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Lecture 2

The Australian Standards for Structural Design Actions Series AS 1170

The objective of this standard is to provide designers with general procedures and
criteria for the structural design of structures. It outlines a design methodology
that is applied in accordance with established engineering principles.

• AS/NZS 1170.0 Structural design actions- General principles

• AS/NZS 1170.1 Structural design actions- Permanent, imposed and

other actions ( formerly know and the dead and live load code)

• AS/NZS1170.2 Structural design actions- Wind actions

• AS/NZS1170.3 Structural design actions -Snow and ice actions

• AS 1170.4 Structural design actions- Earthquake actions in Australia

• NZS1170.5 Structural design actions- Earthquake actions in New

AS/NZS 1170.0 Structural design actions- General principles
“specifies the general procedure and criteria
Limit states for structural design of a building in limit state


Combination of actions

Methods of analysis

Robustness and

Confirmation of Design
Section 1 AS1170 Scope & General
Some of the important definitions within AS1170.0 are
summarised below:-

 Action is defined as “ set of concentrated or distributed forces acting on a structure (

direct action), or deformations imposed on the structure or constrained within it

Figure 1 Exapmles of direct actions

Figure 2 One example of an indirect action where one end of the statically
indeterminate beam undergoes relative displacement to the other.
 Action effect is defined as “the internal forces and moments due to actions “. Design
actions are also called stress resultants. The action effects are found by analysing the
structures by anyone of the structural analysis method. Computers are becoming
increasingly common in structural analysis.

V at support = P/2

M at midpsan= PL/4

Figure 1 Action effects in the form of bending moment in a simply supported beam.
Permanent action is defined as the ‘ action likely to act
continuously and for which variations in magnitude with time are
small compared with the mean value”. Examples of permanent
actions are self-weight of the structure, weight of floor finishes
such as tiles or ceiling linings etc… permanent actions are also
called “dead loads”. The notation used for permanent actions in
AS 1170 is (G)

Imposed action is “a variable action resulting from the intended

use or occupancy of the structure”. Imposed actions are also
called “live loads”. The notation used for imposed actions in
AS1170 is (Q)
 Design action effect is “the action effect computed from the design value of the
actions or design loads”. Design actions are determined by multiplying actions by
load factors such 1.2 for G and 1.5 for Q. Figure below explains the this term very

P *=1.2 G +1.5 Q
P= (G, Q)
M*= P* L/4

G and Q are the actions

L P * is the design action

M* is the design action effect

Figure 1 Example explaining actions, design action and design action effect.
Combinations of actions is a “ set of design values used to confirm
that the limit states are not exceeded under simultaneous influence
of different actions”

Limit states are “states beyond which the structure no longer

satisfies the design criteria”. Limit states separate desired states
(compliance) from non-desired states (non-compliance).

Serviceability limit states are the states “that correspond to

conditions beyond which specified service criteria for a structure or
a structural element are no longer met”. The criteria could be limits
on deflection, crack width, vibratory response or other physical

Ultimate limit states are states associated with” collapse or other

forms of structural failure. There are two types of ultimate limit
states and they are stability and strength limit states.
Design working life is defined in the commentary to
AS1170.0 as “ a reference time period expressed in years. It
is a concept used to determine the probability of
exceedence of different actions.
This does not mean that when the design working life is
reached the structure will fall, nor does it mean that the
design working life has to correspond exactly with the
intended useful life of the designer has in mind or the
durability of the construction material”
Structural Design Procedure to Section 2 AS 1170.0
For ultimate limit states
1. Find importance level for a structure and associated annual probability for
exceedance (P) for snow, wind and earthquake from tables 3.1 and 3.3 of
AS1170.0 herein reproduced as Table 1 and Table 2 below:
FOR New Zealand (See Section 3 AS1170.) and if for Australia, it’s to be used for industrial structures,
mining and oil and gas structures, and communication structures (see Appendix F AS1170.0).

Table 1 Consequences of failure for importance levels reproduced from AS 1170.0

Below are some examples of buildings for each importance level,

Importance Level 1:- farm sheds, timber fences

Importance Level 2:- single family houses, buildings that do not fall under
importance levels 1, 3,4 or 5.

Importance Level 3:- buildings where more than 300 people can
congregate, schools, airport terminals, train stations, water treatment plants,

Importance Level 4:- fire fighting facilities, hospitals, police stations, SES
emergency centres , community halls used as emergency evacuation centres

Importance Level 5:- major dams, nuclear installations

Table 2 Annual probability of excedence reproduced from AS1170.0
For Australia, refer to Building Code of Australia
2. Determine permanent action (G) and imposed actions (Q) in accordance with AS

3. Determine the ultimate loads for wind (W) in accordance with AS1170.2

4. Determine the ultimate loads for earthquakes (Eu) in accordance with AS117.4

5. Determine the ultimate loads for snow (Fsn) and ice (Fice) in accordance with AS1170.3

6. Where relevant, determine the ultimate loads for liquid pressure (Flp) , ground water
(F gw), rainwater ponding (F pnd)and earth pressure loads and earth pressure (Fe,u) in
accordance with AS1170.1

7. Determine the combinations of actions in accordance with Section 4 of AS1170.0

8. Analyse the structure and its parts for the relevant combinations

9. Design and detail the structure in accordance with

Section 6 of AS 1170.0 for robustness
AS 1170.4 for earthquake in Australia
10. Determine the design resistance using the applicable standard or other documents.

11. Determine that the design resistance exceeds the appropriate design action effects
For serviceability limit states
1.Determine for the whole structure and the and for individual elements, the
type of design serviceability conditions to be considered. For example
vertical deflection, vibration response , crack control, lateral sway

2.Determine the design situation including the serviceability load event and
serviceability limits for the design serviceability condition being considered.
Guidance on the design situations and the serviceability limits is given in
Appendix C of AS1170.0 and is herein reproduced in Table 3 below.

3.Determine permanent loads (G) and serviceability imposed loads in

accordance with AS1170.1

4.Determine serviceability loads for wind (W) in accordance with AS 1170.2

5.Determine serviceability loads for snow (Fsn) and ice (Fice) in accordance
with AS1170.

6.Where such actions are relevant, determine serviceability loads for liquid
pressure (Flp) , ground water (Fgw) rainwater ponding (Fpnd) and earth
pressure (Fe,u) in accordance with AS1170.1
7.Determine the applicable combinations corresponding to the selected
serviceability conditions in accordance with section 4 of AS1170.0

8.Model the serviceability condition using methods of analysis appropriate

for the serviceability limit state in accordance with section F of AS1170.0

9.Determine the serviceability response using the applicable standard or

other documents.

10.Confirm, in accordance with section 7 that the modelled serviceability

response does not exceed the appropriate limiting values for each of the
serviceability conditions identified.
Combinations of actions:

For ultimate limits state of stability;

(a) For combination producing net stabilizing effects (Ed,stb)

E d,stb= [0.9 G]

(b) For combination producing net destabilizing effects (E d,dst)

i. E d,dst = [1.35 G]
ii. E d,dst = [1.2 G , 1.5 Q]
iii. E d,dst = [1.2 G , Wu , ψc Q ]
iv. E d,dst = [ G, Eu, ψE Q]
v. E d,dst =[1.2G, Su, ψc Q]

Where ψc and ψE are combination factors for the imposed and earthquake
actions respectively which are given in Table 4.1 of AS1170.0. This table is
reproduced below as Table 4.
The two frames A and B below are under the effect of lateral wind load
(W) and also under vertical permanent actions G1 and G2 as shown. As
can be seen clearly the effect of the different permanent actions on
frame A and frame B on the uplifting of the left hand side footing is not
the same.

G1 G2

Frame A Frame B
E d,stb = [0.9G1 ] E d,stb = none
E d,dst = [W] E d,dst = [W, 1.2G2]
For ultimate limit state of strength:-

• [1.35 G]

• [1.2G, 1.5 Q]

• [1.2G, 1.5 ψl Q]

• [1.2G, Wu, ψc Q]

• [0.9 G, Wu]

• [G, Eu, ψE Q]

• [1.2G, Su, ψc Q]
For Serviceability limit state, the appropriate combinations vary from structure to
another and they may include or a number of the following actions:- G , ψs Q, ψl Q,
Ws, Es .

Table 4 Short term and long term and combination factors reproduced from AS1170.0
Confirmation of design:-

Compliance with AS 1170.0 limit states is confirmed when

Stability limit state Ed,stb + Rd ≥ E d,dst

Where E d,stb , E d,stb are the design action effect of stabilizing and destabilizing
actions respectively.

Strength limits state Rd ≥ Ed

Where Ed, and Rd are the design action effect and design capacity respectively

Serviceability limit state δ < δl

Where δ is the value of serviceability parameter and δl is the limiting value of the
serviceability parameter.
Calculation of permanent actions in accordance with AS1170.1
Permanent actions are taken to include the self weight of the following:- (AS 1170.1)
(a) The structure
(b) All other material incorporated in the structure such as suspended ceiling,
floor finishes, roofs , walls etc
(c) Permanent equipment such including fixture and wiring, heating and
cooling ducts, pipes and permanent equipment as appropriate
(d) Partitions
(e) Any stored material whose resultant actions are consistent with the
definition of permanent actions.
The self weight should be calculated based on the design dimensions and the unit
weights given in tables A1 and A2 of Appendix A - AS1170.1. These two tables are
reproduced herein as Table 5and Table 6 below.

Provisions for partitions

AS 1170.1 stipulates “that the self weight for permanent partitions shall be
calculated for their actual layout”
For removable partitions, the standard stipulates that “structures shall be designed
for the anticipated weight of the partitions placed in any probable positions but not
less than a uniformly distributed permanent load of 0.5 kPa over the area being
This is commonly called the ADL “Additional Dead Load” or SDL “Superimposed dead
Table 5 Unit Weight of Material and Construction reproduced from
Table A1 from AS1170.1
Table 6 Building Material and Construction reproduced from Table
A2 Appendix A AS1170.1
Calculation of Imposed Actions in accordance with AS1170.1


AS 1170.1 gives imposed actions of for floor in Table 3.1 according to

the occupancy or type of activity, reproduced herein as Table 7. The
distributed and concentrated loads are not additive, as they should be
considered separately and the design carried out for the most adverse

The concentrated imposed actions shall be considered at its position if

the position is known. If the position of the concentrated imposed
action is unknown then it should be considered in the position giving
the most adverse effect.
Table 7 Reference Values for Imposed Floor Actions reproduce from Table
Table 8 Reference Values for Roof Imposed Actions reproduced from Table 3.2
Australian Standard for “Wind Loads for Housing”

1. Specifies site wind classes used to determine design

wind speeds and design wind loads for BCA building
classes 1 to 10 within certain geometric limits.
2. If houses doesn’t comply to the geometric limits then
reference should be made to AS1170.2 Structural
Design Actions- Wind Actions.

Geometric limits are as shown in the next Figure:

Calculation of Imposed Actions in accordance with AS4055
(Wind Load for Housing)
Wind speed classification according to AS 4055
Relationship between wind classes, wind region
and site condition.

Wind class can be determined from Table 2.2 of AS4055,

which reproduced from table in next slide.

It depend on the following:

a. Wind region from Figure 7 (pervious slide)
b. Terrain category that surrounds or likely to surroung the site in
the next 5 years.
c. The topographic class of the site.
d. Shielding class of the site.
Terrain category:-
Terrain Category 2
Terrain Category 2
Terrain Category 3
Terrain Category 3
Topographic class:
Shielding class:-
Calculation of wind pressures:-

Wind pressure p is calculated in AS 4055 as the


p  qu C p
0.5  air Vh 
qu  ( in kPa)

Cp is the pressure coefficient given in Table 13 and Table 14.

ρair is the density of air = 1.2 kg/m^3

qu is the free stream dynamic gust pressure in kPa

FIND the Vh then you can find the qu,s and qu,u to find
the pu,s and pu,u .
Figure 9 Reproduced from Figure 3.1 –AS 4055
Figure 10 Reproduced from Figure 3.2 –AS 4055
Determine the wind class and the design gust wind
speed (Vh) m/s with respect to the serviceability
limit state and ultimate limit state given that:

1. Wind region- Marble Bar

2. Terrain category – terrain with few trees.
3. The topographic class of the site – hills with the
slope of < 1: 10 and H > 30m
4. The shielding class – at least 2.5 houses per

Subsequently, find the wind pressure with respect to

roof (general) and wall (general) for serviceability
limit state and ultimate limit state, respectively.

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