Flip Classroom Lesson Plan

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My Blended Learning Plan

One of the most exciting advancements in the modern classroom is flipped

learning. It hinges on the idea that students learn more effectively by using class time
for small group activities and individual attention.
Teachers then assign students lecture materials and presentations to be viewed at
home or outside of the classroom day, prioritizing active learning.
Moreover, Flipped classroom is a “pedagogical approach in which direct
instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and
the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning
environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage
Thus,Flipped learning helps teachers to prioritize active learning during class
time by assigning students lecture materials and presentations to be viewed at home or
outside of class.

Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan in Practical Research 2

Lesson Title: Quantitative Research

Date Ist week of course

Learning Competencies Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and

kinds of quantitative research (CS_RS_Ia-c-1)

Learning Objectives  Define quantitative research

 Describe the different characteristics of quantitative
research. 
 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of
Quantitative research 
 Be familiar with the kinds of Quantitative research
Student Learning Have students view the video/presentation found at
Resources at Home https://www.academia.edu/35969852/Chapter_1_Lesso

Students can find more information regarding the

characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and all kinds of
research at:https://slideplayer.com/slide/13015162/
Student Learning Have students submit answers to the general questions
Activities at Home from https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=cwU8as9ZNlA and https://www.youtube.com/watch?
1. What is quantitative research;
2. Describe Quantitative research. Define
Quantitative research based on your
understanding of its definition.
3. Make a graphic organizer on the similarities and
differences of qualitative research and quantitative
4. What are the weaknesses and strength of quantitative
5. What are the other types of quantitative research
6. Answering the posttest.

Classroom Activities 0-10 min: Students will break into five groups to discuss
their answers to one of the five questions
related to the video viewed at home. Students will
present their information by group to the class.

10-30 min: Give students worksheet 2. Let’stry this!

Link Me! Read the statements about
the weaknesses of quantitative research and try to see
the connection to the following
illustrations/ terms/ phrases given on the other side.
Connect them using an arrow.

30-45 min: Students will do the Learning activity

3.Write S if Strength and W if Weakness of Quantitative
Research. Allow students to work in unassigned
neighbors. Ask students to volunteer to write worksheet
answers on board.
45-60 Min: Hand out post-quiz to be completed before
leaving class. Ask students to apply what they have
learned from the video, ppt and from their modules/LAS

Diagnostic assessment: Before class, log in to check if students have viewed the
video/presentation and PPTs. Review student
responses to the fquestions assigned andprovide
feedback if necessary.

Formative assessment: Walk around the classroom to answer individual student

questions during break-out activity from 0-10 min and
worksheet activity from 30-45 min. Have students
volunteer to write answers to worksheet questions on
the board. Briefly go over each question with the class
and address any
further questions.

Summative assessment: Distribute post-quiz, include topics related to

quantitative research

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