Dsilytc Group 3 Final Paper 2

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De La Salle University

Ramon V. del Rosario

College of Business

Advertising Effectiveness of Coco Martin as a Brand Ambassador for Ever Glory Metal

A Final Project Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements for
Introduction to Analytics (DSILYTC)
Section C44

Submitted by:
Adriano, Luis
Bartolome, Celine Novia P.
De Guzman, Sigrid Maryll C.
Miranda, Kyla
Sibulo, Maria Sofia B.

Submitted to:
Jose Rommel Era

Submitted on:
May 30, 2021
I. Introduction
Today, most of the brands are being endorsed by a famous and known personality.
Numerous firms make use of celebrity endorsers and brand ambassadors alike as this has
been established to be one of the most popular tools of advertising a product or a service.
This to distinguish their product that only their brand offers. A brand is a name, term,
symbol, or a combination of these intended to discern their goods or services from
competitors. The brand can also create value and influence customer perception to avail
of the goods and services, thus becoming a source of income for the company. To help
their brand get consumer’s attention, they make use of brand ambassadors who are
known to influence consumers to use the product because the people image a well-known
public figure. With that, this study aims to know the effectiveness and influence of Coco
Martin as a brand ambassador for Ever Glory Metal Philippines in terms of his
credibility, attractiveness, product match-up, and meaning transfer to the consumer
attitude and purchase intentions of Filipino roof users towards the brand.

II. Background of the Case Study

A. Objectives
General Objectives:
● To determine if the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin has an
influence on the consumer attitude of consumers towards the
products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines
● To determine if the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin has an
influence on the purchase intention of consumers towards the
products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines

Specific Objectives:
● To determine if the credibility of Coco Martin has an influence on
the consumer attitude of consumers
● To determine if the attractiveness of Coco Martin has an influence
on the consumer attitude of consumers
● To determine if the product match-up of Coco Martin has an
influence on the consumer attitude of consumers
● To determine if the meaning transfer of Coco Martin has an
influence on the consumer attitude of consumers
● To determine if the credibility of Coco Martin has an influence on
the purchase intention of consumers
● To determine if the attractiveness of Coco Martin has an influence
on the purchase intention of consumers

● To determine if the product match-up of Coco Martin has an
influence on the purchase intention of consumers
● To determine if the meaning transfer of Coco Martin has an
influence on the purchase intention of consumers

B. Research Problem and Hypothesis

Research Problem:
The study aims to determine the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin
as a brand ambassador for Ever Glory Metal Philippines and with the main
question: Does the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin as a brand
ambassador influence the consumer attitude and purchase intention of consumers
towards the products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines?

● Null: The advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin as a brand ambassador
does not influence the consumer attitude and purchase intention of
consumers towards the products of Every Glory Metal Philippines.
● Alternative: The advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin as a brand
ambassador influences the consumer attitude and purchase intention of
consumers towards the products of Every Glory Metal Philippines.

III. Description of the Dataset

A. Type of Data
The type of data used in the study is cross-sectional data, data gathered and
measured from one point in time. Furthermore, the variables involved in the data
collection are qualitative or categorical variables that are ordinal. The survey where the
data arose from, actually makes use of various other types of data but for the sake of the
study itself, only the ordinal qualitative data gathered were used for the statistical
techniques and tools.

B. Statistical Techniques and Tools

In order to assess the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin for Ever Glory
Metal Philippines, the use of descriptive statistics, correlation, simple linear regression,
and multiple linear regression would be used. The descriptive statistics; particularly
focusing on the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, sample variance, and range
would help in giving the researchers an overview of the standing and characteristics of
the variables. This would give a head start for the researchers before diving deeper into
the topic. The correlation would enable the researchers to predict and assess the statistical
relationship between the variables. However, simple linear regression would help in
knowing the strength of the relationship between two variables. To strengthen this,

multiple linear regression would be used to find the relationship between two or more
independent variables and one dependent variable. In formulating the final analysis and
recommendation, the group will be basing it on the results from the simple linear
regression. With these statistical techniques, the researchers would be able to come up
with an analysis and conclusion.

IV. Results and Discussions

A. Descriptive Statistics
The table below shows that the descriptive statistics for Coco Martin’s Credibility
show that the mean is 2.96; median and mode are 3; standard deviation is 1.09; the
variance is 1.19, and the range is 4. The mean, median, and mode being approximately 3
means that the Brand Ambassador is not quite a credible endorser for the brand. This
might be because Coco Martin is not an engineer or an architect, but being 3 as the
average shows that people could still be influenced to buy the product since he is a
well-known celebrity. A standard deviation of 1.09 and variance of 1.19 indicates that it
is relatively high; meaning that the data points are spread out. The range, being 4,
supports the notion that there is high variability in the data set.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for Brand Ambassador’s Credibility

In table 2, the descriptive statistics for Coco Martin’s Attractiveness show that the
mean is 2.87; median and mode are 3; standard deviation is 1.10; the variance is 1.21, and
the range is 4. The mean, median, and mode being approximately 3 means that the Brand
Ambassador is not quite attractive for the brand. Considering the high sample size, it

indicates that people are familiar with Coco Martin—but not to the point that it would
instantly entice them to buy the product. Again, this could be derived from the fact that
Coco may be a well-known personality, but he does not have any relationship with the
roofing industry. A standard deviation of 1.10 and variance of 1.21 indicates that it is
relatively high; meaning that the data points are spread out. The range, being 4, supports
the notion that there is high variability in the data set.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness

In table 3, the descriptive statistics for Coco Martin’s Product Match-up show that
the mean is 3.02; median and mode are 3; standard deviation is 1.04; the variance is 1.10,
and the range is 4. The mean, median, and mode being approximately 3 means that the
Brand Ambassador is not quite fit for the brand. Being a celebrity does not fit that much
with rooves, hence the results. Customers might prefer an endorser more inclined with
the industry. A standard deviation of 1.05 and a variance of 1.10 indicate that it is
relatively high; meaning that the data points are spread out. The range, being 4, supports
the notion that there is high variability in the data set.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics for Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-up

Table 4 illustrates the descriptive statistics of Coco Martin’s Meaning Transfer

wherein the mean is 3.01; median and mode are 3; standard deviation is 1.08; the
variance is 1.16, and the range is 4. The mean, median, and mode being approximately 3
means that the Brand Ambassador was not able to effectively communicate to the target
market the brand messages of Ever Glory Metal Philippines. This could be derived from
the gap between his expertise and the product he is endorsing. A standard deviation of
1.08 and variance of 1.16 indicates that it is relatively high; meaning that the data points
are spread out. The range, being 4, supports the notion that there is high variability in the
data set.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics for Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer Glory brand

The table below shows the descriptive statistics of the Consumer Attitude of
Filipino roof users towards the Ever Glory brand wherein the mean is 4.04; the median is
4; the mode is 5; the standard deviation is 1.62; the variance is 2.62, and the range is 6.
The mean and median are not that close to 7 indicates that the consumers think that Coco
Martin was not that convincing and effective enough for them to support the brand.
Although, the mode shows a number closer to 7 which means that a lot of people think
that Coco Martin can push them to support Every Glory. A standard deviation of 1.62 and
variance of 2.62 indicates that it is relatively high; meaning that the data points are spread
out. The range, being 6, supports the notion that there is high variability in the data set.

Table 5. Descriptive statistics for Consumer Attitude of Filipino roof users towards the Ever

The table below shows the descriptive statistics of the Purchase Intentions of
Filipino roof users towards the Ever Glory brand wherein the mean is 3.97; the median
and mode are 4; the standard deviation is 1.70; the variance is 2.88, and the range is 6.
The mean, median, and mode are not that close to 7, indicating that the consumers
believe that Coco Martin does not influence them that much to buy the products of Every
Glory. A standard deviation of 1.70 and variance of 2.88 indicates that it is relatively
high; meaning that the data points are spread out. The range, being 6, supports the notion
that there is high variability in the data set.

Table 6. Descriptive statistics for Purchase Intentions of Filipino roof users towards the Ever
Glory brand

B. Correlation
The Correlation Matrix below shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.814 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s credibility and the Consumer Attitude of
consumers towards Ever Glory brand.

Table 7. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Credibility and Consumer Attitude of


The Correlation Matrix below shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.793 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s attractiveness and the Consumer Attitude of
consumers towards Ever Glory brand.

Table 8. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness and Consumer Attitude of


The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.803 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-up with Ever Glory and the
Consumer Attitude of the consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 9. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-up and Consumer
Attitude of Consumers.

The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.825 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer to Ever Glory’s products
and the Consumer Attitude of consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 10. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer and Consumer
Attitude of Consumers.

The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.832 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Credibility and the Purchase Intentions of the
consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 11. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Credibility and the Purchase Intentions of

The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.811 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness and Purchase Intentions of the
consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 12. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness and the Purchase Intentions
of consumers.

The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.813 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive

correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-up with Ever Glory’s products
and the Purchase Intentions of the consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 13. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-up and the Purchase
Intentions of the consumers toward the Ever Glory brand.

The Correlation Matrix above shows that the Pearson’s r value is 0.843 and the
Correlation Graph shows an increase to the right side which means a high positive
correlation between a Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer to Ever Glory’s products
and the Purchase Intentions of the consumers towards the Ever Glory brand.

Table 14. Correlation between Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer and the Purchase
Intention of the consumers toward the Ever Glory brand.

C. Simple Linear Regression

Table 15. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Credibility and Consumer
Attitude of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Credibility has a significant and positive influence on the Consumer
Attitude of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of

Table 16. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness and Consumer
Attitude of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Attractiveness has a significant and positive influence on the Consumer
Attitude as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of 0.5.

Table 17. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-Up and
Consumer Attitude of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above show that the Brand
Ambassador’s Product Match-Up has a significant and positive influence on the
Consumer Attitude of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than
the alpha of 0.5.

Table 18. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer and
Consumer Attitude of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer has a significant and positive influence on the
Consumer Attitude of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than
the alpha of 0.5.

Table 19. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Credibility and
Purchase Intention of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Credibility has a significant and positive influence on the Purchase
Intention of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of

Table 20. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Attractiveness and
Purchase Intention of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Attractiveness has a significant and positive influence on the Purchase
Intention of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of

Table 21. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Product Match-Up and
Purchase Intention of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above show that the Brand
Ambassador’s Product Match-Up has a significant and positive influence on the Purchase
Intention of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of

Table 22. Simple Linear Regression between Brand Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer and
Purchase Intention of Consumers toward the Ever Glory brand

The Simple Linear Regression results as shown above shows that the Brand
Ambassador’s Meaning Transfer has a significant and positive influence on the Purchase
Intention of Consumers as evidenced by a p-value of <.001 which is less than the alpha of

D. Multiple Linear Regression

Table 23. Multiple Linear Regression showing the relationship between the budget when
buying roofing and construction-related products and Brand ambassador’s credibility,
attractiveness, product match-up, and meaning transfer.

Table 23 shows the multiple linear regression p-values that demonstrate if the
brand ambassador is effective in the consumer’s attitude and purchase intentions. The
following independent variables namely X1, X2, X3… X36 corresponds to the same
arrangement as the survey questions from the Advertising Effectiveness Survey of Ever
Glory x Coco Martin. The p-value is one of the aspects to be used in determining whether
the hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted. Survey questions 1 and 2 with p-values of
0.797 and 0.805, respectively, shows that there is a high positive correlation, the third
question p-value of 0.249 shows a weak positive correlation, and questions 4, 5, and 6
with p-values of 0.553, 0.505, and 0.460, sequentially, shows a moderate correlation
while overall, in the seventh question the brand ambassador’s credibility has a weak
positive correlation to the consumer’s purchase intentions. The attractiveness of the brand
ambassador is also used to measure if it affects the said brand ambassador’s effectiveness
as one. Survey questions 8-13 pertaining to attractiveness exhibits mostly weak and
moderate positive correlations only. For the brand ambassador’s product match-up, most
of the p-values suggest that there is a weak positive correlation but the other shows that
there is moderate and even high positive correlation. The brand ambassador’s meaning
transfer can also be used as a tool to the effectiveness of Coco Martin, and so, most
p-values indicate a weak positive correlation but some suggest a moderate positive

V. Management Implications

A. Conclusion
Having the right brand ambassador is an integral part of running a business. This
will be one of the main aspects that will indicate if the business is connecting to the right
target market and if they are effective in doing so.

In this study, the researchers have used statistical techniques such as descriptive
statistics, correlation, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression in gathering
the data to determine the advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin as Ever Glory’s brand
ambassador. The mean, median, and mode shown in the descriptive statistics for Coco
Martin’s credibility, attractiveness, product match-up, and meaning transfer indicate that
the brand ambassador does not greatly influence the consumers’ attitude and purchase
intention towards the products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines. Meanwhile, Correlation
suggests that there is a connection between Coco Martin’s credibility, attractiveness,
product match-up, and meaning transfer with the consumer attitude and purchase
intention towards the products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines. This is based on the
Pearson’s r values shown on the Correlation graphs above that indicate a high positive
correlation in all variables. In simple linear regression, the tables above show that the
brand ambassador’s credibility, attractiveness, product match-up, and meaning transfer
will influence the consumer attitude of consumers and the purchase intention of

consumers towards the products of Ever Glory Metal Philippines. All of the p-values
presented in the data are <.001 which is less than the alpha of 0.5. This means that the
null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the
advertising effectiveness of Coco Martin as a brand ambassador influences the consumer
attitude and purchase intention of consumers towards the products of Every Glory Metal
Philippines. Lastly, indicated in Table 24, the multilinear regression results show that
there is a high, moderate, and weak correlation among the independent variables.

B. Recommendations
Overall, Coco Martin is still one of the leading celebrities in the Philippines and
has the ability to influence the consumers as long as he shows that he fully supports the
products he endorses. Another factor that can further strengthen his case is by using Ever
Glory products on a regular basis and being more knowledgeable about these products.
He can promote Ever Glory Philippines more effectively if he could increase his
credibility. Coco Martin could further increase his and the brand's credibility by giving
out testimonies about the product. Through this, it would promote transparency of the
product's quality by removing barriers between the consumers and the ambassador. This
will lead the consumers to value his feedback regarding the brand.


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