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5, 2010 1515


Methodology for Determining Degree of Hydrolysis of Proteins in

Hydrolysates: A Review
Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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Degree of hydrolysis (DH) is defined as the hypocholesterolemic, antithrombotic, immunomodulatory,
proportion of cleaved peptide bonds in a protein and antimicrobial effects (1). Hydrolysates are mostly
hydrolysate. Several methods exist for determining produced from enzymatic and/or acid hydrolyses and consist
DH; the most commonly used of these include the of complex mixtures of free amino acids and peptides of
pH-stat, trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS), different chain length. The degree to which a protein source
o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA), trichloroacetic acid has been hydrolyzed is a reflection of the number of peptide
soluble nitrogen (SN-TCA), and formol titration bonds broken and, therefore, the average size of the peptides
methods. The pH-stat method is based on the present. The number of peptide bonds broken as a proportion
number of protons released during hydrolysis; the of the total number of peptide bonds present is defined as the
TNBS, OPA, and formol titration methods are based degree of hydrolysis (DH). Several techniques are currently
on the measurement of amino groups generated used to determine the DH of food hydrolysates. This review
from hydrolysis. The SN-TCA method measures the aims to describe and discuss the suitability of those
amount of TCA-soluble nitrogen, rather than DH. techniques and finally draw conclusions in relation to the
The pH-stat is the simplest and most commonly need for a standardized analytical approach.
used method, but does not determine peptide
bonds directly. In addition, the accuracy of the Determining Degree of Hydrolysis
method depends on the type of hydrolytic enzymes
used, the size of the hydrolyzed peptides, and the The DH is defined as the proportion of the total number of
reaction temperature. Generally, the TNBS and OPA peptide bonds that are cleaved during hydrolysis (2) and is
methods compare well and do directly determine calculated as follows:
DH. However, the assumption that the response
factor for all derivatized N-terminal amino acids is DH, % = h/htot ´ 100
similar may lead to inaccuracies. In conclusion,
there is no consensus as to the best method for where h is the number of hydrolyzed peptide bonds and htot is
determining the DH of protein hydrolysates; the total number of peptide bonds present (3). There is no
consequently, there is a need for a standardized standard method for determining DH. Instead, a number of
approach if interstudy comparisons are to be made. methods have been developed and are commonly used to
determine the DH of protein hydrolysates. These include the
pH-stat, osmometric, soluble nitrogen after trichloroacetic
echnological developments in food processing and acid precipitation (SN-TCA), 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic

T advancements in separation technology have resulted in

the widespread use of hydrolysates of dietary proteins
and their fractions in various food and feed products due to
acid (TNBS), o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA), amino acid
nitrogen, and formol titration methods. Although some of
these methods have been reviewed (4–6), this review aims to
extend that discussion to cover all the commonly used
their desirable nutritional and functional properties. Protein
hydrolysates have been frequently used as the main source of methods for the determination of the DH of protein
protein in supplements, sole source foods (infant formulas and hydrolysates.
meal replacers), sports nutrition products, and medical foods, pH-Stat
such as products for parenteral administration.
Hydrolysates have been used to improve the digestion The pH-stat method was first developed by Jacobsen et
and absorption of poorly digestible protein sources, but al. (7) and is arguably the most commonly used method. In
more recently have also been cited as a potent source of recent times it has been used to determine the DH in protein
bioactive peptides, exhibiting antihypertensive, antioxidative, hydrolysates from shrimp (8), soy protein (9, 10), whey (11),
wheat gluten (12), trevally (13), grass carp (14), rapeseed (15),
yellowfin tuna waste (16, 17), bovine serum albumin (18),
Received June 10, 2010. Accepted by SG June 14, 2010. hemp (19), atlantic salmon muscle (20), porcine plasma (21),
Corresponding author’s e-mail: S.M.Rutherfurd@massey.ac.nz and egg yolk (22). Márquez and Vázquez (23) also used the

pH-stat method to examine the kinetics of hydrolysis of a depends on the pH of the reaction mixture and the protein
hemoglobin-Alcalase hydrolysis model. being hydrolyzed. This is further complicated because the pK
During peptide bond hydrolysis a carboxyl and an amino of any given a-amino acid will be influenced by the nature of
group are liberated. At neutral or alkaline pH, carboxyl groups the adjacent amino acids which will differ across hydrolyzed
are completely deionized and proton exchange occurs peptides.
between the carboxyl group and the amino group (23). In Another potential inaccuracy for determining DH using the
contrast, at alkali pH, the amino groups will also be either pH-stat, or any of the other methods, is the estimation of the
partially or totally deionized depending on the pH of the total number of peptide bonds. Several methods have been
reaction medium and the amino acid in question, as the pK of used to estimate this, including the use of nitrogen multiplied
the N-terminal amino group of free amino acids ranges from 9 by 6.25 (28) for hemoglobin (23) and salmon muscle (20),
to 10.8. The resulting free protons cause a decrease in the pH or 5.7 for wheat gluten (12). Others (8, 9, 15, 19) have used
of the reaction mixture, and the addition of base is required to prederived general values based on the work of

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maintain the pH. The amount of base required has a direct Adler-Nissen (2). Karamaƒ et al. (29) used the TNBS method
relationship to the number of peptide bonds hydrolyzed, and to determine the free amino groups after 6 M HCl hydrolysis
can be used to estimate the DH. The latter relationship has of pea proteins, and Silva et al. (30) used amino acid analysis
been described by Adler-Nissen (2) in the equation given and the summation of the individual amino acids to estimate
below: the total number of peptide bonds. The latter approach, which
is based on amino acid analysis, is more accurate, but is slower
DH = B ´ NB/(Mp ´ a ´ htot) ´ 100 and more laborious; it needs to be conducted before
hydrolysis if methods like pH-stat are to be used for the
where B is the base consumption, NB is the normality of the real-time monitoring of DH during hydrolysis.
base, Mp is the amount of the protein (which is often The main drawback of extrapolating the number of peptide
determined as the nitrogen content multiplied by 6.25), htot is bonds from the total protein content (N ´ 6.25) is that the
the number of peptide bonds in the protein, and a is the average amino acid MW must be used to calculate the number
average degree of dissociation of the a-amino groups which of amino acid residues, and the latter value will depend on the
was in turn described as: amino acid composition which differs between proteins. This
is reflected in the peptide bond content of protein reported by
a = 10(pH–pK)/(1 + 10(pH–pK))
Adler-Nissen (2), who suggested a range of 7.8–8.6 meqv/g of
where pK is the average pK of the a-amino groups liberated protein.
during hydrolysis. Another drawback of the pH-stat method is that it tends to
The main advantage of the method is that it is very underestimate the DH for digests that contain exopeptidases.
straightforward. As part of the digestion process, the pH of the Exopeptidases digest protein and peptides from the end of the
reaction mixture must be adjusted to maintain it at the polypeptide chain, resulting in a greater amount of amino
optimum for the protease enzymes, and the amount of base acids and di- and tri-peptides. The latter peptides have higher
used to maintain the pH can simply be recorded, particularly if pK values than larger peptides, which in turn leads to an
an automated pH-stat is used. The pH-stat method eliminates overestimation of a and a concomitant underestimation of
the need for additional steps to determine the DH, such as the DH (2). The pH-stat method may also be unsuitable for
derivatization steps required for the TNBS, OPA, or hydrolysis systems with multiple enzyme steps that require
ninhydrin-based methods, or the precipitation and pH changes between steps, or if it is undesirable to have an
centrifugation steps required for the SN-TCA method. This alkali endproduct (3).
allows for the real-time monitoring of the DH, which can be a Osmometric Method
valuable tool if a predefined DH for a digestion process is
required. Osmometry is based on the relationship between the
Unfortunately, the relationship between the DH and base number of hydrolyzed peptide bonds and the osmolality of the
consumption is not simple and depends on a number of reaction mixture, and is calculated using the following
variables, including pK of the liberated a-amino group, equation (26):
reaction mixture temperature, and peptide chain
length (24, 25). The a value is estimated based on the average DH = [DC/(S% ´ fosm) ´ (1/w) ´ (1/htot) ´ 100
pK value for the liberated a-amino groups, yet the actual
N-terminal residues in the hydrolysate peptides are not known where DC = osmolality (mOsm/kg), S% = the substrate
and depend on the amino acid sequence and the specificity of concentration, fosm = the conversion factor calculated based on
the protease enzymes used. Dzwolak and Ziajka (26) the dry matter content (%) in the substrate (DM): fosm =
suggested that the effect of temperature on pK results from 1000/(100 – DM), htot = total number of peptide bonds (mM/g
changes in the enthalpy of ionization of the amino groups. protein), and w = the osmotic coefficient for peptides (26).
Camacho et al. (27) conducted a thorough investigation of the Dzwolak and Ziajka (26) described a strategy whereby the
correlation between base consumption and the DH. They pH-stat method was used to determine the DH for alkali
reported that the correct pK value of any a-amino acid group solutions and the osmometric method was used for acidic

N-acetyl-L-cysteine leads to derivatives that are more stable

than those generated by the use of either mercaptoethanol or
One advantage of the OPA method is that the
derivatization is rapid and permits the real-time monitoring of
protein hydrolysis. However, given the poor reactivity with
proline and cysteine, OPA may not be suitable for
determining the DH of proteins containing high levels of
Figure 1. Reaction of o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) with these amino acids. Furthermore, the OPA method may not
amino acids. derivatize insoluble peptides or proteins, and this may lead to
an underestimation of the DH of such material. In contrast,
OPA may overestimate DH since it can react with the amino

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solutions. These workers also compared the TNBS method side chain of lysine. Another disadvantage of the OPA
with the pH-stat/osmometric method when applied to casein method is that only one amino acid, often leucine (24, 34) or
and whey protein concentrate (WPC) after digestion with serine (3), is used to determine the response factor for
either trypsin/chymotrypsin (pH 7.65 and 8.0) using the OPA-peptide or OPA-amino acid derivatives. Although this
pH-stat method or pepsin using the osmometric method. They assumes that the response factor for OPA-leucine or
reported a linear relationship between the TNBS method and OPA-serine is representative of all the other OPA-amino
both the pH-stat and osmometric methods for determining the acid/peptide derivatives present, the validity of this
amount of free amino groups present in the hydrolysate. assumption can be challenged.
However, while the slope of the line for the osmometric SN-TCA Method
method (osmometric coefficient) approximated unity (0.95),
this was not the case for the pH-stat method where the slope This method has recently been used to estimate the DH of
ranged from 1.6 to 2.5, depending on the substrate protein and pumpkin protein isolate (40), fish offal (41, 42), beans (43),
reaction mixture pH. Similarly, Chirife et al. (31) reported that casein (44), and WPC (45). The method does not determine
the osmometric coefficient of a-amino acids was slightly the DH directly, as it does not determine the number of
lower than unity. The relatively wide range in slopes for the peptide bonds broken. Instead, it measures the TCA-soluble
pH-stat method may reflect (1) the degree of dissociation of the nitrogen, which is assumed to consist only of amino acids and
amino groups (above pH 5 all the carboxyl groups will be small peptides. This method is also known as the
dissociated), which is, in turn, related to the reaction mixture TCA-solubility index or nonprotein nitrogen method, yet
pH, and (2) the inaccuracy of the a value which, as mentioned some workers (40, 41) describe the TCA-solubility index as
above, may reflect the fact that the estimated average pK of the DH, and this may be somewhat misleading. The SN-TCA
liberated amino groups may not accurately reflect the actual method uses between 3.6 and 13.6% TCA to precipitate the
average pK. unhydrolyzed protein that may be present. The precipitated
proteins are centrifuged, and the nitrogen content of the
supernatant and original material are then determined. The
OPA has been used for the determination of amino acids for TCA-solubility index, or NPN, is then calculated using the
many years (32) and is a well-known derivatizing agent for following equation:
amino groups (Figure 1). The reaction, which requires the
presence of a thiol group, can be conducted in a matter of TCA-solubility index, % =
minutes at room temperature. The resulting OPA-amino acid TCA-soluble N/total N in the sample ´ 100
derivative is strongly fluorescent (l excitation, 350 nm,
l emission, 450 nm), while the unreacted OPA does not Various methods have been used to determine the total
fluoresce. OPA does not react with proline and reacts poorly nitrogen content of protein sources, including the
with cysteine. This method has been used to determine the DH Kjeldahl (42, 43, 45) and Lowry methods (40, 46). The
in protein hydrolysates of sheep milk whey (33), casein (34), accuracy of the latter methods directly affects the accuracy of
fish protein (35), and cheese (36). The OPA method has also the DH determinations.
been used to calibrate the base consumption during hydrolysis The main advantage of the SN-TCA method is that it is
to allow the direct determination of DH using the pH-stat simple to perform. However, there are several disadvantages,
method (37). including the assumption that TCA-soluble nitrogen is
A range of different thiol reagents have been used for the derived only from small peptides and amino acids, which
OPA-amino acid reaction, including N-acetyl-L-cysteine may not be correct since not all intact proteins are
(24, 33), ethandiol (38), dithiothreitol (3), and precipitated by TCA. Moughan et al. (47) showed that as
N,N-dimethyl-2-mercaptoethyl ammonium chloride (34). much as 70% of proteins greater than 10 kDa were not
Frister et al. (38) proposed that ethanediol derivatives were precipitated from ileal digesta using TCA. Based on their
more stable than the traditional mercaptoethanol derivatives. work and the work of others it would appear that the
In turn, Hernández et al. (39) suggested that presence of glycoproteins is problematic and may cause an

Figure 3. Titration reaction between amino acids and

Figure 2. Reaction of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic formaldehyde in the presence of potassium hydroxide.
acid (TNBS) with amino acids.

contrast, the disadvantages of the TNBS methods are that a

overestimation of the DH when the SN-TCA method is used. derivatization step must be carried out in addition to the

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Some workers (45, 48) have termed TCA-soluble nitrogen enzymatic hydrolysis reaction, and, as with the OPA method,
as the TCA solubility index rather than DH, and this may be a TNBS does not react with proline. Furthermore, it is
more appropriate term since in essence this method does not assumed that the response factor for single amino acids, such
measure peptide bond breakage. as leucine (58) or glycine (10), which are used as a standard
to quantify all trinitrophenyl (TNP)-amino acids, is
TNBS Method representative of all the other TNP-peptide or TNP-amino
acid derivatives present. An additional disadvantage is that the
In recent years, this method has been used by a number of
e-amino groups of lysine will also react with TNBS, leading to
workers (10, 49–56) and is based on the reaction of TNBS
an overestimation of the DH.
with N-terminal amino groups. It was first used to determine
peptide content by Satake et al. (57). The reaction, which Formol Titration Method
takes only a few minutes at room temperature, converts the
free N-terminal amino acids to trinitrophenyl-amino acid The formol titration method based on the Sörensen
derivatives, which are then determined using absorbance at method (5) is described in detail by Taylor (61). This method
340 nm (Figure 2). The total number of N-terminal amino has recently been used to determine the DH of fish proteins or
groups is then estimated based on either the N content of the byproducts (62–65), oilseed proteins (66), whey protein (67),
original protein source (50, 53) or the amino acid composition and hemoglobin (48). The mechanics of the reaction are as
after hydrolysis in 6 M HCl at 110°C for 24 h (49, 52, 56), follows: At neutral or alkali pH, formaldehyde reacts with the
with synthetic leucine used as a representative amino acid to amino group of an amino acid liberating a proton and
determine the amount of trinitrophenyl-amino acid lowering the pKa of the amino acid-formaldehyde product. If
derivatives present. The reaction is conducted in slightly the pH of the reaction mixture is lower than the pKa of the
alkaline conditions and stopped by lowering the pH (58). amino acid, the protons can be titrated with a base giving a
Adler-Nissen (58) pointed out several problems with the direct measurement of the amount of free amino groups
TNBS method that contributed to poor repeatability, present (Figure 3).
including the fact that TNBS reacts slowly with hydroxyl ions The two approaches for carrying out the formol titration
in solution which can cause baseline drift (59), the presence of method have been termed the direct and indirect methods (61),
insoluble proteinaceous material, which can be problematic but both involve the titration of amino acids with
for spectrophotometric analysis, and the relationship between formaldehyde in the presence of an alkali. Essentially, for the
the color density and the concentration of amino groups, direct method, formaldehyde is added directly to the test
which is incorrectly assumed to be linear (58). solution which is then titrated with an alkali to the appropriate
Adler-Nissen (58) proposed the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate end point depending on the indicator being used. For the
to solubilize proteins and peptides, and the use of borate rather indirect method, the test solution is adjusted to a preselected
than bicarbonate buffer to remove the possibility of carbon pH, and formaldehyde (adjusted to the final pH) is added. The
dioxide outgasing. These measures, along with using a 1 h solution is then titrated to the final pH. Taylor (61) compared
reaction time, resulted in greater accuracy and repeatability. both methods, and reported that the direct method was
Despite these measures, Adler-Nissen (58) noted that some superior because the indirect method was not reproducible
samples were still difficult to solubilize, particularly those and had the propensity to underestimate amino acid N. Many
with interprotein disulfide bonds. Unfortunately, reducing workers reporting the use of the formol titration method are
agents that contain sulfhydryl groups, such as not clear as to which method (direct or indirect) they use.
mercaptoethanol, which can assist solubilization by breaking Other Methods
disulfide bonds, cannot be used with TNBS as they
themselves react with the TNBS reagent (60). The reaction between ninhydrin and amino groups has also
The main advantages of the TNBS method are that it been used to determine DH and the a-amino N content of
directly determines the free N-terminal amino groups in a hydrolysates (68–71), although this method is not commonly
hydrolysate and does not rely on a complex relationship to used. Other less common methods include using the area
determine these groups, as does the pH-stat method. In under the peak of hydrolyzed and unhydrolyzed proteins run

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods for determining DH

Method Advantages Disadvantages

pH-stat Real-time monitoring Accuracy depends on the type of enzyme used

Nondenaturing method Exogenous proteases lead to an underestimate of DH
Rapid method Relationship between base consumption and DH is complex and may not be accurate for all proteins
No derivatization Can only be used for alkali reaction mixtures
TNBS Generally accurate No real-time monitoring
Derivatization is rapid Only works for soluble material
Toxic compound
Interference from lysine side chains

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Requires derivatization step
Inaccurate for proline-rich proteins
TNP-leucine response factor is assumed to represent all amino acids
OPA Derivatization is rapid Inaccurate for cysteine/proline-rich proteins
Real-time monitoring Only works for soluble material
Interference from lysine side chains
Requires derivatization step
SN-TCA Rapid method Determines TCA-soluble nitrogen rather than DH
Formol titration Rapid method Variable results
Real-time monitoring Indirect and direct methods do not give different results

on a reversed-phase HPLC (72, 73) to calculate the degree of TNBS method gave the highest. Spellman et al. (24)
hydrolysis. However, this method does not determine the DH concluded that the low pH-stat value was due to the high
as defined by Adler-Nissen (2), but rather the disappearance of exopeptidase content of the Debitrase preparation, resulting
the intact proteins. Infrared spectroscopy has also been used to in a high amount of amino acids and small peptides present.
determine the DH of a hemoglobin hydrolysate (74). The difference between the DH values obtained using either
As can be seen from the discussion above, no single method the OPA or TNBS methods was about 15%. To ascertain
is currently being used to determine the DH of protein which of the DH methods (OPA or TNBS) was inaccurate,
hydrolysates. Furthermore, each method has its own Spellman et al. (24) redigested the WPC with Alcalase, which
advantages and disadvantages (Table 1). If the commonly used does not contain exopeptidases and for which the DH should
DH methods generate the same DH values for a wide range of be accurate when determined by the pH-stat method. In this
hydrolysates, there is no need to standardize DH methodology. latter study, the TNBS and pH-stat methods agreed well, and
In contrast, if data generated from the commonly used DH the OPA underestimated the DH by 13%. Spellman et al. (24)
methods do not correlate well among methods, there is a need showed that the extinction coefficient for OPA-cysteine was
for a thorough evaluation of the current methods and only 20% of the mean extinction coefficients of the other
standardization of the protocol before a robust comparison of OPA-amino acid derivatives. In contrast, the extinction
the extent of hydrolysis for a hydrolysate prepared in different coefficient for TNP-cysteine was similar to that observed for
ways can be made. most of the other amino acids. They concluded that the
underestimation in DH observed with OPA was due to the
Comparison of DH Methodologies
poor reactivity with cysteine in the cysteine-rich WPC.
Although most workers tend to use only one of the available However, WPC contains about 3% cysteine on a molar
methods for determining DH, a number of reports compare basis (75); therefore, all the cysteine residues would have to
different methods. Some studies have been conducted with the be present as either free amino acids or N-terminal amino
specific intent to compare DH methods while for others the acids to account for the 13% difference between the OPA and
latter comparison was a secondary aim. TNBS methods—a situation that would appear unlikely.
Spellman et al. (24) compared the pH-stat, OPA, and Panasiuk et al. (70) used the TNBS, OPA, and ninhydrin
TNBS methods and determined the DH of a WPC digested methods to determine the a-amino N in a pea protein
with either Debitrase (HYW20) or Alcalase. They found that hydrolysate. They reported a good correlation between the
after Debitrase digestion, the DH differed across methods by as TNBS and OPA methods, but reported that the ninhydrin
much as 60%, depending on which method was being method gave much lower (approximately half) values when
compared. The pH-stat method gave the lowest value and the compared to the other two methods. In contrast, in a

Nielsen et al. (3) conducted a study comparing the TNBS

and OPA methods using soy protein isolate and sodium
caseinate hydrolyzed with Alcalase. They reported a
relationship between the DH determined by the TNBS and
OPA methods as follows:

y = 1.01x + 0.09 (R2 = 0.999) for soy protein isolate

y = 1.08x + 2.88 (R2 = 1.000) for sodium caseinate

The relationship demonstrated a striking correlation

between the two methods. These workers suggested that,
compared to the TNBS method, OPA had the advantage of

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being more rapid and using more stable and less toxic
reagents. In addition, a good correlation was also reported for
the SN-TCA method when compared to the OPA method (36)
Figure 4. DH determined using the pH-stat (9), and the TNBS method (77).
SN-TCA (), and formol titration () methods applied to Margot et al. (45) compared the pH-stat method with the
hemoglobin digested with 1% Esperase followed by
either 0, 0.5, 1, or 2% Flavourzyme [data taken from In et SN-TCA method using WPC and porcine pancreatic trypsin.
al. (48)]. They found that, unlike the comparison of the TNBS and OPA
methods (3), the pH-stat and SN-TCA methods did not
produce the same results, nor was there a linear relationship
between the two methods. Equations describing the nonlinear
comparison of the TNBS and ninhydrin methods applied to
relationship between the DH determined by the two methods
defatted cheese samples, Clegg et al. (68) found that the
were presented. Margot et al. (45) suggested that a linear
ninhydrin method gave higher a-amino N values than the
relationship would not be expected since the relationship
TNBS method, but recommended the TNBS method because
between peptide size and solubility in TCA is also likely to be
it was a simpler procedure.
Cheison et al. (50) used both the pH-stat and TNBS In et al. (48) described the hydrolysis of hemoglobin using
methods to monitor the hydrolysis of whey proteins in a a serial digestion with an endopeptidase (Esperase) followed
tangential-flow filter membrane reactor. They found that by exopeptidase (Flavourzyme) at three different
when the DH of the reaction mixture was low (approximately concentrations. They then used the pH-stat, formol titration,
20%), the DH determined by the pH-stat method was only and SN-TCA methods to determine the DH (Figure 4).
slightly lower than that determined by the TNBS method. This Overall, there was very little correlation among the three
finding was consistent with the studies of Spellman et al. (24) methods. The values obtained using the pH-stat method
when Alcalase was used, but not when Debitrase was used. doubled as Flavourzyme concentration increased, as did the
However, the DH determined in the final hydrolysate was DH determined by the formol titration method. However, the
much higher when determined by the pH-stat method latter values were half those reported for the pH-stat method
(60–75%) than by the TNBS method (27–45%). Cheison et across all Flavourzyme concentrations. The SN-TCA method
al. (50) concluded that the TNBS values were likely to be generated similar DH values for all treatments, and these
more accurate than those of the pH-stat method when applied values were two and four times higher than those obtained
to the final product. They based this conclusion on data using the pH-stat and formol titration methods, respectively,
obtained from the MW profile and from the free amino acid for the hydrolysate digested with Esperase only. In contrast,
composition of the final hydrolysate, but no explanation for when 2% Flavourzyme was used in addition to the Esperase,
this discrepancy was given. It has been suggested that whey the SN-TCA and pH-stat method compared well, but both
protein peptides have a buffering capacity that may affect the methods generated DH values twice that of the formol
accuracy of the pH-stat method (76), and this may account for titration method.
the differences between the pH-stat and TNBS methods
observed by Cheison et al. (50). The Need for Standardization of DH Methodologies
Achouri et al. (10) used the TNBS method to determine the DH is defined as the number of free amino groups present
free amino groups and the pH-stat method to determine the in a hydrolysate as a percentage of the total number of peptide
DH for a soy protein isolate hydrolysate. Based on the data bonds in a protein substrate. This review has focused on the
these workers presented, and assuming that values represent most commonly used methods for determining DH. A
moles of free amino acids/100 g protein (this is not clear in the number of studies have compared various methods for
article), the DH based on the pH-stat method ranged from 4 to determining DH in protein hydrolysates; however, most
10%, while the corresponding values determined using the studies compare only two or three different methods.
TNBS method ranged from approximately 27 to 32%. The Moreover, the methods being compared differ among studies
reason for this difference was not addressed. and often use unrelated food proteins for the comparison.

This makes a comprehensive assessment of the most suitable (2) Adler-Nissen, J. (1986) Enzymic Hydrolysis of Food
methods for determining DH difficult, and only by Proteins, Elsevier, London, UK
extrapolating across different studies can an evaluation of any (3) Nielsen, P.M., Petersen, D., & Dambmann, C. (2001) Food
sort be made. Chem. Toxicol. 66, 642–646
Some methods, such as SN-TCA, do not determine DH (4) Nnanna, I.A., & Wu, C. (2007) in Handbook of Food
Products Manufacturing, Y.H. Hui (Ed.), John Wiley &
per se, but rather solubility in TCA. Consequently, describing
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, pp 537–556
SN-TCA values as DH values can be misleading. The pH-stat
(5) Silvestre, M. (1997) Food Chem. 60, 263–271
method, which is most commonly used due to its rapid nature
(6) Wróblewska, B., & Karamaƒ, M. (2003) Acta Alimentaria
and simplicity, also does not directly determine the number of 32, 193–204
peptide bonds broken. Instead, the base consumption as a (7) Jacobsen, C.F., Léonis, J., Linderström-Lang, K., & Ottesen,
result of peptide bond breakage is measured, and this is used to M. (1957) Methods Biochem. Anal. 4, 171–210
extrapolate the number of peptide bonds broken. Osmometric

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