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1 Complex prepositions Prepositions can be either simple (one word) or complex (two or more words): I'm really, really sorry about this. The bus will only take you as far as the main square. (>See Appendices 17.1 and 17.2.) Some complex prepositions have a meaning similar to a simple preposition: I wasn’t able to reschedule the meeting, in spite of my efforts. (= despite) All the people in front of me had heen queuing for a long time. (= before) 2 Verb + preposition: common patterns enim Don't forget to bring your camera with you. Linsist on paying your hotel bill. After some verbs a preposition is needed to link the verb to what follows. Ifthe preposition is followed by a second verb, the verb must be an -ing form. © verb + object + prepositional phrase: (>See Appendix 18.1.) I tried to reschedule the meeting for next week, but it’s just impossible. © verb + preposition + object + preposition + object: (>See Appendix 18.2.) She complained to the company about the unreliability of their bus service. © verb + preposition + -ing: (>See Appendix 18.3.) Don't worry about getting lost. © verb + object + preposition + -ing: (>See Appendix 18.4.) Td advise you against catching the bus. © verb + preposition + subject + -ing: (> See Appendix 18.5.) You can depend on the train running on time. 3 Phrasal verbs: word order enim Ive booked you into a hotel not far from the station, ‘book into is a transitive, two-word phrasal verb. The object here is you and the particle is into. While you're strolling around, look out for Café Mathis. ook out for is a transitive, three-word phrasal verb. The object here is Café Mathis and the particles are out and for. Something's come up at work come up is an intransitive phrasal verb. There is no object. Some phrasal verbs can be used transitively or intransitively with the same meaning: Feel free to call me back if there's anything that’s not clear about tomorrow. Call back later. (See Appendix 19.1.) Others have different meanings when they are used transitively and intransitively: I've looked up the online timetable and it appears that the last train from Montpellier to Perpignan is at 21.51. (transitive verb = I've found the information) The weather has been bad over the last week, but it seems to be looking up now. (intransitive verb = improving) (> See Appendix 19.2.) With most phrasal verbs, the object can go before or after the particle: Til sort out the bill when I pick you up on Thursday morning. or Tl sort the bill out when I pick you up on Thursday morning. (> See Appendix 19.3.) A With these verbs we tend to put the object after the particle if the object is long: You might want to take down some of the information I'm going to give to you. rather than You might want to take some of the information I'm going to give to you down. and we always put the object before the particle if the object is a pronoun: I won't be able to pick you up at the airport after all. (not Hive A If the object consists of two or more items connected with and, it can occur before or after the particle even if one or both of the items is a pronoun: When I'm next in London I'll look you and your wife up. or .» Il look up you and your wife. (look up = go and see them) With some phrasal verbs, the object must go after the particle(s): When you've checked into the hotel, I suggest you get a meal there. (not When-you've-checked-the- hovelineo ) (See Appendix 19.4.) With a few phrasal verbs the object must go between the verb and the particle: Although she was the youngest in the class, she used to order the other children about. (not ... she-used-to-order-about-the other children.) (See Appendix 19.5.) A few three-word phrasal verbs have two objects, one after the verb and the other after the particles: ll take you up on your offer to buy me a meal. (verb = take up on; objects = you and your offer) (See Appendix 19.6.) Many other verbs that can be followed by a thar, wh-, ‘if, or to-infinitive clause are not used with introductory it as object: argue, discover, emphasise, notice, predict, recall, remember. 4 Common expressions with irs no and there's no: its mo secret that, i's no surprise that, i's no use / good ‘ting, it no coincidence / accident that, it's no longer necessary to, its no bad thing to, i's no doubt true that, its no doubt the case that, i's no exaggeration to say that, there's no doubt that, there's no chance / denying that, there's no choice / alternative but to, there’s no chance / hope of *ing, there's no need to, there's no point in ing, there's no question of +ing, there's no reason to, there's no hharm in ing (Ime tae ed > See Unit 24. Zi 1 Two-word prepositions: + ending for: as for, but for, except for, save for + ending from: apart from, as from, away from * ending oft ahead of, as of, because of, devoid of, instead of, irrespective of, out of, outside of, regardless of upwards of 3 * ending to: according to, as to, lose to, contrary to, due to, near to, next 0, owing to, prior to, relative to, subsequent to, thanks to, up to + ending with: along with, together with * others: such as, as against, as regards, depending on, all over, rather than, in between 2. Three- and four-word prepositions: + ending as: as far as, as well as * ending for: in exchange for, in rerurn for * ending from: as distinct from, with effect from + ending of by means of, by virtue of, by way of for lack of for want of, in aid of, in ease of, in charge of, in danger of, in favour of, in front of. liew of, in light of in need of, in place of, in respect of, at risk of, in search Of, in spite of, in terms of, in view of, on account of, on behalf of, on grounds of, on top of as a result of, for the sake of, inthe case of, in the event of, on the part of, with the exception of, on the strength of ending t0: as opposed to, by reference to, in addition to, in contrast to, in reference to, with regard to, with reference to, with respect to ‘ending with: at variance with, in accordance with, in comparison with, in compliance with, in conformity with, in contact with, in line with, in touch with n regard to, in relation to, ‘Appeni patt > See Unit 24. ‘Some verbs can be used in more than one pattern. 1 Verb + object + prepositional phrase (I grabbed the boy ee a by the hand): protect / insure .. against, dismiss / condemn ... as, (ve)schedle / exchange .. for, isolate / protect... from, implicate / interest. in, translate. into, rob / deprive of, force / feed... on, explain. t, associate / confuse / discuss... with ‘With a few verbs we change preposition if we change the word order: Our tutor issued us with a reading list. or Our tutor issued a reading list to us. Other verbs like this: present (10, supply .. with /to (or for), trust for fon Verb + preposition + object + preposition + object (They collaborated with Russian scientists on the research, (dis)agree / argue / quarrel with .. about / over, count / depend / rely on .. for, complain / boast ro abous, refer to... as, apologise/appeal/apply to. for, react / respond to... with, compete / contend with... for Verb + preposition + ing (When he failed his driving test he reacted by kicking the car): inquire / worry about, end / start by, apologise / vote for, benefit / refrain from, persist / succeed in, rush into, disapprove / dream of, concentrate / insist on, admit / confess to, go ahead / help with Verb + object + preposition + -ing (She accused me of copying her work): advise .. against, blame / prosecute / thank / praise. for, discourage / prevent... from, talk / trick .. into, suspect of, congratulate .. on ‘Verb + preposition + subject + -ing (My place at university depends on me getting high grades in my ‘exams, or . depends on my getting high grades): worry think / now about, protest / laugh at / about, arise / come / follow from, result / end in, speak / (dis)approve of, depend / count / insist / rely on, lead t0, end / start / “finish with with / 10, enerust .. with with / to, blame > See Unit 24. 1 Phrasal verbs that can be used transitively or intransitively with the same meaning: answer back, call back, clear away, cover up, help out, take over, tidy away, wash up 2. Phrasal verbs that can be used transitively or intransitively with a different meaning: break in, cut out, hold out, look out, look up, pick up, split up, turn in, wind up 3. Phrasal verbs whose object can go before or after the particle: bring ahout, check over, clean up, drink up, ‘gather up, get down, leave out, make up, mess up, shoot down, sort out, throw away, éry out, use up, wake up 4 Phrasal verbs whose object must go after the particle(s): ‘account for, act on, approve of, bump into, call on, check into, flick through, look after, look around, provide for, result from, run into, stick at, rake after, take against; do aay with, get away with, grow oof took out ove, make 3 up for, send away for 5 Phrasal verbs whose object must go before the particle (le. between the verb and the particle): hear out, order about, pull‘, push to, shut up, stand up, tell apart 6 Three-word phrasal verbs with two objects, one after the verb and the other after the particles: help on/off with, set off against, ralk out of, take out of / on, take up on ores Ee > See Unit 25, 1 Examples of nouns in the following groups: er er] + nouns usually followed by the same prepositions 4 as their related verb or adjective (after to be): to accuse ~ accusation of, to (dis)agree ~ (dis)agreement with / about / on, to amaze ~ amazement at, to annoy = annoyance about / at / with, 10 be anxious ~ anaiety about, to apologise ~ apology for, to associate ~ association with, to be aware ~ awareness of, t0 believe ~ belief in, to be bored ~ boredom with, to complain = complaint about, to contribute ~ contribution to, 5 depart ~ departure from, to be grateful ~ grasitude for, 10 insist ~ insistence on, to insure ~ insurance against, 10 object ~ objection to, tobe satisfied ~ satisfaction with, to succeed ~ success in, to worry ~ worry about + nouns usually followed by different prepositions from their related adjective (after to be): 1 be fond of 295 ~ fondness for, to be proud of ~ pride in, 10 be ashamed of ~ shame about / at nouns which take a preposition where their related verb does not: to admire ~ admiration for, to answer = answer to, to attack ~ attack on, to ban ~ ban on, to damage ~ damage to, to decrease ~ decrease of / in / by, to delay ~ delay in, to demand ~ demand for, to discuss ~ discussion about, to fear ~ a fear of, 0 ignore ~ ignorance of, to improve ~ improvement in / on, to influence ~ influence on, to interview ~ interview with, to lack ~ lack of, to prove ~ proof of, fo question = question about / of, to reduce ~ reduction in, to solve ~ solution to, r0 support ~ support for ‘Examples of nouns in the patterns shown: ‘+ noun + preposition + noun or noun + preposition + -ing: approval for, change from, focus on, interest in, ‘opposition to, protest about, sign of ‘+ noun + preposition + noun: damage to, decrease in, demand for, factor behind, increase in Examples of nouns in the patterns shown: + noun + of + ing or noun + to-infinitive with a similar ‘meaning (usually after the): aim, idea, opportunity, option, plan * noun + of + «ing or noun + fornfinitive with a different meaning: chance, sense, way + noun + of + ing: cost, difficulty, effet, fear, likelihood, possibility, probabil + noun + tornfinitive: ability, attempt, concern, decision, desire, determination, failure, inability, permission, proposal, reason, refusal, reluctance, (un) willingnes wish Many of these nouns can be used with other prepositions + -ing (attempt at ~ing, reason for ~ing) Adjective + preposition: expressing feelings and opinions: amazed at / by, ashamed of, bored with, confident of, content with, crazy about, critical of, enthusiastic about, envious of, fed up with, impressed by / with, indifferent to, interested in, intolerant of, jealous of, keen on, nervous about / of, proud of, satisfied with, soared of, shocked at / by, surprised at / by, tired of, upset about, wary of, worried about Adjective + preposition: different meanings: afraid of / for; angry / annoyed / furious about / with; answerable {for [ to; anxious about / for; bad / good at / for; concerned ‘about / with / for; disappointed with / at / about / in; frightened of / for; good about / to / with; glad for / of ppleased about / at / with; right about / for; sorry about / for; unfair of / on; wrong about / of problem, prospect, risk, sign

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