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I , J 「:뺄

Gitlian Flaherty

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Fo「 & Against 1
Expressing Opinions and Exchanging Ideas

Gillian Flaherty

O 2008 C0mPass Publishing and Intemational Language Teaching Service

For sale only in Korea

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means, electronlc, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
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Acquisitions Edltor: Casey Malarcher

Cover Design: Dammora Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-59966-346-3

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For & Against 1: Expressing Opinions and Exchanging Ideas is designed
to help Korean students gain confidence in expressing opinions. Each of
the fifteen units presents both sides of an interesting and controversial
issue. The aim of the book is to encourage students to consider their
position and develop skills to discuss each issue. It is hoped that students

will continue to practice and apply these skills to their own discussions.

Stimulating reading and listening texts provide key content on both sides

cc o
of the issue. Students demonstrate their understanding of the texts and
identify the key points. The emphasis is on useful language. In addition,

s ..
important vocabulary and language structures are recycled throughout
each unit. Students practice expressions and language structures to use in

their own discussions. In this way, students will gradually gain confidence

as they acquire the language and content they need for a discussion.

Each unit ends with the presentation of relevant statistics. Students learn
how to understand, analyze, and talk about statistics. They are also
encouraged to reflect upon the statistics and make comparisons with their
own country.

Before you read


Each unit begins with three discussion questions designed to make

students think about the topic and start to consider what their opinions
might be. Students should think about their answers and then compare
them with another student's or students'.

This section introduces different opinions about the topic, as well as key
vocabulary. Students read the two short texts. Some words and
expressions are explained at the end of each text to maximize
Understanding the main ideas
Students answer True/False questions to check their basic understanding
of the reading texts.
The listening dialog provides a useful model discussion on the issue
presented in the unit. Students hear two people discussing the issue,
and as they listen, they fill in the missing words. The dialog introduces
colloquial words and expressions, as well as more concrete opinions.
The dialog also presents useful expressions and language structures that
will be focused on in the following section, Talking about it.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

In the second part of the Listening exercise, students listen to four
statements and decide which speaker mentions each opinion in the dialog.
This helps students understand the arguments.
Talking about it
This section focuses on an expression or language structure from the
listening dialog. Students write sentences and short dialogs using the
structure or expression. They can then practice saying the sentences out
loud. This is effective preparation for students' own discussions.
Building a paragraph
In this section, students complete paragraphs with phrases from a box.
One paragraph presents points for the issue, and the other paragraph
presents points against it. Students practice expressing opinions on each
side of the issue.

Understanding statistics
Students examine statistics related to the issue introduced in the unit.
They can examine the statistics by themselves in preparation for the next
Talking about statistics
Students work with a partner to look more closely at the statistics. They
answer a series of questions about the statistics. They describe the
statistics and are provided with sentences and phrases in a Hint Box. The
questions are designed to help students describe, analyze, and respond to
the statistics. Answers can be compared when students have completed
the task.

Unit I The Internet 7

Is it a good way to meet people?
Unit2 NEETs 14
Are they a serious problem?
Unit 3 Fashion
Do you
on fash 9

people spend too much time and money

Unit 4 Environment
Should we continue to use nuclear energy?

Unit 5 International Marriage

Is it a good thing?
rrss 35

Unit 6 Junk Food 42

Is it becoming a serious problem?

Unit 7 Paternity Leave
Should men take paternity leave?

Unit 8 Depopulation 56
Should we accept more foreign workers?

Unit 9 Examinations
Are they the best form of assessment?

Unit 10 Animal Testing


Should it be allowed?

Unit 11 Temporary Workers 77
Should we do more to reduce the number of
temporary workers?
Unit 12 Robot Care 84
Should robots take care of the elderly and the sick?
盼uit 13 College 91
Do you need to go to college to be successful?
Unit 14 Genetically Modified Food 98
Should we accept it?
Unit 15 Welfare 105
Should we do more to help the elderly and unemployed?
Transcripts & Answer Keys 112

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

I 11w(n 〈柳 et
工 sitag ㅇㅇ d way to meet jeoL1e?

aa 輾 ',


1. How often do you use the internet?

2. What do you mostly use the Internet for?
3. Would you ever meet up with someone you met on the Internet?
If not, why?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 1

Read the web page and the magazine column, and then answer the

1. OTrack 1-1


색뺌卜쐬 「楓닐‘시 。

Join Friends-link today ! Friends-link has millions of members. Why

touch with old friends, and
not join us? Make new friends, keep in meet the love of
share information about yourself. You might even
your life!

Joining Friends-link IS easy! jj흐flre to sign up for free


Perhaps you are shy or you live in a small town. Friends-link iS

who find it difficult to make new friends.
great for people

who want to find a

Friends-link IS also great for single people are interested in
nariner. Browse profiles to find people you meet new people.
contacting. Friends-link is a sate piace [ o


? You can use Friends-link to

Are you looking for a career change world. Find out who co 미 d help
network with people in the business
working in
you find that fantastic new job. Make contact with people
the industry you want to work in.

It's all free

.:’… ,: ,

Unit 1

2. 0Track 1-2
_ _,.'',-.,..,,,':

playing a dangerous

Risky business

game. Meeting people
Imagine this. A 13-year- on the Internet is very

ccoo old girl named Emma

posts her profile on a
dangerous. People
often lie about who they

popular social networking are. You may think that


website. She includes you know someone on

photos of herself dressed the Internet, but you
glamorous 나 and wearing don't. Anyone can easi 나

r lots of makeup. She says create a false identity.

is 19, and she PedophileS can pretend
her age
hobbies as dating and chat
lists her they are children
older men, modeling, and with kids and teens and
Brown's shopping. She is even arrange to meet
aa contacted by lots of men them. You have no control
and eventual 나 meets one over the way people use
opinion for a date. He invites her
any personal information

to his hotel room. He tries
you post on the Internet.

to lock the door, but I don't think the

luckily she realizes that Internet is a healthy way
she is in danger and to make friends. Why not

escapes. When she gets
home, she is shocked by 繫 orts
to aclub

L what happened.
I am shocked that she
socialize with real people?

didn't know she was

phile: adult with sexual desire for children


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1. Friends-link does not have many members. TI F
2. It does not cost any money to join Friends-link. TI F
3. You can meet new people and keep in contact with old
friends on Friends-link. ㅜ/F
4. Emma lied about her age on her profile. I/F
5. Emma was lucky to escape from a dangerous situation. I/F
6. Max Brown thinks meeting people on the Internet is a good idea. TIF

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 1

CD 1. Listen to Louise and Matt discussing meeting people on the Internet.
Track 1-4 Fill in the missing words as you listen.
Louise: I'm going on a date tonight with a guy I met on the Internet.
Matt: (1) ? That doesn't sound like a good
idea to me.
Louise: Why not? We've been chatting for a few weeks, and he's really
nice. I like him a lot.
Malt: (2) ? You don't really know him.
Louise: I think I do. I can tell that you disapprove of Internet dating,
Matt. But you know, it's difficult to meet people you have things
in common with. The Internet is a great way to meet people you
can relate to.
Malt: (3) ? How do you know this guy isn't
crazy or dangerous or both? I don't think you should go.
Louise: (4) ! My friend Ella is coming, too.
And we're meeting him in a restaurant, so we can easily leave if
we want to.
Malt: Oh! Well, I'm glad you're being sensible. Have a great time!

2. Listen to 巾e Four statements. Write Louise (L) or Malt 帆차 to show who
Track 1-5 expresses each opinion or statement.
0 山 na 4

Utilt 1

There are different ways of showing that you are surprised by what
someone says. Read the example dialog below.

Louise: I'm going on a date tonight with a guy I met on the Internet.
Ma 村: Really? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

Louise: Why not? We've been chatting for a few weeks, and he's really
nice. I like him a lot.

oo m
and practice the dialog together.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialog. Then work with a partner

rrss ■離

Are you kidding?
Why not?
Are you sure?


It. A: Millions of people use the Internet to make new friends these days.
? I think it's a strange way to

meet people.

2. A: I've joined an Internet dating website.
? You don't need to do that. You're

always going on dates.

3. A: Joanne met her new boyfriend on the Internet.

Internet dating.
? I thought she didn't agree with

4. A: I don't think it's a good idea to meet people on the Internet.

B: ? Everyone is doing it these days.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 1

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presen 惚 some reasons why the Internet is a good way to meet
people (For). The other paragran presents some reasons why the
Internet is not a good way to meet people (Against).

Meeting people on the Internet is a good idea. Social networking
websites are a good way to make new friends and (1)
. You may even meet (2)
. The Internet makes it easier for people (3)
_. You can also find people who may be able to
help you (4) . Overall, there are
many advantages to meeting people on the Internet.

find a new job


keep in touch with old friends

a new boyfriend or girlfriend
who find it difficult to make new friends

1 - 뻐

Meeting people on the Internet is not a good idea. It is very dangerous
because you never really know ('1)
People can (2) . Children can also
be targeted by pedophiles (3)
You also have no control over how personal information
… Overall, there are many
disadvantages to meeting people on the Internet.


you post on the Internet is used

the people you make contact with
pretending to be other children

lie about their identity

Unit 1

A recent survey of Internet daters in 18 countries asked why they use
online dating websites. The chart below shows some of the results of the

Question: Why do you use online dating websites?

To find friends and meet people 塔


For fun and to pass the time

To find relationships and companionship

%o% %
To find my spouse

Because - am lonely/bored
Because - am shy

rsrs 3

t e
t e
Source: Global Market Insite Inc., 2006

. ㅜ ㅜ ㅜa

WbI'k witll a partllCr.

1. Describe the figures in the chart. You can use the sentence patterns in
the box as a guide.

2. Do you find any of the figures in the chart surprising?
3. Can you exPlain any of the flgures in the chart?


1 . Twenty nine percent of -nternet daters gave... as

their answer.
2. Most people said they used online dating websites
to... / because...
3. Only 3 percent of Internet daters said they...
4. Finding friends and meeting people is...
5. - found it interesting that... because - thought...
- .鎰


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters


1. How do you feel about NEETs?

2. Do you think you could ever become a NEET?

3. Are NEETs a serious problem in Korea?

Unit 2

Read the Vox Pop and the magazine column, and then answer the

1. OTrack 1-6

앨뜨 驪煮쨋纛

oomm 楡騏

Chat ㅣ 〕 on us News

NEETs should be forced to find a job. They lead a

very selfish lifestyle. NEETs do not pay taxes or

make pension contributions. But they use the
same services as everyone else. It is not fair.

NEETs are also making the problems caused by
Korea's aainq society worse. We need more
workers in Korea to ensure our economic irnure,

not fewer. - have no respect for NEETs at all.

Jina, Daejeofl




Suji, Seoul

:F:Fes[ →ㅍ<::튜, 4
1 .


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 2

2. 0Track 1-7

There 】 s no NEET looking for work. Some

! NEET5 have a lot of money

珊 .,■궈■■.■
What are NEETs? The
official definition is "Not in
Education, Employment, or
Training " But I think there
and choose not to work. I
don't see the problem with
this. Many NEETs are only
NEET5 for a short period of
time. They normally return to
are many different kinds of work after spending some
NEETs. Some NEETs want time traveling or doing

to work but cannot find a something creative. This is a


job. Some are rich. Some good thing. People who have


traveled and taken some


are lazy. Some are


risks will often go on to have

.1--’ ■`■.■.·■닒

confused. Some are sick.

Brown's And some have mental successful careers. Some
health problems. So, how NEET5 have re-entered the
weekly can we call all of these workforce by starting their
opmion people NEET5? Well, we own companies and have

C미 umn can't. Real NEET5 are

people who choose not to
been extremely successf 이.
NEETs have the freedom to

think outside the box and

work or study for years and
have lots of experiences to
years. There are not many
real NEET5 in Korea. So, draw on.
there is not really a NEET We should stop
oroblem in Korea. complaining about NEET5
Some NEETs are victims and start giving help to the
of the limited job market. people who need it.
They want to work and are

think outside the box: to find new ways of doing things


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the followinq statements.
I. Jina and Suji are both NEETs. I/F

2. Suji thinks that NEETs are bad for society. I/F

3. Jina thinks that NEETs should work. I/F

4. Max Brown thinks that NEETs are a serious problem. I/F

5. Max Brown says that there are not many real NEETs. I/F

6. Max Brown thinks that being a NEET for a short time can be
a good thing. ㅜ/F

Unit 2

0 ’· Listen to Michelle and David talking about NEETs. Fill in the missing

Track 1-9 words as you listen.

David: Did you know that nearly 18% of high school graduates in

Korea become NEETs? That's terrible,
(1) ?
Michelle:I don't know. There must be a reason for it. Some people take a

while to decide what they want to do.
David: Well, my cousin was a NEET for three years. It was very hard

for him to find a job, when he finally decided to start looking.
No one wanted to employ him. He ended up starting his own


Michelle:That's a good thing, (2) ? It doesn't
sound like being a NEET was really a problem for him at all.

David: But it's a waste of time, (3) ? He

could have been working and earning money during those
three years. Instead, he was getting money from his parents
and doing what he liked.
Michelle:I think you're jealous, (4) ? I bet
you'd like to stop work for a while.
David: You're kidding, (5) ? I'll never
become a NEET. I like to work hard.

0 2. Listen to 粃 e four statements. Write Michelle 帆쫴 or David rD) to show

Track 1-10 who expresses each opinion or statement.
C 乙

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 2

You will sometimes want to use tag questions during conversations.
When you use a tag question, you can give your opinion while asking a
question at the same time. You usually expect the listener to agree with
your opinion. Read 粃 e example dialog below.

David: Well, my cousin was a NEET for three years. It was very hard
for him to find a job, when he finally decided to start looking.
No one wanted to employ him. He ended up starting his own
Michelle: That's a good thing, isn't it? It doesn't sound like being a
NEET was really a problem for him at all.

Match the tags to 粃 e correct sentences. Then write each sentence in the
correct place below. Practice each dialog with a partner.

■ '


Being a NEET is a waste of time, aren't they?

Ben should find a job, are they?
NEETs are bad for society, isn't it?
NEETs aren't a big problem, do they?

NEETs don't pay any taxes, shouldn't he?

-l. A:
B: Yes, he probably should.
2. A:
B: No, they aren't.
B: Yes, they are.
B: No, they don't.
5. A:
B: Yes, it is.

Unit 2

Complete 粃 e following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why NEETs are a serious problem
(For). The other para graph presents some reasons why NEETs are not a
serious problem (Against).


NEETs are definitely a serious problem. Being a NEET (1)
. NEETs do not pay taxes (2)
_. However', they use the same services as everyone
else. NEETs are a problem because we do not have enough workers in
Korea because of (3) . People

who spend time as a NEET will also find it (4)
_. These are some of the reasons why NEETs are a serious


h s
e a

aging population

selfish thing to do

difficult to find a job in the future
or make pension contributions

NEETS are definitely not a serious problem. In fact, there 15 no NEET

problem in Korea. Most of the pe0Ple we cal- NEETS (1)
. Many are not NEETs through choice and are
looking for work. Many NEE FS return to the workforce (2)

. They often spend their time away from

work (3) . This is not a bad
thing. Also, many NEETs have started successful businesses (4) _

after a short time

once they re-enter the workforce
are not actually NEETs
doing something creative or traveling


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 2

A survey in Korea asked people about NEETs. The charts below show
some of the results.

1 . Do you think the number of NEETs will increase?

will increase greatly 32.7%

■ will increase slightly 54.1%
will not change 9.6%
will decrease slightly 3.3%
■ will decrease greatly 0.3%

2. How do you feel about the increase of NEETs over the past few

a very serious problem 48.2%

■ a problem 44.4%
not much of a problem 4.0%
no problem at all 1.3%
■ don't know 2.1%


Work with a partner.
'1. Describe the survey results. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the survey results surprising?
3. Answer the questions yourself. Compare your answers with your


F - `
1 . Almost 87 percent of respondents think that the number
of NEETs...

2. I find it surprising that only 3.6 percent of respondents

think that. . .
3. Surprisingly, more than 90 percent of respondents think
that. . .

4. As you would expect, only 1 .3 percent of respondents feel
that NEETs are...

3 FashI 맬II


ㅇ 孔

spend too mu 샨노



이>∼ fashion 오




녹 ttttee


1. How important is fashion to you?

a. Very important
b. Not very important
c. Not at all important
2. How much is a reasonable amount to spend on clothes each month?
a. Less than 100,000 won
b. 100,000 to 500,000 won
c. More than 500,000 won

3. If you had 300,000 won to spend on clothes this weekend, what would
you spend it on?
a. Some clothes that are really fashionable right now
b. Something that you really need like a warm coat or a pair of
winter boots
c. Ordinary clothes like jeans and T-shirts

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 3

Read me magazine article and the interview, and 巾 en answer the questions.

1. OTrack 1-11

……O·.…00· ·· ·*O…O ·· ··O·O…

를 룔 룔 룔
· ··.··0.…O…'·*··

聊灘 趨

Young women in the U.S. women are being influenced

spend almost half of their
income on fashion and beauty, by
Hol驪 e 밑
inu partic a very
ative. Young women are
according to a recent survey.
surrounded by images of
84 percent of young women
surveyed said that they will
buy something they really beautifullyr
movie starsdressed,
and models.
think they should look like thE
want, even if they can't afford
too, even if they cannot afforc
it. And what they really want is
it." she says.
cleslgneu siiu ㅂ놉 , 히
ner shoes, 니 uL. ., Anna Stanton is also
handbaas and i ewefrv trips to worried about young women
the beauty salon, and hlaircuts following the current fashion to
this is
at top salons. Perhaps be impossibly thin. She says
why credit card debt among that many women starve
women is now at an
young themselves and even use
average of $5,365. in order to be as thin as
Many of the women drugs
their ido Is. "The number of
surveyed are in low-paying

bs and find it hard to reduce young women with eating

disorders is just as worrying
eir debt. Instead, they cheer as the high level of debt,
themselves Up with some
more shopping. she says.
Anna Stanton, an expert in
youth studies, says that young

Unit 3

2. 0Track 1-12
Alex Daniels has written a book on youth and fashion. In this interview
with Gregg Hall, he talks about why fashion is so important in Korea.

GH: Alex, why is fashion in Korea so important?

AD: Wel-, fashion has become an important way for
young people to find a sense of identity.
GH: What do you mean exactly?
AD: Korean society is changing a lot. More young
people have a lifestyle that's not "traditional." 毓 \ 「징

Following a particular fashion helps them feel


they belong to a group. This is important
because young people sometimes feel the older

generation can be critical of their lifestyle.
GH: But what are the benefits of following fashion?

AD: Following fashion has made many young people feel more
confident. They also feel it gives them a way to express their
personality and emotions. As a result, many are becoming

involved in the fashion industry, music, and the arts.
GH: Is there a lot of pressure to be fashionable in Korea?

AD: Yes, there is. Lots of young people told me that they feel

pressured to follow a particular fashion. But, interestingly,
they said that following fashion makes them feel stronger and

more important as an individual. So although they are
wearing the same kind of clothes as their friends, they sti ∥ feel

different and important. - think this is a good thing for any
young person.


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1. Many young women in the U.S. buy things they cannot afford. 1/F
2. Only well-paid young women have credit cards. 1/F

3. It is fashionable to be extremely thin. 1/F

4. Alex Daniels thinks following fashion is a good thing. 1/F

5. Most young people in Korea have a traditional lifestyle. I/F

6. Young people in Korea feel less confident than they used to. ㅜ/F

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Uiiit 3


Track 1-14
1. Listen to Cindy and Simon discussing fashion and young people. Fill in
粃 e missing words as you listen.

Simon: Have you been shopping again, Cindy? You must spend a
fortune on clothes.
Cindy: I suppose I do (Ti) . But I love fashion!
Simon: How can you afford it? You work part-time in a clothing store,
don't you?
Cindy: Yes, I do. I live with my parents, so that helps a lot.
Simon: If you didn't buy so many clothes, (2) _
leave home or maybe travel. Wouldn't you rather be more
Cindy: Not really. I enjoy shopping and being with my friends. I
(3) keep up with fashion if I
left home.
Simon: Why don't you find a better job? Then you
(4) instead of spending it all.
Cindy: I love my job! I don't care if it doesn't
(5) . It's fun and I meet lots of
interesting people.

2. Listen to 巾e four statements. Write Simon (5) or Cindy (C) to show
Track 1-15 who expresses each opinion or statement.

Uiiit 3

We can use could to talk about future possibilities. Read the example
dialog below.

Simon: If you didn't buy so many clothes, you could afford to leave
home or maybe travel. Wouldn't you rather be more

Cindy: Not really. I enjoy shopping and being with my friends.

If I stopped shopping for such a long time, I couldn't afford to
catch up with fashion when I returned home.

Complete each dialog with a suitable verb and object from the box. Then
work with a partner and practice the dialogs together.


buy some time
afford French
spend a motorcy 히 e

SSMM some clothes

I. A: Andrew wants to buy a motorcycle, but he can't afford one.

B: He could
less money on clothes.
if he spent

2. A: I'd like to learn French, but I don't have enough time.
B: Why don't you spend less time shopping? Then you could

3. A: I really need to buy some new clothes, but I never have any money.
B: You should find a better job. Then you could

4. A: Sophie wants to spend more time with her family and friends, but
she is too busy with work.
B: Maybe she should take some time off. Then she could
with her family
and friends.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 3

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why it is true that young people are
spending too much time and money on fashion (For). The other
paragraph presents some reasons why it is not true that young people are
spending too much time and money on fashion (Against).

There are a number of reasons why it is true to say that young people
spend too much time and money on fashion. Young women in the U.S.
spend (1) _. They are spending
more than they can afford, and many young women (2)
. Young women want to (3)
. This is why they spend so much money on fashion
and beauty, and many even starve themselves (4)
. These are some of the reasons why we can say that
young people spend too much time and money on fashion.


almost half of their income on fashion and beauty
look like movie stars and models
to be dangerously thin
cannot afford to pay their credit card bills

It cannot be said that young people spend too much time and money on
fashion. Fashion is an important way for (1)
. This gives them (2)
There is a lot of (3) . However,
following fashion makes (4)
This is a good thing for any young person. These are some of the
reasons why it is not true to say that young people spend too much time
and money on fashion.

pressure in Korea to be fashionable

young people feel stronger and more important
young Korean people to find a sense of identity
a feeling of confidence and freedom

L `

Unit s

Fashion Weekly magazine recen毗 surveyed young people in
Myeongdong about spending money on fashion. The charts below show
the results of the survey.
Question 1 : How much money do you spend a month on fashion?

12% less than 100,000 won


36% 100,000 to 500,000

52% more than 500,000 won


Question 2: What do you think about your spending habits?

on fashion

57% would like to have more money to spend

11 % feel they spend too much on fashion


32% are happy with how much they spend on


Question 3: Do you ever save money?

88% never save any money


8% save a little, but usually spend it quickly

4% save a little money each week or month


Work with a partner.

'1. Describe the figures in the charts. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the figures in the charts surprising?
3. How do you think these figures compare to figures in other parts of Korea?

1 . It's obvious that the largest percentage of respondents spend

more than. . .
2. It's clear that the smallest percentage of respondents spend,..
3. We can see that more people spend 100,000 to 500,000 won...
than …
4. It is surprising that...
5. I am surprised that..,
6. Maybe people in other parts of Korea...
7. I think the young people interviewed are... /are not...

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

따畓《 r'nment
we continue t ㅇ use
eriergy 오

즐 쩐봉, r찧

최驢르 ?결
』율 ’七.료. `르



1. What are the good points of nuclear energy?

2. Why do people not want to live near nuclear power plants?
3. How does Korea produce most of its energy?
a. Nuclear power
b. Coal
c.Solar and wind power

U rift 4

Read the Internet discussion and the magazine article, and then answer
the questions.
r 어7

⑩ Track 1-16

쥬 oton:ucle
1· _


디 惻聊囑 ㅁ }痲. □논獗隧【 □』脯


too many terrible accidents.


Kenny, uic.
A lot of research has been done on the effects on health of living near a
nuclear power plant. The results show increased levels of childhood
leukemia and other cancers. These cancers may be a genetic problem
children inherited from their fathers who work at a nuclear power plant.
They may also be caused by swimming at contaminated beaches or
eating fish caught near a nuclear power plant. Why should people have
to live with this risk? We should focus on clean, green energy sources
such as solar, wind, and hydro power. These clean energy sources do
not cause any health risks and are not damaging to the environment.
They are also totally renewable. In other words, they will not run out.

thyroid: thyroid gland

contaminate: make dirty or impure
…; 4;',,',. -「「·『

leuk 빈[ ia: blood cancer )


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 4

2. 0Track 1-17

Nuclear Future

we need to find ways to control it, not
Global energy demands will increase

to increase it.
by 53% between now and 2030. At the It is clear that the best solution to
moment, most countries rely on oil,
is flu clear energy.
coal, and gas for their energy. these problems is clean and efficient,
However, oil, coal, and ga 돈 supplies Nuclear energy
and there are no CO2 emissions. It
will struggle to keep up with global Hier sources of
demand. Therefore, the cost of en y is also cheaper than ot
will become ridiculously high. rgy such as fossil tuels.
Critics point to safety as an issue,
In addition, global carbon dioxide are
(C02) emissions will increase by 55% but nuclear power plants today 30
much safer than those built 20 or
by 2030. If we continue on is path, risk of a serious
climate change problems will be years ago. The
nuclear accident is (extremely low.
massive. The burning of fossil fuels to
produce energy creates large CU7 Technology is continually develop ing
a safe, clean
emissions. These CO, emissions cause to make nuclear energy
alternative. If we want to save our
global warming, and global warming planet, the future has to be nuclear.
leads to climate change. As climate
change is already a significant problem,


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1.Tara believes that nuclear energy is safe. ㅜ / F
2. Many people may have developed cancer because of the
Chernobyl accident. TI F
3. Some people think that living near a nuclear power plant
can cause health problems. T/F

4. The world will need a lot more energy in the future. I / F

5. Nuclear energy is one of the main causes of climate change. I / F

6. Nuclear power plants are even more dangerous than they

used to be. I/F

Li n it 4

1. Listen to Marie and Peter talking about nuclear energy. Fill in the

Track 1-19 missing words as you listen.

Marie: A lot of countries want to increase the amount of nuclear energy

they produce. I think it's a significant risk. If we have more
nuclear energy, (1) _ nuclear weapons.
Peter: I don't think so. Most countries are just trying to find alternatives

to fossil fuels. (2) to use fossil fuels,
global warming will increase. If global warming increases, there

will be more cases of extreme weather such as typhoons and
hurricanes. Nuclear energy is a good solution to the problem.

Marie: But when you produce (3) … there is

nuclear waste to get rid of. How can we get rid of it safely?

Peter: Countries like Sweden and Finland have developed safe ways of

burying nuclear waste very deep (4) _.
Nuclear energy is a huge industry. It has brought employment to

many towns and cities around the world.
Marie: Maybe, but millions of dollars have been spent cleaning up sites
where nuclear power plants have been. Not to mention where
there have been (5) . We should focus
on green energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric

2. Listen to the four statements. Write Marie 帆 1) or Peter rP) to show who
Track 1-20 expresses each opinion or statement.


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 4

Sometimes you will want to talk about the effect of something happening.
Read the example dialog below.

Marie: A lot of countries want to increase the amount of nuclear energy

they produce. I think it's a significant risk. If we have more
nuclear energy, more countries will develop nuclear weapons.
Peter: I don't think so. Most countries are just trying to find alternatives
to fossil fuels. If we continue to use fossil fuels, 이 obal warming
will increase.

Match the beginning of each sentence in the first box to the correct ending
in the second box. Then practice saying each sentence.

『 매

1 . If we continue to use fossil fuels,

2. If we build more nuclear power plants,
3. If we use less fossil fuels,
4. If there is a nuclear accident,


a. we will create more jobs.


b. thousands of people will be affected.

c. we will use them all up.
I d. we will help to stop global warming.

Unit 4

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases From each box. One
paragraph presen 惚 some reasons why we should continue to use nuclear
energy (For). The other paragraph presents some reasons why we should
not continue to use nuclear energy (Against).


not be enough oil, coal, and gas (1)

Nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future. There will

Nuclear energy (2) . Nuclear

energy also does not cause the environmental problems (3) _
_. There are no CO2 emissions from nuclear

energy, (4) __ . There are many
reasons why nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future.

to keep up with future demand

so global warming is not increased
will provide a cheaper alternative

that burning fossil fuels does


Nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the future. Nuclear
energy is not safe. When there is a nuclear accident, (1) _

. It is not safe for people (2)
. (3) different
kinds of cancer among people who live near nuclear power plants. It is
also difficult to (4) . There are
many reasons why nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the

to live near nuclear power plants

get rid of nuclear waste safely
the impact is considerable
There are increased levels of

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 4

The chart below shows how much electricity is produced by nuclear
power in several countries.


Source: International Atomic Energy Agency, August 2007


Work with a partner.

1. Describe the statistics. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the statistics surprising?
3. Do you think the amount of nuclear energy in Korea will change?
If so, how will it change?


1 . The country with the highest percentage of nuclear

energy is...
2. The country with the lowest...
3. Only 2 percent of China's electricity is produced by...
4. Korea produces more nuclear energy than...
5. The U.K. produces less nuclear energy than...
6. - think that in the future...
- -

5 international Marriage
is it ag ㅇㅇ a thing?

Answer the f이 lowing questions.
1. Which do you think is higher: the number of Korean men married
to foreign women, or the number of Korean women married to
foreign men?
2. What are some of the advantages of international marriage?
3. What are some of the disadvantages of international marriage?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

UMit S

Read the interview and the magazine column and then answer the

1. OTrack 1-21

Ken Johnson interviews Sumi Sutton, a Korean woman who is married
to Steve, an American.

Ken: Sumi, what did your family say when you told them you were
marrying Steve?

Sumi: Wel-, my parents didn't mind at al-. However, my

grandparents weren't happy about it. They are much
more traditional than my parents.
Ken: How do your grandparents feel now?
Sumi : We I-, they like Steve, but they sti ∥ think - should
have married a Korean man. It's a shame. It has made
my relationship with them a bit difficult.

Ken: Do you find it difficult being married to a l
foreigner? k
Sumi : Yes, sometimes. Sometimes we have problems

communicating. Steve's Korean isn't very good, so we
speak English most of the time. But sometimes I find it
difficult to say what - really mean in English.
Ken: What about cultural differences?
Sumi : Oh yes! There are lots of cultural differences. For example, ㅣ
always think that my children should study harder and harder, even
after school and deep into the night. But Steve thinks that's not

quite right because "Al- work and no play makes Jack a dul- boy.'
i-i owever, -n mnis woria 01 curtnroai competition, one cai
to spend time on playing. Steve says that is very Korean.

Unit 5

2. 0Track 1-22

쨌 「嚮d,騙큐

A new kind of ciost, iuvili eate,

'ul ' n.y.

very 닝

family hfe Sophie and James are

oo Not everyone agrees with learning about two very


international marriage, but different cultures. They


- think it has many

enjoy theU'best
lu iiαv; α ' l ㄴ’I
of bothch

advantages. ㅣ am English,
and varied family life. They

but I live in the U.S. My


wife, Lian, is Chinese. We also easily accept people


from different cultures.


have two children, Sophie

They understand that
and James. We all speak


people should be judged

English and Chinese at by their behavior, not their
home. Sophie and James
Brown's go to Saturday
scho 이 to cultural background. They
have friends from many

weekly study Chinese language
and culture. This summer cultural backgrounds, and
opinion we are all traveling to the
unlike many children, do
umn not expect everyo ne to be

C미 U.K. to spend six weeks
like them. Having a mixed

visiting friends and family.

cultural background has
Coming from such

TTSS different cultures, Lian

and I had very different
ideas about family life.
We had to talk a lot about
encouraged them to be
tolerant and respectful.
The world would be a
better place if more people

LL how to raise our children. had these qualities.

IIEE ㅌ MAIN -PEAS 0 Track 1-23
Circle T for true or F for False For each of the following statements.
1. All of Sumi's family were happy for her to marry a foreigner. T/F

2. Sumi finds being married to a foreigner difficult at times. T/F

3. Sumi and Steve do not have any cultural differences. ㅜ/F

4. Max Brown does not agree with international marriage. ㅜ/F
5. Sophie and James can speak English and Chinese. ㅜ/F
6. Max Brown and his wife do not talk about family issues enough. 1/F

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 5

Track 1-24
1. Listen to Ann and Jeff discussing international marriage. Fill in the
missing words as you listen.

Jeff: Would you ever marry someone from a different country, Ann?
Ann: No, I don't think so. It (1) pretty
Jeff What do you mean? How could it be difficult?
Ann: Well, urn... I mean there could be a lot of cultural differences
between us.
Jeff. What kind of cultural differences?
Ann: Let me see. Well, (2) communication
difficulties. And we could have different ideas about family life.
(3) different types of food and we
could even find different things funny.
Jeff I don't think cultural differences are so important. Do you?
Ann: Yes, I do. I'd like to marry someone who's like me.
Jeff. Well, I think it would be interesting to be married to someone from
a different country. You (4) _ a lot about
their culture.
Ann: I think I'd rather be married to someone (5)
It would be easier!

CD 2. Listen to the four statements. Write Jeff (J) or Ann (A) to show who
Track 1-25 expresses each opinion or statement.

Unit S

We can use could to talk about Future possibilities. Read the example
dialog below.

Jeff: Would you ever marry someone from a different country, Ann?
Ann: No, I don't think so. It could be pretty difficult.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialogs. Then work with a
partner and practice the dialogs together.

F ,楙꺼I

could have lots of

could be pretty

could learn so much about

could cause
Co 미 d learn

I. A: I think it would be great to marry someone from a different culture.

B: Do you think so?
2. A: Yes, it would be interesting. You

different culture.

B: But you could also have communication difficulties. That
all kinds of problems.

3. A: Yes, but you could learn each other's language. And if you have
children, they two languages.
B: But you cultural differences. People
from different cultures often have different ideas about things.

4. A: Yes, I know. But that could be a good thing. It makes life more
B: Hmm. I don't know. I think it difficult.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 5

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presen 惚 some reasons why international marriage is a good
thing (For). The other paragraph presents some reasons why international
marriage is not a good 巾 ing (Against).

International marriage is a good thing because each partner can
(1) . Children with parents from
different countries can (2)
When a husband and wife are from different cultures, they often talk a
lot about (3) . This can help to
(4) . Therefore, international
marriage has many advantages.


learn two languages

how to raise their children
create a very close, loving family
learn about a different culture

International marriage is not a good thing because cultural differences
can make (1) . For example,
couples from different cultures often have (2) _
. Many international couples also have (3)
because of their language difference. Sometimes,
they don't have (4) . In
conclusion, international marriage has many disadvantages.

communication difficulties
the relationship difficult

different ideas about family life

much in common

Unit S

In 2006, there were 39,690 marriages between Korean and foreigners.
These marriages took place both within Korea and outside Korea. The
charts below show the number of Korean men and women who marri ed
foreigners and the different nationalities they married.
1. Total of 39,690 marriages between Korean and foreigners in 2006:

9,482 between
30,208 between Korean
Korean women
men and foreign women

and foreign men

2. Breakdown of nationalities Korean men married in 2006:

Japanese wives

Chinese wives 48%

r s
Vietnamese wives 34%

3. Breakdown of nationalities Korean women married

Chinese husbands 27%

American husbands

15% .

놀anese husbands 40%

Note: In Chart 2 and Chart 3 the percentages do not add up to 100% because we are only presenting the top
three nationalities.

Source: Korean Statistics Information Service


Work with a partner.
1. Describe the figures in the charts. Use the sentences and phrases in the
2. Do you find any of the figures in the charts surprising? Why do you
think more Korean men than Korean women marry foreigners?
3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures in the charts?

『 1 . Chart 1 shows that most of the marriages were between...

2. Chart 2 shows that Korean men mostly married...

3. We can see from Chart 2 that 48 percent of the women who

married Korean men were. . .

4. Chart 3 shows us that most rean women married men from.

5. It is interesting to note that.

뺍 ■뺨苟 驪 '

41 .1
Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

-1. How often do you eat fast food?

2. How could you make your own diet more healthy?
3. Which countries do you think have the most overweight
and obese people?

U ri it 6

Read the Internet article and the magazine column, and then answer the
q ues 杜 ons.

1. OTrack 1-26




have noticed
levels 憮
at LoganSfield
to prepare
is definitely worth it."
Prim but
it is it

」솥=눠」:L스긺= '-;'-'.

Jamie 이 iver: an English celebrity chef. He is well known for his

role in campaigning against processed foods in British schools.


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 6

2. 0Track 1-27


` l
the teenagers that they
Don't blame

had to take responsibility

` 1■
junk food for what they ate. This

1 I
was a sensible decision in

-. 1 '. 1 .. 1. ,
There is a lot of

discussion these days my eyes.

Yes, itis true that the


about junk food. Junk

world is getting fatter and

food is blamed for every


…■ ■l■

unhealthier. But junk food

problem under the sun:


alone ㄶ not responsible.

. ∥

obesity, behavioral

pro blems in children, Lack of exercise,


increased time watching


heart disease, diabetes,


and various other health TV and using the


computer, more use of

Brown's problems. cars, and longer working
Recently a group 이
hours are some of the

weekly teenagers in the U.S. tried


to sue McDonald's. They main causes.


opinion blamed McDonald's for There is nothing wrong


C미 umn with eating junk food, but

making them fat. The


not too much of it. Junk


teenagers ate burgers

and tries every day. But food was always meant to
be an occasional treat.
they said that there wasn't
enough information about So, don't blame junk
hnw 。 ifinri hi Irr,,rc 。nㅐ food-blame the people
tries every day could who are eating too much
affect you. Th 이 udge t 이 d of it.

diabetes: medical disorder producing excessive urine


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
'l. Eating junk food can affect the brain. T/F
2. School lunches in Britain have always been very healthy. T/P

3. Some schools have found that getting rid of junk food has
changed children's behavior. I/F
4. Max Brown thinks that eating a little junk food is okay. T/F

5. Some teenagers successfully sued McDonald's for making

them fat. I/F

6. People are getting fatter and less healthy for many

different reasons. I/F

Li ri it 6

Cathy and Tim discussing junk food. Fill in the missing words
I. Lister lto Cat

Track 1-29 as y0 u listen.

Cathy: Mmm. These French fries are delicious. Would you like some?

Tim: No, thanks. I don't eat French fries. They're so unhealthy.
Cathy: They aren't that bad. A few French fries won't kill you!
Tim: Actually, some scientists believe that French fries and other junk

food can be addictive. Once you start eating them, you want to
eat them (1)

Cathy: I don't think that's a problem for us. You can eat what you like
when you are young.
Tim: Even young people can become sick because of what they eat.
Eating too much junk food (2) _. It also

leads to blood pressure problems, diabetes, and heart disease.

Cathy: Hmm. I wonder how much is "too much.
I (3) for lunch!

Tim: I think that's too much. Eating fast food every day
(4) high blood pressure. It could also
make you overweight. You should definitely eat less.
Cathy: I think (5) _. I'd better start having a
healthy sandwich for lunch instead.

2. Listen to the four statements. Write Tim (T) or Cathy (C) to show who
Track 1-30 expresses each opinion or statement.


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

U ri it 6

There are different ways to express cause and effect when you are
having a discussion. Read the example dialog below.

Cathy: I don't think eating junk food is a problem for young people, do you?
Tim: Even young people can become sick because of what they eat.
Eating too much junk food makes people overweight. It also

leads to blood pressure problems, diabetes, and heart


Junk food makes people overweight.
It also leads to blood pressure
problems, diabetes, and heart disease.
Eating fast food every day could cause high blood pressure.
It could also make you overweight.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialogs. Then work with a
partner and practice the dialogs together.

can cause people to become overweight

makes children fat
could be bad for your health
can lead to blood pressure problems
■ 닐 ■ ■■· 【

1. A: Do you think that children should eat junk food?

B: No, I don't. Eating junk food

2. A: Why is too much junk food bad for you?

B: Eating too much junk food , diabetes,
and heart disease.

3. A: Why is it not a good idea to eat too much sugar?

B: Eating too much sugar

4. A: How often do you eat burgers and French fries?

B: Probably about three times a week.
A: That's a lot. Eating so much fast food

U nit 6

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why it is true that junk food is
becoming a serious problem (For). The other para graph presents some
reasons why it is not true that junk food is becoming a serious problem


food can (1)

Junk food is becoming a serious problem for the following reasons. Junk
. Many schools in
the U.K. (2) . Schools that

replaced junk food with healthy food found a big improvement (3) _

rrss . Junk food can (4) _

. So, it can be said that junk food is becoming a

serious problem.

in the children's behavior and performance
also cause different health problems
serve junk food to children at lunchtime


cause bad behavior and learning difficulties
in children


Junk food is not becoming a serious problem for a number of reasons.

Junk food is not a problem (1)
People should not (2) _. People
should also (3) . There are other
reasons for people becoming fatter and unhealthier. People do not
exercise enough and (4) _. These
are some reasons why junk food is not becoming a serious problem.

spend too much time watching TV

쁠 and using computers
eat too much junk food
if it is eaten only occasionally
take responsibility for what they eat

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 6

World Heath Organization (WHO) statistics show us that obesity is
increasing all over the world. The graph shows the percentage of
overweight and obese people in various OECD countries.
70% /

' 才’ 2 2 2 2 2 2
Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Health Statistics, 2004


WTork with a partner.

1. Describe the figures in the graph. Use the sentences and phrases in
the box.
2. Do you find any of the figures in the graph surprising? Is obesity
considered a problem in Korea? Should it be?
3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures?
딤.rr 딥t蠟’’「’

1 . The country with the highest percentage of overweight and

obese people is...

2. There is a higher percentage of... in... than in...

3. Australia has higher levels of obesity than. . .
4. Korea has lower levels of. . .
5. Japan has the lowest percentage of...
6. I was surprised to find 30 percent of...
7. I didn't realize that. . .
' - - - 뱁■! r

Paternity Leave
Sh.oulcl men take paternity leave?

Answer the following questions.

'1. What percentage of Korean fathers do you think take paternity leave?
a. Less than I%
b. 2%
c. 5%
d. More than 10%

2. Question for males:

Would you take paternity leave?

3. Question for females:

Would you expect your husband to take paternity leave?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 7

Read the extract from a magazine article and the interview, and then
answer the questions.

1. OTrack 1-31

.츨 , … O · * · ● ● O · O O · O · 0 . . O … 룔 룔 '.
Ot… Issues
…● * . … * t … * * …

happy, because it would mean

Why is everyone so interested
more work for them.
in paternity leave these days?
- don't think my boss would
My wife and I are expecting
be very happy, either. It's very
our second baby next month.
hard for a small company to
Almost everyone ㅣ talk to asks
be efficient when they are
me how much paternity leave
- am going to take. The only
understaffed .
people who haven't asked me Here in the U.K., the
government is talking about
are the people I work with!
- work for a small printing increasing paid paternity leave

company, and none of my to up to nine months. It's a

male co-workers has ever joke. Many men don't even
taken paternity leave. I'm feel they can take two
Imagine if all men could take
planning to take a few days off
nine months paternity leave!
when the baby is born. I'd like
I'm sure it would seriously
to take more time off, but -
don't feel I can. I don't think damage the economy.
my co-workers wo 미 d be very

.·Ot… 츨●솥● ' … … 를 . … … …O


paternity leave: time off work for a new father

Unit 7

2. 0Track 1-32

Penny Blacklock interviews Astrid Larsson from the Swedish

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

PB: Are men entitled to paternity leave in Sweden?

AL: Yes, they are. Parents can take 480 days paid
parental leave. Each parent can take 240 days, but

PB: That sounds very generous.

they may transfer up to 180 days to the other parent.

AL: Yes, it is. Sweden provides more paid parental

leave than most other countries in the world. New

fathers can also take ten days leave when their

child is born. This is to help with the new baby or

look after older children. This system has many benefits. It makes
having children more attractive to women. At 1.66, the birthrate

in Sweden is a little higher than that of countries such as Italy,
where it is 1.3, and Korea, where it fel- to 1 .13 in 2003. It also 닐
helps fathers develop a strong relationship with their children.

When fathers discover how difficult looking after children can
be, they often help their wives more when they do return to


PB: This system must cost the Swedish government a lot of money.
But the birthrate is still quite low, isn't it?
AL: Yes, it is. But unlike other European countries, it is slowly
increasing. This is a very important fact. When the birthrate

reaches 2.1, the population will stop decreasing and remain stable.
PB: - see. So the system is working, then. Thanks for talking to me.
AL: You're welcome.

Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
-l. Joel Stevenson's male co-workers have taken a few months
paternity leave. 1/F

2. Joel won't take as much paternity leave as he would like to. I/F

3. Joel doesn't think that men should be able to take nine months
paternity leave. I/F

4. Men and women in Sweden can take the same amount of

parental leave. I/F

5. Astrid Larsson thinks the Swedish system is a good idea. TI F

6. Sweden's birthrate is lower than Korea's birthrate. I/F


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 7

Track 1-34
1. Listen to Naomi and Teny discussing paternity leave. Fill in the missing
words as you listen.
Naomi: I'm so excited. My sister is having a baby soon, and I'll be an
Terry: That's exciting. Your sister's a newspaper journalist, isn't she?
(1) maternity leave is she going to take?
Naomi: Only a few months. She is worried that it will affect her career
badly if she takes too much time off.
Terry: Well, I think (2) with her child as
long as possible. Being a mother is much more important than
having a career.
Naomi: Of course being a mother is important. But what about the
fathers? I think they should (3) , too.
Terry: But men need to focus on their careers. Every family needs a
breadwinner. Anyway, women are much better suited to
(4) than men.
Naomi: That's not true. Lots of men would love to stay at home
with their children if they could. More men
(5) so employers realize that
they have to be more family-friendly.

0 2. Listen to the four statements. Write Naomi (N) or Terry (T) to show who
Track 1-35 expresses each opinion or statement.
ㅓI C乙

52 꺼
U ii it

We can use should + verb to talk about our opinions. Read the example
dialog below.

Terry: Well, I think she should stay home with her child as long as
possible. Being a mother is much more important than having a

Naomi: Of course being a mother is important. But what about the
fathers? I think they should take some responsibility, too.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialogs. Then work with a
partner and practice 粃e dialogs together.

should take paternity leave

· .
should take care of the children
驪 should share taking care of the children with
their wives

should concentrate on taking care of their
children instead of working
暢습各各各술 쓸.ㅗ

1. A: I think that men

B: I don't agree. It's often difficult for men to work part time.

2. A: Don't you think that women
B: No, I don't. I think that women should be able to work if they

want to.

3. A: I really believe that men

B: I know what you mean, but not many men want to take so much
time off.

4. A: In my opinion, women
B: I don't think so. I think that men should help with taking care of
the children.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 7

Complete 巾 e following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why men should take paterni 竗 leave
(For). The other paragraph presents some reasons why men should not
take paternity leave (Against).

Paternity leave is a good idea because many men would like to
(1) . If men take paternity leave,
women (2) . This will help to
(3) . Paternity leave also helps
men to (4) . Therefore, paternity
leave has many benefits.

increase the falling birthrate

stay home with their children

will probably have more children
become closer to their children

Paternity leave is not a good idea because men have to
(1) . Men who take paternity
leave will (2) . They will also feel
uncomfortable about (3) . Also,
most men (4) taking care of
children. Therefore, there are many disadvantages to paternity leave.

not being the breadwinner in the family


do not feel confident about

focus on their career

worry about what people at work will think

The chart below shows the fertili 以Irate in seven different countries.
"fertility rate" of a country means the average number of children a
will have in her life.

Country Fertility rate

Brazil 2.2
India 3.1

Iraq 5.0

Korea 1.13

Niger* 8.0
u.s. 2.0 훼

rsrs 겹轍

' Niger (West Africa)

Work with a partner.

1. Describe the figures in the chart. Use the phrases in the bo
5. Do you find any of the figures in the chart surprising? Do
people in Korea should be worried about the fertility rate?

6. Can you suggest reasons for any of the fertifity rates in the chart?

1 . The chart shows that. . .
2. We can see from the chart that..
3. The highest fertility rate is in...
4. The lowest fertility rate is in...
5. - find it surprising to see...
- - -

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

8 D·pgpu(a Ion
Should we accept more forei9fl

9층 .



긔긔卜 측·


J 뻐긔


I ·






1. If you wanted to work in another country, which country would

you choose?
2. Some people think Korea needs more foreign workers. Why do
they believe this? Do you agree?

3. Which do you think is the biggest non-Korean group in Korea?
Unit a

Read the Vox Pop and 粃 e interview, and then answer the questions.

1. OTrack 1-36

oomm ●
We went onto the streets of Seoul and asked people

if we should accept more foreign workers.
workers. There are labor
Yes, we should accept more for eignmanufacturl

certain areas like the ng industry. Korea
shortages in
has no choice bi t to bring in foreign worKers. 心 orn pupc vvU··7
about foreigners taking jobs from Korean people, but if we cannot
find local people to do certain jobs, we need foreigners to do
Junho, 31
aa ㅂ 101·
_. 」비.닝스 ’ vvu『^넌`r긴긴r二닷긺-a,H。,。,I。

',-'r'DflT 츨 fl ` A/r1F-l 卜크 V 匕 rl `

Korea should
■ ` ' , ' - - ' accept
. _ ` ^ ' n
Deoole work al- OVer me WU"u: V /ㄷ 미ㄴ_넌rr긷二큐뱀꺾n^『。
H닙v「’ ' ' , ' - . . , _ ._ _ . .` 」 。In^ 。츤^。nt tr,rPes`nnPrS. I L ’놉 L4L,` I* iq nr,'
pe to to
work, d50
i Qhfll
-- foreigners. it is good
for Kore
t wto

remain competitive.
u peop-e
people with
with nnew
- skills. This will help us to

Inje, 28
We sho 미 d only accept skilled workers
such as doctors, nurses,
workers as cheap

sho 미 d not use foreign
and engineers. But we S 면 poorly and treated
labor. Already many ioreig n workers are paid
badly by their em 이 oyers.
Sunhi, 19
is crime. Crime rates in
The main problem with foreign workers
Korea have increased a lot as the num bers of foreign workers
have increased. We also need to be cE ref 미 about not letting
극 sho 미 d be caref 미 ―y
terrorists into Korea. All foreign
come here.
checked before they are allowed to
Minsu, 21

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

2. 0Track 1-37

Mark Miller is an immigration expert. Jenny Clyde from Issues Magazine
talked to him about forei gn workers.

JC: There are more and more foreign workers al- over
the world these days. Why is this happening?
MM: Foreign workers supply much-needed labo r to

countries with fast-growing economies. Countries in
the West, the Middle East, and certain parts of Asia
are attracting high numbers of foreign workers.
They often work in jobs that local people do not
want to do-jobs that are poorly paid and have k
bad working conditions.
JC: What are some of the benefits of accepting

foreign workers?
MM: Wel-, if you look at a country like Korea, the pop 미 ation is
aging fast. The birthrate is also very low. Korea needs to in crease
its pop미ation somehow. Accepting more foreign workers would
help solve the dep 叩미 ation problem. Ski ∥ transfer is another
benefit. If you accept skilled workers from other countries, you can
keep up to date with new industries more easily.
JC: Are there any disadvantages?
MM: Governments always worry about foreign workers staying
longer than their visa allows. This can be a problem. Foreign
workers can also be used for jobs that local people can do. This is
because they are often paid less than locals.


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
None of the people in the Vox Pop think Korea should accept
more foreign workers. T/F
Sunhi says that foreign workers are often not paid very well. 1/F
Minsu is worried that foreign workers commit more crimes
than local people. I/F
Foreign workers often take jobs that local people do not want. I/F
Mark Miller says that there are too many foreign workers
in Korea. 1/F
Mark Miller doesn't mention any disadvantages to accepting
foreign workers. I/F
Unit O

1. Listen to Junho and Sumi discussing depopulation. Fill in the missing
Track 1-39

words as you listen.

Do you know that we don't have enough factory workers in

Korea? We're getting factory workers from places like
Indonesia and Vietnam these days.
LJunho: I think (1) . If we can't find enough

Sumi: (2)
Korean workers, we should get them from overseas.
is that many of them don't speak

Korean very well. I don't think it's a good idea.

They'll learn Korean quickly. Many Vietnamese already speak
Korean as well as their own language.
pick up Korean. Anyway, it's

good for us to have people from different cultures here. Did you
know that only 1.5% of our population is not Korean? That's not
very many people. We should catch up with the rest of the

Sumi: (4) that when you allow lots of
foreign workers into a country, they start to change that
country. I don't want Korea to become multicultural. If I want to
experience different cultures, I'll go overseas!
Junho: Well, I think (5) about this
topic, Sumi!

Track 1-40
2. Listen to the four statements. Write Sumi (S) orJunho (J) to show who
expresses each opinion or statement.
ㅓl q 乙

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
There are different ways to introduce the main problems of an issue. Read
the example dialog below.

.Sumi: Do you know that we don't have enough factory workers in Korea?
We're g etting workers from places like Indonesia and Vietnam these
Junho: I think that's a good idea. If we can't find enough Korean
workers, we should get them from overseas.
Sumi: The problem is that many of them don't speak Korean very well. I
don't think it's a good idea.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialogs. You can any of the

mrases to complete each dialog. Then work with a partner a nd practice

the dialogs together.

The thing is.

The problem is.
The point is...
The trouble is.

1. A: I don't see why we need foreign workers. Surely there must be

enough local workers.
that our population is aging. We won't
have enough workers in the future.

2. A:Whydo people disagree with accepting more foreign workers?

B: that people are worried about crime
and security.

3. A: Foreign workers take jobs away from local people. We shouldn't

accept any more.
B: that local people don't want to do
certain jobs. That's why we need foreign workers.

4. A: Foreign workers sometimes complain about their employers.

Why is that?
B: _ that foreign workers are often paid
badly and treated badly.
Unit O

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why we should accept more foreign
workers (For). The other para graph presents some reasons why we
should not accept more foreign workers (Against).


o mm
We should definitely accept more foreign workers. There are not enough
local people to work in certain professions (1) _

. Foreign workers can also (2) _
. Accepting foreign workers will also help to (3) _
. Therefore, there are a number of reasons

why (4) -.
懈.”「 뻐,'
solve our depopulation problem
so we must accept workers from overseas

we should accept more foreign workers
bring new skills to Korea



We should definitely not accept more foreign workers. Foreign workers
are often used for (1) . They are

ofte n paid badly and treated badly, so (2)
foreign workers has caused (3)

. Accepting fore
. Foreig n workers can also sometimes stay
(4) . Therefore, there are a
number of reasons why we should not accept more foreign workers.

- .騙*

longer than their visa allows

jobs that local people could have
an increase in the crime rate
we should not accept any more
J. 댜 쌨

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit &

Approximately 1.5% of the total population of Korea are foreign nationals.
The pie chart shows the percentages of different nationalities.

Home countries of foreign nationals in Korea

□ Chinese (23%)
□ Korean-Chinese (16%)
□ Vietnamese (7%)
□ Filipino (7%)
■ Indonesian (6%)
□ American (6%)
□ Thai (4%)

Source: Korea Statistics Information Service, 2005


Work with a partner.

I. Describe the figures in the pie chart. Use the sentences and phrases in
the box.
2. Do you find any of the figures in the pie chart surprising?
3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures? How do you think
these figures might change in the future?

■■ L
1 . China has the highest number of foreign nationals in Korea.
2. Americans are one of the smallest groups in Korea.
3. Chinese are the. ..
4. There are more people here from Vietnam than...

5. Korea has more Chinese people than...


- -

珏 na`t 『익麗

Ai'e theV thLe best forin ㅇf

a S S e S Sment


,,`동 4

Answer the f이 lowing questions.

1. How do you feel about examinations?

2. Some teachers assess students using course work, not examinations.
Do you think this is a good method?

3. It is said that Korean students experience too much stress from

examinations. Do you think this is true?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit g

Read the letter and the magazine column, and then answer the questions.

1. QTrack 2-1

- want to stu心 Englis미iterature at Oxforc
Universi 以. Mi grades in school are excellent. - have hac
seve , 며「「뜨 iews “ 祗×仍씬 ha―엔 passed " 「「「’「「
r' ,- ra
01 난젯 0 r,Uftversl 첵「「훽「 · Vxtor 쁘 ‘" it wou― 려 accept
me ㅣ 1 ㅣ get at east two /\s anc a t on my A-level
exa m 5 .
1 계 → .거 '4- + 」^ : ,겨 」’ +· ㅣ→ : , , → ㅏ _ ,_ _ 츠 _ C _ · II - 1

that - ann good enough for 0 淅。繃. Now - have the

pressure of the A,fevel exams βhead 財 me. What if - βni
so nervous that - don't do as well as - should? What if
there ㅋ re errors in the exam questions? Or what if the
exam grader makes a mistake in gra棚rig mi Papers?

at Oxfo 繃 couL 'e ruined for βni of these reasons.

Exams are 口 Ot the best form of assessment. Essa's,
tests are much fairer
proj ects, inteMews, βnd progress
waiS to assess stu 려 ents. Exams 려 o not measure
intelligence or aca沕mic 紬iii꺄. Exams are 」·ust a
memori test. - think that we shou― 려 use β fairer sistem
universi 笏 es. It is
to choose who is accepted b i
ridiculous to put so much emphasis on. how. hOWouyOU 얀薛娜m
. peln
on one da' of iour life. Exams are out胡atec1 an胡 sno내이
urn I
瀚 ab 이 i9he 려.

Nicole, brighton,
U졀 c.
A-level exam: advanced level exam

Uiiit g

2. 0Track 2-2


Examinations are
here to stay

These are skills that they
will need throughout their

career. Passing exams


A record number of scho

provides students with a

students have been caught

.. cheating Ofl exams this strong sense of

s satisfaction. Th is motivates

year. A number of scho

students to continue to


have also been caught

work hard throughout their

helping elementary scho 이

` .1

education. Continuous
students with important

ttttee 謐。
assessment does not
tests. As a result, many
Max parents and students are provide the same standard

measure of academic
saying that exams
Brown's 미

sho dn't be used

that exam
adva of
weekly anymore.

This is an over-reaction. exams is that many exams


Opinion Exams are the best form of are international. English


MM C미 ”mn
assessment available. exams such as IELTS,

TOEIC, and TOEFL can be


They provide a true test of

world and
any where in the


students' academic taken


abilities. Generally, it is are recognized

all over the world, too.

much harder to cheat on
an exam than on a scho 이 It would be impossible
to replace exams. They are

L L essay or project.
Exams also help here to stay, so it is best to
stop complaining and start

students to develop useful
skills like disci 헨 ne and studying!

∼,,-,-,,.. IELTS: International English Language Testing System


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
I. Nicole wants to study at Oxford University. T/ F
2. Nicole does not think that she is good enough for Oxford. T/F

3. Nicole thinks that exams are the best way to assess students. I/F
4. Max Brown thinks that it is difficult to cheat on an exam. I/F

5. Max Brown thinks that exams should be replaced. I/F

6. Max Brown thinks that schools will stop using exams soon. I/F

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit e


J e55tea

1. Listen to Jessica and Danny talking about examinations. Fill in the
Track 2-4 missing words as you listen.

Danny: I am so sick of studying for exams! It seems as if all we do at

school is prepare for exams. We never study anything interesting.
Jessica: (1) __ what you are meant to do at
school? If you want to go to college, you have to do well on your
exams. It's the only way for colleges to decide who to accept.
Danny: Exams are not necessarily the best form of assessment. With
(2) _ students get the chance to make sure
they really understand the subject. (3)
people who get good grades on exams are just good at
remembering facts and good at guessing what will be on the
Jessica: I don't agree. Continuous assessment is too easy. Anyone can
write an essay if they have enough time to do it.
Danny: (4) _ some people don't work well
under pressure. They don't do well on exams, so ft isn't fair to
make everyone take exams.
Jessica: (5) _, some education experts say
exams are the fairest system. Everyone takes the exam under the
same conditions. You can't get fairer than that!

0 2. Listen to the four statements. Write Jessica (J) or Danny (D) to show who
Track 2-5 expresses each opinion or statement.
C\I qO 4

Unit 9

Sometimes you will want to introduce a point that the person you are
talking to may not have thought about before. There are different ways to
do this. Read the example dialog below.

Danny: Exams are not necessarily the best form of assessment. With
continuous assessment, students get the chance to make sure

they really understand the subject. In fact, people who get good
grades on exams are just good at remembering facts and good

at guessing what will be on the exam.
Jessica: I don't agree. Continuous assessment is too easy. Anyone can
write an essay if they have enough time to do it.

Use 巾 e phrases in 巾 e box to complete the dialog s. You can any of the

phrases to complete each dialog. Then work with a par 伽 practice

巾 e dialogs together.
As a matter of fact,.
In fact,...
Actually, . . .
`첩 .驪 큐’貝. ■ ·”'

I. A: Exams are best because it is very difficult to cheat O

an exam.

B: , lots of students are caught cheating
on exams.

2. A: Exams are a better way to measure students' academic abilities.

Writin g an essay is easy.
B: , essays are better because they help
the student to understand the subject well.

3. A: Exams are a waste of time. They are just a memory test.

B: , exams encourage useful skills like
discipline and working under pressure.

4. A: Continuous assessment is too easy.

B: , continuous assessment is better
because students can study things they are interested in, and not
just exam topics.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why examinations are the best form of
assessment (For). The o 巾 er paragraph presents some reasons why
examinations are not the best form of assessment (Against).

Examinations are the best form of assessment for the following reasons.
Examinations are the only true test (1)
. Examinations encourage students (2)
throughout their education. They also motivate students


. Some examinations are


and are therefore useful

when you want to study abroad. These are some of the reasons why
examinations are the best form of assessment.

- 쐽 수 _쵱 묘

internationally recognized
to work hard
of students' academic abilities

to develop skills such as working under pressure

Examinations are not the best form of assessment for the following
reasons. Examinations create (1)
In some countries, errors sometimes occur in examination questions,
and errors are sometimes made (2)
. Examinations do (3)
They only (4) . These are some of
the reasons why examinations are not the best form of assessment.

by examination graders
measure students' memory
a lot of pressure for students

not measure academic ability


' L - - -
A recent surv ey in Australia asked high school students their
about school examinations. The table below shows some of t


1 . Do you think there are too many exams?

2. Do exams make you feel stressed?

· 3. Do you ever make mistakes on exams

because you are nervous?

4. Is continuous assessment easier than

taking exams?

5. Are exams the best form of assessment?

Source: Toowoomba Weekly, 2006

Work with a partner.

1. Describe the survey results. Use the sentences and phrases in the box
2. Do you find any of the survey results surprising? Do you think the

results would be different in Korea?
3. Ask your partner the questions. Are your answers the s

1 . The majority of students feel. . .
2. Most students say that...
3. Only 37 percent of students think that exams are. . .
4. Sixty three percent of students say...
5. You think that there are too many exams, but - don't think so
6. You believe that continuous assessment is easier, but - don't
believe it is.
- - 면

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

10 Animal Testing
Should it b e aiio ved? 첵




PROTES ㅜ티긋 5.

1. Do you think we treat these animals well?

a. Pets
b. Farm animals
c.Laboratory animals
2. Do you think we should use animals to test products?

3. If people disagree with animal testing, how should they protest?
Unit 10

Read the poster and the magazine column, and then answer the questions

1. OTrack 2-6


ccoo NG
WHEN: ..
Saturday, September 12, 10:00 a.m

Knotsford Town Hall

WHAT: Find out what BAT does and join
us if you want to see an end to
animal testing

BAT founder Marian Forsyth will speak about

our recent success in uncovering abuse of dogs
at a local animal testing laboratory.

of peaceful1

animal testing until it is bannect in me u .r.

● millions of animals are used for testing

in the U.K. every year
● animals have as much rig ht to live as
test animals
● the suffering and deatli or
is unnecessary
● there are many alternatives to animal

Join us in our fight to stop the cruelty!

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 10

2. 0Track 2-7
…, -,.,',,

actually St 이 e the body of ar

Going too tar animal breeder's mother-in-
Animal testing isa law from her grave. They
buried the body in a nearby
니. H.”.' necessary part 01 me 이 cai
research. Millions oi neart forest and told the family
disease, cancer, and AIDS that they would return it if
owe their lives to
patients they stopped breeding

medical research involving research animals. This year,

폰’ 1

animals. Dario Ringach, a professor

These days in the U.K., at the University of

animal testing is only used California, stopped his

for medical research. research on apes and
Cosmetics are no longer monkeys. He was afraid his
Brown's tested on animals. There are
family was in danger. He
strict rules that protect test had received many threats
weekly animals from cruelty and
opinion unnecessary suffering. from
a, group
There are also new metnoas
[미 umn that have greatly reduced 縕 made
the ALF
to asent a

the number of animals usea. '5 home, Professor

c이 ―eague
But many anti-animal Ringach decided to stop his
testing groups have. startea research.
direct action campaigns, Groups like the ALF are
targeting test animal simply going too far. They
breeders and scientists. are worried about vi 이 e nce
These groups use vi 이 ence
and even death threats.
Recently in the U.K., three
about Vi
認 mals,
nce a 跳 what
animal rights protesters

breeders: somebody who breeds animals or plants


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
I. The BAT meeting is for members only. T/F

2. BAT wants all animal testing in the U.K. to stop. 1/F

3. BAT believes that tests can be done without animals. 1/F

4. Max Brown does not agree with animal testing. T/F

5. Fewer animals are used for testing than in the past. T/F

6. Some groups use violence to protest against animal testing. T/F

72 ·
Unit 10


Track 2-9
1. Listen to Robert and Mandy discussing animal testing. Fill in the missing
words as you listen.

Robert: Animal testing is so (1) . I think it should

be stopped.
Mandy: I'm not so sure. I think animal testing is (2)
to test medicines and other products.

Robert: I don't think so. I've heard that animal testing is (3)
. Animals are very different from humans. It could even

be dangerous.
Mandy: But scientists can allow for differences between humans and animals

when they do their tests. Besides, animals are only used when there

is no other suitable alternative.
Robert: Animal testing is (4) . Alternatives could

be used all of the time, I'm sure. There are lots of new research

methods such as creating computer models, using animal or human
cells, and even testing on humans.
Mandy: But sometimes animals are the only choice. Scientists have to see
how the whole body is affected by the drug.
Robert: Animal testing is (5) . Nothing will
change my mind about that!

Track 2-10
2. Listen to 粃 e four statements. Write Robert rR) or Mand.y 帆쫴 to show who
expresses each opinion or statement.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 10

We can use is + adjective to introduce our opinions about a topic. Read
巾 e example dialog below.

Robert: Animal testing is so cruel. I think it should be stopped.

Mandy: I'm not so sure. I think animal testing is the best way to test
medicines and other products.
Robert: I don't think so. I've heard that animal testing is unreliable. Animals
are very different from humans. It could even be dangerous.

Use the adjectives in the box to complete the dialog. Then work with a
partner and practice 巾e dialog together.

寧미艾琴 驪驪

A: Animal testing is very . Scientists couldn't have

developed treatments for cancer and HIV without it.
B: I don't agree. Animal testing is . There are other
alternatives that can be used.
A: That's not true. Animal testing is . Scientists need
to see how drugs work on the whole body.
B:Well, I think that animal testing is . Animals
should have the same rights as people.

Unit 10

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why animal testing should be allowed
伍or). The other paragraph presents some reasons why animal testing
should not be allowed (Against).

Animal testing should be allowed (Ti)

. Animal testing is only used (2)

Animal testing has allowed scientists to develop


. There are strict rules


. Therefore, animal testing

should be allowed.

to make sure that test animals are well-treated
when there is no other alternative

because it is the best way to test drugs and
medical treatments

treatments for many serious diseases


Animal testing should not be allowed (1)
There are many alternatives (2)

Animal testing is also unreliable because (3)
. Animals have the (4)
. They should not suffer and die in this way. Therefore,
animal testing should not be allowed.

because it is not necessary

animals and humans are very different
same right to live as humans
that can be used instead of animal testing

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 10

A recent survey in the U.K. asked people for their opinions on animal
testing. In the past, surveys have shown about the same number of people
are for and against it. However, public opinion now seems to be
changing. Read the survey results below.

'1. In your view is it acceptable or not acceptable to test new medical

treatments on animals before they are tested on human beings?
Yes, testing new medical treatments on animals is
acceptable. 70%
No, it is not acceptable. 18%
I don't know. 12%

2. Animal rights protesters protest against animal testing in different

ways. Please say whether you think each kind of protest is reasonable
or not.

H이dㅣ ng up Damaging property Making death threats

posters Showing ag 히 nst SClentists
tesi animals in pain 쵸 '
and anlmal breeders

Yes, it is a 88% 2% 1%
kind of protest.

No, it is not. 0/0

00/ 95% 97%

I don't know. '-P

A 0//0 Q
/0 'DO!
. /0


Work with a partner.

1. Describe the survey results. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the survey results surprising? Do you think the
results would be different in Korea?
Can you suggest any reasons for the change in public opinion about
animal testing?

틔 -

1 . Seventy percent of respondents think it is acceptable to. . .

2. Only 18 percent of respondents think it is not acceptable to.
3. Most respondents disagree with protesters...
4. It is interesting to see that...
5. - am not surprised that...
■■■ ·럽쌜· ■■ ■ 미 - - - - -

ji Temporary mㅇ`fe
t ㅇ Tedixce the
Should vie dㅇ viorkers 오
nurn'ber ㅇ f te mpO 工 afy


泌 srs
r 省·

쨍令蠟` ,」




aa -r '



1펙 커떻녹

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a

temporary worker?

2. Is it bad for Korea to have so many temporary workers?

3. Is it good for Korea to have a lot of temporary workers?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 11

Read the magazine article and 巾 e Vox Pop, and then answer the questions.

1. OTrack 2-11

International English Gazette


Sam Cromwell exp lains why the

in creasing number of tempora
workers is not a problem.
According to a recent
can be more competitive. I
Workers also enjoy tne l
survey, over 36.7% of
workers in Korea are benefits of flexible worKing I
hours. The tact tnat l
temporary w orkers. This
temoorarv workers otten l
igure has risen by 19% in
have different conditions l
the past ten years. In some
such as pay and work
workplaces, up to 70% of
workers are temporary. hours than permanent
Rather than being a workers, also has some
problem for Korea, this advantages. Workers who
trend has many are not happy with their
conditions will be motivated
advantages. With this
arrangement, companIes to enter permanent
have the flexibility to employment. If everyone is
chancle the number of treated exactly the same,
workers can become too
personnel according to ineir
needs so that they can complacent and thus
keep up with today's reduce productivity.
Those who are concerned
fluctuating economy.
Companies can also about the high level of
drastically reduce their temporary workers should
costs by hiring temporary consider the advantages as
well as the disadvantages.
personnel. This way they

fluctuate: vary in level, degree, or value

complacent: satisfied(self-satisfied and unaware of possible dangers)

Unit 11

2. 0 Track 2-12

,万 Chat

珊 ..ccoo
Busan ……

worke 「 5 are t'eated like second- class citizens. We earn
Temporary wonceib d ,匕 . full-time workers We have no job security
only about
and none of
40% as mu,ch ? n hruir 。 workers have This 15 extremely unfair as temporary



the benefits that full-time

stries rely on
over 35% of the workforce. Many indu
workers now account for
of us.
but I think they are taking advantage

- -id
e e
Sanggi, Gwangju

s a
So many women are temporary
responsibilities. Many women
workers because they also have family
have responsible jobs, but are being pa
are paid as part-time workers, but

lot iess waI i U l eu .. .미ㄴ 닝V..。.-
actually work as many hours as their male colleagues. Many women nave `
choice about the kind of work they do because they have to work part-time.

time we stopped discriminating against women and started creating a more
family-friendly workplace.

Circlc T for true or F for false for each of the foilowlng statemelltS.
1. Sam Cromwell thinks temporary workers are not a problem. T/F

2. Temporary workers are cheaper to hire than permanent

WOrkerS. 1/F

3. Sam Cromwell thinks that everyone should be treated the

Same at WOrk. T/F

4. Yunhi believes that temporary workers are usually highly skilled. 1/F

5. Sanggi feels that temporary workers should be treated better. I / F

6. Sunja thinks that more women should work part time. 」



Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 11

on 더 su

Track 2-14
1. Listen to Jongsu and Eunju discussing temporary workers. Fill in the
missing words as you listen.

Jon gsu: Are you still looking for a new job, Eunju?
Eunju: Yes, I am. But it's very difficult to find a permanent job. Most
employers are only offering contracts these days.
Jon gsu: Yes, but companies need (1)
because the economy is not very stable.
Eunju: But increasing the number of temporary workers is making the
economy worse. Many people (2)
much money because they don't earn much. People are even
avoiding getting married and having children because they
don't have any job security.
Jongsu: I don't know if that is true or not. But I do know that companies
can save (3) _ by employing
temporary workers.
Eunju: Yes, that's right. They pay temporary workers as little as
possible. It may be good for the company, but it's not good
Jongsu: Well, I like being a temporary worker. I work (5)
: and I don't feel I have to stay with the same
company forever. It suits me fine.

Track 2-15
2. Listen to the four statements. Write Eunju (E) or Jongsu (J) to show
who expresses each opinion or statement.
q乙 갯U

Unit 11

We can use present continuous tense to talk about things that are
happening in the world right now. Read the example dialog below.

Jongsu: The economy isn't very stable, so companies need to be flexible.

That's why most of them are hiring more temporary workers.

Eunju: But increasing the number of temporary workers is making the

o m
economy worse. Many people are not spending much money

because they don't earn much. People are even avoiding
getting married and having children because they don't have
job security.
Use the phrases in the box to complete the short dialogs. Then work with
a partner and practice the dialogs together.

the economy is fluctuating.
are not spending much money because they don't earn much.

are hiring more temporary workers.
are not getting married and having children because they have no

job security.

M a '

B: They

1. A:How are companies reducing their costs?

2. A: How does having lots of temporary workers affect the economy?
B: People

3. A: How does having lots of temporary workers affect society?

B: People

4. A: Why do companies need to be able to change their numbers of

employees easily?
B: Because

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 11

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why we should do more to reduce the
number of temporary workers (For). The other paragraph presents some
reasons why we should not do more to reduce the number of temporary
workers (Against).

There are a number of reasons why we should do more to decrease
the number of temporary workers. Having too many temporary
workers is a mistake because we will have (1)
_ in the future. In addition, temporary workers (2)
_. They do not have any job security or any
of the benefits (3) . Temporary
workers are also paid considerably (4)

are often treated badly

that permanent workers have
a shortage of skilled workers
less than permanent workers

There is no reason for us to do more to reduce the number of temporary
workers. Hiring temporary workers gives companies flexibility to
change their numbers of employees (1)
. Companies can also reduce their (2)
_ . The fact that temporary workers (3)
_ permanent workers is not a problem. If all workers are
treated the same, they can (4)

according to their needs

become too complacent
costs by hiring temporary workers
have different conditions than

Unit 11


Statistics reported by the Korean Ministry of Labor in 2006 show wage
differences between male and female, and temporary and permanent
workers. Look at the table below.

Temporary Permanent
workers workers

Hourly wage in won, 2006 5,133 7,728

Hourly wage in won, 2006 7,334 11,041

Work with a partner.

1. Describe the figures in the table. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the figures in the table surprising?

3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures in the table? Do you think
the situation is still the same today?

1 . ...earned less than...

2. ...earned more than...
...wages were much higher than...

4. ...wages were much lower than...
5. It's incredible that.. .
6. These days...

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
12 Robot Care
Sh.ould rㅇbㅇ ts take care ㅇfㅓ
s i Ck 오
th.e elderly and the



1. What are the good and bad points of robots being used to take
care of the elderly and the sick?

2. Would you like to be taken care of by a robot? Give reasons for

your answers.

3. Which is better, allowing nurses to come to Korea from overseas

or using robots to take care of people?

Unit 12

Read the Frequently Asked Questions and the magazine article, and then
answer the questions.

1. OTrack 2-16

Robot Care:/--

Frequently Asked Questions oomm
Q: 跡'ha 勺robs
can robots
do in hospitals?
Robots are also easy to
train, have a long

working life, and don't
A: Robots can monitor and get sick or bored.
take care of the basic
needs of patients. Robots Q: Do people 쟀em섰f。:

are also used to perform
some operations. In
taken care ot
A: People seem to be
r OD0LS'

addition, robots are used
to help teach medical

quite happy to be taken
care of by robots. They
usually treat robots like
fellow humans. Cute,

Q: What are some
advantages of using
robots in hospitals?
dog-shaped robots are
used during therapy
sessions for the elderly

A: When surgeons use in hospitals and nursing
robots to perform homes. Patients find the
operatiofl5, they have robots cute and respond
very high levels of well to them. These
control. This means robots are seen as a
they can perform very ciood alternative to
delicate surgery with animals, which are olten
less risk. The recovery used in therapy sessions
time for patients is often with the sick and elderly.
faster, too.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 12

2. OTrack 2-17

Robots don't care

Anne Jackson

is care
maki 姃嫩 elderly

The sick and elderly are vulnerable. They should
encouraged to build relationships
not be
with machines. Peop le will expect
these machines to behave like humans.
But how much
companionship and comiort caji u JOJJVL 닝,vㄴ. , 「 1-,
disappointed when they realize how limited robots are. How will
people cope if the robot breaks down and has to be replaced? People,

empathy: understanding of another's feelings

vulnerable: extremely susceptible


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
'1. Robots are already being used in hospitals. ㅜ/ F
2. Robots can be used to perform operations. ㅜ/F
3. Patients do not like being taken care of by robots. I/F
4. Anne Jackson does not agree with robots taking care of people. I / F
5. Anne Jackson believes that robots could make mistakes. I / F
6. Robots can behave in exactly the same ways as humans. I / F

Unit 12

1. Listen to Fran and Gary discussing robot care. Fill in 巾 e missing words

Track 2-19 as you listen.

Gary: I watched a program on TV last night about robots taking care of

sick people and old people. It was really interesting.
Fran: Yeah, I've heard about that. It doesn't sound like a good idea to
me. (1) take care of sick people and old

Gary: I think one of the main reasons to use robots is the aging

population. There will be so many old people in the future that we
will need robots (2)
Fran: I'm not sure about that. (3) take care of

people well enough? What if there's an emergency? For example,
if an old person falls down, (4) to help?

Gary: Well, I suppose in that situation a robot could call an ambulance.
One of the good things about robots is that they are awake 24

hours a day. They could always be there to help. And they would
stop old people from getting lonely.
Fran: Hmm. (5) could you have with a robot?
I don't think they would be very good company at all.

0 2. Listen to the four statements. Write Gary (G) or Fran (F) to show who
Track 2-20 expresses each opinion or statement.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 12

Sometimes you can express your opinions by asking questions. Read the
example dialog below.

Gary: I watched a program on TV last night about robots taking care of sick
people and old people. It was really interesting.
Fran: Yeah, I've heard about that. It doesn't sound like a good idea to
me. Why can't people take care of sick people and old people?

Use the questions in the box to complete the dialogs. Then work with a
partner and practice the dialogs together.

■■■ `

Who will be able to afford a robot?

How can people have a conversation with a robot?

But who else is going to look after them?
How can robots take care of patients?
눕뇨 , ''

'1. A: They have started to use robots to take care of patients in hospitals
B: A robot could make a serious mistake.

2. A: I don't think robots should be used to take care of the elderly.

B: There will be too many old people to
take care of in the future.

3. A: Using robots to take care of old people at home is a good idea.

They are easily trained and they don't get sick or bored.
B: They are really expensive.

4. A: Research has shown that old people find robots to be good

B: I don't think robots will stop old
people from getting lonely.

sa ■
Unit 12

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from the box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why robots should be used to take care
of 粃 e elderly and the sick (For). The other paragraph presents some
reasons why robots should not be used to take care of the elderly and the
sick (Against).


It is a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the
sick. Robots can take care of (1)

cc o
They can also be used to perform delicate operations (2) _

. Robots are (3)

. People tend to treat robots like humans (4) _

. These are some of the arguments in support of

using robots to take care of the elderly and the sick.

and are happy to be taken care of by them
with less risk to patients

the basic needs of patients
easily trained and work hard

It is not a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the
sick. Humans (1) . Robots cannot

make people (2) _. There is also
the risk of (3) . Robots are also
very expensive, so it would be better to spend money on
(4) . These are some of the
arguments against using robots to take care of the elderly and the sick.

cannot be replaced by robots
robots making mistakes or breaking down
people rather than robots
feel loved or cared for
- -


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 12

A recent research study explored how elderly people in the U.K. feel
about being taken care of by a robot in their own home. Elderly residents
in a nursing home were asked for their opinions. The pie chart below
shows the survey results.

Question: Would you like to be taken care of by a robot in your own


No, - wo 미 dn't be Yes, I wo 미 d be

happy to be take ppy to be taken
care of by a robo e of by a robot

I'm not sure if -

would like to be
taken care of by
Source: University of
Hertfordshire, 2006
a robot.


Work with a partner.

'1. Describe the figures in the chart. Use the sentences and phrases in
the box.
2. Do you find any of the figures in the chart surprising?
3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures? Do you think the
results would be different in Korea? Give reasons for your answers.

1 . More elderly people said that they would be. . . than said they.
2. Almost as many people said that they wouldn't...
3. Twenty seven percent of the elderly people were not sure...
4. The majority of respondents were unsure or did not want to be. . .
5. - didn't expect that...

ou need to Cㅇ liege
e successfU I?
go 「0

SS MM ‘鮮}

TT ㅌ


1. How important is it to go to college?
a. Very important
b. Fairly important
c. Not very important
d. Not at all important
2. What is the main reason to go to college?
a. You need a degree to get a good job.
b. Parents expect their children to go to college.
c. To have fun and meet new people
d. To study something you are very interested in
3. What kind of college subject is the most useful?
a. Language
b. Business
c. Science
d. Other

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 13

Read the letter to a newspaper and the college brochure, and then answer
巾 e questions.

1. OTrack 2-21

Is college a waste of time?

- am a corrFuter %仕 ware engftieer, and 며‘ㅣ려
not go to c해ege. - have β go繃 j017, and - earn a
good salary. - have never had any P rol7Iems
getting β j017. hi 柚i引 ndustry, exlerience is just
as irriRortant as education. - have met lots of
en 卽 neers with college degrees who are not as
good at their joh as ㅣ am.

려 eg ree.
- started working for 「 software cornany “ 「
soon “ 「 I finished high scho 인 · - have 흰 so, . , 』
舵 。
8i ned some of my own software. that ' ri
other software comanie5. I'm ho
start my own coni2any 。ㅄ「 yea: and then -i 「 “
兩 wn boss. I am' only 2 years oI 련 , ut I 뺍 ,』
atredy proud of my achievements. You on't nave
to go to college to b'e successful.

Ijohar, Chicago

I," DO
Unit 13

2. 0Track 2-22

T4/, Fallworthu 市,卄f鉢,.』,,!

Fallworth University offers courses ma wide range of subjects. A

from Fallworth is a lifetime investment.
At Fallworth we specialize in key subjects sucn as pn
humanities, economics, politics, and literature. These
provide the cultural

foundation of your education.

꺼(hat better way is there to start your career than with a
world-class education?

The benefits of completing a degree include:
' A degree is an educational foundation that can be built upon.
' Degrees are recognized all around the world.

' A degree shows your ability to learn.
' A degree shows your ability to commit to learnina.
' vegrees are tiexible, so you can easily chanee career. non-
' couege graduates are otten paid up to 40% more than
aa a great way to meet like-minded people and
Studying at c 이 lege is you make at college will be the friends you kl
for life.

have fun. The friends

Come to Fallworttl and give yourself a head start in life

LLTT like-minded: sharing same opinions

Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statemen 惚.
I. Richard does not think it is important to have a college degree. T/F

2. Richard has a degree in computer science. I/F

3. Richard is happy with his achievements. I/F

4. You can use a college degree in different countries. '1 / F

5. People with degrees often earn more money than people
without degrees. ㅜ/F
6. Most people do not make friends or have fun at college. I/F


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 13

Track 2-24
1. Listen to Jill and Dan talking about college. Fill in the missing words as
you listen.
Dan: 1 wish I'd gone to college. I've been trying to find a new job as a
sales and marketing manager. It's really hard to even get an
interview (1)
Jill: But you have lots of experience, don't you? Experience is more
important than a degree.
Dan: Well, I don't think it is. Every job I've applied for has been given to a
college (2) _. Employers must think that college
graduates have better skills or higher intelligence than people without
degrees. (3) _ to go to college and get a degree.
Jill: You don't need to get a degree. (4) find a
company that values your experience. And you need to look at
your rbsumb. You might need to improve it. Maybe it doesn't
emphasize your experience enough.
Dan: Hmm. I don't think it's that simple. Employers don't think I'm
serious about my career. If I had a college degree, they would take
me more seriously.
Jill: I still (5) _ a degree. You're great at your job.
You love what you do, and you do it really well. Look at Richard
Branson. He's one of the most successful businesspeople in the
world, and he certainly doesn't have a degree. You just need to
have more confidence in yourself!
Dan: Thanks for the advice, Jill. I hope you're right.

rbsum: a summary of somebody's educational and work experience

Richard Branson: Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English
entrepreneur, best known for his Virgin brand of over 360 companies.

Track 2-25
2. Listen to the four statements. Write Dan (D) or Jill (J) to show who
expresses each opinion or statement.



Unit 13

Sometimes you will want to give some advice during a discussion. One
way to give people advice is using need to. Read the example dialog

Dan: Employers must think that college graduates have better skills or
higher intelligence than people without degrees. I think I need to
go to college and get a degree.

Jill: You don't need to get a degree. You need to find a company that
values your experience. And you need to look at your rbsumb. You

experience enough.
might need to improve it. Maybe it doesn't emphasize your

Read 粃 e problems below. Copy a piece of advice from the box below for
each problem. Then practice reading each problem and advice dialog with

a partner.

1. I don't know how to write a r 츤 sum 츤 .

2. 1 want to be a journalist. I don't know if I should go to college or not.

3. I want to go to college so I can get a really good job.

4. I want to apply for a job with Microsoft. I'm not sure how to do it.

5. My rbsumb is a few years old.


That's too old. You need to update it.

You probably need to get a book about how to write a rbsumb.
You need to choose your major carefully, though.
- think you need to send a cover letter and a rbsumb.
First, you need to find out if you need a college degree or not.

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 13

Complete the following paragraphs with the words and phrases from
each box. One paragraph presents some reasons why you do need to go
to college to be successful (For). The o 巾 er paragraph presents some
reasons why you don't need to go to college to be successful (Against).

There are a number of reasons why you need to go to college to be
successful. Employers often prefer (1)
. Having a college degree shows your ability to learn (2)
. College graduates are also often

. In addition, college degrees



. These are some of the


reasons why you need to go to college to be successful.

- `

are recognized all around the world

and your ability to commit t 이 earning
to employ college graduates
paid more than people without a college degree

There are a number of reasons why you do not need to go to college to
be successful. In many industries, ('1)
. Studying at college (2)
The quality of degrees (3) . In
addition, many employers would rather hire people with relevant
experience (4) . These are some
of the reasons why you do not need to go to college to be successful.

does not really prepare you for a career
is also declining
than people with a degree
having experience is more important than having a
college degree
L - '

96 ·
Unit 13

A recent survey in the U.K. asked mid-sized companies what kind of
entry-level candidates they prefer to employ. Entry-level candidates
are people who have just finished school or college. The results are
presented in Table 1. An additional study researched the types of jobs
college graduates are employed in six months after they finish college.
The results are presented in Table 2.

oomm Table 1

Prefer entry-level candidates to have relevant work experience 56%
Believe that a relevant degree is important no'
J /0

Believe that fitting in well with the organization is most important 28%

Source: KPMG U.K., 2006

r Table 2

Working in jobs that do not require a degree, such as stores or
call centers 38%

higher education

Working in jobs that require a degree, such as medicine or

Working in entry-level jobs, such as marketing, sales, or IT 29%

Working in '"niche" areas such as recreation or sports management 21 %

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2006 (

niche: suitable place for somebody


Work with a partner.
'1. Describe the survey results. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.
2. Do you find any of the survey results surprising?
3. How might the results be different in Korea?

1 . More than half of the companies said they prefer candidates

to have. . .
2. I am surprised that so many companies said they prefer
candidates to have. . .
3. I am not surprised that...
4. In Korea, most companies prefer candidates to have...
5. The results would be different in Korea because most companies
prefer. . .


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

24 Genetically Modified Food
Should we accept it?

―ㅜ ㅜ

1. What is genetically modified food?

2. Have you ever eaten genetically modified food?

3. Do you think that genetically modified food will become popular
in Korea?
Unit 14

Read the extract from a magazine and the web page, and then answer
the questions.

1. OTrack 2-26

Whyi we food oom
should say no to genetically
have been tested enough. is that when genes from one

Another problem with GMOs food, people may have an
food are introduced into another planned

allergi c reaction to the GMO. For example, scientists
to introduce a ge ne from Brazil nuts into soybeans.
to nuts
could have a

they realized that people who are allergic with the genetically
oducts mad
serious allergi c reaction to pr new allergens could
modified soybeans. It is also possible that
be created in this way.
U.S. citizens at risk. America was one of the

it isAmerican
in their
the U.S.
to introcluc
… -

GMO: genetically modified organism
toxin: poison from living organism
gene: basic unit of heredity


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 14

2. 0Track 2-27


뺄밉델l'l' □
The only way we
The world population will double ir the next 50 years. of GMO5. Some
will be able to produce enough fooi is through the use
of the advantages GMOs offer are:
. Pest resistance
Farmers do not have to use pesticides to protect their crops from insects.
· Herbicide resistance
Farmers can use fewer and smaller amounts of chemical herbicides Ofl

· Drought/cold tolerance that can stand cold temperatures can

op ` that need very
little water or
grown in very dry and cold
areas. It is usually difficult to grow crops
such areas.

. Nutrition minerals added to

Crops such as rh
them so that therice is nave
:e can more 槻수什;
even U1L1 nutritious.
-'.-.--This is useful in developing
countries, where people rely on one crop for most of their diet.
. Medicines and vaccines certain medicines or vaccines. These
Fruit and vegetables could contain

fruit and vegetables would be easier to transport a nd
genetically modified
store than medicines and vaccines.

pest: an organism that is damaging to livestock, crops, humans, etc.

pesticide: pest-killing compound
herbicide: chemical substance for killing unwanted plants


Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1. Critics believe that GMOs have been tested enough. T/F

2. Genetically modified foods are not used in Europe. T/F

3. Genetically modified foods in the U.S. do not always

have a GM 이 abel. 1/F
4. The world's population is increasing. I / F

5. Genetically modified crops can be easier to grow than

non-GMOs. ㅜ/F
6. Genetically modified fruit and vegetables are difficult to
transport and store. T/F

Unit 14

0 ’· Listen to Tracy and Phil discussing GMOs. Fill in the missing words as
Track 2-29 you listen.

Phil: I don't like the idea of eating genetically modified food at all.

What do you think, Tracy?
Tracy: I think we have to accept that GMOs are here to stay. There has
(1) about it in the media. Now we in
America are falling behind the rest of the world in developing

genetically modified foods.
Phil: But people are worried about the health risks.

Tracy: I think there are far more benefits than risks. Besides, people
don't need to worry about risks, (2)
are tested.
Phil: But there are also problems with farmers planting genetically

modified crops. GMOs can actually harm (3)
. For example, insects that eat pest-resistant crops are
killed. Pollen from GMOs can spread onto other plants and then
also kill the insects that eat those plants.

Tracy: Oh, I'm sure that scientists will find a solution to these kinds
of problems. Overall, GMOs are good for the environment,
(4) _ large amounts of pesticides and
herbicides. They could also solve the problem of feeding the
world as the population grows.
Phil: Well, I think GMOs are dangerous (5)
harmful to people and the environment.

0 2. Listen to the four statements. Write Phil (P) or Tracy (T) to show who
Track 2-30 expresses each opinion or statement.

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Unit 14

It is important to give reasons for your opinlo way to do this is to
use because. Read the example dialog below.

Phil: But people are worried about the health risks.

Tracy: I think there are far more benefits than risks. Besides, people
don't need to worry about risks because GMOs are tested.

Match the beginning of each sentence to the correct ending. Then

practice saying each sentence.

1 . Growing GMOs is necessary

2. It is a good idea to add vitamins and minerals to certain
3. People are worried about eating genetically modified
4. GMOs are good for the environment
5. Mixing genes from different foods could be dangerous
6. Adding medicines and vaccines to fruit and vegetables
is a good idea

a. because fruit and vegetables are easier to transport

and store than medicines and vaccines.
b. because they don't know how it could affect their
c. because we need to produce more food to feed the
d. because farmers use fewer pesticides and
e. because some people are allergic to certain foods.
f. because people in some countries rely on one crop
for food.

Unit 14

Complete the following para graphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why we should accept genetically
modified food (For). The other para graph presents some reasons why we
should not accept genetically modified food (Against).


Producing genetically modified food is necessary so that we can

in the future. GMOs are also
because farmers don't need
to use as many pesticides and herbicides. GMOs can also be grown in
very cold and dry areas, where crops cannot usually be grown. It is also

possible to add vitamins and minerals to crops to make them (3) _
. Medicines and vaccines can even be added

to fruit and vegetables. These genetically modified fruit and vegetables (4)
than medicines and vaccines are.

■ more nutritious
feed the growing population
are easier to transport and store

good for the environment


We should not accept genetically modified food because it may be

(1) . We do not know if GMOs
are harmful, because they have (2)
It is also dangerous to introduce genes from one food into another food
because many people (3) . In
some countries, such as the U.S., genetically modified foods are not
always labeled, so many people (4)
they are eating GMOs.

do not realize that

■ dangerous to our health

are allergic to certain foods
not been tested enough

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Unit 14

A survey conducted in 2003 by the Pew Global Attitudes Project asked
people about their attitudes to genetically modified fruit and vegetables.
The results of 出 e survey are presented in the table below.
Question: Some people say that it is good to scientifically alter some fruits and
vegetables because it increases crop yields to feed more people, and it is good
for the environment. Others say it is bad to scientifically alter some fruits and
vegetables because it could hurt human health and the environment. Which
comes closer to your view?
Scientifically altered fruits and vegetables are...
」 00%. -1 」00」【」」1』』』0」』』―-」 4'―。』-』 -1【 「」―』 」





□ Good

40% 齟 Bad

□ Don't
-1I U(\0/

U /0
United Canada Great Japan Italy Germany France
States Britain


Work with a partner.

1. Describe the figures in the table. Use the phrases in the box.
2. How and why do you think these numbers might change in the future?
3. Are you surprised by the figures for France? Why do you think so many
people in France disapprove of genetically modified fruit and vegetables?

1 . The vast majority of French respondents. . .

2. A minority of Italian respondents...

3. The country with the highest percentage of...

4. People in the U.S. are more positive about...

5. - think that people in France are opposed to.,. because.
6. France people have strong feelings about... because...
. -


Sh,ould we d ㅇ more to help

th.e elderly ㅇ
and un emT I ye d오

r` ’ 0坐“騙娠

J ㅓ 多 빻 ’현 긺 ' 튁


i죤eer r s
s 노ㄴ‘




Source: Korean Statistic Information Service, 2007

1. Do you know anyone who is unemployed and living on welfare?

2. Do you think that it is easy to survive on welfare?
3. Do you think families should look after elderly relatives?

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 15

Read the web page and the extract from a speech, and then answer the

1. OTrack 2-31
_ _ … …

Welfare Support Group (WSG) welfare, and


ver 1.4 million families in Korea are now on

survive. W SG offers support and

any are struggling to not

advice to welfare recipi ents. Many families are can make
pr,궈귀p금 수 0. WSG
receiving the welfare they are entltleu ㅣ
sure families are getting all the welfare payments they are
entitled to. We can also give emergency cash payments
for items such as rent, clothes, and food.
Poverty trap
Many people living on welfare are forced to live in tiny
rooms and often without a bathroom. Many also report
meals a day. WSG gives help

in findingfree
serving reasonable
lunch to hundreds
housing. We
of people
alsol have
a cafeteria
people's incomes
receive more money on welidle. LiiU ji1 vv ‘:; , ,.-!

more stable than taking a low-paid, temporary job from

which you can be easily fired. WSG offers a wide range c
training courses to those wanting to get back into the

Utiit 15

2. OTrack 2-32

oomm t
rsrs a


Some elderly people who do not have any measures to

support themselves live withtheir
witl Sons or daughters. However,
more than 60 percent of the elderly do not
want to live with their
e alone on social welfare or

Sons or daughters. Actually, some
on the allowances made by their sons and daughters and
sometimes by their relatives. As a matter of fact, 76.8 percent of
welfare service from governmental

the elderly want to receive
and social organizations.

Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
I. WSG helps families who are living on welfare. ㅜ IF
2. People living on welfare can buy lunch at WSG. TIP
3. Some people receive more money on welfare than if they
worked. T/F
4. A majority of the elderly want to live with their sons or
daughters. TIP
5. A majority of the elderly want to have an outside help for
their living. I/F

6. Having hobbies is the most urgent problem for the elderly. TIP

Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters
Unit 15

1.Listen to Bill and Maria discussing the elderly and unemployed. Fill in

Track 2-34 巾 e missing words as you listen.

Maria: Don't you think the government should ('1)

people find jobs? My friend Jason has been looking for a job for
months now. He's starting to get really depressed about it.
Bill: (2) _, but surely it can't be that hard to
find a job. The economy is getting better, and unemployment is
Maria: (3) how hard it is to find a job when
you're living on welfare? You need money for nice clothes for
interviews and travel costs. Many people on welfare can't afford that.
Bill: Maybe, but the unemployed already get a lot of
(4) from the government. The
government pays their rent, and they get welfare payments to live
Maria: I know what you mean, but thousands of people commit suicide
every year because of unemployment and financial problems. It's
a terrible problem. I think they need emotional help as well as
financial help.
Bill: Well, maybe (5)

2. Listen to the four statements. Write Maria 帆차 or Bill rB) to show who

Track 2-35 expresses each opinion or statement.

Unit iS

There are di rent ways to introduce opinions during a discussion. Read
巾 e example ial 0g below.

Maria: Don't you think the government should do more to help people
find jobs? My friend Jason has been looking for a job for
months now. He's starting to get really depressed about it.

Bill: I know what you mean, but surely it can't be that hard to find
a job. The economy is getting better, and unemployment is

Use the phrases in the box to complete the dialog. Then work with a

partner and practice 出 e dialog together.

Maybe, but...
Don't you think. . .
- know what you mean,.

n you imagine. . .


SSMM we should do more to help old people?

but the government already spends a lot

of money on the elderly.
A: how terrible it would be to be elderly

and living alone? The elderly need help such as home care services
and emergency alert services. But many can't afford to pay for

these services.
I think old people's friends and family
should take more responsibility to help them. It shouldn't be left to
the government.


Instagram Channel: @IELTS_Matters Telegram Channel : @IELTSMatters

Unit 15

Complete the following paragraphs with the phrases from each box. One
paragraph presents some reasons why we should do more to help the elderly
and the unemployed (For). The other paragraph presents some reasons why
we should not do more to help the elderly and the unemployed (Against).

We should do more to help the elderly and unemployed. Many families
living on welfare don't even (1)
Many have to live in very basic conditions and find it hard to (2) _
_. Many elderly people live alone and cannot
(3) _. Twenty-one percent of the
population (4) _. The elderly and
unemployed need support. Therefore, we should do more to help the
elderly and unemployed.

is now over 65 years old

have enough money to feed themselves
afford the welfare services that are available
survive on the money they receive

We should not do more to help the elderly and unemployed. There is more
help available for (1) . Thousands of
elderly citizens use home care services (긱
_. In addition, the government supports thousands of unemployed
people and their families (3) . The
economy is also improving. This creates more jobs for the unemployed and
(4) . Therefore, we should not do
more to help the elderly and unemployed.

the elderly and unemployed than ever before

with Qavments for rent and livina exoenses
oerrer iving stanaaras bOr me elderly
to help with daily tasks such as shopping and cooking

Unit 15

The United Nations has developed a method of measuring poverty called
the Human Poverty Index. This index measures longevity (length of life),
life expectancy (how long you are expected to live), and a decent standard
of living. The chart below shows the Human Poverty Index for 2002 for a
number of countries. (OECD countries excepted from 巾 e statistics are the
Republic of Korea, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Polan하 and

Turkey.) The chart shows the percentage of the population who are living
in poverty.

Australia 12.9%


Japan 11.2%

Netherlands 8.5%
Sweden 6.7%
U.K. 15.1 %
U.S. 」 5.8%
● MM
Work with a partner.
1. Describe the figures in the chart. Use the sentences and phrases in the box.

2. Do you find any of the figures in the chart surprising?

3. Can you suggest reasons for any of the figures in the chart?

鱗 ‘

1 . From the chart we can see that 12.9 percent of people..

2. We can see that only 6.7 percent of the population
in Sweden...
3. This chart shows that a larger percentage of people. . .
4. The Human Poverty Index in the U.S. is...
5. It is unbelievable that. . =
6. I am amazed that. ..
7. It doesn't surprise me that.


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Transcripts & Answer Keys
Unit 1
The Internet: Is it a good way to meet people?

Understanding the main ideas

1.F 2.T 3.1 4.T 5. T 6. F

1. Louise: I'm going on a date tonight with a guy I met on the Internet.
Matt: (1) Really? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
Louise: Why not? We've been chatting for a few weeks, and he's really nice. I
like him a lot.
Matt: (2) Are you sure? You don't really know him.
Louise: I think I do. I can tell that you disapprove of Internet dating, Matt. But
you know, it's difficult to meet people you have things in common
with. The Internet is a great way to meet people you can relate to.
Matt: (3)Are you kidding? How do you know this guy isn't crazy or
dangerous or both? I don't think you should go.
Louise: (4) 끄으 n't w 으 y! My friend Ella is coming, too. And we're meeting
him in a restaurant, so we can easily leave if we want to.
Matt: Oh! Well, I'm glad you're being sensible. Have a great time!

2. 1. I know that you dislike Internet dating. Louise

2. Internet dating is a good idea. Louise
3. You shouldn't go on a date with someone you met on the Internet. Matt
4. It is sensible to take a friend with you. Matt

Talking about it
1. A: Millions of people use the Internet to make new friends these days.
B: Are you sure? I think it's a strange way to meet people.
2. A: I've joined an Internet dating website.
B: 스re you kid 生ng? You don't need to do that. You're always going on dates.
3. A: Joanne met her new boyfriend on the Internet.
B: Really? I thought she didn't agree with Internet dating.
4. A: I don't think it's a good idea to meet people on the Internet.
B: 뾰hy not? Everyone is doing it these days.

Building a paragraph
Meeting people on the Internet is a good idea. Social networking websites are a
good way to make new friends and (1) keep in touch with old friends. You may
even meet (2) a new boyfriend or girlfriend. The Internet makes it easier for
people (3) who find it difficult to make new friends. You can also find people who
may be able to help you (4) find a new job. Overall, there are many advantages to
meeting people on the Internet.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Meeting people on the Internet is not a good idea. It is very dangerous because
you never really know (1) 血 e ijeople you make contact wi 血 People can

(2)lie about their identity. Children can also be targeted by pedophiles

(3) pretending to be other children. You also have no control over how persona
information (4) you post on the Internet is used. Overall, there are many
disadvantages to meeting people on the Internet.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers


1. · 29% of Internet daters gave "To find friends and meet people" as their

· Most people said they used online dating websites because they wanted to

find friends and meet people.

· Most people said they used online dating websites to find friends and meet

srs .
· Only 3 percent of people said they used online dating websites because they

are shy.
· Finding friends and meeting people is the most common reason for using

online dating Websites.
2. · I found it interesting that only 9% of daters said they used online dating
websites to find their spouse because I thought that was the reason most
people used them.

3. · Only 3 percent of daters said they used online dating websites because
people do not like to admit to being shy.

Unit 2

NEETs: Are they a serious problem?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5. T 6. T

1. David: Did you know that nearly 18% of high school graduates in Korea
become NEETs? That's terrible, (1) isn't it?
Michelle: I don't know. There must be a reason for it. Some people take a
while to decide what they want to do.
David: Well, my cousin was a NEET for three years. It was very hard for
him to find a job when he finally decided to start looking. No one
wanted to employ him. He ended up starting his own business.
Michelle: That's a good thing, (2) isn't it? It doesn't sound like being a NEET
was really a problem for him at all.
David: But it's a waste of time, (3) isn't i므 He could have been working
and earning money during those three years. Instead, he was
getting money from his parents and doing what he liked.
Michelle: I think you're jealous, (4) aren 工y으吐 I bet you'd like to stop work
for a while.
David: You're kidding, (5) aren't you? I'll never become a NEET. I like to
work hard.

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Transcripts & Answer Keys

2. 1. People become NEETs for a reason. Michelle

2. Being a NEET makes it hard to find a job David
3. Being a NEET is a waste of time. David
4. 1 think you would like to become a NEET. Michelle

Talking about it
1. A: Ben should find a job. shouldn't he?
B: Yes, he probably should.
2. A: NEETs aren't a big problem. are they?
B: No, they aren't.
3. A: 쑈트ETs are ba 生 for so 흐 ety. aren 끄址L?.
B: Yes, they are.
4. A: NEETs don't pay any taxes, do they?
B: No, they don't.
5. A: Being a NEET is a waste of time. isn't it?
B: Yes, it is.

Building a paragraph
NEETs are definitely a serious problem. Being a NEET (1) is a selfish thin맺o do.
NEETs do not pay taxes (2) or make pension contributions. However, they use the
same services as everyone else. NEETs are a problem because we do not have
enough workers in Korea because of (3) the aging population. People who spend
time as a NEET will also find it (4) difficult to find a job in the future. These are
some of the reasons why NEETs are a serious problem.

NEETs are definitely not a serious problem. In fact, there is no NEET problem in
Korea. Most of the people we call NEETs (1) are not actually NEETs. Many are not
NEETS through choice and are looking for work. Many NEETs return to the
workforce (2) after a short time. They often spend their time away from work
(3) doing something creative or traveling. This is not a bad thing. Also many
NEETs have started successful businesses 14) once they re4enter the workforce.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. · Almost 87 percent of respondents think that the number of NEETs will
· Only 3.6 percent of respondents said that the number of NEETs will decrease.
· Almost 10 percent of respondents said that the number of NEETs will not
· Almost 93 percent of respondents think that the increase of NEETs is a
' Only 1.3% of respondents said that the increase of NEETs is not a problem.
' 4 percent of respondents feel that the increase of NEETs is not much of a
2. · I find it surprising that only 3.6 percent of respondents feel that the number
of NEETs will decrease.
· Surprisingly, more than 90 percent of respondents think that the increase of
NEETs is a problem.
. As you would expect, only 1.3 percent of respondents feel that NEETs are not
a problem at all.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

3. · I think that the number of NEETs will increase slightly.

· I feel that the increase of NEETs over the past few years is a very serious

Unit 3
Fashion: Do young people spend too much time and money on fashion?

Understanding the main ideas

'1. T 2.F


3.T 4.T 5.F S F

1. Simon: Have you been shopping again, Cindy? You must spend a fortune on

I suppose I do (1) spend a lot on clothes. But I love fashion!
Simon: How can you afford it? You work part-time in a clothing store, don't

Cindy: Yes, I do. I live with my parents, so that helps a lot.
Simon: If you didn't buy so many clothes, (2) you could afford to leave home or
maybe travel. Wouldn't you rather be more independent?
Cindy: Not really. I enjoy shopping and being with my friends. 1(3) couldn't

a血r生 to keep up with fashion if I left home.
Simon: Why don't you find a better job? Then you (4) could save some money
instead of spending it all.


I love my job! I don't care if it doesn't (5) pay much money. It's fun and
I meet lots of interesting people.

2. 1. You spend a lot of money on clothes.
3. I don't want to be more independent.
4. I don't want to find a better job.
2. You could be more independent if you spent less on clothes. Simon

Talking about it

1. A: Andrew wants to buy a motorcycle, but he can't afford one.
B: He could 르血£生a m으t으뜨廷노 if he spent less money on clothes.
2. A: I'd like to learn French, but I don't have enough time.
B: Why don't you spend less time shopping? Then you could learn French.
3. A: I really need to buy some new clothes, but I never have any money.
B: You should find a better job. Then you could buy some clothes.
4. A: Sophie wants to spend more time with her family and friends, but she is too
busy with work.
B: Maybe she should take some time off. Then she could spend some time with
her family and friends.

Building a paragraph
There are a number of reasons why it is true to say that young people spend too
much time and money on fashion. Young women in the U.S. spend (1) almost half
皿止eir止come on fashion an旦흐eauty. They are spending more than they can
afford, and many young women (2) cannot afford to pay their credit card bills.

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Transcripts & Answer Keys

Young women want to (3) look like movie stars and models. This is why th ey spend
so much money on fashion and beauty, and many even starve themselves (4) to be
dangerously thin. These are some of the reasons why we can say that young
people spend too much time and money on fashion.

It cannot be said that young people spend too much time and money on fashion.
Fashion is an im portant way for (1) young Korean people to find a sense of
identity. This gives them (2) a feeling- of nfidence and edom. There is a lot of
(3)pressure in Korea to be fashionable. However, following fashion makes
(4) young people feel strongern止more important. This is a good thing for any
young person. These are some of the reasons why it is not true to say that young
people spend too much time and money on fashion.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. · It's obvious that the largest percentage of respondents spend more than
500,000 won a month on fashion.
· It's clear that the smallest percentage of respondents spend less than 100,000
won a month on fashion.
· We can see that more people spend 100,000 to 500,000 won a month on
fashion than spend less than 100,000 won a month on fashion.
· It's obvious that the largest percentage of respondents would like to have
more money to spend on fashion.
· It's clear that the smallest percentage of respondents feel that they spend too
much on fashion.
· We can see that more people never save any money than save a little money.
2. · It is surprising that so few respondents save any money at all.
· I am surprised that only 11 percent of respondents feel that they spend too
much money on fashion.
3. · Perhaps people in other parts of Korea spend less money on fashion.
· I think the young people interviewed are not representative of young people in
· I think the young people interviewed are not like most young people in Korea.

Unit 4
Environment: Should we continue to use nuclear energy?

Understanding the main ideas

1- F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5. F 6. F

I. Marie: A lot of countries want to increase the amount of nuclear energy they
produce. I think it's a significant risk. If we have more nuclear energy,
(1) more countries will develop nuclear weapons.
Peter: I don't think so. Most countries are just trying to find alternatives to
fossil fuels. (2) If we continue to use fossil fuels, global warming will
increase. If global warming increases, there will be more cases of
extreme weather such as typhoons and hurricanes. Nuclear energy is
a good solution to the problem.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Marie: But when you produce (3) nuclear energy, there is nuclear waste to get
rid of. How can we get rid of it safely?
Peter: Countries like Sweden and Finland have developed safe ways of
burying nuclear waste very deep (4) in the ground. Nuclear energy is a
huge industry. It has brought employment to many towns and cities
around the world.
Marie: Maybe, but millions of dollars have been spent cleaning up sites where
nuclear power plants have been. Not to mention where there have
been (5) nuclear accidents. We should focus on green energy sources

like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

2. '1. Increased nuclear energy could lead to more nuclear weapons. Marie

cc o
2. Using nuclear energy could help stop global warming. Peter
3. There are safe ways to get rid of nuclear waste. Peter

4. We should use more green energy sources instead of nuclear energy. Marie

Talking about it

1. If we continue to use fossil fuels, we will use them all up.
2. If we build more nuclear power plants, we will create more jobs.

3. If we use less fossil fuels, we will help to stop global warming.
4. If there is a nuclear accident, thousands of people will be affected.

Building a paragraph
Nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future. There will not be

enough oil, coal, and gas (1) to keep up with future demand. Nuclear energy
(2) will provide a cheaper alternative. Nuclear energy also does not cause the
environmental problems (3) that burning fossil fuels does. There are no CO2
emissions from nuclear energy, (4) so global warming is not increased. There are
many reasons why nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future.

Nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the future. Nuclear energy is
not safe. When there is a nuclear accident (1) the impact is considerable. It is not

safe for people (2) to live near nuclear power교ants. (3) There are increased levels
虹 different kinds of cancer among people who live near nuclear power plants.
It is also difficult to (4) get rid of nuclear waste safely. There are many reasons
why nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the future.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. · The country with the highest percentage of nuclear energy is France.
· The country with the lowest percentage of nuclear energy is China.
· Only 2 percent of China's electricity is produced by nuclear power.
· 35 percent of Korea's electricity is produced by nuclear power.
· Korea produces more nuclear energy than the U.K.
· Canada produces less nuclear energy than the U.K.
2. · I am surprised that France produces so much nuclear energy.
· I didn't realize that China produces so little nuclear energy.
3. · I think that in the future Korea will produce more nuclear energy.
· I think that Korea will produce less nuclear energy in the future.
' I think that Korea will continue to produce about the same amount of nuclear
energy in the future.

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Trail scripts & Answer Keys

Unit 5
International Marriage: Is it a good thing?

Understanding the main ideas

1' F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5. T 6. F

1. Jeff: Would you ever marry someone from a different country, Ann?
Ann: No, I don't think so. It (1) could be pretty difficult.
Jeff: What do you mean? How could it be difficult?
Ann: Well, urn... I mean there could be a lot of cultural differences between
Jeff: What kind of cultural differences?
Ann: Let me see. Well, (긱 we could have communication difficulties. And we
could have different ideas about family life. (3) We could like different
types of food and we could even find different things funny.
Jeff: I don't think cultural differences are so important. Do you?
Ann: Yes, I do. I'd like to marry someone who's like me.
Jeff: Well, I think it would be interesting to be married to someone from a
different country. You (4) 드으비生 learn a lot about their culture.
Ann: I think I'd rather be married to someone (5) from my country. It would
be easier!

2. '1. I don't think I would marry someone from a different country. Ann
2. It doesn't matter so much if there are cultural differences
between a husband and wife. Jeff
3. I want to marry someone who's like me. An 11
4. It would be interesting to be married to someone from another
country. Jeff

Talking about it
1. A: I think it would be great to marry someone from a different culture.
B: Do you think so?
2. A: Yes, it would be interesting. You could learn so much about a different culture.
B: But you could also have communication difficulties. That could cause all
kinds of problems.
3. A: Yes, but you could learn each other's language. And if you have children,
they could learn two languages.
B: But you could have lots of cultural differences. People from different cultures
often have different ideas about things.
4. A: Yes, I know. But that could be a good thing. It makes life more interesting!
B: Hmm. I don't know. I think it could be pretty difficult.

Building a paragraph
International marriage is a good thing because each partner can (t) learn about a
different culture. Children with parents from different countries can (2) learn two
languages. When a husband and wife are from different cultures, they often talk a
lot about (3) how to raise their children. This can help to (4) create a very close,
loving family. Therefore, international marriage has many advantages.

Iratiscripts & Atiswer Keys

International marriage is not a good thing because cultural differences can make
('1) the relationship difficult. For example, couples from different cultures often
have (2) different ideas about family life. Many international couples also have
(3) communication desifficulties because of their language difference. Sometimes,
they don't have (4) much in common. In conclusion, international marriage has
many disadvantages.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

I. · Chart 1 shows that most of the marriages were between Korean men and
foreign women.
' Chart 2 shows that Korean men mostly married Chinese women.
· We can see from Chart 2 that 48 percent of the women who married Korean
men were Chinese.
· Chart 3 shows us that most Korean women married men from Japan.

· Chart 3 shows that 27 percent of the men Korean women married were

rr s
2. · It is interesting to note that more Korean women married Japanese men than
any other nationality.

' I find it interesting that more Korean men married foreigners than women.
· I think that more Korean men married foreigners than women because Korean
women tend to marry later than they used to.
· I suspect that more Korean men married foreigners than women due to the

fact that Korean women are more independent than they used to be.
3. · I think that Korean women married more Japanese than other nationalities
because they are interested in Japanese culture.

. It is possible that 48 percent of the women married by Korean men were
Chinese because it is easy to meet Chinese women.

Unit 6
Junk Food: Is it becoming a serious problem?

Understanding the main ideas

1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5. F 6. T

1. Cathy: Mmm. 'these French fries are delicious. Would you like some?
Tim: No, thanks. I don't eat French fries. They're so unhealthy.
Cathy: They aren't that bad. A few French fries won't kill you!
Tim: Actually, some scientists believe that French fries and other junk food
can be addictive. Once you start eating them, you want to eat them
(1) more and more often.
Cathy: I don't think that's a problem for us. You can eat what you like when
you are young.
Tim: Even young people can become sick because of what they eat. Eating
too much junk food (2) makes people overweight. It also leads to blood
pressure problems, diabetes, and heart disease.
Cathy: Hmm. I wonder how much is "too much." 1(3) eat fast food every day
for lunch!

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Tim: I think that's too much. Eating fast food every day (4) could cause high
blood pressure. It could also make you overweight. You should
definitely eat less.
Cathy: I think (5) you may be right. I'd better start having a healthy sandwich
for lunch instead.

2. 1. French fries are not really unhealthy.
2. Junk food can be addictive. Tim
3. You eat too much fast food. Tim
4. 1 should eat less fast food. Cathy

Talking about it
I. A: Do you think that children should eat junk food?
B: No, I don't. Eating junk food makes children fat.
2. A: Why is too much junk food bad for you?
B: Eating too much junk food can lead to blood pressure problems, diabetes
and heart disease.
3. A: Why is it not a good idea to eat too much sugar?
B: Eating too much sugar can cause people to become overweictht.
4. A: How often do you eat burgers and French fries?
B: Probably about three times a week.
A: That's a lot. Eating so much fast food be

Building a paragraph
Junk food is becoming a serious problem for the f 이 lowing reasons. Junk food can
(1) cause bad behavior and learning difficulties in children. Many schools in the
U.K. (2) serve junk food to children at lunchtime. Schools that replaced junk food
with healthy food found a big improvement (3) in the children's behavior and
performance. Junk food can (4) also cause different health problems. So, it can be
said that junk food is becoming a serious problem.
Junk food is not becoming a serious problem for a number of reasons. Junk food is
not a problem (1) if it is eaten 으끄1노 occasi 으끄all노. People should not (2) Lt 으뜨 much
junk food. People should also (3) take responsibility for what they eat. There are
other reasons for people becoming fatter and unhealthier. People do not exercise
enough and (4) spend too much time watching T 포 and usinci computers. These are
some reasons why junk food is not becoming a serious problem.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

I. · The country with the highest percentage of overweight and obese people is
the U.S.
· There is a higher percentage of overweight and obese people in Korea than
in Japan.
· Australia has higher levels of obesity than Sweden.
· Korea has lower levels of obesity than France.
· Japan has the lowest percentage of overweight and obese people.
2. · I was surprised to find 30 percent of people in Korea are overweight or obese.
· I didn't realize that so many people in the U.S. are overweight or obese.
. Many people are starting to recognize that obesity is a problem in Korea.

Iran scripts & Answer Keys

· Obesity should be recognized as a problem in Korea.

· I don't think that obesity is a big problem in Korea.
3. · I guess that there are so many overweight and obese people in the U.S.
because people eat a lot of fast food.
· I think that there are fewer overweight and obese people in Korea because the
Korean diet is quite healthy.
· I think the number of overweight and obese people in Korea is 30 percent
because people are eating more Western food.

Unit 7

Paternity Leave: Should men take paternity leave?

Understanding the main ideas

1 ' F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5. T 6. F


I. Naomi: I'm so excited. My sister is having a baby soon, and I'll be an aunt!
Terry: That's exciting. Your sister's a newspaper journalist, isn't she? (1) How
much maternity leave is she going to take?
Naomi: Only a few months. She is worried that it will affect her career badly if

she takes too much time off.
Terry: Well, I think (2) she should stay home with her child as long as
possible. Being a mother is much more important that having a career.
Naomi: Of course being a mother is important. But what about the fathers? I

think they should (3) take some responsibility, too.
Terry: But men need to focus on their careers. Every family needs a
breadwinner. Anyway, women are much better suited to (4) taking care
of children than men.

Naomi: That's not true. Lots of men would love to stay at home with their
children if they could. More men (5) should take paternity leave so
employers realize that they have to be more family-friendly.

2. 1. Naomi's sister shouldn't go back to work right away.

2. Both men and women should take time off to take care
of their children. Naomi
3. Many men would like to stop working and take care of
their children. Naomi
4. Men should go to work and women should take care of
the children. Terry

Talking about it
'1. A: I think that men should share taking care of the children with theirwiyp 요 .
B: I don't agree. It's often difficult for men to work part time.
2. A: Don't you think that women should concentrate on taking care of 止 eir
children instead of working?
B: No, I don't. I think that women should be able to work if they want to.
3. A: I really believe that men should take paternity leave.
B: I know what you mean, but not many men want to take so much time off.
4. A: In my opinion, women should take care of the children.
B: I don't think so. I think that men should help with taking care of the children.


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Building a paragraph
Paternity leave is a good idea because many men would like to (1) stay home wi
their children. If men take paternity leave, women (2) will probably have more
children. This will help to (3) increase the falling birthrate. Paternity leave also
helps men to (4) become closer to their children. Therefore, paternity leave has
many benefits.

Paternity leave is not a good idea because men have to (1) focus on their career.
Men who take paternity leave will (2) worry about what people at work will think.
They will also feel uncomfortable about (3) not being the breadwinner in the
family. Also, most men (4) do not feel confident about taking care of children.
Therefore, there are many disadvantages to paternity leave.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. · The chart shows that the country with the highest fertility rate is Niger.
' We can see from the chart that the fertility rate in Korea is only 1.13.
· The highest fertility rate is in Niger.
· The lowest fertility rate is in China.
2. · I find it surprising to see that the fertility rate in Korea is so low.
' I am surprised that the fertility rate in Niger is so high.
· I think that people in Korea should be worried about the low fertility rate.
· I don't think that people in Korea should be worried about the fertility rate.
3. · I think that the fertility rate in Korea is only 1.13 because women are putting
off getting married and having children.
· I think that the fertility rate is high in Niger because it also has a high
mortality rate.

Unit 8
Depopulation: Should we accept more foreign workers?

Understanding the main ideas

I. F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5. F 6. F

1. Sumi: Do you know that we don't have enough factory workers in Korea?
We're getting factory workers from places like Indonesia and Vietnam
these days.
Junho: I think (1) that's a good idea. If we can't find enough Korean workers
we should get them from overseas.
Sumi: (2) The problem is that many of them don't speak Korean very well.
I don't think it's a good idea.
Junho: They'll learn Korean quickly. Many Vietnamese already speak Korean
as well as their own language. (3) I'm sure they'll pick up Korean.
Anyway, it's good for us to have people from different cultures here.
Did you know that only 1.5% of our population is not Korean? That's
not very many people. We should catch up with the rest of the world.

1ranscripts & Answer Keys

Sumi: (4) The trouble is that when you allow lots of foreign workers into a
country, they start to change that country. I don't want Korea to
become multicultural. If I want to experience different cultures, I'll go
Junho: Well, I think (5) d deas about this topic, Sumi!

2. 1. It's a good idea to accept foreign workers. i u ii ho

2. It's a problem if foreign workers cannot speak Korean well.
3. There aren't many foreign workers in Korea. Junho
4. I don't want Korea to change. Sumi

Talking about it

1. A: I don't see why we need foreign workers. Surely there must be enough local
B: The problem is that our population is aging. We won't have enough workers
in the future.

2. A: Why do people disagree with accepting more foreign workers?
B: The point is that people are worried about crime and security.
3. A: Foreign workers take jobs away from local people. We shouldn't accept any

B: The trouble is that local people don't want to do certain jobs. That's why we
need foreign workers.
4. A: Foreign workers sometimes complain about their employers. Why is that?

B: The thing is that foreign workers are often paid badly and treated badly.

Building a paragraph

We should definitely accept more foreign workers. There are not enough local
people to work in certain professions (1) so we must accept workers立om
overseas. Foreign workers can also (2) bring new skills to Korea. Accepting foreign

workers will also help to (3) s 이 ye our depopulation problem. Therefore, there are a
number of reasons why (4) we should accept more foreign workers.

We should definitely not accept more foreign workers. Foreign workers are often
used for (t) jobs that local people could have. They are often paid badly and
treated badly, so (기 we should not accept any more. Accepting foreign workers
has caused (3) an increase in the crime rate. Foreign workers can also sometimes
stay (4) longer than their visa allows. Therefore, there are a number of reasons
why we should not accept more foreign workers.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ' Chinese has the highest number of foreign nationals in Korea.
· Thais are one of the smallest groups of foreign nationals in Korea.
· Chinese are the largest group of foreign nationals in Korea.
· There are more people here from Vietnam than from Indonesia.
· Korea has more Chinese people than American people.
2. · I didn't know that American nationals are among the smaller groups.
· I am surphsed that there are so many Vietnamese in Korea.
· I am surprised to discover that there are more people from Indonesia here
than from the U.S.


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3. · I expect that most of the foreign nationals are Chinese because of our close
ties to China.
' I suppose that there are many Chinese people in Korea because of business
· I expect that there will be more foreign nationals from all around the world in
Korea in the future.
· I think that the number of foreigners in Korea will increase in the future.

Unit 9
Examinations: Are they the best form of assessment?

Understanding the main ideas

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5. F 6. F

1. Danny: I am so sick of studying for exams! It seems as if all we do at scho 이 is
prepare for exams. We never study anything interesting.
Jessica: (1)Bt 흐Sn工地璽 what you are meant to do at school? If you want to go
to c 이 lege, you have to do well on your exams. It's the only way for
colleges to decide who to accept.
Danny: Exams are not necessarily the best form of assessment. With
(2) 쁘끄흐끄브으us assessment, students get the chance to make sure they
really understand the subject. (3) h 蠟弘 people who get good grades
on exams are just good at remembering facts and good at guessing
what will be on the exam.
Jessica: I don't agree. Continuous assessment is too easy. Anyone can write an
essay if they have enough time to do it.
Danny: (4) 스ctually, some people don't work well under pressure. They don't
do well on exams, so it isn't fair to make everyone take exams.
Jessica: (5) 스s a matkr of fact, some education experts say exams are the
fairest system. Everyone takes the exam under the same conditions.
You can't get fairer than that!
2. l. Exams are the best way for c 이 leges to choose their students.
2. Continuous assessment is better than exams. Danny
3. It's easier to write an essay than take an exam. Jessica
4. Exams are fairer than continuous assessment. Danny

Talking about it
1. A: Exams are best because it is very difficult to cheat on an exam.
B: 스s a matter of fact / In fact스스ctually, lots of students are caught cheating
on exams.
2. A: Exams are a better way to measure students' academic abilities. Writing an
essay is easy.
B: 스 s a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, essays are better because they help
the student to understand the subject well.
3. A: Exams are a waste of time. They are just a memory test.
B: 스 s a matter of fact 즈 In fact 즈스 ctua끄y, exams encourage useful skills like
discipline and working under pressure.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

4. A: Continuous assessment is too easy.

B: As a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, continuous assessment is better
because students can study things they are interested in, and not just exam

Building a paragraph
Examinations are the best form of assessment for the following reasons.
Examinations are the only true test (1) of students' academic abilities.

Examinations encourage students (2) to work hard throughout their education.
They also motivate students (3) to develop skills such as working under pressure.
Some examinations are (4) internationally recounized and are therefore useful
when you want to study ab road. These are some of the reasons why examinations
are the best form of assessment.
Examinations are not the best form of assessment for the following reasons.

Examinations create (1) a lot of pressure for students. In some countries, errors
sometimes occur in examination questions, and errors are sometimes made

(2) by exa 血 na 血 n graders. Examinations do (3) 끄뜨 measure acade 血 c ability.
They only (4) measure student 노 memory. These are some of the reasons why
examinations are not the best form of assessment.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers
I . . The majority of students feel there are too many exams.


Most students say that exams make them feel stressed.
48 percent of students say that they make mistakes on exams because they are
54 percent of students think that continuous assessment is easier than taking

63 percent of students say that exams are not the best form of assessment.
It is interesting to note that only 37 percent of students think that exams are
the best form of assessment.
· I am surprised that so many students think there are too many exams.

· I think that the number of students in Korea who think that there are too many
exams would be even higher.
· I expect that even more students in Korea would say that exams make them
feel stressed.
3. · You think that there are too many exams, but I don't think so.
· You believe that continuous assessment is easier than taking exams, but I don't
believe it is.
· You feel that exams are the best form of assessment, but I don't feel that way.

Unit 10
Animal Testing: Should it be allowed?

Understanding the main ideas

tF 2.T 3.T 4.F 5. T 6. T


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1. Robert:Animal testing is so (TI) cruel. I think it should be stopped.
Mandy: I'm not so sure. I think animal testing is (2) the best way to test
medicines and other products.
Robert: I don't think so. I've heard that animal testing is (3) unreliable. Animals
are very different from humans. It could even be dangerous.
Mandy: But scientists can allow for differences between humans and animals
when they do their tests. Besides, animals are only used when there is
no other suitable alterative.
Robert: Animal testing is (4) unnecessary. Alternatives could be used all of the
time, I'm sure. There are lots of new research methods such as creating
computer models, using animal or human cells, and even testing on
Mandy: But sometimes animals are the only choice. Scientists have to see how
the whole body is affected by the drug.
Robert: Animal testing is (5) wrong. Nothing will change my mind about that!

2. Ti. Animal testing should not be used. Robert

2. Animal testing is not a good way to test drugs and other products. Robert
3. Animal testing shouldn't be stopped. Mandy
4. Scientists only use animal testing when they have no other choice. Mandy
Talking about it
Ti. A: Animal testing is very important. Scientists couldn't have developed
treatments for cancer and HIV without it.

I don't agree. Animal testing is unnecessary. There are other alternatives that

can be used.
Th at '5 not true. Animal testing is necessary. Scientists need to see how drugs
work on the whole body.
B: Well, I think that animal testing is cruel. Animals should have the same rights
as people.

Building a paragraph
Animal testing should be allowed (Ti) because it is the best way to test drugs a
medical treatments. Animal testing is only used (2) when there is no other
alternative. Animal testing has allowed scientists to develop (3) treatments. for
There are strict rules (4) to make sure that test animals are
w맨-treated. Therefore, animal testing should be allowed.

Animal testing should not be allowed (Ti) because it not necessary. There are
many alternatives (2) that can be used instead of animal testing. Animal testing is
also unreliable
because (3) anim and humans are very different. Animals have
the (4) r1 as They should not suffer and die in this way.
Therefore, animal testing should not be allowed.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

'l. ' 70 percent of respondents think that it is acceptable to test new medical
treatments on animals.
· Only '18 percent of respondents think that it is not acceptable to test new
medical treatments on animals.
· '12 percent of respondents don't know if it is acceptable or not to test new
medical treatments on animals.
· 70 percent of respondents agree that testing on animals is sometimes


oo m
· 18 percent of respondents think that alternative testing methods are always
· Most respondents agree with protesters using posters showing test animals

in pain.

· Most respondents disagree with protesters damaging property.
2. · It is interesting to see that 70 percent of respondents agree that testing new

medical treatments on animals is acceptable.

. I am not surphsed that 97 percent of respondents think that making death
threats against scientists and animal breeders is not a reasonable kind of

· I think that the results of this survey would be fairly similar in Korea.
· If this survey was conducted in Korea, the results would be very different.
3. · I think that more people are in favor of animal testing for new medical

treatments because there have been some major successes in this area.
· More people support animal testing because there are many laws to protect
laboratory animals.

Unit 11

Temporary Workers: Should we do more to reduce the number of

temporary workers?

Understanding the main ideas
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. 1 6. F


1. Jongsu: Are you still looking for a new job, Eunju?
Eunju: Yes, I am. But it's very difficult to find a permanent job. Most
employers are only offering contracts these days.
Jongsu: Yes, but companies need (1) to be flexible because the economy is
not very stable.
Eunju: But increasing the number of temporary workers is making the
economy worse. Many people (2) are not spending much money
because they don't earn much. People are even avoiding getting
married and having children because they don't have any job security.
Jongsu: I don't know if that is true or not. But I do know that companies can
save (3) a lot of money by employing temporary workers.
Eunju: Yes, that's right. They pay temporary workers as little as possible. It
may be good for the company, but it's not good (4) for the employees.
Jongsu: Well, I like being a temporary worker. I work (5) part-time and I don't
feel I have to stay with the same company forever. It suits me fine.

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2. t. It's not a good thing to increase the number of temporary workers. Eunju
2. Temporary workers don't have much money to spend. Eunju
3. Companies need to employ temporary workers. Jongsu
4. Being a temporary worker has some advantages. Jongsu

Talking about it
1. A: How are companies reducing their costs?
B: They are hiring more temporary workers.
2. A: How does having lots of temporary workers affect the economy?
B: People are not spending much money because they don't earn much.
3. A: How does having lots of temporary workers affect society?
B: People 皿트끄쁘皿地끄오m皿血生a끄生恤흐끄또血皿理뜨址쁘쁘竺恤노恤쁘끄파畛
4. A: Why do companies need to be able to change their numbers of employees
B: Because the economy is fluctuatino

Building a paragraph
There are a number of reasons why we should do more to decrease the number of
temporary workers. Having too many temporary workers is a mistake because we
will have (1) a shortage of skilled workers in the future. In addition, temporary
workers (2) are often treated badly. They do not have any job security or any of the
benefits (3) that permanent workers have. Temporary workers are also paid
considerably (4) less than permanent workers.
There is no reason for us to do more to reduce the number of temporary workers.
Hiring temporary workers gives companies flexibility to change their numbers of
employees (1) according to their needs. Companies can also reduce their (2) costs
by hiring temporary workers. The fact that temporary workers (3) have different
conditions than permanent workers is not a problem. If all workers are treated the
same, they can (4) become too complacent.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

'1. · Temporary workers earned less than permanent workers.
· Permanent workers earned more than temporary workers.
' Female temporary workers earned less than male temporary workers.
' Male permanent workers earned more than female permanent workers.
· Female permanent workers didn't earn much more than male temporary
· Men's wages were much higher than women's wages.
· Women's wages were much lower than men's wages.
2. · It's incredible that men's and women's wages are so different.
· I am surprised that there wasn't much difference between female permanent
workers' wages and male temporary workers' wages.
3. · I think that women's wages were lower than men's wages because it was more
difficult for women to have a senior position in a company.
· 1 think temporary workers earned less than permanent workers because
temporary jobs are often unskilled.
· These days in Korea, women still earn less than men.
· Female workers' wages are still lower than male workers' wages today.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Unit 12
Robot Care: Should robots take care of the elderly and the sick?

Understanding the main ideas

iT 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. T ft F

1. Gary:


I watched a program on TV last night about robots taking care of sick
people and old people. It was really interesting.
Yeah, I've heard about that. It doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
(1)Why can't people take care of sick people and old people?
I think one of the main reasons to use robots is the aging population.
There will be so many old people in the future that we will need robots

(2) to take care of them.
Fran: I'm not sure about that. (3) How can robots take care of people well

enough? What if there's an emergency? For example, if an old person
falls down, (4) what can a robot do to help?

Gary: Well, I suppose in that situation a robot could call an ambulance. One
of the good things about robots is that they are awake 24 hours a day.
They could always be there to help. And they would stop old people
from getting lonely.

Hmm. (5) What kind of conversation could you have with a robot? I
don't think they would be very good company at all.

2. 1. Robots shouldn't be used to look after sick people and old people. Fran
2. There will be too many old people for us to look after in the future. Gary
3. Robots cannot take care of people well enough. Fran
4. Old people wouldn't get lonely if they had a robot to talk to. Gary

Talking about it

1. A: They have started to use robots to take care of patients in hospitals now.
B: How can robots take care of patients? A robot could make a serious mistake.

2. A: I don't think robots should be used to take care of the elderly.
B: But who else is going to look after them? There will be too many old people
to take care of in the future.
3. A: Using robots to take care of old people at home is a good idea. They are
easily trained and they don't get sick or bored.
B: Who will be able to afford a robot? They are really expensive.
4. A: Research has shown that old people find robots to be good company.
B: How can people have a conversation with a robot? I don't think robots will
stop old people from getting lonely.

Building a paragraph
It is a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the sick. Robots can
take care of (1) the basic needs of patients. They can also be used to perform
delicate operations (2) with less risk to patients. Robots are (3) easily trained and
work hard. People tend to treat robots like humans (4) and are happy to be taken
care of by them. These are some of the arguments in support of using robots to
take care of the elderly and the sick.

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Transcripts & Answer Keys

It is not a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the sick. Humans
(1) cannot be replaced by robots. Robots cannot make people (2) feel loved or
care 쁘foL There is also the risk of (3) robots making mistakes or breaking down.
Robots are also very expensive, so it would be better to spend money on (4) people
ra地 er than robots. These are some of the arguments against using robots to take
care of the elderly and the sick.

Talking about statistics: Sample answess

1. · More elderly people said they would be happy to be taken care of by a robot
than said they would not be happy to be taken care of by a robot.
· Almost as many people said that they wouldn't be happy to be taken care of
by a robot as said that they would be happy.
' 27 percent of the elderly people were not sure if they would like to be taken
care of by a robot.
· The majority of respondents were unsure or did not want to be taken care of
by a robot.
2. · I was surprised that only 39 percent of respondents said they would be happy
to be taken care of by a robot.
· I didn't expect that so many respondents would not be sure if they wanted to
be taken care of by a robot.
3. ' Perhaps more elderly people would be happy to be taken care of by a robot if
they knew more about robots.
· I think the majority of respondents were unsure or did not want to be taken
care of by a robot because elderly people can be fairly cautious.
· I think the results would be different in Korea because people are very familiar
with robots in Korea.
· More elderly people in Korea would probably be happy to be taken care of by
robots because robots are already used in Korea.

Unit 13
C이 lege: Do you need to go to c 이 lege to be successful?

Understanding the main ideas

1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5. T ft F

1. Dan: I wish I'd gone to college. I've been trying to find a new job as a
sales and marketing manager. It's really hard to even get an interview
(1)wi也으쁘a degree.
Jill: But you have lots of experience, don't you? Experience is more
important than a degree.
Dan: Well, I don't think it is. Every job I've applied for has been given to a
c이 lege (2) graduate. Employers must think that c 이 lege graduates have
better skills or higher intelligence than people without degrees.
(3) 브hin 느I need to go to college and get a degree.
Jill: You don't need to get a degree. (4) You nee 뜨地 find a company that
values your experience. And you need to look at your r 츤 sumb. You
might need to improve it. Maybe it doeSn't emphasize your experience

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Dan: Hmm. I don't think it's that simple. Employers don't think I'm serious
about my career. If I had a college degree, they would take me more
Jill: I still (5) don't think you need a degree. You're great at your job. You
love what you do and you do it really well. Look at Richard Branson.
He's one of the most successful businesspeople in the world, and he
certainly doesn't have a degree. You just need to have more confidence
in yourself!
Dan: Thanks for the advice, Jill. I hope you're right.

2. '1. Experience is more important than a college degree.
2. Employers prefer people with college degrees.
3. You need to improve your rbsumd



4. 1 need to get a college degree. Dan

Talking about it

1. I don't know how to write a rbsumb.

You probably need to get a book about how to write a rsum.

2. I want to be a journalist. I don't know if I should go to college or not.
First, you need to find out if y 아lnee止旦皿끄 ege degree or 끄으L
3. 1 want to go to college so I can get a really good job.
You need to choose your major carefully, though.

4. I want to apply for a job with Microsoft. I'm not sure how to do it.
브hi끄뵤you끄 eed to sen 흐 a cover letter an 生 a rsum.
5. My rsumb is a few years old.

That's too old. You need to uodate it.

Building a paragraph

There are a number of reasons why you need to go to college to be successful.
Employers often prefer (t) to employ college graduates. Having a college degree

shows your ability to learn (2) and your ability to commit to learning. College
graduates are also often (3) paid more than people without a college degree. In
addition, college degrees (4) are recognized all around the world. These are some

of the reasons why you need to go to college to be successful.
There are a number of reasons why you do not need to go to college to be
successful. In many industries, ('1) having experience is more important than
having a college degree. Studying at college (2) does not really prepare you for a■

career. The quality of degrees (3) is also declining. In addition, many employers
would rather hire people with relevant experience (4) than people with a degree.
These are some of the reasons why you do not need to go to college to be

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

'l. · More than half of the companies said they prefer candidates to have relevant
work experience.
· Only 9 percent of the companies said that a relevant degree is important.
· 28 percent of the companies responded that fitting in well with the
organization is most important.

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· 38 percent of graduates were working in jobs that do not require a degree in

· Only 12 percent of graduates were working in jobs that require a degree,
such as medicine and higher education, in 2006.
· 29 percent of graduates were working in entry-level jobs such as marketing
in 2006.
· 21 percent of graduates were working in "niche" areas such as recreation
and sports management in 2006.
2. · I am surprised that so many companies said they prefer candidates to have
relevant work experience.
· I am not surprised that more companies said that fitting in well was most
important than said having a relevant degree is important.
3. ' In Korea, most companies prefer candidates to have a relevant degree.
. The results would be similar in Korea.
· The results would be different in Korea because most companies prefer
candidates to have a relevant degree.

Unit 14
Genetically Modified Food: Should we accept it?

Understanding the main ideas

tF 2.F 3.T 4.T 5. T 6. F

1. Phil: I don't like the idea of eating genetically modified food at all. What do
you think, Tracy?
Tracy: I think we have to accept that GMOs are here to stay. There has
(1) been too much discussion about it in the media. Now we in America
are falling behind the rest of the world in developing genetically
modified foods.
Phil: But people are worried about the health risks.
Tracy: I think there are far more benefits than risks. Besides, people don't
need to worry about risks, (2) because GMOs are tested.
Phil: But there are also problems with farmers planting genetically modified
crops. GMOs can actually harm (3) other plants and animals. For
example, insects that eat pest-resistant crops are killed. Pollen from
GMOs can spread onto other plants and then also kill the insects that
eat those plants.
Tracy: Oh, I'm sure that scientists will find a solution to these kinds of
problems. Overall, GMOs are good for the environment, (4) because
也ey브on't need large amounts of pesticides and herbicides. They could
also solve the problem of feeding the world as the population grows.
Phil: Well, I think GMOs are dangerous (5) because they could be harmful
to people and the environment.
2. '1' I don't want to eat genetically modified food. Phil
2. America isn't producing enough genetically modified foods. Tracy
3. GMOs are safe to eat.
4. GMOs can damage the environment. Phil

Ira MSGripts & Atiswer Keys

Talking about it

1. Growing GMOs is necessary because we need to produce more food to feed the
2. It is a good idea to add vitamins and minerals to certain crops because people
in some countries rely on one crop for food.
3. People are worried about eating genetically modified food because they don't
know how it could affect their health.
4. GMOs are good for the environment because farmers use fewer pesticides and

allergic to certain foods.

5. Mixing genes from different foods could be dangerous because some people are

6. Adding medicines and vaccines to fruit and vegetables is a good idea because

fruit and vegetables are easier to transport and store than medicines and


Building a paragraph

Producing genetically modified food is necessary so that we can (1) feed the
璽으Wi끄또皿쁘 lation in the future. GMOs are also (2) 皿으 d for the envir으쁘끄 ent,
because farmers don't need to use as many pesticides and herbicides. GMOs can
also be grown in very cold and dry areas, where crops cannot usually be grown. It
is also possible to add vitamins and minerals to crops to make them (3) more

nut巨 tious. Medicines and vaccines can even be added to fruit and vegetables.
These genetically modified fruit and vegetables (4) are easier to transport and store
than medicines and vaccines are.


We should not accept genetically modified food because it may be (1) dangerous to
our health. We do not know if GMOs are harmful, because they have (2) not. been

tested enough. It is also dangerous to introduce genes from one food into another
food because many people (3) are allergic to certain foods. In some countries, such

as the U.S., genetically modified foods are not always labeled, so many people
(4) do not realize that they are eating GMOs.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers
'1. ' The vast majority of French respondents said that scientifically altered fruits
and vegetables are bad.
· Most Japanese respondents said that scientifically altered fruits and vegetables
are bad.
' A minority of Italian people said that scientifically altered fruits and vegetables
are good.
· The country with the highest percentage of respondents who agree with
scientifically altered fruits and vegetable is the U.S.
· People in the U.S. are more positive about scientifically altered fruits and
2. · I think that in the future more people will think that scientifically altered fruits
and vegetables are a good idea because there will be more testing of products.
· I expect that more people will object to scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables in the future because scientists will discover more problems.
3. ' I am not surphsed that so many respondents in France disagree with
scientifically altered fruits and vegetables.


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· I am surprised that 89 percent of respondents in France said that scientifically

altered fruits and vegetables are bad.
. I think that people in France are opposed to scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables because people in France like to eat healthy food.
' French people have strong feelings about scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables because there are lots of fruits and vegetables in the French diet.

Unit 15
Welfare: Should we do more to help the elderly and unemployed?

Understanding the main ideas

1.T 2.F 3.1 4.F 5. F 6. T

1. Maria: Don't you think the government should (1) do more to help people find
jobs? My friend Jason has been looking for a job for months now. He's
starting to get really depressed about it.
Bill (2) I know what you mean, but surely it can't be that hard to find a job.
The economy is getting better, and unemployment is falling.
Maria: (3)Can you imagine how hard it is to find a job when you're living on
welfare? You need money for nice clothes for interviews and travel
costs. Many people on welfare can't afford that.
Rill: Maybe, but the unemployed already get a lot of (4) financial help from
the government. The government pays their rent, and they get welfare
payments to live on.
Maria: I know what you mean, but thousands of people commit suicide every
year because of unemployment and financial problems. It's a terrible
problem. I think they need emotional help as well as financial help.
Bill: Well, maybe (5) y 뜨 re rig 보‘

2. '1. Finding ajob is not easy. Maria

2. It should be easier to find a job now than before. Bill
3. The government spends a lot of money helping the unemployed. Bill
4. The unemployed need different kinds of help. Nlania

Talking about it

A: 끄 on' 以 ou think we should do more to help old people?

B: I know what you mean, but the government already spends a lot of money on
the elde 리 y.
A: Can yo 쁘magine how terrible it would be to be elderly and living alone? The
elderly need help such as home care services and emergency alert services.
But many can't afford to pay for these services.
B: Maybe 샌rnt I think old people's friends and family should take more
responsibility to help them. It shouldn't be left to the government.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Building a paragraph
We should do more to help the elderly and unemployed. Many families living on
welfare don't even (1) have enough money to feed themselves Many have to live
in very basic conditions and find it hard to (2) survive on the money they receive.
Many elderly people live alone and cannot (3) afford the welfare services that are
available. Twenty-one percent of the population (4) j now over ears old. The
elderly and unemployed need support. Therefore, we should do more to help the
elderly and unemployed.

We should not do more to help the elderly and unemployed. There is more help

available to (1) the elderly and unemploy 心han ever before. Thousands of elderly
citizens use home care services (2) to help with daily tasks sucluas shopping and

cookino. In addition. the ciovernment supports thousands of unemployed people

and their families (3) with payments tbr rent ancL1iving expenses. mne economy is

also improving. This creates more jobs for the unemployed and (4) better living
standards for the elderly. Therefore, we should not do more to help the elderly

and unemployed.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

-l. · From the chart we can see that 12.9 percent of people in Australia are living
in poverty.

· We can see that only 6.7 percent of the population in Sweden is living in


· This chart shows that a larger percentage of people are living in poverty in
the U.S. than in the Netherlands.
· The Human Poverty Index in the U.S. is 15.8 percent.
2. · It is unbelievable that 11.2 percent of the population in Japan is living in

· I am amazed that 15.8 percent of people in the U.S. are living in poverty.
· It doesn't surprise me that only 6.7 percent of people in Sweden are living in

3. · I think the Human Poverty Index is low in Sweden because the unemployed

and elderly get a lot of support in Sweden.
· I think the Human Poverty Index in the U.S. is high because the welfare
system is not very good in the U.S.

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Unit 1
The Internet: Is it a good way to meet people?

Understanding the main ideas
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T

oo m 5. T 6. F


1. Louise: I’m going on a date tonight with a guy I met on the Internet.
Matt: (1) Really? That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.

Louise: Why not? We’ve been chatting for a few weeks, and he’s really nice. I

like him a lot.

(2) Are you sure? You don’t really know him.

Louise: I think I do. I can tell that you disapprove of Internet dating, Matt. But
you know, it’s difficult to meet people you have things in common
with. The Internet is a great way to meet people you can relate to.
Matt: (3) Are you kidding? How do you know this guy isn’t crazy or

dangerous or both? I don’t think you should go.
Louise: (4) Don’t worry! My friend Ella is coming, too. And we’re meeting
him in a restaurant, so we can easily leave if we want to.

2. 1.
Oh! Well, I’m glad you’re being sensible. Have a great time!

I know that you dislike Internet dating.
Internet dating is a good idea.
You shouldn’t go on a date with someone you met on the Internet.

Talking about itTT
It is sensible to take a friend with you. Matt

1. A: Millions of people use the Internet to make new friends these days.
B: Are you sure? I think it’s a strange way to meet people.
2. A: I’ve joined an Internet dating website.
B: Are you kidding? You don’t need to do that. You’re always going on dates.
3. A: Joanne met her new boyfriend on the Internet.
B: Really? I thought she didn’t agree with Internet dating.
4. A: I don’t think it’s a good idea to meet people on the Internet.
B: Why not? Everyone is doing it these days.

Building a paragraph
Meeting people on the Internet is a good idea. Social networking websites are a
good way to make new friends and (1) keep in touch with old friends. You may
even meet (2) a new boyfriend or girlfriend. The Internet makes it easier for
people (3) who find it difficult to make new friends. You can also find people who
may be able to help you (4) find a new job. Overall, there are many advantages to
meeting people on the Internet.

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Meeting people on the Internet is not a good idea. It is very dangerous because
you never really know (1) the people you make contact with. People can
(2) lie about their identity. Children can also be targeted by pedophiles
(3) pretending to be other children. You also have no control over how personal
information (4) you post on the Internet is used. Overall, there are many
disadvantages to meeting people on the Internet.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● 29% of Internet daters gave “To find friends and meet people” as their
● Most people said they used online dating websites because they wanted to
find friends and meet people.
● Most people said they used online dating websites to find friends and meet
● Only 3 percent of people said they used online dating websites because they
are shy.
● Finding friends and meeting people is the most common reason for using
online dating Websites.
2. ● I found it interesting that only 9% of daters said they used online dating
websites to find their spouse because I thought that was the reason most
people used them.
3. ● Only 3 percent of daters said they used online dating websites because
people do not like to admit to being shy.

Unit 2
NEETs: Are they a serious problem?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T

1. David: Did you know that nearly 18% of high school graduates in Korea
become NEETs? That’s terrible, (1) isn’t it?
Michelle: I don’t know. There must be a reason for it. Some people take a
while to decide what they want to do.
David: Well, my cousin was a NEET for three years. It was very hard for
him to find a job when he finally decided to start looking. No one
wanted to employ him. He ended up starting his own business.
Michelle: That’s a good thing, (2) isn’t it? It doesn’t sound like being a NEET
was really a problem for him at all.
David: But it’s a waste of time, (3) isn’t it? He could have been working
and earning money during those three years. Instead, he was
getting money from his parents and doing what he liked.
Michelle: I think you’re jealous, (4) aren’t you? I bet you’d like to stop work
for a while.
David: You’re kidding, (5) aren’t you? I’ll never become a NEET. I like to
work hard.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

2. 1. People become NEETs for a reason. Michelle

2. Being a NEET makes it hard to find a job. David
3. Being a NEET is a waste of time. David
4. I think you would like to become a NEET. Michelle

Talking about it
1. A: Ben should find a job, shouldn’t he?
B: Yes, he probably should.
2. A: NEETs aren’t a big problem, are they?
3. A:
No, they aren’t.

NEETs are bad for society, aren’t they?
Yes, they are.

4. A: NEETs don’t pay any taxes, do they?

B: No, they don’t.
5. A: Being a NEET is a waste of time, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is.

Building a paragraph
NEETs are definitely a serious problem. Being a NEET (1) is a selfish thing to do.
NEETs do not pay taxes (2) or make pension contributions. However, they use the
same services as everyone else. NEETs are a problem because we do not have

enough workers in Korea because of (3) the aging population. People who spend
time as a NEET will also find it (4) difficult to find a job in the future. These are
some of the reasons why NEETs are a serious problem.


NEETs are definitely not a serious problem. In fact, there is no NEET problem in
Korea. Most of the people we call NEETs (1) are not actually NEETs. Many are not

NEETS through choice and are looking for work. Many NEETs return to the
workforce (2) after a short time. They often spend their time away from work

(3) doing something creative or traveling. This is not a bad thing. Also many
NEETs have started successful businesses (4) once they re-enter the workforce.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers
1. ● Almost 87 percent of respondents think that the number of NEETs will
● Only 3.6 percent of respondents said that the number of NEETs will decrease.
● Almost 10 percent of respondents said that the number of NEETs will not
● Almost 93 percent of respondents think that the increase of NEETs is a
● Only 1.3% of respondents said that the increase of NEETs is not a problem.
● 4 percent of respondents feel that the increase of NEETs is not much of a
2. ● I find it surprising that only 3.6 percent of respondents feel that the number
of NEETs will decrease.
● Surprisingly, more than 90 percent of respondents think that the increase of
NEETs is a problem.
● As you would expect, only 1.3 percent of respondents feel that NEETs are not
a problem at all.

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3. ● I think that the number of NEETs will increase slightly.

● I feel that the increase of NEETs over the past few years is a very serious

Unit 3
Fashion: Do young people spend too much time and money on fashion?

Understanding the main ideas

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F

1. Simon: Have you been shopping again, Cindy? You must spend a fortune on
Cindy: I suppose I do (1) spend a lot on clothes. But I love fashion!
Simon: How can you afford it? You work part-time in a clothing store, don’t
Cindy: Yes, I do. I live with my parents, so that helps a lot.
Simon: If you didn’t buy so many clothes, (2) you could afford to leave home or
maybe travel. Wouldn’t you rather be more independent?
Cindy: Not really. I enjoy shopping and being with my friends. I (3) couldn’t
afford to keep up with fashion if I left home.
Simon: Why don’t you find a better job? Then you (4) could save some money
instead of spending it all.
Cindy: I love my job! I don’t care if it doesn’t (5) pay much money. It’s fun and
I meet lots of interesting people.

2. 1. You spend a lot of money on clothes. Simon

2. You could be more independent if you spent less on clothes. Simon
3. I don’t want to be more independent. Cindy
4. I don’t want to find a better job. Cindy

Talking about it
1. A: Andrew wants to buy a motorcycle, but he can’t afford one.
B: He could afford a motorcycle if he spent less money on clothes.
2. A: I’d like to learn French, but I don’t have enough time.
B: Why don’t you spend less time shopping? Then you could learn French.
3. A: I really need to buy some new clothes, but I never have any money.
B: You should find a better job. Then you could buy some clothes.
4. A: Sophie wants to spend more time with her family and friends, but she is too
busy with work.
B: Maybe she should take some time off. Then she could spend some time with
her family and friends.

Building a paragraph
There are a number of reasons why it is true to say that young people spend too
much time and money on fashion. Young women in the U.S. spend (1) almost half
of their income on fashion and beauty. They are spending more than they can
afford, and many young women (2) cannot afford to pay their credit card bills.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Young women want to (3) look like movie stars and models. This is why they spend
so much money on fashion and beauty, and many even starve themselves (4) to be
dangerously thin. These are some of the reasons why we can say that young
people spend too much time and money on fashion.

It cannot be said that young people spend too much time and money on fashion.
Fashion is an important way for (1) young Korean people to find a sense of
identity. This gives them (2) a feeling of confidence and freedom. There is a lot of

(3) pressure in Korea to be fashionable. However, following fashion makes
(4) young people feel stronger and more important. This is a good thing for any

young person. These are some of the reasons why it is not true to say that young
people spend too much time and money on fashion.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● It’s obvious that the largest percentage of respondents spend more than

500,000 won a month on fashion.
● It’s clear that the smallest percentage of respondents spend less than 100,000

won a month on fashion.
● We can see that more people spend 100,000 to 500,000 won a month on
fashion than spend less than 100,000 won a month on fashion.
● It’s obvious that the largest percentage of respondents would like to have

more money to spend on fashion.
● It’s clear that the smallest percentage of respondents feel that they spend too
much on fashion.

We can see that more people never save any money than save a little money.


2. ● It is surprising that so few respondents save any money at all.

● I am surprised that only 11 percent of respondents feel that they spend too

3. ●

much money on fashion.
Perhaps people in other parts of Korea spend less money on fashion.
I think the young people interviewed are not representative of young people in

● I think the young people interviewed are not like most young people in Korea.

Unit 4
Environment: Should we continue to use nuclear energy?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F

1. Marie: A lot of countries want to increase the amount of nuclear energy they
produce. I think it’s a significant risk. If we have more nuclear energy,
(1) more countries will develop nuclear weapons.
Peter: I don’t think so. Most countries are just trying to find alternatives to
fossil fuels. (2) If we continue to use fossil fuels, global warming will
increase. If global warming increases, there will be more cases of
extreme weather such as typhoons and hurricanes. Nuclear energy is
a good solution to the problem.

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Marie: But when you produce (3) nuclear energy, there is nuclear waste to get
rid of. How can we get rid of it safely?
Peter: Countries like Sweden and Finland have developed safe ways of
burying nuclear waste very deep (4) in the ground. Nuclear energy is a
huge industry. It has brought employment to many towns and cities
around the world.
Marie: Maybe, but millions of dollars have been spent cleaning up sites where
nuclear power plants have been. Not to mention where there have
been (5) nuclear accidents. We should focus on green energy sources
like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

2. 1. Increased nuclear energy could lead to more nuclear weapons. Marie

2. Using nuclear energy could help stop global warming. Peter
3. There are safe ways to get rid of nuclear waste. Peter
4. We should use more green energy sources instead of nuclear energy. Marie

Talking about it
1. If we continue to use fossil fuels, we will use them all up.
2. If we build more nuclear power plants, we will create more jobs.
3. If we use less fossil fuels, we will help to stop global warming.
4. If there is a nuclear accident, thousands of people will be affected.

Building a paragraph
Nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future. There will not be
enough oil, coal, and gas (1) to keep up with future demand. Nuclear energy
(2) will provide a cheaper alternative. Nuclear energy also does not cause the
environmental problems (3) that burning fossil fuels does. There are no CO2
emissions from nuclear energy, (4) so global warming is not increased. There are
many reasons why nuclear energy is the best source of energy for the future.

Nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the future. Nuclear energy is
not safe. When there is a nuclear accident (1) the impact is considerable. It is not
safe for people (2) to live near nuclear power plants. (3) There are increased levels
of different kinds of cancer among people who live near nuclear power plants.
It is also difficult to (4) get rid of nuclear waste safely. There are many reasons
why nuclear energy is not the best source of energy for the future.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● The country with the highest percentage of nuclear energy is France.
● The country with the lowest percentage of nuclear energy is China.
● Only 2 percent of China’s electricity is produced by nuclear power.
● 35 percent of Korea’s electricity is produced by nuclear power.
● Korea produces more nuclear energy than the U.K.
● Canada produces less nuclear energy than the U.K.
2. ● I am surprised that France produces so much nuclear energy.
● I didn’t realize that China produces so little nuclear energy.
3. ● I think that in the future Korea will produce more nuclear energy.
● I think that Korea will produce less nuclear energy in the future.
● I think that Korea will continue to produce about the same amount of nuclear
energy in the future.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Unit 5
International Marriage: Is it a good thing?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F

1. Jeff:
Would you ever marry someone from a different country, Ann?
No, I don’t think so. It (1) could be pretty difficult.
What do you mean? How could it be difficult?
Well, um... I mean there could be a lot of cultural differences between


What kind of cultural differences?
Let me see. Well, (2) we could have communication difficulties. And we

could have different ideas about family life. (3) We could like different

types of food and we could even find different things funny.
I don’t think cultural differences are so important. Do you?

Ann: Yes, I do. I’d like to marry someone who’s like me.
Jeff: Well, I think it would be interesting to be married to someone from a
different country. You (4) could learn a lot about their culture.
Ann: I think I’d rather be married to someone (5) from my country. It would

be easier!

2. 1. I don’t think I would marry someone from a different country. Ann

2. It doesn’t matter so much if there are cultural differences
between a husband and wife.
3. I want to marry someone who’s like me.
4. It would be interesting to be married to someone from another

country. Jeff

Talking about it
1. A:
I think it would be great to marry someone from a different culture.

B: Do you think so?
2. A: Yes, it would be interesting. You could learn so much about a different culture.
B: But you could also have communication difficulties. That could cause all
kinds of problems.
3. A: Yes, but you could learn each other’s language. And if you have children,
they could learn two languages.
B: But you could have lots of cultural differences. People from different cultures
often have different ideas about things.
4. A: Yes, I know. But that could be a good thing. It makes life more interesting!
B: Hmm. I don’t know. I think it could be pretty difficult.

Building a paragraph
International marriage is a good thing because each partner can (1) learn about a
different culture. Children with parents from different countries can (2) learn two
languages. When a husband and wife are from different cultures, they often talk a
lot about (3) how to raise their children. This can help to (4) create a very close,
loving family. Therefore, international marriage has many advantages.

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International marriage is not a good thing because cultural differences can make
(1) the relationship difficult. For example, couples from different cultures often
have (2) different ideas about family life. Many international couples also have
(3) communication difficulties because of their language difference. Sometimes,
they don’t have (4) much in common. In conclusion, international marriage has
many disadvantages.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● Chart 1 shows that most of the marriages were between Korean men and
foreign women.
● Chart 2 shows that Korean men mostly married Chinese women.
● We can see from Chart 2 that 48 percent of the women who married Korean
men were Chinese.
● Chart 3 shows us that most Korean women married men from Japan.
● Chart 3 shows that 27 percent of the men Korean women married were
2. ● It is interesting to note that more Korean women married Japanese men than
any other nationality.
● I find it interesting that more Korean men married foreigners than women.
● I think that more Korean men married foreigners than women because Korean
women tend to marry later than they used to.
● I suspect that more Korean men married foreigners than women due to the
fact that Korean women are more independent than they used to be.
3. ● I think that Korean women married more Japanese than other nationalities
because they are interested in Japanese culture.
● It is possible that 48 percent of the women married by Korean men were
Chinese because it is easy to meet Chinese women.

Unit 6
Junk Food: Is it becoming a serious problem?

Understanding the main ideas

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T

1. Cathy: Mmm. These French fries are delicious. Would you like some?
Tim: No, thanks. I don’t eat French fries. They’re so unhealthy.
Cathy: They aren’t that bad. A few French fries won’t kill you!
Tim: Actually, some scientists believe that French fries and other junk food
can be addictive. Once you start eating them, you want to eat them
(1) more and more often.
Cathy: I don’t think that’s a problem for us. You can eat what you like when
you are young.
Tim: Even young people can become sick because of what they eat. Eating
too much junk food (2) makes people overweight. It also leads to blood
pressure problems, diabetes, and heart disease.
Cathy: Hmm. I wonder how much is “too much.” I (3) eat fast food every day
for lunch!

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Tim: I think that’s too much. Eating fast food every day (4) could cause high
blood pressure. It could also make you overweight. You should
definitely eat less.
Cathy: I think (5) you may be right. I’d better start having a healthy sandwich
for lunch instead.

2. 1. French fries are not really unhealthy. Cathy

2. Junk food can be addictive. Tim
3. You eat too much fast food. Tim

4. I should eat less fast food. Cathy

Talking about it

1. A: Do you think that children should eat junk food?

B: No, I don’t. Eating junk food makes children fat.
2. A: Why is too much junk food bad for you?

B: Eating too much junk food can lead to blood pressure problems, diabetes

and heart disease.
3. A: Why is it not a good idea to eat too much sugar?

B: Eating too much sugar can cause people to become overweight.
4. A: How often do you eat burgers and French fries?
B: Probably about three times a week.
A: That’s a lot. Eating so much fast food could be bad for your health.

Building a paragraph
FOR aa
Junk food is becoming a serious problem for the following reasons. Junk food can
(1) cause bad behavior and learning difficulties in children. Many schools in the
U.K. (2) serve junk food to children at lunchtime. Schools that replaced junk food
with healthy food found a big improvement (3) in the children’s behavior and

performance. Junk food can (4) also cause different health problems. So, it can be
said that junk food is becoming a serious problem.


Junk food is not becoming a serious problem for a number of reasons. Junk food is

not a problem (1) if it is eaten only occasionally. People should not (2) eat too much
junk food. People should also (3) take responsibility for what they eat. There are
other reasons for people becoming fatter and unhealthier. People do not exercise
enough and (4) spend too much time watching TV and using computers. These are
some reasons why junk food is not becoming a serious problem.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● The country with the highest percentage of overweight and obese people is
the U.S.
● There is a higher percentage of overweight and obese people in Korea than
in Japan.
● Australia has higher levels of obesity than Sweden.
● Korea has lower levels of obesity than France.
● Japan has the lowest percentage of overweight and obese people.
2. ● I was surprised to find 30 percent of people in Korea are overweight or obese.
● I didn’t realize that so many people in the U.S. are overweight or obese.
● Many people are starting to recognize that obesity is a problem in Korea.

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● Obesity should be recognized as a problem in Korea.

● I don’t think that obesity is a big problem in Korea.
3. ● I guess that there are so many overweight and obese people in the U.S.
because people eat a lot of fast food.
● I think that there are fewer overweight and obese people in Korea because the
Korean diet is quite healthy.
● I think the number of overweight and obese people in Korea is 30 percent
because people are eating more Western food.

Unit 7
Paternity Leave: Should men take paternity leave?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F

1. Naomi: I’m so excited. My sister is having a baby soon, and I’ll be an aunt!
Terry: That’s exciting. Your sister’s a newspaper journalist, isn’t she? (1) How
much maternity leave is she going to take?
Naomi: Only a few months. She is worried that it will affect her career badly if
she takes too much time off.
Terry: Well, I think (2) she should stay home with her child as long as
possible. Being a mother is much more important that having a career.
Naomi: Of course being a mother is important. But what about the fathers? I
think they should (3) take some responsibility, too.
Terry: But men need to focus on their careers. Every family needs a
breadwinner. Anyway, women are much better suited to (4) taking care
of children than men.
Naomi: That’s not true. Lots of men would love to stay at home with their
children if they could. More men (5) should take paternity leave so
employers realize that they have to be more family-friendly.

2. 1. Naomi’s sister shouldn’t go back to work right away. Terry

2. Both men and women should take time off to take care
of their children. Naomi
3. Many men would like to stop working and take care of
their children. Naomi
4. Men should go to work and women should take care of
the children. Terry

Talking about it
1. A: I think that men should share taking care of the children with their wives.
B: I don’t agree. It’s often difficult for men to work part time.
2. A: Don’t you think that women should concentrate on taking care of their
children instead of working?
B: No, I don’t. I think that women should be able to work if they want to.
3. A: I really believe that men should take paternity leave.
B: I know what you mean, but not many men want to take so much time off.
4. A: In my opinion, women should take care of the children.
B: I don’t think so. I think that men should help with taking care of the children.

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Building a paragraph
Paternity leave is a good idea because many men would like to (1) stay home with
their children. If men take paternity leave, women (2) will probably have more
children. This will help to (3) increase the falling birthrate. Paternity leave also
helps men to (4) become closer to their children. Therefore, paternity leave has
many benefits.


Paternity leave is not a good idea because men have to (1) focus on their career.
Men who take paternity leave will (2) worry about what people at work will think.

They will also feel uncomfortable about (3) not being the breadwinner in the

family. Also, most men (4) do not feel confident about taking care of children.

Therefore, there are many disadvantages to paternity leave.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers
1. ●

The chart shows that the country with the highest fertility rate is Niger.
We can see from the chart that the fertility rate in Korea is only 1.13.

● The highest fertility rate is in Niger.
● The lowest fertility rate is in China.
2. ● I find it surprising to see that the fertility rate in Korea is so low.
● I am surprised that the fertility rate in Niger is so high.


I think that people in Korea should be worried about the low fertility rate.
I don’t think that people in Korea should be worried about the fertility rate.
I think that the fertility rate in Korea is only 1.13 because women are putting

off getting married and having children.
I think that the fertility rate is high in Niger because it also has a high
mortality rate.

Unit 8

Depopulation: Should we accept more foreign workers?

Understanding the main ideas
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F

1. Sumi: Do you know that we don’t have enough factory workers in Korea?
We’re getting factory workers from places like Indonesia and Vietnam
these days.
Junho: I think (1) that’s a good idea. If we can’t find enough Korean workers
we should get them from overseas.
Sumi: (2) The problem is that many of them don’t speak Korean very well.
I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Junho: They’ll learn Korean quickly. Many Vietnamese already speak Korean
as well as their own language. (3) I’m sure they’ll pick up Korean.
Anyway, it’s good for us to have people from different cultures here.
Did you know that only 1.5% of our population is not Korean? That’s
not very many people. We should catch up with the rest of the world.

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Sumi: (4) The trouble is that when you allow lots of foreign workers into a
country, they start to change that country. I don’t want Korea to
become multicultural. If I want to experience different cultures, I’ll go
Junho: Well, I think (5) we have very different ideas about this topic, Sumi!

2. 1. It’s a good idea to accept foreign workers. Junho

2. It’s a problem if foreign workers cannot speak Korean well. Sumi
3. There aren’t many foreign workers in Korea. Junho
4. I don’t want Korea to change. Sumi

Talking about it
1. A: I don’t see why we need foreign workers. Surely there must be enough local
B: The problem is that our population is aging. We won’t have enough workers
in the future.
2. A: Why do people disagree with accepting more foreign workers?
B: The point is that people are worried about crime and security.
3. A: Foreign workers take jobs away from local people. We shouldn’t accept any
B: The trouble is that local people don’t want to do certain jobs. That’s why we
need foreign workers.
4. A: Foreign workers sometimes complain about their employers. Why is that?
B: The thing is that foreign workers are often paid badly and treated badly.

Building a paragraph
We should definitely accept more foreign workers. There are not enough local
people to work in certain professions (1) so we must accept workers from
overseas. Foreign workers can also (2) bring new skills to Korea. Accepting foreign
workers will also help to (3) solve our depopulation problem. Therefore, there are a
number of reasons why (4) we should accept more foreign workers.

We should definitely not accept more foreign workers. Foreign workers are often
used for (1) jobs that local people could have. They are often paid badly and
treated badly, so (2) we should not accept any more. Accepting foreign workers
has caused (3) an increase in the crime rate. Foreign workers can also sometimes
stay (4) longer than their visa allows. Therefore, there are a number of reasons
why we should not accept more foreign workers.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● Chinese has the highest number of foreign nationals in Korea.
● Thais are one of the smallest groups of foreign nationals in Korea.
● Chinese are the largest group of foreign nationals in Korea.
● There are more people here from Vietnam than from Indonesia.
● Korea has more Chinese people than American people.
2. ● I didn’t know that American nationals are among the smaller groups.
● I am surprised that there are so many Vietnamese in Korea.
● I am surprised to discover that there are more people from Indonesia here
than from the U.S.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

3. ● I expect that most of the foreign nationals are Chinese because of our close
ties to China.
● I suppose that there are many Chinese people in Korea because of business
● I expect that there will be more foreign nationals from all around the world in
Korea in the future.
● I think that the number of foreigners in Korea will increase in the future.

Unit 9
Examinations: Are they the best form of assessment?

Understanding the main ideas
1. T

2. F 3. F

ss. 4. T 5. F 6. F

1. Danny: I am so sick of studying for exams! It seems as if all we do at school is

prepare for exams. We never study anything interesting.
Jessica: (1) But isn’t that what you are meant to do at school? If you want to go
to college, you have to do well on your exams. It’s the only way for
colleges to decide who to accept.

Danny: Exams are not necessarily the best form of assessment. With
(2) continuous assessment, students get the chance to make sure they
really understand the subject. (3) In fact, people who get good grades

on exams are just good at remembering facts and good at guessing
what will be on the exam.

Jessica: I don’t agree. Continuous assessment is too easy. Anyone can write an

essay if they have enough time to do it.
Danny: (4) Actually, some people don’t work well under pressure. They don’t
do well on exams, so it isn’t fair to make everyone take exams.
Jessica: (5) As a matter of fact, some education experts say exams are the

fairest system. Everyone takes the exam under the same conditions.
You can’t get fairer than that!

2. 1. Exams are the best way for colleges to choose their students. Jessica
2. Continuous assessment is better than exams. Danny
3. It’s easier to write an essay than take an exam. Jessica
4. Exams are fairer than continuous assessment. Danny

Talking about it
1. A: Exams are best because it is very difficult to cheat on an exam.
B: As a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, lots of students are caught cheating
on exams.
2. A: Exams are a better way to measure students’ academic abilities. Writing an
essay is easy.
B: As a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, essays are better because they help
the student to understand the subject well.
3. A: Exams are a waste of time. They are just a memory test.
B: As a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, exams encourage useful skills like
discipline and working under pressure.

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4. A: Continuous assessment is too easy.

B: As a matter of fact / In fact / Actually, continuous assessment is better
because students can study things they are interested in, and not just exam

Building a paragraph
Examinations are the best form of assessment for the following reasons.
Examinations are the only true test (1) of students’ academic abilities.
Examinations encourage students (2) to work hard throughout their education.
They also motivate students (3) to develop skills such as working under pressure.
Some examinations are (4) internationally recognized and are therefore useful
when you want to study abroad. These are some of the reasons why examinations
are the best form of assessment.

Examinations are not the best form of assessment for the following reasons.
Examinations create (1) a lot of pressure for students. In some countries, errors
sometimes occur in examination questions, and errors are sometimes made
(2) by examination graders. Examinations do (3) not measure academic ability.
They only (4) measure students’ memory. These are some of the reasons why
examinations are not the best form of assessment.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● The majority of students feel there are too many exams.
● Most students say that exams make them feel stressed.
● 48 percent of students say that they make mistakes on exams because they are
● 54 percent of students think that continuous assessment is easier than taking
● 63 percent of students say that exams are not the best form of assessment.
2. ● It is interesting to note that only 37 percent of students think that exams are
the best form of assessment.
● I am surprised that so many students think there are too many exams.
● I think that the number of students in Korea who think that there are too many
exams would be even higher.
● I expect that even more students in Korea would say that exams make them
feel stressed.
3. ● You think that there are too many exams, but I don’t think so.
● You believe that continuous assessment is easier than taking exams, but I don’t
believe it is.
● You feel that exams are the best form of assessment, but I don’t feel that way.

Unit 10
Animal Testing: Should it be allowed?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T

Transcripts & Answer Keys

1. Robert: Animal testing is so (1) cruel. I think it should be stopped.
Mandy: I’m not so sure. I think animal testing is (2) the best way to test
medicines and other products.
Robert: I don’t think so. I’ve heard that animal testing is (3) unreliable. Animals
are very different from humans. It could even be dangerous.
Mandy: But scientists can allow for differences between humans and animals
when they do their tests. Besides, animals are only used when there is
no other suitable alterative.

Robert: Animal testing is (4) unnecessary. Alternatives could be used all of the
time, I’m sure. There are lots of new research methods such as creating

computer models, using animal or human cells, and even testing on


Mandy: But sometimes animals are the only choice. Scientists have to see how
the whole body is affected by the drug.

Robert: Animal testing is (5) wrong. Nothing will change my mind about that!

2. 1.
Animal testing should not be used.
Animal testing is not a good way to test drugs and other products.

3. Animal testing shouldn’t be stopped. Mandy
4. Scientists only use animal testing when they have no other choice. Mandy

Talking about it
1. A: Animal testing is very important. Scientists couldn’t have developed
treatments for cancer and HIV without it.

B: I don’t agree. Animal testing is unnecessary. There are other alternatives that
can be used.
A: That’s not true. Animal testing is necessary. Scientists need to see how drugs
work on the whole body.

B: Well, I think that animal testing is cruel. Animals should have the same rights
as people.

Building a paragraph

Animal testing should be allowed (1) because it is the best way to test drugs and
medical treatments. Animal testing is only used (2) when there is no other
alternative. Animal testing has allowed scientists to develop (3) treatments for
many serious diseases. There are strict rules (4) to make sure that test animals are
well-treated. Therefore, animal testing should be allowed.

Animal testing should not be allowed (1) because it is not necessary. There are
many alternatives (2) that can be used instead of animal testing. Animal testing is
also unreliable because (3) animals and humans are very different. Animals have
the (4) same right to live as humans. They should not suffer and die in this way.
Therefore, animal testing should not be allowed.

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Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● 70 percent of respondents think that it is acceptable to test new medical
treatments on animals.
● Only 18 percent of respondents think that it is not acceptable to test new
medical treatments on animals.
● 12 percent of respondents don’t know if it is acceptable or not to test new
medical treatments on animals.
● 70 percent of respondents agree that testing on animals is sometimes
● 18 percent of respondents think that alternative testing methods are always
● Most respondents agree with protesters using posters showing test animals
in pain.
● Most respondents disagree with protesters damaging property.
2. ● It is interesting to see that 70 percent of respondents agree that testing new
medical treatments on animals is acceptable.
● I am not surprised that 97 percent of respondents think that making death
threats against scientists and animal breeders is not a reasonable kind of
● I think that the results of this survey would be fairly similar in Korea.
● If this survey was conducted in Korea, the results would be very different.
3. ● I think that more people are in favor of animal testing for new medical
treatments because there have been some major successes in this area.
● More people support animal testing because there are many laws to protect
laboratory animals.

Unit 11
Temporary Workers: Should we do more to reduce the number of
temporary workers?

Understanding the main ideas

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F

1. Jongsu: Are you still looking for a new job, Eunju?
Eunju: Yes, I am. But it’s very difficult to find a permanent job. Most
employers are only offering contracts these days.
Jongsu: Yes, but companies need (1) to be flexible because the economy is
not very stable.
Eunju: But increasing the number of temporary workers is making the
economy worse. Many people (2) are not spending much money
because they don’t earn much. People are even avoiding getting
married and having children because they don’t have any job security.
Jongsu: I don’t know if that is true or not. But I do know that companies can
save (3) a lot of money by employing temporary workers.
Eunju: Yes, that’s right. They pay temporary workers as little as possible. It
may be good for the company, but it’s not good (4) for the employees.
Jongsu: Well, I like being a temporary worker. I work (5) part-time and I don’t
feel I have to stay with the same company forever. It suits me fine.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

2. 1. It’s not a good thing to increase the number of temporary workers. Eunju
2. Temporary workers don’t have much money to spend. Eunju
3. Companies need to employ temporary workers. Jongsu
4. Being a temporary worker has some advantages. Jongsu

Talking about it
1. A: How are companies reducing their costs?
B: They are hiring more temporary workers.
2. A: How does having lots of temporary workers affect the economy?
3. A:
B: mm
People are not spending much money because they don’t earn much.
How does having lots of temporary workers affect society?

People are not getting married and having children because they have no job


4. A: Why do companies need to be able to change their numbers of employees

B: Because the economy is fluctuating.

Building a paragraph
There are a number of reasons why we should do more to decrease the number of
temporary workers. Having too many temporary workers is a mistake because we
will have (1) a shortage of skilled workers in the future. In addition, temporary

workers (2) are often treated badly. They do not have any job security or any of the
benefits (3) that permanent workers have. Temporary workers are also paid
considerably (4) less than permanent workers.


There is no reason for us to do more to reduce the number of temporary workers.
Hiring temporary workers gives companies flexibility to change their numbers of

employees (1) according to their needs. Companies can also reduce their (2) costs
by hiring temporary workers. The fact that temporary workers (3) have different

conditions than permanent workers is not a problem. If all workers are treated the
same, they can (4) become too complacent.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers
1. ● Temporary workers earned less than permanent workers.
● Permanent workers earned more than temporary workers.
● Female temporary workers earned less than male temporary workers.
● Male permanent workers earned more than female permanent workers.
● Female permanent workers didn’t earn much more than male temporary
● Men’s wages were much higher than women’s wages.
● Women’s wages were much lower than men’s wages.
2. ● It’s incredible that men’s and women’s wages are so different.
● I am surprised that there wasn’t much difference between female permanent
workers’ wages and male temporary workers’ wages.
3. ● I think that women’s wages were lower than men’s wages because it was more
difficult for women to have a senior position in a company.
● I think temporary workers earned less than permanent workers because
temporary jobs are often unskilled.
● These days in Korea, women still earn less than men.
● Female workers’ wages are still lower than male workers’ wages today.

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Unit 12
Robot Care: Should robots take care of the elderly and the sick?

Understanding the main ideas

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F

1. Gary: I watched a program on TV last night about robots taking care of sick
people and old people. It was really interesting.
Fran: Yeah, I’ve heard about that. It doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.
(1) Why can’t people take care of sick people and old people?
Gary: I think one of the main reasons to use robots is the aging population.
There will be so many old people in the future that we will need robots
(2) to take care of them.
Fran: I’m not sure about that. (3) How can robots take care of people well
enough? What if there’s an emergency? For example, if an old person
falls down, (4) what can a robot do to help?
Gary: Well, I suppose in that situation a robot could call an ambulance. One
of the good things about robots is that they are awake 24 hours a day.
They could always be there to help. And they would stop old people
from getting lonely.
Fran: Hmm. (5) What kind of conversation could you have with a robot? I
don’t think they would be very good company at all.

2. 1. Robots shouldn’t be used to look after sick people and old people. Fran
2. There will be too many old people for us to look after in the future. Gary
3. Robots cannot take care of people well enough. Fran
4. Old people wouldn’t get lonely if they had a robot to talk to. Gary

Talking about it

1. A: They have started to use robots to take care of patients in hospitals now.
B: How can robots take care of patients? A robot could make a serious mistake.
2. A: I don’t think robots should be used to take care of the elderly.
B: But who else is going to look after them? There will be too many old people
to take care of in the future.
3. A: Using robots to take care of old people at home is a good idea. They are
easily trained and they don’t get sick or bored.
B: Who will be able to afford a robot? They are really expensive.
4. A: Research has shown that old people find robots to be good company.
B: How can people have a conversation with a robot? I don’t think robots will
stop old people from getting lonely.

Building a paragraph
It is a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the sick. Robots can
take care of (1) the basic needs of patients. They can also be used to perform
delicate operations (2) with less risk to patients. Robots are (3) easily trained and
work hard. People tend to treat robots like humans (4) and are happy to be taken
care of by them. These are some of the arguments in support of using robots to
take care of the elderly and the sick.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

It is not a good idea to use robots to take care of the elderly and the sick. Humans
(1) cannot be replaced by robots. Robots cannot make people (2) feel loved or
cared for. There is also the risk of (3) robots making mistakes or breaking down.
Robots are also very expensive, so it would be better to spend money on (4) people
rather than robots. These are some of the arguments against using robots to take
care of the elderly and the sick.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ●

More elderly people said they would be happy to be taken care of by a robot
than said they would not be happy to be taken care of by a robot.

Almost as many people said that they wouldn’t be happy to be taken care of

by a robot as said that they would be happy.

● 27 percent of the elderly people were not sure if they would like to be taken
care of by a robot.

● The majority of respondents were unsure or did not want to be taken care of

by a robot.
2. ● I was surprised that only 39 percent of respondents said they would be happy

to be taken care of by a robot.
● I didn’t expect that so many respondents would not be sure if they wanted to
be taken care of by a robot.
3. ● Perhaps more elderly people would be happy to be taken care of by a robot if

they knew more about robots.
● I think the majority of respondents were unsure or did not want to be taken
care of by a robot because elderly people can be fairly cautious.

I think the results would be different in Korea because people are very familiar


with robots in Korea.

● More elderly people in Korea would probably be happy to be taken care of by

Unit 13
robots because robots are already used in Korea.

College: Do you need to go to college to be successful?

Understanding the main ideas
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F

1. Dan: I wish I’d gone to college. I’ve been trying to find a new job as a
sales and marketing manager. It’s really hard to even get an interview
(1) without a degree.
Jill: But you have lots of experience, don’t you? Experience is more
important than a degree.
Dan: Well, I don’t think it is. Every job I’ve applied for has been given to a
college (2) graduate. Employers must think that college graduates have
better skills or higher intelligence than people without degrees.
(3) I think I need to go to college and get a degree.
Jill: You don’t need to get a degree. (4) You need to find a company that
values your experience. And you need to look at your résumé. You
might need to improve it. Maybe it doesn’t emphasize your experience

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Dan: Hmm. I don’t think it’s that simple. Employers don’t think I’m serious
about my career. If I had a college degree, they would take me more
Jill: I still (5) don’t think you need a degree. You’re great at your job. You
love what you do and you do it really well. Look at Richard Branson.
He’s one of the most successful businesspeople in the world, and he
certainly doesn’t have a degree. You just need to have more confidence
in yourself!
Dan: Thanks for the advice, Jill. I hope you’re right.

2. 1. Experience is more important than a college degree. Jill

2. Employers prefer people with college degrees. Dan
3. You need to improve your résumé. Jill
4. I need to get a college degree. Dan

Talking about it

1. I don’t know how to write a résumé.

You probably need to get a book about how to write a résumé.
2. I want to be a journalist. I don’t know if I should go to college or not.
First, you need to find out if you need a college degree or not.
3. I want to go to college so I can get a really good job.
You need to choose your major carefully, though.
4. I want to apply for a job with Microsoft. I’m not sure how to do it.
I think you need to send a cover letter and a résumé.
5. My résumé is a few years old.
That’s too old. You need to update it.

Building a paragraph
There are a number of reasons why you need to go to college to be successful.
Employers often prefer (1) to employ college graduates. Having a college degree
shows your ability to learn (2) and your ability to commit to learning. College
graduates are also often (3) paid more than people without a college degree. In
addition, college degrees (4) are recognized all around the world. These are some
of the reasons why you need to go to college to be successful.

There are a number of reasons why you do not need to go to college to be
successful. In many industries, (1) having experience is more important than
having a college degree. Studying at college (2) does not really prepare you for a
career. The quality of degrees (3) is also declining. In addition, many employers
would rather hire people with relevant experience (4) than people with a degree.
These are some of the reasons why you do not need to go to college to be

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● More than half of the companies said they prefer candidates to have relevant
work experience.
● Only 9 percent of the companies said that a relevant degree is important.
● 28 percent of the companies responded that fitting in well with the
organization is most important.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

● 38 percent of graduates were working in jobs that do not require a degree in

● Only 12 percent of graduates were working in jobs that require a degree,
such as medicine and higher education, in 2006.
● 29 percent of graduates were working in entry-level jobs such as marketing
in 2006.
● 21 percent of graduates were working in “niche” areas such as recreation
and sports management in 2006.
2. ● I am surprised that so many companies said they prefer candidates to have

relevant work experience.
● I am not surprised that more companies said that fitting in well was most

important than said having a relevant degree is important.
3. ● In Korea, most companies prefer candidates to have a relevant degree.

● The results would be similar in Korea.

● The results would be different in Korea because most companies prefer
candidates to have a relevant degree.

Unit 14
Genetically Modified Food: Should we accept it?

Understanding the main ideas

1. F

2. F

aa3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F

1. Phil:

Tracy: MM
I don’t like the idea of eating genetically modified food at all. What do

you think, Tracy?

I think we have to accept that GMOs are here to stay. There has
(1) been too much discussion about it in the media. Now we in America

are falling behind the rest of the world in developing genetically
modified foods.

But people are worried about the health risks.
I think there are far more benefits than risks. Besides, people don’t

need to worry about risks, (2) because GMOs are tested.
Phil: But there are also problems with farmers planting genetically modified
crops. GMOs can actually harm (3) other plants and animals. For
example, insects that eat pest-resistant crops are killed. Pollen from
GMOs can spread onto other plants and then also kill the insects that
eat those plants.
Tracy: Oh, I’m sure that scientists will find a solution to these kinds of
problems. Overall, GMOs are good for the environment, (4) because
they don’t need large amounts of pesticides and herbicides. They could
also solve the problem of feeding the world as the population grows.
Phil: Well, I think GMOs are dangerous (5) because they could be harmful
to people and the environment.

2. 1. I don’t want to eat genetically modified food. Phil

2. America isn’t producing enough genetically modified foods. Tracy
3. GMOs are safe to eat. Tracy
4. GMOs can damage the environment. Phil

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Talking about it

1. Growing GMOs is necessary because we need to produce more food to feed the
2. It is a good idea to add vitamins and minerals to certain crops because people
in some countries rely on one crop for food.
3. People are worried about eating genetically modified food because they don’t
know how it could affect their health.
4. GMOs are good for the environment because farmers use fewer pesticides and
5. Mixing genes from different foods could be dangerous because some people are
allergic to certain foods.
6. Adding medicines and vaccines to fruit and vegetables is a good idea because
fruit and vegetables are easier to transport and store than medicines and

Building a paragraph
Producing genetically modified food is necessary so that we can (1) feed the
growing population in the future. GMOs are also (2) good for the environment,
because farmers don’t need to use as many pesticides and herbicides. GMOs can
also be grown in very cold and dry areas, where crops cannot usually be grown. It
is also possible to add vitamins and minerals to crops to make them (3) more
nutritious. Medicines and vaccines can even be added to fruit and vegetables.
These genetically modified fruit and vegetables (4) are easier to transport and store
than medicines and vaccines are.

We should not accept genetically modified food because it may be (1) dangerous to
our health. We do not know if GMOs are harmful, because they have (2) not been
tested enough. It is also dangerous to introduce genes from one food into another
food because many people (3) are allergic to certain foods. In some countries, such
as the U.S., genetically modified foods are not always labeled, so many people
(4) do not realize that they are eating GMOs.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● The vast majority of French respondents said that scientifically altered fruits
and vegetables are bad.
● Most Japanese respondents said that scientifically altered fruits and vegetables
are bad.
● A minority of Italian people said that scientifically altered fruits and vegetables
are good.
● The country with the highest percentage of respondents who agree with
scientifically altered fruits and vegetable is the U.S.
● People in the U.S. are more positive about scientifically altered fruits and
2. ● I think that in the future more people will think that scientifically altered fruits
and vegetables are a good idea because there will be more testing of products.
● I expect that more people will object to scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables in the future because scientists will discover more problems.
3. ● I am not surprised that so many respondents in France disagree with
scientifically altered fruits and vegetables.

Transcripts & Answer Keys

● I am surprised that 89 percent of respondents in France said that scientifically

altered fruits and vegetables are bad.
● I think that people in France are opposed to scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables because people in France like to eat healthy food.
● French people have strong feelings about scientifically altered fruits and
vegetables because there are lots of fruits and vegetables in the French diet.

Unit 15

Understanding the main ideas

Welfare: Should we do more to help the elderly and unemployed?

1. T 2. F 3. T

4. F 5. F 6. T

1. Maria:

Don’t you think the government should (1) do more to help people find
jobs? My friend Jason has been looking for a job for months now. He’s

starting to get really depressed about it.
Bill: (2) I know what you mean, but surely it can’t be that hard to find a job.
The economy is getting better, and unemployment is falling.
Maria: (3) Can you imagine how hard it is to find a job when you’re living on

welfare? You need money for nice clothes for interviews and travel
costs. Many people on welfare can’t afford that.
Bill: Maybe, but the unemployed already get a lot of (4) financial help from

the government. The government pays their rent, and they get welfare
payments to live on.

Maria: I know what you mean, but thousands of people commit suicide every


year because of unemployment and financial problems. It’s a terrible
problem. I think they need emotional help as well as financial help.
Well, maybe (5) you’re right.

2. 1.
Finding a job is not easy.
It should be easier to find a job now than before.

3. The government spends a lot of money helping the unemployed. Bill
4. The unemployed need different kinds of help. Maria

Talking about it

A: Don’t you think we should do more to help old people?

B: I know what you mean, but the government already spends a lot of money on
the elderly.
A: Can you imagine how terrible it would be to be elderly and living alone? The
elderly need help such as home care services and emergency alert services.
But many can’t afford to pay for these services.
B: Maybe, but I think old people’s friends and family should take more
responsibility to help them. It shouldn’t be left to the government.

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Building a paragraph
We should do more to help the elderly and unemployed. Many families living on
welfare don’t even (1) have enough money to feed themselves. Many have to live
in very basic conditions and find it hard to (2) survive on the money they receive.
Many elderly people live alone and cannot (3) afford the welfare services that are
available. Twenty-one percent of the population (4) is now over 65 years old. The
elderly and unemployed need support. Therefore, we should do more to help the
elderly and unemployed.

We should not do more to help the elderly and unemployed. There is more help
available to (1) the elderly and unemployed than ever before. Thousands of elderly
citizens use home care services (2) to help with daily tasks such as shopping and
cooking. In addition, the government supports thousands of unemployed people
and their families (3) with payments for rent and living expenses. The economy is
also improving. This creates more jobs for the unemployed and (4) better living
standards for the elderly. Therefore, we should not do more to help the elderly
and unemployed.

Talking about statistics: Sample answers

1. ● From the chart we can see that 12.9 percent of people in Australia are living
in poverty.
● We can see that only 6.7 percent of the population in Sweden is living in
● This chart shows that a larger percentage of people are living in poverty in
the U.S. than in the Netherlands.
● The Human Poverty Index in the U.S. is 15.8 percent.
2. ● It is unbelievable that 11.2 percent of the population in Japan is living in
● I am amazed that 15.8 percent of people in the U.S. are living in poverty.
● It doesn’t surprise me that only 6.7 percent of people in Sweden are living in
3. ● I think the Human Poverty Index is low in Sweden because the unemployed
and elderly get a lot of support in Sweden.
● I think the Human Poverty Index in the U.S. is high because the welfare
system is not very good in the U.S.


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