
500 Ab have shown that K+ concentrations are significantly
400 Bb
reduced in whole leaf tissue and the symplast of field bean
200 under salinity (Fig. 3d,f), and this indicates that the Na+:K+
100 ratio should be considered when determining Na+ toxicity.
1 50 75 100
Moreover, high Na+ causes disturbances in Ca2+ nutrition
NaCl treatment (mM) (Cramer 2002, Essa 2002, Hu et al. 2007). We have found a
significant reduction in Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations
Fig. 2 Influence of increasing NaCl concentration on the AWF extrac- under salinity in the symplast and whole leaf tissue (Fig. 4a,
tion volume from the leaves of Vicia faba cv Scirocco. The plants were d,c,f), even under low salt-stress conditions (50 mM NaCl).
treated for 12 days in a greenhouse with (black bars) and without Indeed, higher ratios of Na+:K+, Na+:Ca2+ and Na+:Mg2+
(white bars) 1 mM silicon treatment. Significant differences between
under salt treatment have been observed in whole leaf
salinity and silicon treatments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and
capital letters, respectively (n  3).
tissue, apoplast and symplast (Tables 1–3). These higher
ratios indicate that Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+ transport is
impaired into the leaf cells by high Na+ concentrations
Na+ concentration (μmol g–1 FW)

(a) (d)

K+ concentration (μmol g–1 FW)

140 –Si 140
Aa Aa Aa
120 +Si 120
100 Ab 100
80 Ac Ab 80

60 60 Ab Ab

40 40 Ac Ac Ac
20 20
Ad Ac
0 0

160 (b) 140 (e)

140 Aa
Na+ concentration (mM)

K+ concentration (mM)

100 Aa
80 Aa
60 Ab
60 Ab Ab
Bb Abc Ab
20 20 Ac Ab
Ac Ab Ac Ab
0 0

250 (c) 120 (f)

Na+ concentration (mM)

K+ concentration (mM)

Aa 100
Aa 80
150 Ba

Ab 60
Ab Ab
100 Ab
Ac Ac Ac
50 Ac
Ac Ac
0 0
1 50 75 100 1 50 75 100
NaCl treatment (mM) NaCl treatment (mM)

Fig. 3 Effect of increasing NaCl supply on [Na+] and [K+] concentrations in whole shoot (a) & (d), in extracted AWF (b) & (e) and in symplastic fluid (c)
& (f) of Vicia faba cv Scirocco with (black bars) and without (white bars) 1 mM silicon treatment. Significant differences between salinity and silicon
treatments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively (n  3). [Correction added on 16 October 2012, after first online publi-
cation: Y-axis value for (d) was amended from K2+ to K+].

166 © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 161–170

Subcellular Ion Patterns in Leaves Under Salinity

Mg2+ concentration (μmol g–1 FW)

Ca2+ concentration (μmol g–1 FW)

(a) (d)
25 –Si 14
Aa Aa Aa
Aa +Si 12
15 8 Ab
Ac Ab
10 6 Ac
Ab Ab
Ab Ab
Ab Ab 4

0 0

10 (b) 10 (e)
9 9

Mg2+ concentration (mM)

Ca2+ concentration (mM)

8 8
7 7
6 6 Aa
5 5 Aa
4 Ab 4
3 3 Ab
Ab Ab Ab Ab
2 2 Ac
Abc Ab Ac
1 Ab 1
0 0

70 (c) 16 Aa (f)
Aa Aa
Ca2+ concentration (mM)

Mg2+ concentration (mM)

60 14

50 12
Ab Ab
8 Ab Ab
30 Ab Ab Ab Ab
Ab 6 Ab
20 Ab Ab
10 2
0 0
1 50 75 100 1 50 75 100
NaCl treatment (mM) NaCl treatment (mM)

Fig. 4 Effect of increasing NaCl supply on [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] concentrations in whole shoot (a) & (d), in extracted AWF (b) & (e) and in symplastic fluid
(c) & (f) of Vicia faba cv Scirocco with (black bars) and without (white bars) 1 mM silicon treatment. Significant differences between salinity and silicon
treatments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively (n  3).

under saline conditions and might be responsible for (Hu and Schmidhalter 2005). For nitrate, we have observed
the disturbance of plant metabolism and reduced plant a strong depletion in all shoot compartments under salt
growth. stress (Fig. 5d–f). Most likely, under high salinity, the
In addition, salinity exposure leads to a significant antagonism between Cl and NO3 results in a significant
increase in Cl concentration in all leaf compartments reduction in the NO3 concentration, both with and with-
(Fig. 5a–c). However, Tavakkoli et al. (2011) have demon- out the addition of silicon.
strated that Cl is more important than Na+ when plants
are grown in salt-affected soils. In contrast to Na+, little is
Effect of silicon on shoot biomass and subcellular ion
known about the molecular mechanisms behind the sub-
distribution in leaves under salinity
stantial Cl influx that results from salinization (Flowers
and Colmer 2008). After NaCl exposure, high Cl concen- Silicon is well known as being able to increase the
trations in the chloroplasts, amplified by a simultaneously stress resistance of many plant species (Zuccarini 2008,
high Na+ concentration, can lead to a reduction of chloro- Saqib et al. 2008, Pei et al. 2010). The addition of sili-
phyll in the leaves of the faba bean (Slabu et al. 2009). The con to the hydroponic solution significantly increases
increased shoot Cl concentration under salinity is often the shoot fresh weight at higher salinity levels (Fig. 1).
found to reduce the NO3 concentration, nitrogen playing a No significant effect of added silicon has been observed
critical role in determining the growth of salinized plants on the fresh weight of shoots of control (1 mM NaCl)

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Shahzad et al.

NO3– concentration (μmol g–1 FW)

Cl– concentration (μmol g–1 FW) (a) (d)
300 –Si 1.4
Aa Aa
+Si 1.2
Aa 1.0
200 Aa
Abc 0.8
150 Abc
100 Ab
0.4 Ab Ab Ab
Ab Ab
50 Ac Ac 0.2

0 0.0

200 Aa (b) 1.2 (e)

180 1.1

NO3– concentration (mM)

Cl– concentration (mM)

120 Ba 0.7
100 0.6
80 0.5
0.4 Aa
60 Ab
Ab 0.3
40 Ba
Abc Abc 0.2 Ab Aa
20 Ac Ac 0.1 Ab Ab Ab Ab
0 0.0

200 (c) 1.2 (f)

Aa Aa
NO3– concentration (mM) 1.1
Cl– concentration (mM)

140 Ab Ba
120 Aa 0.7
Ab Ba
100 0.6
80 0.5
40 Ac Ab 0.2
Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab
20 0.1
0 0.0
1 50 75 100 1 50 75 100
NaCl treatment (mM) NaCl treatment (mM)

Fig. 5 Influence of increasing salinity on [Cl ] and [NO3 ] concentrations in whole shoot (a) & (d), in extracted AWF (b) & (e) and in symplastic fluid (c)
& (f) of Vicia faba cv Scirocco with (black bars) and without (white bars) 1 mM silicon treatment. Significant differences between salinity and silicon
treatments (P < 0.05) are indicated by small and capital letters, respectively (n  3).

plants; this suggests that silicon available from the with the respective salinity treatments alone (Fig. 3b).
water and chemicals used to prepare the standard cul- It is known that silicon is mainly deposited in the leaf
ture solution satisfies any specific requirement in the apoplast (Rogalla and Römheld 2002). This can result
faba bean (Matoh et al. 1986, Yeo et al. 1999). Further- in reduced Na+ accumulation in the leaf apoplast which
more, we have found a significant reduction in the vol- is correlated with significant increase in shoot growth
ume of extracted AWF at higher salinity levels, a under high salt treatment. An ameliorative effect of
volume that is significantly greater following the addi- silicon with a significant decrease in Na+ concentration
tion of silicon at 100 mM NaCl (Fig. 2). Changes in has been observed in whole leaf tissue and the symplast
cell wall structure (Zhong and Läuchli 1993) together of the field bean at higher salinity levels (Fig. 3a,c).
with the water stress imposed by salinity might lead to Silicon application in previous studies also been reported
the differences in extracted AWF (Mühling and Läuchli to influence manganese detoxification via the binding of
2002a). However, the beneficial effects of added silicon manganese to the cell wall and thus decreasing its pres-
on plant growth have been linked to reduced Na+ ence in the cell sap (cytoplastic and apoplastic fluid)
translocation and decreased transpiration under salinity (Iwasaki et al. 2002, Rogalla and Römheld 2002). More-
(Gong et al. 2006, Pei et al. 2010). The effect of added over, on the application of silicon, the significantly higher
silicon at 75 and 100 mM NaCl on the apoplastic Na+ Ca2+ concentration in the leaf apoplast (Fig. 4b) might
concentration is significantly reduced when compared have a positive role in enhanced leaf expansion, as a

168 © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 161–170

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