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With examples write down three characteristics of good governance

 Participation
 Rule of law
 Transparency
 Responsiveness
 Consensus orientation
 Equity
 Effectiveness and efficiency
 Accountability
 Strategic vision

2. Describe three importance of good governance

 Essential for a company or organization to achieve its objectives
and drive improvement
 Maintain legal and ethical standing in the eyes of shareholders,
regulators and the wider community
 Drives performance for all organizations
 Ensure compliance
 Efficient processes
 Visibility of errors
 Reduced costs
 Smoother running operations
 Conforming products in the market
3. There are many actors in improving health services in Tanzania highright
three actors
 Health managers
 Health workforce
 Clinical leaders
 In-service educators
 Quality improvement teams
 Patients, families and care giver advocates
 Ministry of Health
 Ministry of Education
 Regulatory bodies (MCT, TNMC, Pharmacy council, Atomic
energy, NACTE, licensing of health professionals)
 Regional, district and municipal authorities
 Health insurance funds

4. State three similarities between leadership and management

 All aims in achieving organizational goal
 All needs resources human inclusive.
 All need working environment
 All depend on a key player (A leader or a manager)

5. Briefly describe three Steps used in appraisal process

 Decide what aspect of performance to appraise
 Establish appraisal team
 Establish the standards/norms for appraisal
 Design and agree on the appraisal tools e.g. checklists perforance
procedure manual
 Collect information needed to measure performance
 Compare the results with norms, standards and measures
 Communicate results of appraisal to the workers
 Decide what to do next together with the employee
6. Mention three Qualities of a Leader
 Play a visionary role
 Ability to formulate strategies
 Motivation and proper delegation
 Resolving conflicts
 Effective communication

7. Shortly highlight three Purposes of Appraisal

 Identify employees current level of performance
 Identify employees strengths and weaknesses to determine
individual and organisation training needs
 Assess the employee level of contribution as a basis of determining
salary increase and other rewards
 Communicate back to the staff on their performance and progress
 Identify staff who need transfer, promotion or training
 Management control

8. Highlight five Components of Communication

Sender: the person who delivers the information
Receiver: the person who takes in the information
Message: the information, ideas, or feelings being
Channel: the media or means through which the
information is being sent
Feedback: the response from the receiver indicating
that the message has been received
9. Write down five channels of communication

• Speaking
• Writing
• Drawing/pictures
• Body language
• Sign language
• Telephone
Media (television,
newspapers, radios, etc

10.State down three types of leadership

 Autocratic (Authoritarian)
 Bureaucratic
 Democratic
 Free rein
 Laissez-Faire

11.List down three Functions of Management

 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Controlling
 Staffing
 Directing
 Reporting
12.Write down three Management roles
 Interpersonal relationship
 Transfer of Information
 Decision making
13. Describe in detail three barriers to effective communication.

• Talking too much

• Not listening
• Not paying attention
• Expressing criticism, judgment
• Showing anger
• Getting upset
• Not accepting feedback
• Interrupting
• Using inappropriate channel
• Arguing
• Lack of knowledge
• Poor non-verbal signs
• Distracting environment
• Using mobile phone (answering call, SMS)
• Lack of privacy

14.Good governance has 8 major characteristics, Explain at least five

characteristics of good governance.

• Participation
• Rule of law
• Transparency
• Responsiveness
• Consensus orientation
• Equity
• Effectiveness and efficiency
• Accountability
• Strategic vision
15. Mention three ways in which stakeholders in a given catchment area may
be identified:
 Reviewing available list that catchment area
 Conducting a meeting to all stakeholders where each may be
introduced and establish a databank of stakeholders
 Conduct min research/survey to identify stakeholders and their
16.Mention three characteristics of democratic leadership
 To keep employees informed
 To encourage employees to share in decision-making and
 To provide opportunities for employees to develop a high sense of
personal growth and job satisfaction
 Complex problems that require a lots of input
 To encourage team building and participation.

17.Define Supportive supervision

is a process of helping staff to improve their own work performance

continuously. It is carried out in a respectful and non-authoritarian
way with a focus on using supervisory visits as an opportunity to
improve knowledge and skills of health staff.

18.List down three characteristics of supportive supervision

 Focus on problem solving to ensure quality and meet client needs
 Responsibility of entire team (supervisor & Supervisees)
 Empowerment of health providers to monitor and improve their
own performance
 Supervisor acts as facilitator, trainer and coach or mentor
 Supervisees participate in supervising themselves and each other
 Decision making is participatory

19.What are the different between a leader and a manager

A manager – Is a person who ensures things are done in organization to
realize organizational objectives as planned. Or
Is a person who entrust responsibilities to others to meet organizational
A leader - a person who leads others or the community to bring positive
change for improving their day to day lives;

20. Roles and Responsibilities of Hospital Management Team (HMT) or

Organization leadership
 Development of strategic and business plan
 Development of organization’s vision and mission statement on QI
 Dissemination of heath facilities strategic and business plans, vision
and mission statement on QI
 Responsible for developing and fostering in the participatory
manner the organization’s vision and mission statements
 Developing the functional QI structure into hospital organization
 Oversee the quality improvement processes and QIT function
 Ensure effective top-down and bottom-up communication at all
levels within the facility
 Recognize efforts made by staff for quality improvement.
 Ensure proper allocation of resources for quality improvement
through investment of time, funds and education

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