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Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Vol.4. No.

1, June 2018



Rashel Sheikh1*, Dr. Md. Abdus Sabur2, and Marzan Rahman3


Automated Teller Machine is widely used by most of the private commercial banks in
Bangladesh. This study focused on usage and common problems of ATM banking for bank
clients and employees. A total of 446 respondents of 18 commercial banks were selected as
sample using stratified sampling technique. Five point Likert scale was used in preparing the
interview schedule. Collected data were analyzed through mean, coefficient of variation and chi-
square test. Findings of the study show that about ninety percent of the respondents use ATM but
not more than five times per month. The most common problems that users of ATM face today
are the number of ATM booth is not sufficient, ATM is out of service, it works slowly, it is often
short of money, and sometimes it captures ATM card. Banks should overcome these problems of
ATM by taking necessary actions to accelerate banking and e-commerce activities.

Keywords: Usage, Problems, ATM, PCBs


Automated Teller Machine (ATM) becomes an integral part of our daily banking life. There are
about seven thousand ATMs around the country, and the number of daily transactions amounts to
Tk. 2.4 billion daily. Total number of daily card transactions amounts to Tk. 2.74 billion
(Rahman et al., 2016).Most of the banks have ATM facilities. A bank client can withdraw money
at any time from the ATM. We use it to withdraw immediate cash out of the bank without
standing in a long queue. Almost all the ATMs have some common facilities like 24/7, balance
enquiry, mini account statement, fund transfer, etc. Automated deposit is also possible through
Cash Deposit Machine (CDM). Nowadays, various facilities are offered by the banks through

Assistant Professor of Accounting, Department of Business Administration, Hamdard University
Associate Professor, Department of Accounting & Information Systems, Islamic University, Kushtia
Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Hamdard University Bangladesh
* Corresponding author, Email:
2 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

ATM and therefore its importance is increasing day by day. Nonetheless, its users are confronted
with varieties of problems regularly. These problems of ATM may also differ between users-
bank clients and bank employees. Researcher is interested to know these problems and
differences among them because ATM becomes a part and parcel of our daily life. This study will
help all bank clients, employees, future researcher and all other parties who have insights into
this subject.


 How often do the bank clients and bank employees use ATM in every month?
 What type of problems with ATM usage the bank clients and bank employees are confronted
 Is there any significant difference between the opinion of bank clients and bank employees
about the use and problems of ATM?


The main objective of the study is to find out the usage of ATM and its problems faced by the
users of ATM of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. For achieving this goal some specific
objectives are set out as follows to:
 Measure the frequency of using ATM among the bank clients and bank employees.
 Examine any significant differences between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the use of ATM.
 Ascertain the common problems of ATM faced by the bank clients and bank employees.
 Find out any significant differences between opinions of the bank clients and bank employees
about the problems of ATM.


The following null hypotheses were taken according to research questions.

 H1: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the use of ATM.
 H2: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the problem that ATM is out of service.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 3

 H3: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the problem that number of ATM booth is not sufficient.
 H4: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the problem that ATM booth is shortage of money.
 H5: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the problem that ATM works slow.
 H6: There is no significant difference between the opinions of bank clients and bank
employees about the problem that ATM card is captured by the machine.


ATM is one of the most demanding and latest technologies. The whole banking systems of
Bangladesh is trying to follow the modern marketing concept in bank services. After launching
the new innovative services like ATM, it is required to observe how the customers adopt the new
product (Shamsuddoha, Chowdhury & Javeed, 2005). Ali and Kalu (2016) opined that the
increasing adoption of ATM as a major payment system has redefined banking services both in
Nigeria and internationally.

Uddin, Khan, and Mohammed (2016) investigated the experiences of Bank Muscat in the Dhofar
region of Oman. The study revealed that the main problems faced by the ATM users are machine
out of order, long queue and poor visibility of statement. Tekerekoglu (2013) discussed about
bacterial colonization status ATM booths. Krishnamoorthy, Sruthi, and Shoniyaa (2015)
examined the various dimensions of ATM service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction
in Tirupur district, India. They found that appearance is viewed as the most vital dimensions
among others and it has a positive impact on customer satisfaction Akhtar et al., (2016) also
identified the dimensions of ATM service quality that effect the customer satisfaction.

Shobha and Sundar (2012) investigated the satisfaction level of ATM cardholders with respect to
various aspects of the service quality of ATM and their opinions on various other related issues
such as the inconvenient features while using ATM. The study provides information regarding
the satisfaction level and problems faced while using ATM cards. Mwatsika (2014) tried to
4 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

measure customers’ satisfaction with ATM banking in Malawi. Islam (2015) also discussed about
the factors which affect customers’ satisfaction level on ATM services in Bangladesh. They
found that security/safety/privacy of ATM is ranked number one and represents maximum
satisfaction of ATM users. Embiale (2016) also investigated the effect of ATM service quality on
customer satisfaction of ATM users of commercial bank of Ethiopia.

From the above review of literature related to ATM it is observed that most of the study is
concerned with customers’ satisfaction towards ATM services, relationship between ATM usage
and customers’ satisfaction, few problems of ATM in Oman, bacterial colonization status of
ATM, dimensions of ATM service quality etc. But there is no study that separately discusses the
usage and problems of ATMs and finds any significant differences between the opinions of bank
clients and bank employees. Researchers are trying to cover those gaps.


A structured interview schedule was prepared based on group discussion and objectives of the
study. The interview schedule was organized into two sections: demographic and analytical.
Demographic data includes sex, age, educational level, and income level. Analytical part
includes data relating to ATM services.

Stratified random sampling was used through the study. There were 3 stratums in this study. 14
conventional commercial banks, 3 Islamic commercial banks and 1 foreign commercial bank
were selected as sample from a population of 48 commercial banks in Bangladesh (Bangladesh
Bank, 2016). A total of 450 (18 × 25) interview schedules were distributed; from each bank 15-
client and 10- bank employees were asked. 446 schedules were collected and analyzed as 4
interview schedules were missed by the bank clients.


This research is mainly based on primary data. All samples were collected through the students
of Hamdard University Bangladesh. Before collection of data, they were given a lesson about
interview schedule. Interview schedules were collected between the periods of August 2015 and
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 5

October 2016.Collected data, mainly based on five-point Liket scale, were analyzed using mean,
coefficient of variation, and chi-square test through SPSS.



In table 1, it is found that 88 percent of the respondents are male and the remaining 12 percent
are female. This is because males are mostly engaged in banking sectors in Bangladesh. We also
found that most of the ATM users (about 49 percent) are aged between 20 and 30, and about 40
percent respondents are between the age of 30 and 40. On the other hand, very few of the
respondents are aged below 20 and above 50. They possess about 49 percent of the total
respondents. Second highest users are between the ages of 30 to 40. Below 20 years and above
50 years of age users are very few.

Table 1 also shows the education level of the respondents; it is observed that most of the
respondents (68 percent) have obtained master degree, but on the other hand only 14 percent of
the respondents have completed graduation program, indicating a high tendency to completing
master degree among the respondents. About 5 percent of the total respondents have below
secondary level of education and only 1 percent of respondents have completed MPhil/PhD
program. In addition, bank employees are highly educated compared to bank clients.
Demographic analysis also reveals that 33.2 percent of the sample respondents have a monthly
income ranging between BDT 30,001 and 45,000 and about 11 percent respondents have
monthly income above BDT 60,000.
6 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

Table 1: Demographic Data of the Respondents

Frequency Total
Variables Attributes Client Employee Total (%)
Male 223 170 393 88
Female 43 10 53 12
Below 20 years 8 0 8 1.8
20-30 145 72 217 48.6
Age Group 30-40 78 98 176 39.5
40-50 27 10 37 8.3
50 years and above 8 0 8 1.8
SSC or below 23 0 23 5.2
HSC 52 0 52 11.7
Honors or graduation 53 10 63 14
Masters 133 170 303 68
M. Phil or Ph. D 5 0 5 1.1
Below BDT 15,000 65 14 79 17.7
BDT 15,001 - 30,000 57 33 90 20.1
Per Month
BDT 30,001 –45,000 98 50 148 33.2
BDT 45,001 –60,000 34 47 81 18.2
Above BDT 60,000 12 36 48 10.8
Source: Field survey data from August 2015 to October 2016


Out of total 446 respondents, 400 respondents use ATM and among them 352 respondents (88
percent) found problems while they were using it but the remaining 48 respondents (12 percent)
did not face any problems with it. Out of 352 respondents, 192 respondents are bank clients and
160 respondents are the bank employees.
H1: There is no significant difference between the opinion of bank client and bank employees
about the use of ATM.

Table 2 shows that 89.7 percent of the total respondents use ATM with 86.8 percent for bank
client and about 94 percent for bank employee. Thus, it can be said that bank employees have
higher percentage of using ATM in comparison to bank clients.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 7

Table 2: Measurement of the Number of users of ATM booth

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

S. N. Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. Percent Total %
1 Use 231 86.8 169 93.9 400 89.7
2 Don’t Use 35 13.2 11 6.1 46 10.3
Total 266 100 180 100 446 100
Mean 1.13 1.06
C.V 36.19 39.2
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 5.76 Table Value: 3.84 Degree of freedom: 1
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: 1 = Yes (Use ATM), 2 = No (Don’t use ATM), Res. = Respondents.

The table value of χ for 1 degree of freedom, at 5% level of significance is 3.84 and the
calculated value is 5.76. The calculated value of χ is greater than the table value. So, the null
hypothesis is rejected and therefore it can be said that there is a significant difference between
the bank client and bank employee about their usage of ATM booths.


There are five categories of users of ATM booth in this study; Unusual user use ATM 0 - 5 times
per month, Usual users use 6 – 10 times per month, Regular users use 11 – 15 times per month,
Frequent users use 16 – 20 times per month and Very Frequent users use ATM more than 20
times per month.

Figure 1 gives a description about the usage of ATM booth by the respondents. It is seen that
most of the respondents are unusual user as because 65.8 percent of the bank client and 38.5
percent of the bank employee use ATM not more than 5 times per month. 23.8 percent of the
bank client and 34.3 percent of the bank employees are usual users. 6.9 percent of the bank
clients and 13 percent of the bank employees are regular user. On the other hand, 2.6 percent of
the bank client and 10.7 percent of the bank employees are frequent users. Only 0.87 percent of
the bank client and 3.6 percent of the bank employees are very frequent user. Bank employees
are more frequent users than bank clients.
8 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

Source: Field survey by the researcher

Fig. 1: Measuring the Frequency of Usage of ATM Booth in a Month


H2: There is no significant difference between the opinion of Bank Client and Bank Employees
about the problem that ATM is out of service.
From table 03, it is seen that most of the respondents are neutral with the statement that ATM is
out of service. 59 percent of the respondents are neutral about the problem and among these 55.1
percent of the bank client and 63.1 percent of the bank employee are neutral about the statement
with a mean value of 2.97 and 2.94 for bank client and for bank employee respectively. On the
other hand, 23.6 percent of the respondents disagree and strongly disagree with the statement and
17.6 percent of the respondents agree and strongly agree with the statement that ATM remains
out of service. Coefficient of variation of their opinion is 28.74 percent for the bank clients and
23.49 percent for the bank employees; that is opinions of bank employees are more constant than
that of bank clients.
In order to calculate χ from table 03, 1st row is merged with 2nd row and the degree of freedom
becomes (4 - 1) (2 - 1) = 3. The table value of χ for 3 degree of freedom, at 5% level of
significance is 7.82 and the calculated value is 2.93. The calculated value of χ is less than the
table value. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it can be said that there is no
significant difference between the opinions of the bank client and bank employee that ATM is out
of service.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 9

Table 3: Assessment of Opinion of the Respondents that ATM is out of Service

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. % Total %
1 8 4.2 1 0.63 9 2.6
2 39 20.3 35 21.9 74 21
3 106 55.2 101 63.1 207 59
4 29 15.1 18 11.3 47 13.4
5 10 5.2 5 3.1 15 4
Total 192 100 160 100 352 100
Mean 2.97 2.94
C.V 28.74 23.49
No. of Res. (1+2) 47 24.5 36 22.5 83 23.6
No. of Res. (4+5) 39 20 23 14.4 62 17.6
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 2.93 Table Value: 7.82 Degree of freedom: 3
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: Res. = Respondents, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3= neither
Agree nor Disagree, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.

H3: There is no significant difference between the opinion of bank client and bank employees
about the problem that number of ATM booth is not sufficient.

Another major problem is that number of ATM booth is insufficient to meet the demand of the
bank clients and bank employees. Table 4 shows that the mean value for both respondents is
greater than 4; 4.2 for bank client and 4.2 for bank employee. That is most of the respondents (54
percent) agree to the statement that the number of the ATM booth of their bank is not sufficient.

Table 4: Assessment of Opinion of the Respondents about the Number of ATM Booth

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. % Total %
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 6 3.13 5 3.1 11 3.1
3 19 9.9 8 5 27 7.7
4 99 51.6 91 56.9 190 54
5 68 35.4 56 35 124 35.2
Total 192 100 160 100 352 100
Mean 4.19 4.24
C.V 17.54 16.15
No. of Res. (1+2) 6 3.13 5 3.13 11 3.1
No. of Res. (4+5) 167 87 147 92 314 89
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 3.19 Table Value: 7.82 Degree of freedom: 2
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: Res. = Respondents, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3= neither
Agree nor Disagree, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.
10 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

About 87 percent of the bank client and 92 percent of bank employees agree and strongly agree
about the statement. Only 3.1 percent of the respondents disagree with the statement. There is no
respondent who strongly disagree with the statement. In order to calculate χ from table 04, 1st
row is merged with 2nd row and the degree of freedom becomes (4 - 1) (2 - 1) = 3. The table value
of χ for 3 degree of freedom, at 5% level of significance is 7.82 and the calculated value is
3.19. The calculated value of χ is less than the table value. So, null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant difference between the opinions of the
respondents that the number of ATM booth is not sufficient.

H4: there is no significant difference between the opinion of bank client and bank employees
about problem that ATM booth is short of money.

There is another problem with ATM faced by the respondents. They say that ATM is often short
of money. As it is seen in table 5 that most of the users (42 percent) neither agree nor disagree
with the statement. 37.5 percent of the bank client and 41.25 percent of the bank employee
disagree and strongly disagree with the statement that the ATM is short of money.

Table 5: Assessment of Opinion of the Respondents about the Money Shortage in ATM

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. % Total %
1 18 9.4 10 6.3 28 8
2 64 33.3 56 35 120 34
3 79 41.2 70 43.8 149 42
4 26 13.5 18 11.3 44 12
5 5 2.60 6 3.8 11 3
Total 192 100 160 100 352 100
Mean 2.67 2.71
C.V 34.3 32.56
No. of Res. (1+2) 72 37.5 66 41.3 138 39
No. of Res. (4+5) 31 16.1 24 15 55 15.6
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 2.02 Table Value: 9.49 Degree of freedom: 4
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: Res. = Respondents, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= neither
Agree nor Disagree, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 11

On the other hand, 16.1 percent of the bank client and 15 percent of the bank employee agree and
strongly agree with the statement. Coefficient of variation of their opinions is 34.3 percent for the
bank client and 32.56 percent for the bank employees; opinion of bank employee is more
uniformly distributed comparing to bank clients. Therefore, it can be said that most of the
respondents are neutral and showing disagreement with the problem.
In table 5, the table value of χ for 4 degree of freedom, is 9.49at 5% level of significance and
the calculated value is 2.02. The calculated value of χ is less than the table value. The null
hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant difference between
the bank client and bank employee about the opinion that ATM booths are short of money.

H5: there is no significant difference between the opinion of bank client and bank employees
about the problem that ATM works slow.
Another common problem with the ATM is it works slowly. From table 06, it is seen that most of
the respondents (57 percent) neither agree nor disagree with this problem with a mean value of 3
for bank client and 2.93 for bank employee. On the other hand, 24 percent of the bank client and
23.8 percent of the bank employee disagree and strongly disagree with the statement. 21.4
percent of the bank client and 15.6 percent of the bank employee agree and strongly agree that
ATM works slowly.

Table 6: Assessment of Opinion of the Respondents that ATM Works Slowly

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. % Total %
1 5 2.6 4 2.5 9 2.5
2 41 21.4 34 21.3 75 21
3 105 54.7 97 60.6 202 57
4 31 16.2 19 11.9 50 14
5 10 5.2 6 3.8 16 4.5
Total 192 100 160 100 352 100
Mean 3 2.93
C.V 27.64 25.9
No. of Res. (1+2) 46 24 38 23.8 84 23.9
No. of Res. (4+5) 41 21.4 25 15.6 66 18.8
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 2.07 Table Value: 7.82 Degree of freedom: 3
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: Res. = Respondents, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= neither
Agree nor Disagree, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.
12 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

C.V. is 27.64 percent for the bank client and 25.9 percent for the bank employee; that is opinion
of bank employees is more uniformly distributed than that of bank clients. Therefore, it can be
said that most of the respondents neither agree nor disagree with the problem that ATM works
slowly. In order to calculate χ from Table 6, 1st row is merged with 2nd row and the degree of
freedom becomes (4 - 1) (2 - 1) = 3. The table value of χ for 3 degree of freedom, at 5% level
of significance is 7.82 and the calculated value is 2.07. The calculated value of χ is less than the
table value. The null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant
difference between the opinions of the respondents that ATM works slowly.

H6: There is no significant difference between the opinion of bank client and bank employees
about problem that ATM card is captured by the machine.

Another problem is ATM card has captured by the booth machine. Table 07 clearly shows that
86.5 percent of the bank client and 89.4 percent of the bank employee are disagreeing and
strongly disagree with the statement. The mean value is 1.66 for the bank client and 1.49 for the
bank client. C.V. is 45.97 percent for bank client and 51.52 percent for bank employee; that is
opinions of bank clients are more uniformly distributed in comparison to bank employees. On
the other hand, only 2.1 percent of the bank client and 3.1 percent of the bank employee are
agree and strongly agree with the statement. Table 07 clearly indicates that 87.8 percent of the
respondents disagree/strongly disagree, 9.6 percent of the respondents are neutral and 2.6 percent
of the respondents agree/strongly agree with the problem.

In order to calculate χ from Table 7, 4th and 5th row is merged with 3rd row and the degree of
freedom becomes (3 - 1) (2 - 1) = 2. The table value of χ for 2 degree of freedom, at 5% level
of significance is 5.99 and the calculated value is 8.18. The calculated value of χ is greater than
the table value. The null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, it can be said that there is a
significant difference between the opinions of the bank client and bank employees that debit/
credit card is captured by ATM.
Table 7: Assessment of Opinion of the Respondents that Debit/Credit card is captured by ATM
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 13

Opinion Bank Client Bank Employee

Categories No. of Res. % No. of Res. % Total %
1 96 50 104 65 200 56.8
2 70 36.5 39 24.4 109 31
3 22 11.5 12 7.5 34 9.6
4 4 2.1 5 3.1 9 2.6
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 192 100 160 100 352 100
Mean 1.66 1.49
C.V 45.97 51.52
No. of Res. (1+2) 166 86.5 143 89.4 309 87.8
No. of Res. (4+5) 4 2.1 5 3.1 9 2.6
 2 (Chi-square) Test
Calculated Value: 8.18 Table Value: 5.99 Degree of freedom: 2
Sources: Calculated from field survey. Note: Res. = Respondents, 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= neither
Agree nor Disagree, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.


Other problems with ATM that are given by the respondents in open-end interview schedule are-
 ATM gives forged and fake notes or torn notes of money.
 ATM debited the amount at the time of drawing cash but not paid.
 There is transaction limits. One can withdraw cash for a certain limit of amount in a day from
the ATM.
 There is also security problem with ATMs.
 Sometimes a huge amount of money is hacked and stolen by the internet hackers.
 ‘Freak transactions’ may be occurred by the frauds and hackers.


 About ninety percent of the respondents use ATM. Most of the respondents use ATM not
more than five times per month.
 About 88 percent respondent have problem with ATM. The major problem is that the no. of
ATM booth is not sufficient. About 89percent of the respondents agree/strongly agree, 8
percent of the respondents are neutral, and 3 percent of the respondents disagree/strongly
disagree with this problem.
14 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

 Most of the respondents became neutral with another problem called ATM is out of service.
About 59 percent of the respondents are neutral, 23 percent of the respondents
disagree/strongly disagree and 18 percent of the respondents agree/strongly agree with the
 One of the major problems of using ATM is that it works slowly. Most of the respondents
neither agree nor disagree with the statement that ATM works slowly. About 57 percent of the
respondents are neutral, 24 percent of the respondents disagree/strongly disagree and 19
percent of the respondents agree/strongly agree with the problem.
 Another problem is that the debit/credit card is captured by ATM. Most of the respondents
disagree or strongly disagree with the problem. About 87 percent of the respondents
disagree/strongly disagree, 10 percent of the respondents are neutral and 3 percent of the
respondents agree/strongly agree with the problem.


ATM booth is one of the most common services provided by almost all commercial banks in
Bangladesh. About ninety percent of the respondents use ATM and most users are not frequent
users. Most of the respondents use it not more than ten times per month. Some common
problems hinder the smooth and frequent use of ATM. Most of the private commercial banks and
their branches in Bangladesh are located in capital and major cities of the country. ATMs are also
located in urban and semi-urban areas. But there are no sufficient booths all over the country.
Interruption of electricity supply and interruption of internet connection to ATM also suffers
customers a lot using ATM. Sometimes ATMs are found working slowly, providing torn and fake
money, and debiting users’ account without paying out any cash – even it captures ATM card at
the time of withdrawing money. It may be due to system fault or other causes. If commercial
banks can overcome these problems of ATM, the banks become more attractive to a wider range
of customers and it eventually accelerates the banking transaction to a greater extent.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 15


The following suggestions and recommendations are made on the basis of findings of the study:
 ATM booths should be placed to near cities and rural areas so that people of rural area can
also use it. If ATM booths are increased a significant number the number of cash transaction
will also increase. It will keep a role in the economy of Bangladesh.
 ATM booths should have been properly care of so that it may active all the time. Bank
customers are now prefer ATM than bank for cash withdrawal.
 The management of the banks should also give an attention to supply sufficient cash so that it
does not suffer for shortage of money.
 High efficient ATM software should be installed and maintained in the ATM for overall good
customer services. ATM cash withdraw process should be easy and fast so that customer
should not boring for slow service.
 Bangladesh Bank should co-operate the inter-banking transaction with minimum cost.
Government and bank authority should take necessary steps to protect ATM booths from
 Uninterrupted electricity supply and uninterrupted internet connection should be ensured in
ATM so that bank clients can use ATM twenty four hours.


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Ali, P. I., & Kalu O., E. (2016). Impact of automated teller machine on banking services delivery in
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Embiale, Y. (2016). The effect of automatic teller machine service quality on customer satisfaction: the
case of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Hawassa city. Journal of Engineering and Economic
Development, 3(2), 1-13.
Islam, T. (2015). Customers’ satisfaction and ATM services: The case of Bangladesh.  World Review of
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Krishnamoorthy, D. V., Sruthi, R., & Shoniyaa, V. S. (2015). Exploring the influence on ATM service
quality with customer satisfaction. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences
Research, 5(1), 51-59.
Mwatsika, C. (2014). Customer's satisfaction with ATM banking in Malawi. African Journal of Business
Management, 8(7), 218-227.
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(2016). Payment Ecosystem in Bangladesh Challenges and Opportunities . The Daily Star.
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
16 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

Shamsuddoha, M., Chowdhury, M. T., & Javeed, A. B. (2005). Automated teller machine: A new

dimension in the bank service of Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3), 458-
Shobha, D. K., & Sundar, S. P. (2012). Customer’s satisfaction levels of ATM cardholders. Radix
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Tekerekoğlu, M. S., Yakupogullari, Y., Otlu, B., Duman, Y., & Gucluer, N. (2013). Bacteria found on
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Uddin, M. A., Imran Khan, M. A., & Mohammed, S. (2016). An empirical study of automated teller
machine users in Oman. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 904-908.
Usage and Problems of Automated Teller Machine 17

Interview Schedule on
Usage and Problems of ATM for Bank Clients & Employees
(Your information will not kept secret and will be used only research purpose)
1. Your Name & Designation
2. Your sex: Ï Male Ï Female
3. Your age –
Ï ≤ 20 Ï 21 - 30 Ï 31 - 40 Ï 41 - 50 Ï> 50

4. Your highest degree in education that you have already completed / studying –
Ï SSC or Below Ï HSC Ï Honors Ï Masters ÏM. Phil. /Ph. D.

5. Your income level (Per month in Tk.) –

Ï ≤ 15,000 Ï 15,001- 30,000 Ï 30,001- 45,000 Ï 45,001- 60,000 Ï> 60,000
1. (i) Do you use ATM Booth? Yes / No.
If yes, how many times do you use it in a month?
Ï 1-05 times Ï 06-10 times Ï 11-15 times Ï 16-20 times Ï More than 20

(iii) Do you have any problems with ATM Booths? Yes / No.
If yes, which ones are?
 ATM is out of service/ Network problem –
Ï Most of the time Ï Often Ï Sometimes Ï Very few times Ï Never
• Number of ATM booth is not sufficient –
Ï Most of the time Ï Often Ï Sometimes Ï Very few times Ï Never
 ATM Booth is Shortage of Money –
Ï Most of the time Ï Often Ï Sometimes Ï Very few times Ï Never
• ATM Works Slowly –
Ï Most of the time Ï Often Ï Sometimes Ï Very few times Ï Never
• Your Debit/credit card is captured –
Ï Most of the time Ï Often Ï Sometimes Ï Very few times Ï Never
• Other problems of ATM booth (if any) :
18 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh

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