Practice Set For Long Test #2 - Student

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Multiple Choice
1. In creating a scatter plot diagram,
a. The horizontal axis represents the X or explanatory variable while the vertical
axis represents the Y or response variable.
b. The vertical axis represents the X or explanatory variable while the horizontal
axis represents the Y or response variable.
c. The horizontal axis represents the X or response variable while the vertical axis
represents the Y or explanatory variable.
d. The horizontal axis represents the X or outcome variable while the vertical axis
represents the Y or response variable.
e. None of the above.
2. The scatter plot diagram can tell us the following:
a. The association between 2 variables (X & Y).
b. The influence of the explanatory variable to the response variable.
c. The influence of the response variable to the explanatory variable.
d. A & B
e. B & C
f. None of the above
3. The Pearson’s r correlation coefficient tells us of the:
a. Direction and strength of the relationship between 2 quantitative variables
b. The significance of the difference between 2 quantitative variables
c. The influence of one variable to another variable
d. Direction and strength of the influence between 2 quantitative variables
e. None of the above
4. A Pearson’s r correlation coefficient of +1.00 implies that:
a. There is a perfectly positive linear relationship between the explanatory &
response variables
b. There is a perfectly positive linear relationship between the explanatory
c. There is a perfectly negative linear relationship between the explanatory &
response variables
d. There is a perfectly positive linear relationship between the response variables
e. There is a perfectly negative linear relationship between the explanatory
5. A Pearson’s r correlation coefficient of -0.68 means that:
a. There is a highly negative correlation between the X & Y variables
b. There is a moderate negative correlation between the X & Y variables
c. There is a low negative correlation between the X & Y variables
d. There is a highly positive correlation between the X & Y variables
e. There is a moderate positive correlation between the X & Y variables
f. There is a low positive correlation between the X & Y variables
6. A Pearson’s r correlation coefficient of +0.1010 means that:
a. There is a low positive correlation between the X & Y variables
b. There is a highly negative correlation between the X & Y variables
c. There is a moderate negative correlation between the X & Y variables
d. There is a low negative correlation between the X & Y variables
e. There is a highly positive correlation between the X & Y variables
f. There is a moderate positive correlation between the X & Y variables
7. Correlation analysis and scatter plot diagram both imply a cause-&-effect between the
independent & dependent variables.
a. This statement is false.
b. This statement is true.
c. None of the above.
8. If the Pearson’s r correlation coefficient is closer to -1, this means that:
a. There is an increasing negative degree of correlation between the explanatory &
response variables.
b. There is a decreasing negative degree of correlation between the explanatory &
response variables.
c. There is an increasing positive degree of correlation between the explanatory &
response variables.
d. There is a decreasing positive degree of correlation between the explanatory &
response variables.
e. None of the above.
9. “Very satisfied” customers give the Sony PS5 video game system a rating that is at least
42. Suppose that the manufacturer of the Sony PS5 wishes to use a sample of 65
satisfaction ratings to provide evidence supporting the claim that the mean composite
satisfaction rating for the Sony PS5 exceeds 42.
a. Letting µ represent the mean composite satisfaction rating for the Sony PS5,
what is the null hypothesis statement if we wish to attempt to provide evidence
supporting the claim that µ exceeds 42?
i. The mean composite satisfaction rating is equal to or less than 42.
ii. The mean composite satisfaction rating is equal to or greater than 42.
iii. The mean composite satisfaction rating is equal to 42.
iv. The mean composite satisfaction rating is less than 42.
v. None of the above.
b. What is the alternative hypothesis statement if we wish to attempt to provide
evidence supporting the claim that µ exceeds 42?
i. The mean composite satisfaction rating is greater than 42.
ii. The mean composite satisfaction rating is less than 42.
iii. The mean composite satisfaction rating is not equal to 42.
iv. The mean composite satisfaction rating is equal to or greater than 42.
v. None of the above.
c. In the context of this situation, we commit a Type I error when:
i. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating exceeds 42
when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating does not exceed 42.
ii. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating does not
exceed 42 when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating does
exceed 42.
iii. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating does not
exceed 42 when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating is greater
than 42.
iv. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating does not
exceed 42 when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating does not
exceed 42.
v. None of the above.
d. In the context of this situation, we commit a Type II error when:
i. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating does not
exceed 42 when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating does
exceed 42.
ii. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating exceeds 42
when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating does not exceed 42.
iii. When we claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating is greater
than 42 when, in fact, the mean composite satisfaction rating is not
greater than 42.
iv. None of the above.

Case Analysis for 1-Tailed & 2-Tailed Hypothesis Test

Case #1
According to an article published by Reader’s Digest in 2020, the average travel time of all
Americans who commute to work is equal to 27.4 minutes. Rykel Raz, a 2 nd-yr. BS-MGT Filipino
exchange-student at Stanford University, is doing a project on Statistics regarding the
commuting behavior of Americans. He wants to cite the data that Reader’s Digest has on the
average commuting time, but he feels that it might a bit outdated. He thinks that the average
commuting time is not equal to 27.4 minutes. He then decided to conduct his own survey
consisting of 45 working professionals who commute to work. Pls. refer to the file ‘Average
commuting time dataset’. Assume that the population standard deviation is 4 minutes.
a. If you are to perform a hypothesis test, what kind of hypothesis do you need to
i. 1-tailed hypothesis test
ii. 2-tailed hypothesis test
iii. Correlation
iv. None of the above
b. What is the null hypothesis?
i. The mean commuting time is equal to 27.4 minutes
ii. The mean commuting time is less than 27.4 minutes
iii. The mean commuting time is not equal to 27.4 minutes
iv. The mean commuting time is greater than 27.4 minutes
v. None of the above.
c. What is the alternative hypothesis?
i. The mean commuting time is equal to 27.4 minutes
ii. The mean commuting time is less than 27.4 minutes
iii. The mean commuting time is not equal to 27.4 minutes
iv. The mean commuting time is greater than 27.4 minutes
v. None of the above.
d. What is the p-value for this hypothesis test? Use an alpha of .05
i. 0.004773741
ii. 0.997613129
iii. 0.002386871
iv. 0.997613291
v. None of the above
e. Can the alternative hypothesis for this case be supported?
i. Yes as the p-value is less than the alpha
ii. No as the p-value is less than the alpha
iii. Yes as the p-value is greater than the alpha
iv. None of the above

Case #2
The hypothesized average tuition at a 4-year private college is equal to or less than $14, 858
with a population standard deviation of $2,450. A researcher has a theory that the average
tuition at a 4-year private college is actually greater than that, and she sets out to demonstrate
that her hypothesis or claim can be supported by randomly sampling 40 private colleges. Use a
level of significance of 0.01 to test the researcher’s theory. (Pls. refer to the file ‘Average tuition

a. If you are to perform a hypothesis test, what kind of hypothesis do you need to
i. 1-tailed hypothesis test
ii. 2-tailed hypothesis test
iii. Correlation
iv. None of the above
b. What is the null hypothesis?
i. The average tuition fee is equal to or less than $14, 858.
ii. The average tuition fee is equal to $14, 858.
iii. The average tuition fee is equal to or greater than $14, 858.
iv. The average tuition fee is not equal to $14, 858.
v. The average tuition fee is less than $14, 858.
vi. None of the above
c. What is the alternative hypothesis?
i. The average tuition fee is equal to or less than $14, 858.
ii. The average tuition fee is equal to $14, 858.
iii. The average tuition fee is equal to or greater than $14, 858.
iv. The average tuition fee is not equal to $14, 858.
v. The average tuition fee is greater than $14, 858.
vi. None of the above
d. Use a level of significance of 0.01 to test the researcher’s theory. What is the p-
value for this hypothesis test?
i. 0.989038036
ii. 0.021923927
iii. 0.010961964
iv. 0.021823928
v. None of the above
e. Can the alternative hypothesis for this case be supported?
i. Yes as the p-value is less than the alpha
ii. No as the p-value is less than the alpha
iii. Yes as the p-value is greater than the alpha
iv. No as the p-value is greater than the alpha
v. None of the above

Case #3

Supercavitation is a propulsion technology for undersea vehicles that can greatly increase their
speed. It occurs above approximately 100 meters per second (hypothesized population mean),
when pressure drops sufficiently to allow the water to dissociate into water vapor, forming a
gas bubble behind the vehicle. When the gas bubble completely encloses the vehicle,
supercavitation is said to occur. 50 tests (or measurements) were conducted on a scale model
of an undersea vehicle in a towing basin. Assume that the population standard deviation of 4
meters per second. (Refer to ‘Supercavitation dataset’.)
Test the hypothesis H0: μ > 100 versus Ha: μ < 100 using  = 0.05.
a. If you are to perform a hypothesis test, what kind of hypothesis do you need to
i. 1-tailed hypothesis test
ii. 2-tailed hypothesis test
iii. Correlation
iv. None of the above
b. What is the null hypothesis?
i. The average speed is equal to or greater than 100 meters per second.
ii. The average speed is equal to or less than 100 meters per second.
iii. The average speed is equal to 100 meters per second.
iv. The average speed is not equal to 100 meters per second.
v. The average speed is less than 100 meters per second.
vi. None of the above
c. What is the alternative hypothesis?
i. The average speed is equal to or greater than 100 meters per second.
ii. The average speed is equal to or less than 100 meters per second.
iii. The average speed is equal to 100 meters per second.
iv. The average speed is not equal to 100 meters per second.
v. The average speed is less than 100 meters per second.
vi. None of the above
d. Using a level of significance of 0.05, what is the p-value for this hypothesis test?
i. 0.002093077
ii. 0.997906923
iii. 0.004186154
iv. 0.003093044
v. None of the above.
e. Can the alternative hypothesis for this case be supported?
i. Yes as the p-value is less than the alpha
ii. No as the p-value is less than the alpha
iii. Yes as the p-value is greater than the alpha
iv. No as the p-value is greater than the alpha
v. None of the above

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