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Year & Section: BSCE-2B

Asian Literature

1. How does O Yong-su present the setting of his story? Is the description of the village and its people concentrated in one
particular portion of the selection or is it found in various sections and given part by part? Does the manner of presenting
affect the reader? If not, why? If so, how?
 O Yung-su is the author of the story Nami and the Taffyman. This story is about a Korean community of the
threadbare repatriate families. He presented the setting of the story in the very beginning by describing the season
which was after spring set in and describing the geographical location of the community which was up on the
mountain slopes. As part of the introduction of the story, he described the people residing in that village by their
social status which mostly are laborers. He also described the village as quiet and dull. As I go through the story, I
noticed that the description of the village and its people is concentrated in one particular portion only of the selection
which was in the beginning, specifically on the first 10 paragraphs. The rest of the selection was focused on the
family of Ch’olsu wherein Nami worked as their maid and the travelling taffyman visiting their village to sell taffies. For
me, yes the manner of this style of presenting greatly affects the readers in a way that it makes them focus on the
concept of the story more which primarily was about the Taffyman falling inlove with Nami and about how ancient
Koreans view marriage that time, what are some of their customs and traditions about weddings.

2. Give a character sketch of the taffyman. Does he possess one dominating passion or does he have drives that are pitted
against each other?
 The Taffyman is a male local taffy peddler who sang rhythmically with the clacking of his shears. He plastered his
unruly hair with promenade and straightens it out with a comb. He sported a jade-green rayon vest. He has an ample
head. He has a mannerism of scratching his head when unsure, he has the characteristic of being goofy or playful
when he danced with pain when was sting by a bee on his palm and when he jokes around and play around with kids
during noontime. He also shows act of kindness by handing out free taffy to children including Yongi and Yuni. He’s
also punctual as he always came early and leaves the village late.

3. At the end of the story, the taffyman is seen watching Nami from the top of Urum Pass? Do you find his action logical? Why?
 For me, when the Taffyman went across the Urum Pass to watch over Nami walk to Chajinae Valley is logical. Yes it
is logical for me. It is because watching Nami from afar was his way of showing his love to Nami. That wherever may
Nami go, he will watch over her and express his adoration in any way that he can.

4. What do Nami’s new jade-green rubber shoes signify? How essential are they to the Denouement?
 The Taffyman promised Nami that he will find her shoes and if he can’t, he’ll buy her a new pair of it. As stated at the
end of the story, when Nami was seen wearing a pair of brand new jade-green shoes signifies that the Taffyman
fulfilled his promise. He made Nami happy and gratified her by keeping his words and buying her new pair of her
favorite footwear. This part is very essential to the denouement or the ending of the story since it gives justice to the
promise made and somehow gave hope to the readers that the Taffyman and Nami had a requited affection towards
each other despite how sad their story ended.

5. What is the role played by Yongi and Yuni in the narrative? Do they help in the progress of the action?
 Yongi and Yuni played as the bridge that connected the fate of the Taffyman and Nami. They played a vital role in
this selection since they were the reason why the two main characters crossed their paths which was by stealing
Nami’s shoes and trading each of it with taffy. If not for them, the two would not meet each other and would not feel
how lovely they felt. Yes, they help in the progress of the action by keeping the connection between the two people
and providing situations that the two will have a chance to be in one place.

6. Create a character web showing the relationship of characters in Nami and the Taffyman.

-Local taffy peddler -Works as a maid -Arranged to marry Nami

-Fell inlove with Nami -Owner of the jade-green -20 years old
-Plastered his hair with
promenade and -Spanked and Pinched
straightening out with a Yongi and Yuni
-Jokes and plays around
with children


-Impoverished salesman -Arranged the marriage of
Nami to the Young
-Father of Yongi and Yuni and Bachelor
where Nami works as a maid

-Daughter of Ch’olsu -Daughter of Ch’olsu
-Six years old -Four years old
-Loves to eat taffy too and -Loves to eat taffy and play
play along with the along with the taffyman
-Stole Nami’s shoe
-Stole Nami’s shoe
-Pinched by Nami
-Spanked by Nami

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