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Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

(BBA 208)


NEW DELHI 110058
BATCH (2020-2023)

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


S.No.  Practical  Date  Sign 

 1 Prepare a dataset of 50 points having 4 types of cars (Company) and their respective 07/02/22   
1. Calculate avg. mileage of 50 cars.
2. Calculate avg. mileage of every brand of car.
 2 Prepare a data set of 30 points having 2 variables. Height and Age. 07/02/22   
Calculate Median and Mode value for both the variables.
 3 Create a dataset of 100 employees with their names, status (Contract, Full Time, 14/02/22   
Hourly, Half Time), Service Years (1yr to 10yrs) and salary (Rs/month)
1. Calculate no of employees in each category.
2. Calculate total salaries given to each category.
3. Calculate average salary for each category.
4. Calculate anything with “COUNTIFS” function
a. Calculate no of employees’ status wise more than 5yrs of experience.
b. Calculate no of employees’ category wise, more than 50,000 INR. 
 4 Create a datasheet containing the marks of 20 students and prepare a Bar Graph. 21/02/22   
Also highlight historical highs and lows. Prepare Scatter Plot by using the same
 5 Download closing price of SBI share from NSE (1 Month). Prepare a line Graph to 21/02/22   
view trend of Stock price.
 6 Prepare a Table of NSE 50 companies along with the sector. Prepare a pie chart 21/02/22   
showing the representation of different sectors in the composition of Nifty50. 
 7 Prepare a sales record of 40 data points (Names*Region) with the following details: 28/02/22   
Name (only 10 names), product (soap, detergent, shampoo, conditioner), Region
(East, West, North, South), Units (e.g., 100, 120, 300 etc…) and Sales (Amount
20,000, 45,000 etc…)
Prepare a PIVOT Table with the following requirements
a. Overall units sold by sales person (Region wise)
b. Overall sales of product (region wise).

 8 What do you meant by Correlation? Explain the interpretation of coefficient of 07/03/22   

 9 Prepare a dataset of NSE: Nifty, FMCG Sector, Infrastructure Sector, Banking 07/03/22   
Index and Steel Index for 1year (1st April to 31st March 2020) 
 10 Prepare Line Graph for every index on the same Graph.\  07/03/22  
Calculate correlation between banking and steel index.
Calculate correlation between Nifty and FMCG Sector Index
11 Prepare the Questionnaire to study the student satisfaction. Identify the factors 14/03/22
behind students’ satisfaction. Prepare a Research Model for the same. (Construct and
Attribute, Dependent and Independent Variable)
Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

12 Collect the data from 30 students by preparing Google form and analyze it by 14/03/22
calculating Mean, Median and Mode.
13 (Paired Sample T Test) 21/03/22
Prepare a dataset of 30 people who are going to GYM to reduce their weight.
GYM instructor wanted to know the effectiveness of GYM training module. Ally T
Test for the same, prepare Hypothesis, Analyze and interpret the result.
14 (Independent Sample T Test) 21/03/22
Prepare a dataset of 30 students.
Check, Whether the average weight of boys and girls are same or not.
15 The following data related the rubber percentage of two types of rubber plants, where 28/03/22
the samples have been drawn independently. Test for their mean difference.
Type 6.21 5.70 6.04 4.47 5.22 4.45 4.84 5.88 5.82 6.09
1 6.06 5.59 5.59 6.74 5.55
Type 4.28 7.71 6.48 7.71 7.37 7.20 7.06 6.40 8.93 5.91
2 5.51 6.36
16 A group of 5 patients treated with medicine. A is of weight 42,39,38,60 &41 kgs. 28/03/22
Second group of 7 patients from the same hospital treated with medicine B is of
weight 38, 42, 56, 64, 68, 69, & 62 kgs.
Find whether there is any difference between medicines?
17 In certain food experiment to compare two types of baby foods A and B, the following 28/03/22
results of increase in weight (lbs.) we observed in 8 children as follows.
Food A(x) 49, 53, 51, 52, 47, 50, 52, 53
Food B(y) 52, 55, 52, 53, 50, 54, 54, 53
Examine the significance of increase in weight of children due to food B.
18 10 samples of leaves of the plant are chosen at random from a large population and 28/03/22
their weight in grams are found to be as follows
63, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 69, 70, 70, 71
From this data mean weight in universe is 65 gm. Can we assume his mean weight?
19 Compare the cholesterol contents of the four competing diet foods on the basis of the 04/04/22
following data (in milligrams per packages) which were obtained for three randomly
taken 6 ounce package of each of the diet food:
Diet food A 3.6 4.1 4.0
Diet Food B 3.1 3.2 3.9
Diet Food C 3.2 3.5 3.5
Diet Food D 3.5 3.8 3.8
Test whether the difference among the sample means can be attributed to chance at
the 5% level of significance.
20 The following are the no of words per minute which a secretary types on several 04/04/22
occasions on three different typewriters:
TypeWriter1 71 78 70 69 77 72 65 69
TypeWriter2 74 76 72 70 69 68 72 73
TypeWriter3 70 72 66 64 63 67 69 70
Test whether the differences among the mean of the three samples can be attributed to
chance at 5% level of significance.
Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

21 The following set of data is obtained for the sales of a product corresponding to three 04/04/22
price levels: Rs.39/-, Rs.44/- and Rs.49/-. The data pertains to five randomly selected
retail stores where the product was sold.
Price Levels Sales (in Rs. Lakhs)
Rs.39/- 8 12 10 9 11
Rs.44/- 7 10 6 8 9
Rs.49/- 4 8 7 9 7
Test whether the difference in sales corresponding to various price levels can be
attributed to chance at 5% level of significance. In case of significant difference, carry
out further analysis.
22 Compare the cholesterol contents of the four competing diet foods on the basis of the 18/04/22
following data (in milligrams per packages) which were obtained for three randomly
taken 6-ounce package of each of the diet food. The measurement of the Cholesterol
content was performed in three different laboratories:
Diet Food Laboratory
One Two Three
Diet food A 3.6 4.1 4.0
Diet Food B 3.1 3.2 3.9
Diet Food C 3.2 3.5 3.5
Diet Food D 3.5 3.8 3.8
Test whether the difference among the sample means can be attributed to chance at
the 5% level of significance.
23 The following table presents the number of the defective pieces produced by three 18/04/22
workmen operating in turn on three different machines:
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
Workman 1 27 34 23
Workman 2 29 32 25
Workman 3 22 30 22
Conduct 2 Way ANOVA to test at 5% level of significance, whether:
1. The difference among the means obtained for the three workmen can be
attributed to chance
2. The differences among the means obtained for the three machines can be
attributed to chance.
24 The following data refers to the salary packages (in Lakhs) offered to MBA graduates 18/04/22
with three specializations and having studied at 4 different business schools. For the
sake of simplification, only two students are taken for each interaction between the
institute and field of specialization
Specialization I II III IV
Marketing 6 4 8 6
5 5 6 4
Finance 7 6 6 9
6 7 7 8
Operations 8 5 10 9
Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

7 5 9 10
Test the hypothesis:
1. Whether the difference between the pay packages offered by different business
schools can be attributed to chance
2. Average pay packages by all specializations are equal
The average pay packages for 12 interactions are equal
25 A sample of 870 trainees was subjected to different types of training classified as 04/05/22
intensive, good and average and their performance was noted as above average,
average and poor. The resulting data is presented in the table below. Use a 5% level of
significance to examine whether there is any relationship between the type of training
and performance.
Performance Training
Intensive Good Average Total
Above Average 100 150 40 290
Average 100 100 100 300
Poor 50 80 150 280
Total 250 330 290 870
26 A manager og ABC ice-cream parlour has to take a decision regarding how much of each 04/05/22
flavor of ice-cream he should stock so that the demands of the customers are satisfied. The
ice cream supplier claims that among the four most popular flavours, 63% customers prefer
vanilla, 18% chocolate, 12% strawberry and 8% mango. A random sample pf 200 customers
produces the results below. At the alpha = 0.05 significance level, test the claim that the
percentage given by the supplies are correct.
Flavour Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Mango
No Preferring 120 40 18 22
Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Prepare a dataset of 50 points having 4 types of cars (Company) and their respective

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

1. Calculate avg. mileage of 50 cars.

 To calculate the Average mileage, write the formula “=AVERAGE”.

 Select the whole column whose average you want and click Enter.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

2. Calculate avg. mileage of every brand of car.

 Write the formula “=AVERAGE” to calculate every brand of car.

 Select the values of each brand and click Enter.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Prepare a data set of 30 points having 2 variables. Height and Age.
Calculate Mean, Median and Mode value for both the variables.

 Write the formula “=AVERAGE” for calculating mean.

 Select the columns Height and Weight separately and click Enter.

 Write the formula “=MEDIAN” for calculating median.

 Select the columns Height and Weight separately and click Enter.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Write the formula “=MODE” for calculating mode.

 Select the columns Height and Weight separately and click Enter.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Create a dataset of 100 employees with their names, status (Contract, Full Time,
Hourly, Half Time), Service Years (1yr to 10yrs) and salary (Rs/month)

1. Calculate no of employees in each category.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Write the formula “=COUNTIF” to count the employees.

 Select the column you want to count.

 Write the criteria (Full time, Contract, half time, Hourly) in inverted commas
and click Enter.

2. Calculate total salaries given to each category.

 Write the formula “=SUMIFS” to add up the salaries category wise.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select the salaries column as sum range.

 Then select category column for criteria range.

 Now, Write the criteria (Full time, Contract, half time, Hourly) in inverted
commas and click Enter.

3. Calculate average salary for each category.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Write the formula “=AVERAGEIFS” to calculate average salaries category

 Select the salaries column as sum range.

 Then select category column for criteria range.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Now, Write the criteria (Full time, Contract, half time, Hourly) in inverted
commas and click Enter.

4. Calculate anything with “COUNTIFS” function

a. Calculate no of employees’ status wise more than 5yrs of experience.

 Write the formula “=COUNTIFS” to add up the salaries category wise.

 Select the experience column as range.

 Now, Write the criteria in inverted commas and click Enter.

b. Calculate no of employees’ category wise, more than 50,000 INR. 

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Write the formula “=COUNTIFS” to add up the salaries category wise.

 Select the salaries column as range.

 Now, Write the criteria in inverted commas

 Now, select status column.

 Write the criteria category wise and click Enter.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Create a datasheet containing the marks of 20 students and prepare a Bar Graph. Also
highlight historical highs and lows. Prepare Scatter Plot by using the same data. 

Bar Graph

 Select the table and go to Insert in Menu Bar.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select the “Insert column and bar chart” option.

 Select the chart you want.

Scatter plot

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select the table and go to Insert in Menu Bar.

 Select the “Insert Scatter” option.

 Select the chart you want.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Download closing price of SBI share from NSE (1 Month). Prepare a line Graph to
view trend of Stock price.

Line Graph

 Select the table and go to Insert in Menu Bar.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select the “Insert Line or Area Chart” option.

 Select the chart you want.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Prepare a Table of NSE 50 companies along with the sector. Prepare a pie chart
showing the representation of different sectors in the composition of Nifty50. 

 Select the table and go to Insert in Menu Bar.

 Select the “Insert Line or Area Chart” option.

 Select the chart you want.

Prepare a sales record of 40 data points (Names*Region) with the following details:

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Name (only 10 names), product (soap, detergent, shampoo, conditioner), Region (East,
West, North, South), Units (e.g., 100, 120, 300 etc…) and Sales (Amount 20,000, 45,000
Prepare a PIVOT Table with the following requirements
a. Overall units sold by sales person (Region wise)

b. Overall sales of product (region wise).

 Select the table and go to Insert in Menu bar.

 Select Pivot Table option.

 A dialogue box will appear, enter the table range and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Drag the Fields into appropriate areas to form the table.

What do you mean by Correlation? Explain the interpretation of coefficient of

Ans. Correlation refers to a process for establishing the relationships between two

variables. You learned a way to get a general idea about whether or not two variables are
related, is to plot them on a “scatter plot”. While there are many measures of association for
variables which are measured at the ordinal or higher level of measurement, correlation is
the most commonly used approach.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

The most commonly used measure of association is Pearson’s product–moment correlation

coefficient (Pearson correlation coefficient). The Pearson correlation coefficient or as it
denoted by r  is a measure of any linear trend between two variables. The value of r ranges
between −1 and 1. 

 When r = zero, it means that there is no linear association between the variables.
However, there might be some nonlinear relationship but if r = zero then there is no
consistent linear component to that relationship. 
 When r = 1, it means that there is a perfect positive linear relationship between the
variables, and all individuals sampled lie exactly on the line of best fit with a positive
 If 0 < r < 1 then there is a positive linear trend and the sampled individuals are
scattered around the line of best fit; the smaller the absolute value of r the less well
the data can be visualized by a single linear relationship. If r is positive then an
increase in the value of one variable is associated with an increase in the other
 When r = −1, it means that there is a perfect negative relationship between the
variables, and all individuals sampled lie exactly on the line of best fit with a negative
 If −1 < r < 0 then sampled individuals will be scattered around the e variables, and all
individuals sampled lie exactly on the; the smaller the absolute value of r the less well
the data can be visualized by a single linear relationship.

Prepare a dataset of 30 people who are going to GYM to reduce their weight.
GYM instructor wanted to know the effectiveness of GYM training module. Ally T
Test for the same, prepare Hypothesis, Analyze and interpret the result.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Paired t-Test

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720



 For paired T-test, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test Paired option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Prepare a dataset of 30 students.
Check, Whether the average marks of boys and girls are same or not.

Independent t-test

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720



 For independent T-test, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test Unequal Variables option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

The following data related the rubber percentage of two types of rubber plants, where
the samples have been drawn independently. Test for their mean difference.
Type 6.21 5.70 6.04 4.47 5.22 4.45 4.84 5.88 5.82 6.09
1 6.06 5.59 6.74
Type 4.28 7.71 6.48 7.71 7.37 7.20 7.06 6.40 8.93 5.91
2 5.51 6.36 5.55

 For calculating means, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test for Means option and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

A group of 5 patients treated with medicine. A is of weight 42,39,38,60 &41 kgs. Second
group of 7 patients from the same hospital treated with medicine B is of weight 38, 42,
56, 64, 68, 69, & 62 kgs.
Find whether there is any difference between medicines?

Independent t-Test

There is difference in the variance as there is difference in the number of observations
in the test.
Medicine A have 5 observations and Medicine B have 7 observations.

Also, p value (0.03) is less than significance value (at 5% or 0.05)

 For independent T-test, go to DATA in menu bar.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test Unequal Variables option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


In certain food experiment to compare two types of baby foods A and B, the following
results of increase in weight (lbs.) we observed in 8 children as follows.
Food A(x) 49, 53, 51, 52, 47, 50, 52, 53
Food B(y) 52, 55, 52, 53, 50, 54, 54, 53
Examine the significance of increase in weight of children due to food B.

Independent t-Test



 For paired T-test, go to DATA in menu bar.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test Equal Variables option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

10 samples of leaves of the plant are chosen at random from a large population and
their weight in grams are found to be as follows
63, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 69, 70, 70, 71
From this data mean weight in universe is 65 gm. Can we assume his mean

 For independent T-test, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 A dialogue box will appear, select t-Test Unequal Variables option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Compare the cholesterol contents of the four competing diet foods on the basis of the
following data (in milligrams per packages) which were obtained for three randomly
taken 6-ounce package of each of the diet food:
Diet food A 3.6 4.1 4.0
Diet Food B 3.1 3.2 3.9
Diet Food C 3.2 3.5 3.5
Diet Food D 3.5 3.8 3.8
Test whether the difference among the sample means can be attributed to chance at the
5% level of significance.


Data Analysis

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


 For One Way ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Single Factor option and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

The following are the no of words per minute which a secretary types on several
occasions on three different typewriters:
TypeWriter1 71 78 70 69 77 72 65 69
TypeWriter2 74 76 72 70 69 68 72 73
TypeWriter3 70 72 66 64 63 67 69 70
Test whether the differences among the mean of the three samples can be
attributed to chance at 5% level of significance.


Data Analysis

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 For One Way ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Single Factor option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


The following set of data is obtained for the sales of a product corresponding to three
price levels: Rs.39/-, Rs.44/- and Rs.49/-. The data pertains to five randomly selected
retail stores where the product was sold.
Price Levels Sales (in Rs. Lakhs)
Rs.39/- 8 12 10 9 11
Rs.44/- 7 10 6 8 9
Rs.49/- 4 8 7 9 7
Test whether the difference in sales corresponding to various price levels can be
attributed to chance at 5% level of significance. In case of significant difference,
carry out further analysis.



Data Analysis

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Data Interpretation

 For One Way ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Single Factor option and click OK.

 New box will appear.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Compare the cholesterol contents of the four competing diet foods on the basis of the
following data (in milligrams per packages) which were obtained for three randomly
taken 6-ounce package of each of the diet food. The measurement of the Cholesterol
content was performed in three different laboratories:
Diet Food Laboratory
One Two Three
Diet food A 3.6 4.1 4.0
Diet Food B 3.1 3.2 3.9
Diet Food C 3.2 3.5 3.5
Diet Food D 3.5 3.8 3.8
Test whether the difference among the sample means can be attributed to chance at the
5% level of significance.

Two-way Anova


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Data Interpretation

 For Two Factor ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication option
and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


The following table presents the number of the defective pieces produced by three
workmen operating in turn on three different machines:
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
Workman 1 27 34 23
Workman 2 29 32 25
Workman 3 22 30 22
Conduct 2 Way ANOVA to test at 5% level of significance, whether:
1. The difference among the means obtained for the three workmen can be
attributed to chance
2. The differences among the means obtained for the three machines can be
attributed to chance.


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Data Interpretation

 For Two Factor ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication option
and click OK.

 New box will appear.

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720


The following data refers to the salary packages (in Lakhs) offered to MBA graduates
with three specializations and having studied at 4 different business schools. For the
sake of simplification, only two students are taken for each interaction between the
institute and field of specialization
Specialization I II III IV
Marketing 6 4 8 6
5 5 6 4
Finance 7 6 6 9
6 7 7 8
Operations 8 5 10 9
7 5 9 10
Test the hypothesis:
1. Whether the difference between the pay packages offered by different business
schools can be attributed to chance
2. Average pay packages by all specializations are equal
The average pay packages for 12 interactions are equal


Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Data Interpretation

 For Two Factor ANOVA, go to DATA in menu bar.

 Select Data Analysis option.

 A dialogue box will appear, select Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication option
and click OK.

 New box will appear.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Put the variables range, select where you want to show result and click OK.

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

A sample of 870 trainees was subjected to different types of training classified as
intensive, good and average and their performance was noted as above average, average
and poor. The resulting data is presented in the table below. Use a 5% level of
significance to examine whether there is any relationship between the type of training
and performance.
Performance Training
Intensive Good Average Total
Above Average 100 150 40 290
Average 100 100 100 300
Poor 50 80 150 280
Total 250 330 290 870


 First make the observed table.

 Then make Expected table with formula “(ROW TOTAL*COLUMN


 Now, calculate the difference in observed and expected with formula “

(O−E)2 /E”

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

 Now calculate chi-square value “ x 2”

 Use sum function and get the total of table “(O−E)2 /E”

 Calculate the ‘degree of freedom(df)’ with formula “(no. of rows-1)*(no. of

 Then calculate p-value with the help of “CHISQ.DIST.RT” function.

 You will get the values as given below:

Data Interpretation

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

A manager og ABC ice-cream parlour has to take a decision regarding how much of
each flavor of ice-cream he should stock so that the demands of the customers are
satisfied. The ice cream supplier claims that among the four most popular flavours,
63% customers prefer vanilla, 18% chocolate, 12% strawberry and 8% mango. A
random sample pf 200 customers produces the results below. At the alpha = 0.05
significance level, test the claim that the percentage given by the supplies are correct.
Flavour Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Mango
No Preferring 120 40 18 22


 Make the table with ‘Observed, Expected and difference’ as columns.
 For Expected, find mean value. Use AVERAGE function.

 Now, calculate the difference in observed and expected with formula “(O−E)2 /E”
 Now calculate chi-square value “ x 2”
 Use sum function and get the total of table “(O−E)2 /E”

 Calculate the ‘degree of freedom(df)’ with formula “(no. of rows-1)*(no. of

 Then calculate p-value with the help of “CHISQ.DIST.RT” function.

 You will get the values as given below:

Parag Nimje BBA-IV E1 05821101720

Data Interpretation


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