Modules 5-6

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Modules 5 – Global Networks
Module 6 – Understanding the Consequences of Personal and
Local Action to Global and Planetary Climate Change

Name of the Learner:

Grade and Section:
Contact Number:
Teacher: Sir Richard B. Sucgang
Contact Number: 09106743561

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The learner understands the components, operations, effects, and
networks of globalization in his/her life
The learner locates on a map the different geographical origins of the
various components/elements of an industrial/technological/agricultural
product and writes a reflection essay on the insights gathered from the exercise.
The learner locates on a map the workplaces of the OFWs in their
community and writes a reflection paper on the effects of labor migration to
their community.
To learn and benefit from this module, follow the following steps:
1. Read the module title and the module introduction to get an idea of what
the module covers. Specifically, read the first two sections of this module
carefully. The first section tells you what this module is all about while the
second section tells you of what you are expected to learn.
2. Never move on to the next page unless you have done what you are
expected to do in the previous page. Before you start each lesson, read first
3. Work on the activities. Take note of the skills that each activity is helping
you to develop.
4. Take the Post-Test after you are done with all the lessons and activities in
the module.
5. Meet with your teacher. Ask him/her about any difficulty or confusion you
have encountered in this module.
6. Finally, prepare and gather all your outputs and submit them to your
7. Please write all your answers of the tests, activities, exercises, and others
IN YOUR MODULE. Use a separate paper IF NECESSARY.

The learners will be able to:
1. give examples of various activities in one’s daily life that show the concrete effects
of globalization (HUMSS_MCT12If-g-1);
2. explain the concrete effects of globalization to one’s daily life (HUMSS_MCT12-if-g-
3. explain the need for collaboration and cooperation to achieve interconnectedness
of people and nations (HUMSS_MCT12-if-g-4);
a. shows the interconnectedness of people and nations (HUMSS_MCT12If-g-3).

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4. discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole and the important
role of creative imagination in putting together the various parts of a whole
a. stress the important role of the creative imagination in putting together
the various parts of a whole (HUMSS_MCT12If-g-6);
5. illustrate the origin of the different components of a gadget, business
enterprise, industrial/technological/agricultural product, etc. through a mind
map and reflection essay (HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-7);
a. writes a reflection essay on the insights generated from the map
6. explain the effects of consumption and production patterns on climate
change (HUMSS_MCT12-Ih-i-2);
a. list activities that exemplify care for the environment
(HUMSS_MCT12Ih-i- 1);
7. discuss personal contributions that can actually solve the problem of climate
change (HUMSS_MCT12-Ih-i-3); and
8. make a stand on how the consequences of one’s action affect the lives of
others and the environment (HUMSS_MCT12-Ih-i-4).

Directions: Read each item carefully. Fill each blank with the correct answer.
Write your answers on the blank provided.
1. is a process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by
international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
2. is defined as work, especially hard physical work.
3. refers to social transformation or process leading to
the achievement of people-centered development.
4. refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism
in an emerging transnational state apparatus, and toward the emergence of
national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as
watchdogs over governments.
5. refers to a body of persons sharing a common
religion, culture, or language.
6. is a relatively large group of people organized under
a single, usually independent government, a country.

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7. is a collective concept that refers to increasing global

linkages created through cross-border financial flows.
8. the process of working together to the same end. It
is an active help from a person, organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of
space and resources.
9. is the only global international organization dealing
with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO has 164 members and 24
observer governments.
10. refers to an individual country's linkages to
international capital markets.

As cited in the Revisitadestatica (2012), the term globalization refers to the
emergence of an international network, belonging to an economic and social
system. One of the earliest uses of the term "globalization", as known, was in
1930 - in a publication entitled “Towards New Education” to designate an
overview of the human experience in education.
Since the invention of the concept, globalization has inspired numerous
definitions and has had a history going back in time to the great commercial
and imperialist movements throughout Asia and the Indian Ocean since the
fifteenth century.
Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology at the University of Aberden,
was the first person who defined globalization as "the understanding of the
world and the increased perception of the world as a whole." Martin Albrow and
Elizabeth King, sociologists, define globalization as "all those processes by
which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.
It can be linked to the local, the national and the regional. On the one
hand, a connection is made between social and economic relationships and
networks, organized on a local or national, on the other hand, it connects social
and economic relationships and networks formed on wider scale the regional
and global interactions.
It is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies,
and governments of different nations. A process driven by international trade
and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects
on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development
and prosperity, and on human physical well-being on societies around the
world. For many developing nations, globalization has led to an improvement in
standard of living through improved roads and transportation, improved health

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care, and improved education due to the global expansion of corporations.

However, globalization has had a negative effect on individuals who live in
developed nations. Some of the factors that cause globalization are migration
and labor.

• Migration is a movement to another place, often of a large group of people.

• Labor is defined as work, especially hard physical work.
People are more willing to move between different countries today in search
for work. Remittances now play a large role in transfers from developed
countries to developing countries.
Types of Globalization
Economic Globalization is the increasing economic integration and
interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world
through an intensification of cross boarder movement of goods, services,
technologies and capital.
• Trans-national trades are companies that extend beyond the borders of
one country example of these are Unilever and McDonalds
• World Trade Organization is the only global international organization
dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO has 164
members and 24 observer governments.
Social Globalization is a social transformation or process leading to the
achievement of people-centered development. Human-centered development
concept is offered as an alternative strategy to bring about a more equity
development outcome.
• UN General Assembly
• Partnership of International Development Programs
• Social Integration, Gender Equity and access to Social Services
• HIV/AIDS Awareness
Political Globalization refers to an increasing trend toward
multilateralism in an emerging transnational state apparatus and the
emergence of national and international non-governmental organizations that
act as watchdogs over governments. The government has four distinct roles in
addressing sustainability concerns. These roles are as follows:
1. Policy development
2. Regulation
3. Facilitation
4. Internal sustainability management

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Financial Globalization is a collective concept that refers to increasing

global linkages created through cross-border financial flows. Financial
integration refers to an individual country's linkages to international capital
Technological Globalization is accelerated in large part by technological
transmission, the spread of technology across borders. Although the Philippines
is not the world's least technologically advanced country, it is far from leading.
It ranks 83rd out of 138 countries in terms of technological readiness, according
to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
Ecological Globalization occurs when ecosystems are constantly
exchanging materials through the movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow
of water in rivers and the migration of animals across the landscape. The world
is also becoming highly interconnected through the movement of people and the
transport of goods locally to globally (
Geographical Globalization is defined as the set of processes (economic,
social, cultural, technological, and institutional that contributes to the
relationship between societies and individuals around the world. It is a
progressive process by which exchanges and flows between different parts of
the world are intensified.

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Interconnections of People and Nations

Globalization leads to interconnectedness of people and nations, where
people refer to a group of people with commonality, such as religion, culture
and language who lives in a specific area, while nation refers to a larger group
of people organized in a specific place, which embodied an independent
government of its country where they can decide on their own.
Considering the new normal education, how can we enroll in our online
educational programs in school from anywhere in the Philippines without the
different platforms and access new information on virtual topics?
Collaboration means to work together with others to achieve a common
goal. Unconditionally sharing everything and helping each other while mutually
working together in cohesive “collective” in unusual roles embracing talents of
each person to synergize or invent something new in a way that:
a. benefits all the groups,
b. serves the whole team’s goal, and
c. may result to creative innovation.
Cooperation is the process of working together to the same end. It is an
active help from a person, organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of space
and resources. Cooperation means conditionally sharing information and
resources while functioning together within an independent “connective” in
typical roles with workloads accepted as unequal to change something in a way
a. benefits some individuals in a group,
b. meets their personal needs, and
c. may result in disrupted innovation.

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Directions: Examine the picture below and answer the following questions.

1. What does the picture symbolizes?

2. What can you say about the picture in terms of interconnectedness of people
and nation?

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3. Does cooperation and collaboration important in the scenario given in the

picture? Why or why not?

4. As a Senior High School student, give three (3) activities in your daily life
during this pandemic that show cooperation and collaboration that have an
impact on globalization.

A. Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement
is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
_________1. Ecological globalization is the increasing economic integration and
interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world
through an intensification of cross boarder movement of goods, services,
technologies and capital.
_________2. Roland Robertson was the first person who defined globalization as
"the understanding of the world and the increased perception of the world as a
_________3. Cooperation is defined as working together with others to achieve a
common goal.
_________4. Country refers to a large group of people organized in a specific
place, which embodied an independent government where they can decide on
their own.

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_________5. Technologies are introduced to make a narrower product more

_________6. Globalization creates opportunities for countries to connect to other
countries for larger markets.
_________7. Economics are constantly exchanging materials through the
movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow of water in rivers and the migration
of animals across the landscape.
_________8. Geographical globalization is defined as the set of processes that
contributes to the relationship between societies and individuals around the
_________9. The world is becoming highly interconnected through the movement
of people and the transport of goods locally to globally.
_________10. Globalization leads to more access to capital flows, technology,
human capital, cheaper imports, and larger export markets.
B. Directions: Identify if the statement refers to cooperation or collaboration.
Write the word COOP for cooperation and COLLAB for collaboration. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
___________1. Work together with others to achieve a common goal
___________2. Conditionally sharing information and resources while
functioning together within an independent “connective” in typical roles with
workloads accepted as unequal
___________3. Unconditionally sharing everything
___________4. Helping each other while mutually working together in cohesive
“collective” in unusual roles embracing talents of each person
___________5. Benefits all of the groups
___________6. Serves the whole team’s goal
___________7. May result in co-creative innovation
___________8. Benefits some individuals in a group
___________9. Meets their personal needs
___________10. May result in disrupted innovation

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In the world we live in, we are the parts and the society is the whole. The
question is how can we become a productive part of the society we live in?
Some important factors that we have to consider as part of the whole
society are the following:
1. Primary Identity or Individuation – it is defined as the concept of personal
identity. These are the norms that an individual learns through the society.
a. Values – We often see the tagline “Honesty is the best policy” in every
classroom, honesty is an example of values we learned from our family.
b. Attitudes – “Takbo! May aso!”, your action when you are scared of
something is an example of attitude. It can be good or bad action or
c. Beliefs – “Wow ang taba ng bata, napakalusog siguro nya.” It is an
opinion that we believe to be real and true.
2. Secondary Identity – it is also known as social identity. As a child gets
socialized with the society he participates in the construction of his secondary
identity. This includes the roles and statuses that the individual has to perform
as part of his society.
a. Occupation often corresponds with income and educational
attainment, which combined determine a person's social class. However,
occupations with high occupational prestige can increase one's social class
without a corresponding increase in indicators, such as income.
b. Educational background includes your high school and in college
c. Economic status can be considered by your occupation and income.
d. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and
attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.
Unlike sex which refers to the biological characteristics of humans such
as male or female (World Health Organization 2013).
Status refers to an individual’s position in society which carries with it a
set of defined rights and obligations. Roles refer to the sets of expectation which
occupy a particular status (Alejandria 2015). For example, your status is a
senior high school student therefore your role is to study hard in order to earn
a high school diploma.


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Here are the six (6) principles of Gestalt Laws applied to global networks
that we have to consider as part of the society.
a. Figure refers to the people in a nation which may vary in terms of color,
size etc.
b. Similarity states the things which share characteristics such as shape,
size, color, texture, and good composition (geographical setting and
characteristics of different nation)
c. Proximity states that “objects or shapes that are close to one another
appear to form groups”. Even if the shapes, sizes, and objects are radically
different, they will appear as a group if they are close together. (Refers to
close neighboring countries which possess same cultural background etc.)
d. Closure involves the provision of missing details to be a part of potential
pattern or once closure is achieved, the elimination of details unnecessary
to establish a pattern match. Examples are governance, laws, and others.
e. Continuity states that things tend to continue shapes beyond their
ending points (interconnections to cross countries essence of globalization
or evolution of generation).
f. Symmetry or Order connotes stability and peace and order, like sets of
instruction or reference. It does not give the impression of things that
“something is out of balance, missing or wrong.”

A. Directions: Write a two-paragraph essay about the saying “Sakit ng
kalingkingan dama ng buong katawan”.


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B. Directions: Fill in the information that is required in the boxes. Categorize

the identities by coloring the social identities green and personal identities blue.
Age Gender Ethnicity Hobby Religion

Economic Illness Language Award Failure


How do these parts of your identity affect the roles you play in the society?


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Directions: Match the terms in column B with their meanings in column A.
Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
Column A Column B
1. Attitudes a. These are the norms that an individual learns
through the society.
2. Primary b. Identity It is an opinion that we believe to be real
and true.
3. Values c. It can be good or bad action or behavior.
4. Beliefs d. It is learned from our family.
5. Figure e. Refers to the people in a nation which may vary
in terms of color, size etc.
6. Similarity f. Geographical setting and characteristics of
different nation
7. Proximity g. “objects or shapes that are close to one another
appear to form groups”.
8. Closure h. the elimination of details unnecessary to
establish a pattern match. Examples are
governance, laws, and others.
9. Continuity i. interconnections to cross countries essence of
globalization or evolution of generation
10. Symmetry or j. “something is out of balance, or missing, or
Order wrong”
k. Refers to the socially constructed roles


Directions: Identify which among the following terms shows the effects of
human consumption and production to climate change. Write E if it is an effect
and X if otherwise. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
___________1. tsunami
___________2. greenhouse gasses
___________3. heavy rainfall
___________4. flashflood
___________5. smaller harvest of fruits
___________6. undersized fish caught
___________7. skin cancer
___________8. extensive drought


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___________9. terrorism
___________10. earthquake
___________11. melting of glaciers
___________12. heat waves
___________13. rising of sea levels
___________14. wildfires
___________15. more allergies and health risks

The concept of planetary network emphasizes that everything on earth is
interconnected. Whatever happens to one element on earth has effect to the
other components.
Planetary networks refer to the interconnections and interrelations
among the various elements in the natural environment enveloping and
affecting Earth as well as beyond Earth’s surface. It includes the rain, the wind,
the sun’s rays, gasses and other climate-related elements.
Global warming is a phenomenon which refers to the rising of global
average temperature on Earth’s surface due to the thinning of the ozone layer
in Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone stays high up in the atmosphere where it is
formed, and its huge quantity is enough to form shield for earth against the
sun’s ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays can cause cornea damage and skin
cancer; stunt the growth and food manufacturing process of green plants and
destroy the floating microorganisms at the base of the ocean food chain. Global
warming causes changes in the climate patterns and weather cycles of the
Climate change refers to the major changes in the climate that last for
long periods of time. Climate refers to the prevailing set of atmospheric
conditions such as temperature and humidity of a place within a span of time.
Weather is the atmospheric condition involving hot or cold, rainy or dry, cloudy
or clear sky and stormy or calm in a short period of time (Arzadon 2015).
The Effects of Consumption and Production Patterns on Climate Change
Production refers to how people generate and manufacture the products
they need to use, sell, or consume. Almost everything comes from natural
resources which are depleted every time they are used.
If production pattern is characterized by heavy dependence on coal, the
problem of climate change will be more aggravated. China, for instance, has

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large coal mines and relief on them for its energy requirements. This makes
China one of the most polluted countries on Earth. Dependence on petroleum
in the manufacture and production of goods makes U.S. produced 23 percent
of global carbon emission, while it makes eastern European countries, including
Russia, produce 14 percent of carbon emission (Harper 2001).
These only show that the more progressive the country is, the more they
contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and the worsening of global
warming and climate change.
Consumption refers to the use of economic or consumer goods and
resources. Consumption patterns can be categorized as individual, family,
company and government consumption. It is the main reason why we need to
use our resources. Ecosystem has the ability to regenerate, sustain and adjust
what is lost, but with the excessive use of land resources, ecosystem will be
In economics, the more consumption, the more demand, the more demand
the more production, the more production the more extraction to natural
resources, the more extraction the faster for the resources to destroy. The
resources in our environment are limited but the need for production and
consumption is unlimited.
Some initiatives by the government that helps protect the environment are
the following:
1. The Kyoto protocol, which was enforced in 2005, specifies targets and
timeframes for reduction of Greenhouse gasses emission of the industrialized
countries. For example, United States produces 23 percent of the global carbon
emission, from 2000 to 2012 its target reduction is seven percent.
2. The emission certificates guarantee a product’s resource efficiency which
can help in increasing sales, decreasing costs and boosting brand loyalty. The
certificate enables the manufacturer to gain international recognition for the
3. Carbon offsetting is the reduction of carbon footprint by using other options
such as wind or solar energy.
Simple things you can do to help fight climate change:
1. Save energy
Saving energy not only saves you money but helps you cut carbon
emissions too. For example, refrain from using your cellphone while charging.
2. Improve your diet
When buying fruits and vegetables, try to buy organic. Organic foods are
healthier because they contain fewer harmful substances, but growing them
also protects the environment and the climate.


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3. Saving water at home

Clean water that is pumped to most homes has been treated which uses
lots of energy.
4. Recycling
It can really help stop climate change because re-using materials usually
uses less energy.
5. Compost food scraps
If leftovers, peels, cores and cuttings were composted, they would reduce
emissions and help protect healthy soil.
6. Plant trees
Trees help suck carbon out of the air and stabilize the climate.
7. Avoid plastic wherever you can
Almost every plastic is produced from fossil fuels and in every single phase
of its life cycle, plastic emits greenhouse gases.
8. Get on your bike
Bicycle is still the number one form of sustainable transportation.
9. Be informed and support
Support organizations that hold companies to account for the
environmental practices.
9. Sharing is caring!
If we own less and use more things collectively, we need to produce fewer
things and that saves on resources. Sharing cars, exchanging clothes, lending
and borrowing tools are multiple different possibilities for collective

A. Directions: As a responsible senior high school student, your actions are
cautious consequences toward the protection of life of others and that of the
environment. In this activity, you have to make a plan of action at home by
citing five household consumption habits and write across each habit your
possible contribution to help solve the climate change.


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B. Directions: The following are environmental stands of some famous

personalities. Choose one from them to reflect upon and write a two-paragraph
essay about your choice. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's
greed.”- Mahatma Gandhi
2. “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth…
these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate
change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and
women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.” –
Ban Ki-moon
3. “The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the
environment, is to get everybody involved.” – Richard Rogers
4. “The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans
are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists,
but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future
generations than we found it.” – Mike Huckabee
5. “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our
land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” ― Franklin D.


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Arzadon, M., Romerosa, P. and Zarate, M., 2018. Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking. 1st ed. Quezon City, Manila: Vibal Group, Inc., p.7.
DepEd (2020). K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.
Mangiduyos, Gladys P. 2017. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the
21st Century. 1st ed. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Publishing.
Harper, Charles L. 2001.environment and Society: Human Perspectives on
environmental Issues. 2nd edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Tuazon, Jenny. 2013. "Rubrics for Essay".
Urgel, Elizabeth. 2017. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century Culture. 1st ed. Makati City, Philippines: DIWA Learning Systems Inc.
Zafar,Salman . “15 Inspirational Quotes on The Environment” | EcoMENA


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