Quirao Michelle N. Module 1 5

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A. Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community. List down as many words or
phrase used to identify the following genders.


 Masculine  Modest  Gay
 Manly  Emotional  lesbian
 Strong  Tender  LGBT
 Aggressive  mindful
 Arrogant  Uncontrollable mood
 Assertive swing
 Funny
 Charming
 Cocky
 Confident
 Funny


A. Think about the phrases a. babae kase, b. lalake kase, c. haligi ng tahanan, d. ilaw
ng tahana and e. pakipot. How do these words/phrase speaks about patriarchy?

The world is full of different information that leads us into living the
world with a diverse perception that shapes our society. The role of people in
society and the ideas became the main rules that guide the people in their lives. As
the world goes into high technologies, life becomes more complex but the ideas
about “patriarchy” are still portrayed in how people view the social system.
Patriarchy is from the word “patriarchs” which means the father’s rule wherein
men hold power primarily in political and private spheres.

I think the phrases are given like babae kase, lalaki kase, haligi ng tahanan
and pakipot are distinct from each other about their abilities, roles, and
characteristics as well. For babae case describes that some things woman unable
to do a task, sensitive and soft - hearted. They easily get hurt emotionally which
needs advice and rule to follow. I believe to do that man or a father makes a rule
for them to be strong and safe. Aside from that, the phrase “babae kase” used as
an exception when there are some things we delineate to a woman like “babae
kase kaya iyakin, malambot ang puso, kaya maingay, mahilig mag make-up, etc.”
Also, “pakipot” is the common term we used to portray a woman, we all knew
that almost all of the girls are “pakipot”, especially the time back then.

For me, because of being “pakipot,” man learn how to respect woman,
even before, if a man likes a woman they should undergo in traditional courtship
and talk to parents sincerity compared now man doesn’t do that they make their
own rules how to courtship a woman that they think they effortlessly to get a
woman. By accepting and internalizing the patriarchal construct of the mother as
the “Ilaw ng tahanan” also known as the light of the home, the woman enters into
a role that imposes strict characteristics for her not just to display but internalize.
The mother should maintain the bliss of home and family life, follow the rules of
a father or husband, guide the children, teach good manners, facilitate household
chores and family is always the priority. It shows the patriarchy where a woman is
always at home never going outside to work only in the house.

On the other hand, “lalaki kase” signifies both can’t and can do. Man can’t
do work like a woman and they can do heavy work, they have the power to follow
their rules to a woman. They are the patriarchy. “Haligi ng tahanan” is commonly
referring to the father of the family which symbolizes the father as the strongest
member of a family, he is the one who works hard to provide and fulfill the needs
of his wife and children, the one who give rules to the family, managing
difficulties and protector and foundation of the family. This phrase is represented
as a man and identifies as patriarchy. Hence, it gives a perception in which men
are viewed as having the strength, dominance in society, and power of almost
everything. When we say these things about patriarchy that it means man is
superior. It signifies the roles and responsibilities to further envelop a healthy and
balanced system. This communicates patriarchy since there holds authoritative
power mostly father though superior or not, everyone should all work together.
B. Create a collage showing the progression of human understanding and attitude of
gender and sexuality in modern societies. (short bond paper)

C. Interview people of different age group (3 adolescent, 3 adult, 3 elderly), ask them
what they think of gender and sexuality.

Compare their answers and made conclusion from the answers.

Adolescent Answer Adult Answer Elderly Answer

1. JESSA (18) – Personally, 1. JANET (35) – The first 1. GLENDA (46)– When I
hearing these words gender thing when I hear these terms heard the word gender it
and sexuality opens my mind is that gender is more of the makes me think about the
to the various behaviors and orientation and how the “sex” as a female, male, or
predetermined terms of person wants to be treated in neuter, while, when I heard
humans in our society. Gender terms of his sexual identity. about sexuality it comes to
for me pertains to the socially Sexuality, on the other hand, mine on what is the person's
constructed characteristics of is the given sexual identity of sexual desires and habits at
an individual, how I act and the person. Given here means some point of their gender. It
behave which are associated his sex during birth. influenced me to have this
with roles and norms in thought because of the word
society, on the other hand, itself, its definition, and also
sexuality refers to how I because of today’s generation
sexually express myself, my wherein most people are
feelings, and my thoughts gender-sensitive and they are
towards other people, I believe more likely to express their
sexuality is very personal for sexuality through their gender
it is a vital term of who we and fighting the equal rights of
are. Some of my friends and every individual.
the people around me are the
ones who gave me influence
which backs up my knowledge
about these queries, also the
prior knowledge learning I had
and the existing scenes
in our society

2. JASPER (20)– Honestly, 2. JENETY (30) – Well for 2. ELENA (56)– Gender is the
when I hear these words is that me, gender defines the role of sex you are born with and
gender is the sex you identify a person regarding his or her sexuality is about who you are
as, while, sexuality is about sexual attribute, while, attracted to or the opposite
who you are attracted to. sexuality defines his or her sex. Well, all of that was
Whether that’s people or sexual preference. The first before but now? Gender is
opposite gender identity like thing in my mind when I hear identified for who you want to
heterosexual and homosexual. these words is about the be and sexuality turns to be
These thoughts influence feelings of a person towards attracted or having feelings for
when I read some information the other person regarding also the same sex and in my
and to the people around me his action and the way he opinion, this is all wrong. And
along with my LGBTQ expressed himself. I influence if you may ask if what or
friends. by these thoughts through my where did I come up with this
education or as a student and thought or who influenced
of course, I am in the world of me? The answer is in the
pageantry where I have friends “BIBLE”. It is said that there
that may belong to LGBTQ are 2 genders that God made
which represents gender and which are men and women. So
sexuality having other genders and
being attracted to the same sex
are wrong and are against the
will and creation of God

3. CHRISTIAN (19)– When I 3. JOYLYN (32) - I think of 3. LALLAINE (53)– I know

hear about them, the first thing sexuality as qualities that are that gender and sexuality are
that comes to my mind is that biologically characterized, two different things. Sexuality
these are what make us while gender depends on is what influences gender. For
different physically but at the socially built features. Gender instance, if a person feels
same equal. Gender sexuality encompasses the norms, sexually attracted to the same
is how gender and sexuality behaviors, and roles associated sex, then gender will depend
are often viewed as likened with being a woman, man, on it.
constructs, whereby the role of boy, or girl as well as the
gender in an individual’s life relationship with each other. I
is informed by and impacts believe in these thoughts
others' perceptions of their because it is factual
sexuality. These influenced knowledge influenced by
me through the teacher who science
thought me about these

Generalization: They have Generalization: Adult people Generalization: Elderly

different perspectives about determined sexuality and people tend to identify
sexuality and gender but the gender by how we see sexuality and gender based on
same answers of what gender ourselves and each other, and their experiences and some are
and sexuality are centrally how we act and interact with based in bible of what gender
important forces that shape others. There's a lot of and sexuality should be. I can
every aspect of our lives: we diversity in how individuals say that they really have
know our bodies, minds and and groups understand, different perspectives
selves through our gender and experience, and express compared to adolescents and
our sex. as a society, legal gender. adults people.
definitions and social
expectations about women and
men sex and reproduction
organize our medical, legal,
educational and political
Conclusion: These are the people from different age groups who are my respondents to my
interview about what they can think of when they hear gender and sexuality and also what
influenced them to have these thoughts. As I interview the adolescent, adults, and elderly about
the two questions are some of them the same but most are not. In my observation and
understanding, I know that all of them have their own opinions yet there is a part that gender and
sexuality define. To make it short, gender pertains to the socially constructed characteristics of
an individual (male and female), how they act and behave which are associated with roles and
norms in the society, while, sexuality refers to your sexually express, feelings, attraction to
someone either same-sex or opposite sex, desires, thoughts towards other people and who you
are. Some of them influence friends, teachers, subjects, etc. Therefore, they have different
perceptions, opinions, and thoughts about gender and sexuality. And at the same time, they have
wrong beliefs or thoughts maybe because they are confused about gender and sexuality. So, they
give their thoughts well, and their influence, so far it is good and well said as well as, I’ve
learned something about this more.
Activity 3

A.The following are common statements we hear from people. Reflect why you think people
agree or disagree with each statement. Reflect about your own thoughts. Do you agree or
disagree with each statement? Why or why not?


It's a toxic
masculinity that boys
should not cry. Boys
have feelings too
therefore it's not bad

if they express what
1.Boy should not cry
they feel. The
concept of toxic
masculinity is used
in academic and
media discussions of
masculinity to refer
to certain cultural
norms that are
associated with harm
to society and to men
2. Girls are bad We can't determine a
drivers while boys person's skill in
are superb drivers. driving by its gender,
I mean girls and boys
 can either be good
and bad at driving,
it's not all about a
person's gender
whether he/she is
good at driving but
the skill and the
capabilities of the
person itself when it
comes to it.
3. Boys should not There’s nothing
allowed to play dolls wrong with a little
boy playing with
dolls. Dolls are just
toys and little kids
should be allowed to

play with whatever
toy they’re interested
in. This is innocent
play and should be
left alone. If your
little boy wants to
play with dolls then
encourage his
nurturing side by
allowing him to play
with one. Most kids
emulate what they
observe their parents
are doing and your
little boy will take
care of his baby doll
just like how you
take care of him.
4. Women should be Women are human
prim and proper. It is beings and regardless
okay for men to be of gender they can
rowdy, they are men act and dress
anyway. however they want.
There should be no
 stereotypes and
women should also
have equal rights
with men. Gender
Equality should be

1. Define what is

a) sex
Answer: “Sex” is the term we use to refer to a person’s sexual anatomy (his or her sexual
body parts). So if a doctor were to say that a girl is female in terms of her sex
chromosomes, her sex organs, and hormonal make-up, the doctor is referring to the girl’s
sex (her body).

b) gender
Answer: “Gender” is the term we use to refer to how a person feels about himself as a
boy/man or feels about herself as a girl/woman. Gender identity is the term for how a
person self-identifies in terms of being a boy/man or girl/woman. When you say, “I’m a
man,” you are stating your gender identity.
Gender role refers to social roles that are assigned by a society according to gender. (In
the U.S., gender roles have been changing a lot in the last hundred years, as society has
become less restrictive about what roles men and women may take on.) Gender
assignment is the social process by which children are labeled girls or boys at birth. So
when someone announces at a birth, “It’s a girl!”, that’s a part of that girl’s gender

c) sexuality
Answer: Sexuality refers to who a person is attracted to and can include a plethora of
orientations. While being gay, heterosexual, and bisexual are perhaps the most well-
known sexual orientations, there are many others, such as asexual and pansexual.

2. What is the difference between gender identity and gender orientation?

Answer: Gender identity is personal and an inherent part of an individual's sense of self.
While gender is often presented as a binary that only includes men and women, in reality,
gender is a spectrum and people can define their gender in a variety of ways, including as
a combination of woman and man, a completely separate gender, or as no gender at all.
While, “Sexual orientation” is the term we use to refer to a person’s sexual (erotic)
feelings. So when we talk about a person being homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, or
gay, straight, or bi, we are talking about that person’s sexual orientation.

3. What is patriarchy? Are you in favour of patriarchy system? Why yes? Why not?

Answer: Patriarchy is a socially-constructed system where males have primary power. It

affects many aspects of life, from political leadership, business management, religious
institutions, economic systems and property ownership, right down to the family home
where men are considered to be the head of the household. I am not favor of patriarchy
system because patriarchy reinforces structural violence against women by projecting
discriminatory gender roles that often place limitations on how far they can go. Excluding
women from collective resources paves way for male domination. Male domination
means that a level of power superiority is instituted against women.

4. What is feminism?

Answer: Feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It’s about
respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to
empower all women to realize their full rights. It’s about leveling the playing field between
genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available
to boys and men.

5. Why women are being oppressed?

Answer: Oppression is the inequitable use of authority, law, or physical force to prevent
others from being free or equal. Oppression is a type of injustice. Women are being
oppresses because there is patriarchy where they doesn’t have freedom to express

6. How did women come out from households?

Answer: New ideas like socialism, nationalism and women's rights helped transform
traditional attitudes and expectations. As a result, gender roles began to shift and change.
The labor-intensive Industrial Revolution brought many women out of the home to work
in factories.

7. How did women became empowered?

Answer: Women can be empowered by five components: women’s sense of self-worth;

their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities
and resources; their right to have power to control their own lives, both within and
outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a
more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.

8. Why women demand for equality?

Answer: Most women demand for equality because, equality prevents violence against
women and girls. It's essential for economic prosperity. Gender equality is intrinsically
linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human rights for all.
The overall objective of gender equality is a society in which women and men enjoy the
same opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.

9. Explain: “You don’t have to be a woman to understand that everyone must be treated with the
same respect”.

Answer: This statement is for everyone most especially for man, that they don’t need to
be a woman in order for them to realize that women must be treated same respect, it can
also be relate to a quote “put yourself in someone else shoes,” it means that to imagine
oneself in the situation or circumstances of another person, so as to understand or
empathize with their perspective, opinion, or point of view.
10. Why we need ethics in gender and sexuality research?

Answer: We need ethics in gender and sexuality research. There are several reasons why
it is important to adhere to ethics in gender and sexuality research. First, norms promote
the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error.

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