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TED talk: How to design the circular economy

Lecturer :
Puspita Dewi Widayat, ST, MT.

Created By :
Name : Mohamad Afif Syaifulloh
NIM : 41618120024
Courses : English For Engineering II


1. What is Circular Economy?
The circular economy reduces resource consumption and waste.
Circular Economy means reducing, reusing, and recycling in production,
circulation, and consumption. Circular Economy is becoming more
essential strategically and economically as a resource-saving and
environmentally sustainable society. A circular economy is a type of
economy that is based on the flow of materials in a circle. It uses ecological
laws to guide the social and economic activities of people. Material
resources, energy sources, and wastes are all used in a way that achieves
"low mining, high utilization, and low emission."
The goal of the Circular Economy is to provide comprehensive and
systematic solutions to the sustainable management of waste, taking into
account the economy, society, and environment, in order to achieve a
model of green, low-carbon, and circular development through cleaner
production, industrial structure optimization, policy tools and regulations
adjustment, social governance by green consumption, efficient
management, and preservation of renewable and natural resources.

2. How to implement the circular economy in the daily activities?

Menurut pendapat saya penerapan sirkular ekonomi pada kehidupan
sehari hari dapat diterapkan sebagai berikut :
➢ Reduce consumption first. During this season, over consumption is
common. The more our use, the greater the depletion of natural
resources. On the other side, the more our consumption, the
greater our trash production. Thus, consumption will not only save
natural resources, but also contribute to the development of
environmental quality by reducing the amount of garbage we
generate. One example is limiting the consumption and usage of
plastic bags.
➢ Use prudence in your consumption habits. When it comes to
determining what we will consume or use, we need to exercise
greater discretion and become more sagacious in how we go about
our consuming activities. For instance, instead of driving one's own
car to work, which contributes to traffic congestion, increases
pollution, and uses up space that could otherwise be used for
parking, we could use a carpooling system (sharing trips in one
direction of the destination), which is becoming increasingly
popular thanks to the proliferation of online applications that
facilitate its use, or we could take public transportation.
By implementing a circular economy, not only do we want to
reduce the amount of resources that are used, but also the amount of trash
that is generated and the amount of carbon emissions that are released.
This entails engaging in recycling procedures as well as making use of
things and reusing them (not disposable).

3. What is the main idea to implement the circular economy?

Implementing the circular economy right now is very important
because it is a system that can slow down the fast rate of goods and
services consumption. To slow down, you need to give yourself time to
think and pay attention to everything you do. To slow down production
and use less resources, every step of the process needs to be changed.The
implementation of a circular economy should be based on the three basic
principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle.

“Reduce” In order to prevent waste, businesses are required to

limit their material and energy consumption throughout manufacture,
shipping, and usage of goods. It involves restricted extraction of natural
resources, application of "less material and higher output" resource-
efficient consumption, and reduced waste emission.
“Reuse” requires the continued use of old objects, such as the
recovery of an empty fresh milk bottle that is then cleaned by the fresh
milk distribution company in order to be reused, the extension of service
life through maintenance, replacement of parts, and repair, or the reuse of
all or some of a product's parts through refurbishment and
remanufacturing, among other things.

Finally, the “recycle” concept refers to the process of waste

recovery that is carried out especially on the product or portion that is
unable to be reused as a secondary resource for the reproduction of
material, with the goal of accomplishing the reuse of material resources.
For instance, after the waste battery has been collected, it will be used in
the manufacturing of secondary lead.

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