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The study presents the current problem faced by sunshine foundation which is based in
Canada. The company was established on June 21, 1987, by a mother and father whose son had
died from muscular dystrophy. The foundation helped children and youth in the age group
between 7–17 with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses discover new
possibilities, build a foundation for independence, and gain the confidence necessary to
achieve their goals. They have two programs Sunshine Dreams, which were customized,
varied dream experiences; and Sunshine DreamLift, which was specific organized dream trips
to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, or Disneyland in California. Sunshine was unique in that
its programs were fundraised for - and run - internally. They Work with highly specialized
medical, social, and community members. The foundation generated revenue and donations
from three different streams: events, partnerships (with corporations, organizations,
associations, unions, and so on), and individuals. since the covid pandemic which caused the
cancellation of all its events in 2020, the foundation had lost significant revenue from its event
stream. To make up for this loss, Sunshine had to increase efforts on individual giving which
was the least contributor to their revenue. Now Nancy Sutherland, the president and chief
executive officer (CEO) who has been associated with the foundation for 15 years come up
with a strategy to make up for this loss, she has to increase efforts on individual giving
targeting potential donors for the first outreach touch point. Also, they need to tackle Their
competitors such as make a wish Canada and easter seals. Hence, one of the primary goals of
the leadership team was to continuously improve on Sunshine’s donor acquisition strategy, by
effectively executing the donor cycle of giving. Targeting prospective clients like Elijah
brown is the way out for the foundation now. To do that she has to craft the email and clearly
outline what makes Sunshine different from the thousands of other competitors and highlight
why the prospect might be interested in becoming a Sunshine donor. Beyond the feel-good
sensation that donors receive upon giving back to the community, charitable giving can be a tax
strategy to increase their wealth.
Problem statement:
Post covid there was a decrease in the percent of charity done by Canadian people. also, the
people tend to fund grassroots causes and organizations focused on food, shelter, and clothing
which made revenue generation for charities such as Sunshine, which are not focused on
survival essentials, a challenge.

Q1. What are the similarities and differences between non-profit organizations and corporates?
How does the CEO’s role fit into these similarities and/or differences?
A corporation can take many forms. One of them could be a non-profit organization that gets
exempted from paying any tax as their aim is not to make profits but to indulge in activities for
the welfare of society such organizations include public charities and foundations. Corporate is a
type of organization whose one main objective is to make profits through its activity and they
pay taxes on the profit earned. Similarities could be in terms of the organizational structure and
subordinate and manager relationships. Both types of organizations have fixed targets to
achieve. CEOs are responsible for managing a company's overall operations. As the
motives are different in non-profit organizations and corporates the thinking, planning
and execution by CEO would be different in both.
Q2. What is Sunshine's major hurdle?
Due to covid, the events for fundraising got canceled in 2020 due to which the foundation had
lost significant revenue from its event stream. To make up for this loss, Sunshine has to
increase efforts on individual giving targeting potential donors for the first outreach touch
point. The competitors such as make a wish for Canada and easter seals also pose a significant
challenge for sunshine. Other organizational challenges included the staff churn rate and the
overcrowded competitive landscape. Both interfered with the donor acquisition.

Q3. Why might prospective donors such as Elijah Brown be interested in becoming Sunshine
Beyond the feel-good sensation that donors like Elijah brown would receive upon giving back to
the community, charitable giving can be used as a tax-saving strategy that would eventually
increase their wealth. These could be potential motivations for donations.

Q4. Using Elijah Brown's persona and resume profile, write a warm email and template for
successful future outreach efforts.

Subject:Invitation to the charity fund of Sunshine Foundation, Canada
Dear sir/madam,
Hope this mail finds you in good health.
“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.”
We, The Sunshine foundation have been working 24*7 to make the dreams come true for
children who have physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses, and to do so we have been
accumulating money from various sources to cover as many children as we can. Till now we
have created close to 9,000 dream experiences with approximately 120 per year from the past
30 years of Sunshine Foundation.
Sunshine Dreams, which offers personalized dream experiences, is our standout program.
Sunshine DreamLift, which arranges dream vacations to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, or
Disneyland in California, is another program. We have identified 63000 children across
Canada who medically qualify for our programs thanks to the expertise of our highly qualified
medical, social, and community personnel.
Three distinct sources, including events, partnerships (with businesses and organizations), and
individuals, were used by the foundation to produce income and gifts.
Thus, we kindly request you to support our cause by making a donation and joining us in our
endeavor. For our kids, your modest deed would be a source of fulfillment and joy.
Warm regards
CEO, Sunshine Foundation

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