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Technology and Livelihood Education 8


WEEK 7 - 8

NAME: _____________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ____________ SCORE: _____

A. Multiple Choice. Direction. Answer what is being asked and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Encircle your answer.

1. Which of the following should be done first before checking and inspecting tools and equipment before
a. to avoid accident
b. to make the work easier and faster
c. to free from injuries
d. all the above
2. Which of the following lubricant is used to drive out moisture?
a. Anti-rust Lubricant spray c. Silicon Lubricant
b. Lubricant oil and Engine oil d. Wire Pulling Lubricant
3. Which of the following process is used in applying oil to the movable part of a machine or tool?
a. lubrication c. protection
b. systematization d. sanitation
4. Which of the following is NOT the best thing to do if we found defective tools?
a. find for stocks and replace it c. repair it
b. continue to use it d. dispose it
5. What should we do to maintain good condition of the electrical tools and equipment?
a. after using
b. before using
c. in between after and before using
d. both A and B
6. Which of the following is NOT belong to the system of identifying nonfunctional tools and equipment?
a. image inspection c. performance
b. functionality d. durability
7. It is the condition of the tools and equipment that can perform its regular functions.
a. functional c. repairable
b. non-functional d. disposable
8. How to keep the tools and equipment in good condition?
a. Clean them before storage
b. Keep them immediately without cleaning
c. Place them in a bucket of water d. Clean them while they are in tool cabinet
9. What is the best thing to do if the claw hammer is broken?
a. repair it
b. continue to use it
c. use screw driver in place of the claw hammer
d. discontinue the work
10.Which of the following is NOT belong to the group?
a. Water c. Lubricant Oil and Engine Oil
b. Silicon Lubricant d. All Purpose Anti-Rust Lubricant
11. Why do we have to check or inspect tools and equipment before using it?
a. to avoid accident
b. to make the work easier and faster
c. to free from injuries
d. all the above
12. This lubricant is used to drive out moisture.
a. Anti-rust Lubricant spray c. Silicon Lubricant
b. Lubricant oil and Engine oil d. Wire Pulling Lubricant
13. The process of applying oil to the movable part of a machine or tool.
a. lubrication c. protection
b. systematization d. sanitation
14. If any tools and equipment found defective, which of the following is NOT the best thing to do?
a. find for stocks and replace it c. repair it
b. continue to use it d. dispose it
15. To maintain good condition of the electrical tools and equipment always clean them ________________.
a. after using
b. before using
c. in between after and before using
d. both A and B
16. Which of the following is NOT belong to the system of identifying nonfunctional tools and equipment?
a. image inspection c. performance
b. functionality d. durability
17. The condition of the tools and equipment that can perform its regular functions.
a. functional c. repairable
b. non-functional d. disposable
18. Which is the best way to keep the tools and equipment in good condition?
a. Clean them before storage
b. Keep them immediately without cleaning
c. Place them in a bucket of water d. Clean them while they are in tool cabinet
19. While working, you found out that the handle of your claw hammer is broken, what is the best thing to
do? a. repair it
b. continue to use it
c. use screw driver in place of the claw hammer
d. discontinue the work
10.Which of the following is NOT a lubricant?
a. Water c. Lubricant Oil and Engine Oil
b. Silicon Lubricant d. All Purpose Anti-Rust Lubricant

21-25 Image inspection Performance

Functionality Person involved

Power supply (for electrically operated only)

21. It refers to the image observation of the specialist on the appearance of the tools and equipment.
22. Vibration or extra noise from the operation means problems on parts and accessories started to develop.
23. When there is something wrong with the performance of either hand tools or equipment, they need an
immediate repair or maintenance.
24. Failure to meet the required power supply, malfunction will occur in the part of hand tools or equipment.
25. It refers to the technical person who has the knowledge and skills about the technology.


Direction: Enumerate what is being asked. Write your answer inside the box. You will be rated by the given
rubric. (10 points)
Criteria Score Students score
Student enumerated 5 methods of identifying non-functional tools and 10
Student enumerated 4 methods of identifying non-functional tools and 9
Student enumerated 3 methods of identifying non-functional tools and 8
Student enumerated 2 methods of identifying non-functional tools and 7
Student enumerated 1 method of identifying non-functional tools and 6
No answer 0

Methods of identifying non-functional tools and equipment


Directions: Answer the given question. Your output will be rated using the given rubric. (10 points)

Criteria Standard Score Score

It is convincing and consistent manner 5
Well prepared and organized 3
It is clearly explained 2
Total 10

What are your ways in maintaining and storing tools & equipment at home?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III


School Principal III

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