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Q1 Are you Familiar with any content writing organisation?

Interpretation: More than 60% of the prople are familiar with content writing organisations.

Q 2 Have you ever got report written by any organisation?

Interpretation: Many people have their report written by content writing organisations.

Q3 Would you like to write your own content or get it done by professionals?
Interpretation: more people like to write their content on their own rather than writing it
from professionals.

Q 4 What do you think are essential components of good web content?

Interpretation: originality is seen as the most essential component of content writing

following by its usefullness.

Q 5 How will you go for creating content strategy for yourself?

Interpretation: By identifying the audience is the most opted strategy for creating the

Q6 How do you ensure Creditibilily of the content.

Interpretation: report from the organisations is most ensured for the creditibility of the

Q7 Are you familiar with content management system?

Interpretation: Only 24% of the resondents were familiar with content writing management
system. More than 30% were not aware of such system.

Q8 Is Social media marketing better for B2B or B2C businesses?

Interpretation: Social media marketing is better for both B2B and B2C business according
to majority of respondents.

Q9 What platform do you think is best for social media marketing ?

Interpretation:Majority of the respondents think that all of the platforms are necessary for
social media marketing.

Q10 Do you think social mediacan affect the business of the company?

Interpretation: Majority of the response was that social media can affect business of the
company but only 8% of the respondents disagreed with it.

Q11 Do you think content should be written professionally ?

Interpretation: Majority of the response was that they would like their work to be
professionaly written.

Q12 Will you recommend the website to someone?

Interpretation: Majority of the response was that they will recommend the website for
content writing to their friends whereas 16% disagreed to it.

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