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Homework: Teacher to ask student to draw his/her family tree and present in the

next class.
Homework: Teacher to ask student to talk about one of her family members
(dad/mom/brother/sister) and describe that person (tall/short, hair color, eye color, skin color, etc…)

Homework: Teacher to ask student to draw a mindmap about himself/herself, including:erself,

including: Name, Age, Hometown, Dream job, Hobbies, Favorite Sport, Artwork and present in the
next class.
ANIMALS (continued)

Homework: What’s your favorite animal? Please find 3 more sea animals, 3 more wild animals and talk about one of them:
What’s the animal you want to talk about? Where do they live? How do they look like?
Homework: Teacher to ask student to talk about his/her favorite fruit. Why does he/she like it?
What is the national food of his/her country and his/her favorite country’s?
Is it good to eat fruit every day? Why or why not?

Homework: What are your favorite fruit? Why do you like it?
What is the national food of your country?
Is it good to eat fruit every day? Why or why not?

Homework: What’s your favorite food. Why do you like it?

What is the national food of your country?
Do you know about fast food? If yes, name some food. Is it good to eat fast food every day? Why or why not?
Homework: What is your favorite snack? What time in a day do you often eat snack? Who do you eat snack with?
What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you like eating breakfast at home or outside? Why?

Homework: Teacher to ask student to talk about his/her favorite shape and student to find 5 objects
at home with the shapes learned above.
What are popular shapes at home that he/she can see around.

Homework: Student to prepare a short speaking about his/her daily routine. What do you usually do at weekend? Where do you go and
who do you go with? What’s your favorite day in a week? Why?
What does your mom/dad do? Are they busy with their jobs?
What do you want to do when you grow up? Why?

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