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PART 2-3)

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1 Types of memories

Which of the different types of memories do you have? Give an example of each.

a childhood memory a sad memory a fresh memory

a vivid memory a distant memory a fading memory

2 Describing a memory

Match the statements to the sentences with the same meaning below.

1. I remember it like it was yesterday.

2. I have a vague recollection of ...
3. It rings a bell.
4. It has already slipped my mind.
5. It’s always on my mind.
6. It’s at the back of my mind.
7. It brings back memories of ...

a. I intend to do it, but I’m not actively thinking about it.

b. I’m always thinking about it.
c. I remember it very clearly.
d. I remember the general experience but not the details.
e. It sounds familiar, but I don’t remember the exact details.
f. I’ve forgotten about it.

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g. When I see/hear/smell it, I remember ...

For each statement, think of an example from your experience.

3 Adjectives for describing a memory

Look at the adjectives below. Which words describe positive memories? Which describe negative

warm fond traumatic scary pleasant photographic poor exciting

4 Practice
Work in pairs. Take turns to select and talk about one of the cue cards below. Try to use vocabulary
from this lesson. Remember, you have 1 minute to take notes and 1-2 minutes for talking.

Describe one of your childhood memories. You should say:

- what it is

- when it happened

- how it affected you

And explain why you still remember it.

Describe a memorable experience from the past. You should say:

- who was with you

- where it took place

- what you did

And explain why it is memorable.

5 Discussion (Part 3)
Discuss any of the questions below.

1. Do you think memory is important?

2. What are some of the benefits of having a good memory?
3. Many people find that visiting certain place brings back a childhood memory very strongly. Why
do you think this is?
4. As people grow older, sometimes the distant past is easier to remember than the near past. Why
do you think this is?

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© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Mike Preston's lessons.

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