PE-H 11 Diagnostic Exam

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S.Y. 2022-2023
NAME: _____________________________ SCORE: ____________________
STRAND AND SECTION: _________________ DATE: _____________________
TEACHER: Dir. John Paul Alerta PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each question carefully then choose the best answer. Shade the letter that corresponds to the
best answer.
O O O O 1. Gilliane, a physical therapist from a well-known Orthopedic hospital, conducted a free seminar that discusses the topic
“The Path to Fitness and Health.” She focused on the subject of how our body needs to have daily activities. What do you call to the
bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure usually come from everyday activities?
a. Health c. Lifestyle
b. Physical Activity d. Exercise
O O O O 2. Joacquin, a health and dance instructor from a dancing academy, teaches his students how to improve or maintain
physical fitness. What do you call a type of physical activity that is a planned, repetitive, and purposeful attempt to improve or
maintain physical fitness?
a. Health c. Lifestyle
b. Physical Activity d. Exercise
O O O O 3. Jhalleen loves to sit and watch her favorite television shows. She sometimes finishes a series in just one sitting. Aside
from binge-watching, Viola loves to read novels from Wattpad. She doesn't do anything aside from watching and reading while lying
down or sitting. What do you call a lifestyle that involves very little or no physical exercise, wherein most of the day spend by sitting,
lying down, and expending very little energy?
a. Fatigue Health c. Sedentary Lifestyle
b. Tiring Lifestyle d. Physical Fitness
O O O O 4. Jieno, a fitness and sports coach, trains his athletes to avoid injuries before entering any sports event. What do you call to
set of exercises, sorted and graded, all muscles and joints whose purpose is to prepare the body for physical sports to perform
properly and avoid injury?
a. Warming-up c. Physical Health
b. Spiritual Health d. Cooling-down
O O O O 5. Neil trains himself to gradually reduce the activity or exercise pace after every strenuous physical activity or training.
What do you call a period of exercise, which helps the body recover effectively and safely from an energetic activity?
a. Warming-up c. Physical Health
b. Spiritual Health d. Cooling-down
O O O O 6. What do you call to the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions,
group interaction and community betterment?
a. Intellectual Health c. Emotional Health
b. Environmental Health d. Social Health
O O O O 7. What do you call to the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring?
a. Vocational Health c. Social Health
b. Emotional Health d. Physical Health
O O O O 8. What do you call to the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world and being comfortable with and
liking yourself as a person?
a. Emotional Health c. Physical Health
b. Spiritual Health d. Social Health
O O O O 9. What do you call to the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining
balance in our lives?
a. Vocational Health c. Parenting Health
b. Occupational Health d. Personal Health
O O O O 10. What do you call to the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that
surrounds us?
a. Intellectual Health c. Emotional Health
b. Environmental Health d. Social Health
O O O O 11. What do you call to the way a person gives pleasure to the influential people connected to his or her life, and in return,
what pleasure this person received from others?
a. Pleasure Style c. Enjoyment Style
b. Working Style d. Personal Style

O O O O 12. What do you call to a style affects so much the health and well-being of a person?
a. Leisure Style c. Recreational Style
b. Working Style d. Personal Style
O O O O 13. What do you call to a style counteracts stress that creates tensions and problem?
a. Creational Style c. Engagement Style
b. Working Style d. Coping Style
O O O O 14. What do you call to a style that style refers to the ways in which people think, seek knowledge, and make decisions?
a. Cognitive Style c. Consuming Style
b. Healthy Style d. Environmental Style
O O O O 15. What do you call to a style that speaks of human interaction with nature?
a. Cognitive Style c. Consuming Style
b. Healthy Style d. Environmental Style
O O O O 16. Airah and her family are among the thousands of families affected by Typhoon Odette. Some of their belongings have
been lost and they are struggling to recover. Which of the following types of stressors refers to stress brought by sudden disastrous
events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions which affect many people at the same time?
a. Calamity Stressor c. Cataclysmic Stressor
b. Situational Stressor d. Catastrophic Stressor
O O O O 17. Klarence is among those who lost their jobs during the peak of the pandemic. It caused him great grief and had a great
impact on his health. Which of the following types of stressors refers to stress coming from the death of immediate family members,
the break-up of a marriage, or even the loss of a job?
a. Individual Stressor c. Immediate Stressor
b. Personal Stressor d. Social Stressor
O O O O 18. Raenilen felt pressure to decide which college course to take. Her parents want her to become an engineer, but she
wants to enroll in nursing classes. She's experiencing a lot of stress as a result of the strain. Which of the following types of stressors
refer to events which are persistent and repetitive in nature, almost routine that became part of the daily lifestyle?
a. Background Stressor c. Intellectual Stressor
b. Life Stressor d. Family Stressor
O O O O 19. Because of his neighbors' noise, Alexis finds it challenging to focus on his academics. His neighbors create noise at all
hours, whether it is early in the morning or late at night. Which of the following types of stressors refers to stressors that challenge
or affect the ability of the person to think or reason out critically?
a. Intellectual Stressor c. Physical Stressor
b. Social Stressor d. Spiritual Stressor
O O O O 20. Kisha had terrible headaches all the time. She always experiences it, so she just ignores it and get some sleep to ease the
pain. Which of the following types of stressors refers to stressors that make people feel physically uncomfortable and force their
bodies to adopt it?
a. Intellectual Stressor c. Physical Stressor
b. Social Stressor d. Spiritual Stressor
O O O O 21. What do you call the body’s immediate response to a stressor whether positive or negative?
a. General Adaption Syndrome c. Alarm Reaction
b. Fight-to-Flight Response d. Homeostasis
O O O O 22. Which of the following stages of physiological response refers to the body’s attempts to adapt to the stressor and return
a. Resistance Stage c. Recovery Stage
b. Adaption Stage d. Exhaustion Stage
O O O O 23. Which of the following stages of physiological response refers when the body’s resources become worn-out?
a. Resistance Stage c. Recovery Stage
b. Adaption Stage d. Exhaustion Stage
O O O O 24. Marah posted a photo online. After a few hours, she received a lot of positive feedback from her friends. But, one thing
that caught her eye was the comment of one of her friends in which she was humiliated. Marah was deeply saddened by the
comment she saw which caused her stress. Which of the following types of stressors refers to the disturbing and upsetting feelings
or emotions?
a. Emotional Stressor c. Social Stressor
b. Spiritual Stressor d. Physical Stressor
O O O O 25. Newell is struggling to get a job because the country is still in the midst of the pandemic. He applied a number of times
but was always rejected. He was deeply saddened about it, which led to over-thinking and stress. Which of the following types of
stressors refers to stress coming from demands posted by family members, friends, other people, and the society?
a. Emotional Stressor c. Social Stressor
b. Spiritual Stressor d. Physical Stressor
O O O O 26. Jennierose is a well-known fashion model in the country. During her last interview, she admitted that she had been on a
severe diet which resulted in an eating disorder. Which of the following eating disorders in which people severely limit the amount
they eat, in effect starving themselves?
a. Bulimia c. Bulimarexia
b. Anorexia Nervosa d. Stress Eating
O O O O 27. Jomar is a well-known vlogger. He is famous for his "mukbang" videos where he eats a lot of food to attract the
attention of viewers. As a result of the way he eats, he often suffers from abdominal pain. Which of the following eating disorders
characterized by consuming large quantities of food, followed by vomiting?
a. Bulimia c. Bulimarexia
b. Anorexia Nervosa d. Stress Eating

O O O O 28. Which of the following major types of carbohydrates are known to have little nutritive value?
a. Simple Carbohydrates c. Complex Carbohydrates
b. Disaccharide d. Monosaccharide
O O O O 29. Which of the following major types of carbohydrates are formed when three or more sugar molecules are combined?
a. Simple Carbohydrates c. Complex Carbohydrates
b. Disaccharide d. Monosaccharide
O O O O 30. Which of the following essential nutrients is responsible for building and repairing body tissues?
a. Proteins c. Carbohydrates
b. Fats d. Minerals
O O O O 31. Which of the following essential nutrients is responsible for building strong bones and teeth help muscles function
accurately, balances the amount of water in the body, help nervous systems transmit messages, and work in close collaboration with
vitamins to perform our body’s chemical and hormonal activities?
a. Proteins c. Carbohydrates
b. Fats d. Minerals
O O O O 32. Which of the following minerals is responsible for building bones and teeth and ensuring normal growth?
a. Calcium c. Sodium
b. Iron d. Potassium
O O O O 33. Which of the following minerals is responsible for production of hemoglobin in red blood cells?
a. Calcium c. Sodium
b. Iron d. Potassium
O O O O 34. Which of the following minerals is responsible for the proper functioning of the muscle tissue, proper conduction of
nerve impulses, and maintenance of the body’s acid-alkaline balance?
a. Calcium c. Sodium
b. Iron d. Potassium
O O O O 35. Which of the following essential nutrients needed by the body to perform metabolic processes in the cells?
a. Vitamins c. Fat
b. Water d. Potassium
O O O O 36. Which of the following health-related components refers to the ability of the whole body to perform activities for a
prolonged time and have the circulatory and respiratory systems work efficiently?
a. Body Composition c. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
b. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility
O O O O 37. Which of the following health-related components considered as the most important component of health-related
because it helps the body combat various diseases like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, and stress?
a. Power c. Muscular Strength
b. Agility d. Cardiorespiratory Strength
O O O O 38. Which of the following health-related components defined as the range of motion possible at the many joints in the
a. Flexibility c. Speed
b. Coordination d. Body Composition
O O O O 39. Which of the following health-related components refers to the ability of the muscle to generate force?
a. Power c. Muscular Strength
b. Agility d. Cardiorespiratory Strength
O O O O 40. Which of the following health-related components refers to the ability of the muscle to generate force repeatedly?
a. Body Composition c. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
b. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility
O O O O 41. Which of the following skill-related components refers to the ability to change direction quickly and accurately during
a. Power c. Muscular Strength
b. Agility d. Cardiorespiratory Strength
O O O O 42. Which of the following skill-related components refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or standing
a. Balance c. Reaction Time
b. Agility d. Speed
O O O O 43. Which of the following skill-related components refers to the ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform
movement tasks?
a. Balance c. Reaction Time
b. Agility d. Speed
O O O O 44. Which of the following skill-related components refers to the ability to apply force at high rate of speed?
a. Power c. Muscular Strength
b. Agility d. Cardiorespiratory Strength
O O O O 45. Which of the following skill-related components refers to the elapsed between a stimulus and the resulting response?
a. Balance c. Reaction Time
b. Agility d. Speed
O O O O 46. Alexa wants to tone her muscles. Aside from that, she wants to build muscle mass, strength, and endurance. What do
you call a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength,
anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles?
a. Muscle-Training c. Strength-Training
b. Resistance-Training d. Body-Training
O O O O 47. Lorens performed an exercise that helps build strong abdominal muscles. What do you call an exercise that focuses on
abdominal part of your body and can also help to improve balance if done at a regular basis?
a. Push-Ups c. Jogging
b. Stretching d. Crunches
O O O O 48. Shakira performed an exercise that helps in improving muscular strength and endurance, as well as bone mass. What do
you call an exercise that focuses on chest part of your body and is said to be effective in building bone density of the upper body?
a. Cold Press c. Heat Press
b. Bench Press d. Curl-Ups
O O O O 49. Arth performed an exercise that enhances shoulders, waist, and hips moreover, lateral raise shapes the muscles that
support and stabilize the shoulders. What do you call an exercise that focuses on shoulder part of your body?
a. Lateral Raise c. Shoulder Raise
b. Arm Raise d. Art Stretching
O O O O 50. Gyles performed an exercise that helps in toning arms, developing stronger bones, increasing stamina, reducing stress,
among others. What do you call an exercise that focuses on biceps part of your body?
a. Bicep Curls c. Lateral Curls
b. Curl-Ups d. Bicep Stretching
O O O O 51. Renz performed an exercise that helps and improves posture, thus preventing acquisition of back injuries and increases
coordination of movement through the lower back. What do you call an exercise that focuses on back part of your body?
a. Back Extensions c. Back Exercise
b. Back Stretching d. Back Workout
O O O O 52. Edlyn performed an exercise that can be done anytime in any safe place. Some of its benefits are able to do daily
activities easily, maintaining balance, toning the abs, helping in waste removal, among others. What do you call an exercise that
focuses on lower body part?
a. Squat c. Push-Ups
b. Jogging d. Stretching
O O O O 53. What do you call activities that increase physical fitness and sense of well-being and can reduce the risk of several
diseases such as breast cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, and diabetes?
a. Running c. Walking
b. Jogging d. Stretching
O O O O 54. What do you call an ancient form of exercise that builds the strength and the flexibility of a person and is also
considered as a form of an alternative medicine that boosts physical and mental well-being?
a. Zumba c. Yoga
b. Dancing d. Running
O O O O 55. What do you call the simplest form of exercise that can be done anytime and in any safe place and can help an
individual to prevent lifestyle diseases?
a. Jogging c. Stretching
b. Walking d. Dancing
O O O O 56. Cyren, Anne, and Jasmin are part of a girl group dancers formed in the Philippines. On their first ever performance, they
performed a form of street dance that has a broad category of styles such as breaking, locking, and popping. What do you call a type
of dance that usually form through the use of “freestyle” dance movements?
a. Interpretative dance c. Zumba dance
b. Hip-hop Dance d. K-Pop Dance
O O O O 57. Michael is a well-known dance instructor. He instructed his students to perform a type of dance that may vary from
place to place and the style used depends on the birth or origin of the dance. What do you call a type of dance that is also known as
“festival dance”?
a. Street dance c. Folk dance
b. Cultural dance d. Traditional dance
O O O O 58. Kristel and Michelle wanted to join their school’s Cheerleading group. To be part of the said group, they must show their
skills in cheerleading. Which of the following definitions below best describes the term “cheerleading”?
a. It is an art and a sport with a combination of dynamic movements that incites the audience.
b. It is an art and a sport with a combination of limited movements that incites the audience.
c. It is an art and a sport with a combination of diverse movements that incites the audience.
d. It is an art and a sport with a combination of extreme movements that incites the audience.
O O O O.59. Keith was instructed by his Physical Education teacher to perform a dance style that has a combination of strong
techniques of footwork with improvisations. What do you call a dance performance closely related to modern dance, ballet, and
other classical dance styles?
a. Contemporary dance c. Lively dance
b. Classical dance d. Folk dance
O O O O 60. Judea is a well-known dance enthusiast. She loves to perform dances that uses techniques such as motion to interpret
the music. What do you call a type of dance that shows a combination of ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance and most of the
dancers express their emotions with passion in every movement?
a. Emotional dance c. Dramatic dance
b. Lyrical Dance d. Traditional dance

Directions: Identify what is being asked in each questions. Write the letter of your answer. Choose your answer from the box.
C 1. What do you call to principle of training that states a body must expose to physical stress beyond its normal limit to adapt and
improve function?
F 2. What do you call to principle of training that states the overload must be applied in a systematic and logical manner?
E 3. What do you call to principle of training that refers to a physical activity that has to be performed to bring about specific
G 4. What do you call to principle of training that states any gain received through regular physical activity will stop if no longer
active in performing the fitness program?
H 5. What do you call to principle of training that gives the idea that all people are different from one another, and fitness program
must be designed according to his or her needs?
D 6. What do you call to principle of training that reminds us that our body take the time to adjust to the physical stress of being
active, and thus, allow adequate time for adaptation to occur?
J 7. What do you call to principle of exercise that refers to how often the exercise is performed?
L 8. What do you call to principle of exercise that refers to how much effort has been exerted during the exercise?
I 9. What do you call to principle of exercise that determines the kind of exercise a person should settle to achieve a fitness goal?
K 10. What do you call to principle of exercise that refers to how long an activity will last per session?
O 11. Which of the following stages of behavioral change refers to individuals who are unwilling, unaware, and discouraged to
Q 12. Which of the following stages of behavioral change refers to individuals who acknowledge that they have a problem and begin
to think seriously about overcoming it?
P 13. Which of the following stages of behavioral change where the individual is determined to take actions?
M 14. Which of the following stages of behavioral change where individuals in this stage are making a significant effort to change?
N 15. Which of the following stages of behavioral change where individuals in this stage are committed to continuing what they have
started and maintain the level of result?
B 16. What do you call the benefit of running and walking that develops strength, endurance, and flexibility of the muscles and
enhances the growth of bones?
S 17. What do you call the benefit of running and walking that improves the cognitive function of an individual such as
concentration, which results in better grades?
T 18. What do you call the benefit of running and walking that reduces stress, which builds emotional stability, promotes greater
confidence, and enhances a positive self-image?
R 19. What do you call the benefit of running and walking that promotes a cheerful relationship among family members and society?
A 20. What do you call the basic and simplest form of exercise?


A. Walking #20 K. Frequency #10

B. Physical Benefit #16 L. Intensity #8
C. Overload #1 M. Action Stage #14
D. Recovery #6 N. Maintenance Stage #15
E. Specificity #3 O. Pre-contemplation Stage #11
F. Progression #2 P. Preparation Stage #13
G. Reversibility #4 Q. Contemplation Stage #12
H. Individuality #5 R. Social Benefit #19
I. Type #9 S. Intellectual Benefit #17
J. Time #7 T. Psychological Benefit #18


DIRECTIONS: Arrange the following strength-training workouts below according to what is done first. Write the number on the line
provided before the number.

_____ Place your arms on your chest crossing each other or behind your neck or head for support. The latter can
cause strain on the spine due to excessive pulling. For a more challenging crunch, place a weight on your chest. 3
_____ Return to lying position slowly as you inhale slowly at the same time. Relax for a second while preparing for
another crunch. 5
_____ Lie down your back on the ground. To promote comfort, use a mat or a carpet. Others prefer a declined
bench that offers more resistance while others want a stability ball. 1
_____ Raise your shoulders using your abdominal muscles. As you rise, look up and hold your position for a second
when you are on the peak. Flex your abdominal muscles and do not forget to exhale slowly. 4
_____ Flex your knees. Keep your feet flat on the surface. For it to be more effective, you can perform crunches with
your feet hanging. 2

_____ Repeat another cycle for as many as you can. 5
_____ Determine the correct hand spacing on the bar. Lie down on the bench and place the bar closer to your chest.
Change the position of your grip as necessary and take note of it. 1
_____ Lower down the bar to tighten the chest muscles slightly above the sternum. Inhale slowly. 3
_____ As you start to perform another round of bench press, maintain your feet firmly on the floor with the knees
bent at an 80-degree angle. As you start to push up again, push your legs down hard to help you bear the weight so
that you can achieve more bench presses. Exhale forcefully pursed lips. 4
_____ Push the bar while keeping your feet flat on the floor. As you perform this, you are lifting the chest while the
shoulders are tightly squeezed as they are locked down. 2

_____ Cross your arms while maintaining your body straight. 2
_____ Slowly bend forward while keeping your back straight. Inhale slowly. 3
_____ Repeat until you reach the target number of repetitions. 5
_____ Lie on a hyperextension bench facedown with your ankles secured on the footpads. 1
_____ Lift your torso back to its starting position while exhaling. 4

_____ Stand with your legs wide apart and your arms at the sides. 1
_____ Repeat until you reach the target number of repetitions. 5
_____ Lower your back and bend your knees. 2
_____ Hold your position for a while, then slowly lift back up to its initial position. 4
_____ Raise your arms straight and forward. 3

Therefore, I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear
Micah 7:7

Prepared by: Checked by:

Dir. John Paul Alerta Dir. Christine T. Suarez

Teacher Principal

Dir. Colyn A. Digma


Dir. Melanie P. Dearoz


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