Dong Tu Bat Qui Tac Tieng Anh 7 Dong Tu Bat Qui Tac Lop 7

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Trung Tâm Gia Sư Tài Nă ng Việ t


I-ÑOÄNG TÖØ BAÁT QUY TAÉC: (Irregular verbs)

Infinitive verb Past Meaning
(ñoäng töø nguyeân theå) (quaù khöù) (nghóa tieáng Vieät)
Be was/were Laø, thì, ôû …
Become became Trôû neân
Begin began Baét ñaàu
Break broke Laøm gaõy, laøm beå
Bring brought Mang
Build built Xaây döïng
Blow blew thoåi
Buy bought Mua
Catch caught Baét giöõ, toùm laáy
Choose chose Choïn löïa
Come came Ñeán
Cut cut Caét
Do did Laøm
Drink drank Uoáng
Eat ate AÊn
Fall fell Teù ngaõ, tröôït
Feel felt Caûm thaáy
Find found Tìm kieám
Forget forgot queân
Fly flew Bay
Get got Ñöôïc, coù ñöôïc
Give gave Cho, taëng
Go went Ñi
Grow grew Phaùt trieån, gia taêng
Have had Coù
Hear heard Nghe thaáy
Hit hit Ñaùnh
Hold held Caàm, naém, giöõ
Hurt hurt Laøm ñau
Keep kept Giöõ laáy
Know knew Bieát
Lead led Laõnh ñaïo
Leave left Rôøi khoûi
Lay laid Ñeå, ñaët
Lend Lent Cho möôïn, cho vay
Trung Tâm Gia Sư Tài Nă ng Việ t

Lie Lay Naèm

Lose lost Maát
Make made Laøm ra
Infinitive verb Past Meaning
(ñoäng töø nguyeân theå) (quaù khöù) (nghóa tieáng Vieät)
Mean meant Nghóa laø
Meet met Gaëp gôõ
Pay paid Traû tieàn
put put Ñaët, ñeå
Read read Ñoïc
Ride rode Laùi, cöôõi
Ring rang Reo
Rise rose Moïc
Run ran Chaïy
Sew sew May vaù
Say Said Noùi
See saw Thaáy
Sell sold Baùn
Send sent Gôûi
Set set Ñaët, thieát laäp
Shine shone Chieáu saùng
Shoot shot Baén, ñaù (boùng)
Shut shut Ñoùng laïi
Sing sang Haùt
Sit sat Ngoài
Sleep slept Nguû
Speak spoke Noùi (tieáng Anh)
Spend spent Traõi qua
Stand stood Ñöùng
Steal stole AÊn caép
Sweep swept Queùt (nhaø)
Take took Daãn, daét
Teach taught Daïy hoïc
Tell told Keå, baûo
Think thought Suy nghó
Throw threw Quaêng, neùm
Understand understood Hieåu
Write wrote Vieát
Wear wore Maëc, ñoäi
Trung Tâm Gia Sư Tài Nă ng Việ t

II-ÑOÄNG TÖØ COÙ QUY TAÉC: (Regular verbs)

Infinitive verb Past participle (V_ed) Meaning
(ñoäng töø nguyeân theå) (quaù khöù phaân töø) (nghóa tieáng Vieät)
Fit fitted Vöøa vaën
Play played Chôi
Stop stopped Döøng laïi
Study studied Hoïc
Stay stayed ÔÛ
Try tried Thöû (quaàn, aùo), coá gaéng
Plant planted Troàng
Plan planned Laäp keá hoaïch
Omit omitted Boû soùt, boû qua
Permit permitted Cho pheùp
Visit visited Vieáng thaêm
Open opened Môû (saùch, cöûa)
Obey obeyed Vaâng lôøi
Trung Tâm Gia Sư Tài Nă ng Việ t

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