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Ilonah Jean Todianco Instructor: Edgar B.


Caregiver Course: GEC 111 – UTS

Activity 3

(Application and Assessment)

1. Do something kind for someone. Doing something kind for someone often helps
you ok thinking positive thoughts about yourself (Midvalley, 2019). Moreover,
according to Reachout Australia (n.d), being a helping hand to others helps you
boost your mood and make you feel good about yourself l. Accompanying those
who needs and guidance—and seeing them progress because of you will
undoubtedly add to your self-respect and esteem (Daskal, 2017).
2. Take care of your appearance. According to Daskal (2017), you feel the best
when you look the best. It is recommended to dress decent and confidently, then
assurance will come through how you look. Furthermore, Mindvalley (2019) says
that taking care of our outward looks equates to treating oneself kindly.
3. Change your scenery. Doing something you’ve never tried before helps break
negative thoughts, and encourages one to make positive outlooks in life
(Mindvalley, 2019). Confidence begins by standing at the edge of your comfort
zone. Additionally, ReachOut Australia (n.d) suggests surrounding yourself with
people who makes you feel good of yourself instead of the other way around.
Daskal (2017) proposed to create personal boundaries as well, along with
standards to follow, to avoid people from controlling you, and learning to let go of
negative people in your life. Facing your fears and learning to overcome them
helps as well.
4. Write down your accomplishments. Listing all your accomplishments eventually
makes you see that you have have accomplished several impressive things and
you are capable of making more (Mindvalley, 2019). This activity helps you to
synchronize with your strengths in life, and remind you of your capabilities to do
things well. ReachOut Australia (n.d) also added that celebrating the small stuff in
your life helps to boost your confidence. On the other hand, Daskal (2017)
suggests that reading something inspirational to lift your spirits up, which may
include your list as well.
5. Teach someone, something. As mentioned by Mindvalley (2019), The simple
knowledge one takes for granted maybe the thing others have been wanting to
learn. By helping them you are able to see that you are amazing and unique,
which could share something valuable to the world. Likewise, Daskal (2017) adds
that utilizing your strengths like your skills, talents, and abilities help yourself to
boost your self-esteem
6. Reflect on your surroundings. Stop the mentality of self-blaming. Determine
stressors and plan to plan to change it (Mindvalley, 2019). Daskal (2017) advice
to know what you stand for in life, and to free yourself from thinking about what
others may think of you meaning — doing all the things do you want to do,
making choices for yourself, and constantly challenging yourself to strive for the
best. Also, thinking of failures as learning opportunities and growth can help your
perspective. Moreover, ReachOut Australia (n.d) counsels to strive in order to
become the best version of yourself, and the same time to except that nobody is
perfect. Instead, focus on things that you can control and what you can do about
them. Open your mind, become eager, and willing to learn at all times (Daskal,
7. Simplify your life. Do not hold back on material things which bring stress in your
eyes. Get rid of these things by giving them out to charities, or add income to
your pockets (Mindvalley, 2019).
8. Pursue a passion. Get around the things you want to do in life and do not
entertain excuses from your negative mentality (Mindvalley, 2019). What’s more
is that Daskal (2017) recommends to master skills which harmonize with your
interests and talents. ReachOut Australia (n.d) also says to do the things which
you enjoy doing, and make time for such the foster positive thinking. From these
deeds, learn to focus on your own goals and do not compare yours to others, as
you are unique.
9. Exercise. Exercise cues the body to release endorphins or the feel-good
hormones (ReachOut Australia, n.d). Exercise improves the body and the state of
mind by focusing in small achievable goals. The accomplishment after doing
such, makes exercise a great option in order to boost self-esteem (Mindvalley,
10. Invest in your well-being. Spend your money not only in indulgences but also for
empowering the mind to raise self-esteem; whether it’s a meditation retreat, yoga
class, self-improvement courses, or simply healthier food. Spending money on
things that are good for you can make you feel better about yourself (Mindvalley,
2019). Spending time with trained professionals such as counselors’ aids to heal
your past, and helps you move on to a future with confidence and self-assurance.
Furthermore, speaking to yourself and clarifying what success is for you is
powerful enough to improve your self-concept (ReachOut Australia, n.d), (Daskal,

In a world that’s out of its mind, several guidelines and recommendations exist
and were presented in order to help us boost our self-esteem and figure out our self-
concept. However, though they might sound all filled with positivity or an optimistic
energy, there could still be diminutive adverse tribulations that follows with it, if it is
grasp from a different angle of perspective.

For instance, is taking care of your appearance. Oftentimes, I find it strange how
each individual is different among everyone else, which basically conveys that we are
all created biologically different and unique from one person to another, yet we live in a
world that is contaminated by a whole society who constantly shames us for daring to
be different and unique. If taken on upon the worst-case scenario, people might get
obsessed with their appearance to the point that they’d look down upon people who
doesn’t fit their standards of being beautiful. Because of that, some individuals are
known to be judgmental regarding people’s physical attributes since they have been
molded to follow a set of beauty standards to the point that they’d give their uttermost
efforts just to go through or beyond that standard. We have nothing against the fact
that most of the time; we try our best to look presentable and decent in front of other
people or even just for ourselves. But it’s disturbing and immoral when someone would
intentionally degrade another person for being an individual who dared to be different
and doesn’t live by the society’s beauty standards. Clearly, it does not make sense to
me at all because as we strive to exist, survive, and to live, we need to acquire that
logical acceptance from them, that being different isn’t a bad thing at all, because it
actually is the standard of oneself. People who are fond of labeling every person that
they meet crossroads, seriously does affect another person’s self-esteem and even
make them question their self-concept.

Another thing is simplifying your life. Most of the people we know generally agree
that living a simple life means peace and a life that acquires an overflowing wellness.
Nonetheless, it does not give anyone the slightest prerogative to possibly presume
that they are living a better life than those people who chose to live a life that ’s more
centered to being extraordinary and complex in a good way. We all have different
preferences in life, and what may be good for you might not be for someone else.
Determining whether or not a person is happy from their way of living or social status
is invalid at all. Furthermore, it practically projects that the way you’re improving your
self-concept, unfortunately affects someone else’s, which brings a great deal of
disdain because it would make them question the valuable decisions that they’ve
made for themselves, for their life.

With those mentioned uncontrollable toxic societal mentality, I never fear to be

myself and love me for who I am or who I acquire to be, and you should do the same
thing as well. Do not let other people’s opinion define you and don’t ever let their
assumptions about your past affect your present because you are not who you have
been. On the second point and with that being said, in any circumstances, don ’t ever
try to question and define someone’s self-concept based upon how they live their
personal lives because we don’t have the slightest idea on whether or not they are
happy and contented, or what they exactly feel. Since, we’re all dealing with different
matters, clashing minds, and various environments everyday that greatly affects us in
several ways which led us to whichever kind of life that we’re not just merely existing
to, but living.

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