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4, AUGUST 2009 809

Real-Time Stabilization of an Eight-Rotor UAV

Using Optical Flow
Hugo Romero, Sergio Salazar, and Rogelio Lozano, Member, IEEE

Abstract—An original configuration of a small aerial vehicle

having eight rotors is presented. Four rotors are devoted to the
stabilization of the orientation of the helicopter, and the other four
are used to drive the lateral displacements. A precompensation on
the roll and pitch angles has been introduced so that the attitude
dynamics is practically independent of the translational dynam-
ics. This compensation is directly related to the velocity of the
lateral motors. The dynamical model is obtained using the Euler–
Lagrange approach. The proposed configuration is particularly
useful for image processing since the the camera orientation is
held constant. The eight-rotor rotorcraft is simpler to pilot than
other rotorcrafts. A control strategy is proposed that uses the opti-
cal flow measurements to achieve a hover flight that is robust with
respect to perturbations like wind. The new aerial configuration
and control strategy have been tested in real-time experiments.
Index Terms—Eight-rotor rotorcraft, optical flow (OF), real- Fig. 1. New aircraft configuration having eight rotors.
time stabilization, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
I. INTRODUCTION Small UAVs will most likely perform these tasks due to their
NMANNED aerial vehicles (UAVs) are expected to be- relatively low cost, ability to fly into difficult and maybe hostile
U come a major part of the aviation industry over the next few
years, primarily enabled by developments in computer science,
locations, and the short amount of time needed to get them in
the air. Rotary-wing UAVs are particularly useful because they
automatic control, communications, and sensor technologies. are able to hover and fly in reduced spaces to achieve a large
UAVs will likely make a major impact in surveillance and remote variety of missions.
data collection. Examples of applications include fireground In this paper, we present a new configuration of a multirotor
(active bushfire) surveillance, crop and vegetation surveying, aircraft having eight rotors. The rotorcraft is relatively small
emergency data communications, and maintaining the security (100 cm × 100 cm × 30 cm) and is low cost and harmless
of people and assets against terrorist-related threats [3]. For these to people. The inner four rotors or main rotors are devoted to
reasons, UAVs have aroused a great interest in the research and stabilize the orientation of the flying machine, while the four
academic circles in recent years, using them as a platform for external rotors (lateral rotors) are used to perform the lateral
many applications and pure academic research [2], [13], [14]. displacements of the UAV (see Fig. 1). In practice, this plat-
form is able to perform vertical takeoff and landing, hovering,
Manuscript received October 3, 2008; revised January 14, 2009 and March 4, and translational flight. The main advantage of the proposed
2009. First published April 24, 2009; current version published July 31, 2009. configuration with respect to a four-rotor helicopter is that the
This paper was recommended for publication by Associate Editor K. Iagnemma
and Editor W. K. Chung upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. This work attitude dynamics is decoupled from the translational dynamics.
was supported in part by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a, Sistema Indeed, four-rotor rotorcrafts must tilt in order to move forward.
Nacional de Investigadores and Secretarı́a de Educación Pública-Programa de This implies that the rotational and translational movements are
Mejoramiento del Profesorado, México.
H. Romero is with the Center for Research on Information Technologies coupled.
and Systems, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 42184 Pachuca, The main reason to decouple the translational and rotational
Mexico, and also with the Laboratorio Franco-Mexicano de Informática y dynamics is to be able to accurately measure the horizontal
Automática Aplicadas, Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Centro
de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico City, Mexico (e-mail: speed of the rotorcraft. Indeed, a camera is used to measure optical flow (OF) that is related to the horizontal speed. It turns
S. Salazar is with the Laboratorio Franco-Mexicano de Informática y Au- out that any change in the attitude of the camera, which is fixed
tomática Aplicadas, Franco-Mexicano de Informática y Automática Aplicadas,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Centro de Investigación y de Estu- to the aircraft frame, will produce erroneous location and speed
dios Avanzados, Mexico City, Mexico (e-mail: measurements that will cause some unstable behavior [5]. We
R. Lozano is with Heudiasyc, the University of Technology of Compiègne, have observed such phenomena experimentally using a four-
Centre de Recherches de Royallieu, 60205 Compiègne, France, and also with
Franco-Mexicano de Informática y Automática Aplicadas, Centre National de la rotor rotorcraft. After several unsuccessful attempts to improve
Recherche Scientific, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico the OF measurement using a four-rotor aircraft, we have decided
City, Mexico (e-mail: to build an aircraft that holds the camera at a fixed orientation.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at The prototype that has been built is shown in Fig. 1. We have
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TRO.2009.2018972 noted that the airflow produced by a lateral propeller increases
1552-3098/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

microprocessor is used to compute the PWM level output to

control the lateral rotors, using the information provided by the
OF measurement or GPS measurement.
The platform for the OF application consists of a single-
camera Kingfishers combined with the INS Microbotics MIDG
II INS/GPS, which is a combination of accelerometers, gyros,
magnetometers, and GPS signals. Pitch and roll are basically
obtained from a combination of accelerometers and gyros mea-
surements (complementary filters) [9]–[11]. Yaw is obtained
from a combination of magnetometer and gyro signals. The im-
age is captured by a camera and is transmitted using a 2.4-GHz
emitter. The ground station is composed of a video receiver
of 2.4 GHz, the frame grabber card PCMCIA ImperX with ca-
pacity to process up to 30 frames/s, but in our application, the
rate is 15 frames/s, and finally, an image processing code is
developed on C++ on a ground station computer to obtain
the OF and, more specifically, the translational velocity of our
flying machine. The data obtained from each couple of con-
secutive images are transmitted via modem to the second mi-
croprocessor embedded in the rotorcraft. It can also be used
to control the lateral displacement in addition to the OF (or
GPS) measurement feedback. The platform requires 12 V at
Fig. 2. Control system architecture scheme.
15 A power supply, weighs 1.2 kg, and has a payload of 250 g.
The inertial measurement unit is composed of a three-axis
the lift of the inner propeller close to it, which, in turn, affects gyro with range of ±300◦ /s, a three-axis accelerometer with
the orientation of the aircraft. In order to avoid such phenomena, range of ±6g, and a three-axis magnetometer. The INS provides
we have introduced a precompensation on each inner propeller the angular rate, the acceleration, and the direction of the earth’s
to effectively obtain translational and rotational dynamics that magnetic field with a sampling rate of up to 50 Hz. We have also
are independent. The dynamical model of the flying machine tested our platform using the measurements given by the GPS.
has been obtained using the Euler–Lagrange formulation. The The position and velocity are available directly from the GPS
dynamical model is relatively simple and is composed of six receiver that has a sampling rate of up to 5 Hz.
independent second-order systems for pitch, roll, yaw, x, y, and
z. Each one of these subsystems is regulated using a proportional III. DYNAMICAL MODEL
and derivative (PD) controller. We have experimentally tested
the eight-rotor aircraft indoors using the OF measurement and The aerial robot under consideration consists of a rigid cross
outdoors using a GPS. frame equipped with eight rotors, as shown in Fig. 3, where ψ is
The outline of this paper is as follows: Section II presents the yaw angle around the z-axis, θ is the pitch angle around the
the experimental platform description and the avionic system. y-axis, and φ is the roll angle around the x-axis. In order to avoid
Section III describes the mathematical nonlinear model using the yaw drift due to the reactive torques, the main rotors are such
the Euler–Lagrange approach of the multirotor mini-rotorcraft. that the right and left rotors rotate clockwise, while the front and
Section IV introduces the control strategy to stabilize the mul- rear rotors rotate counterclockwise. Similarly, the external lat-
tirotor platform. Section V is devoted to describing the transla- eral motors located on the same axis rotate in opposite directions
tional speed estimation methods (OF and GPS). The real-time to avoid interacting with the roll and pitch displacements.
experiments are shown in Section VI, while concluding remarks In Fig. 3, M1 through M4 are the front, right, rear, and left
are finally given in Section VII. main motors, respectively, while M5 through M8 are the front,
right, rear, and left lateral motors, respectively.
The vertical motion is achieved by increasing or decreasing
II. PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE the total thrust of the main rotors. The yaw angular displace-
The platform is composed of an eight-rotor aircraft which has ment is obtained by increasing (decreasing) the speed of the front
two RABBIT microprocessor RCM3400 on board. These micro- and rear motors while decreasing (increasing) the speed of the
processors have the following main features: module running at right and left motors. Forward/backward (left/right) displace-
29.4 MHz, 512K flash memory, four PWM outputs, six serial ment is performed through a differential speed of the front/back
ports, and two input capture channels. The first microprocessor (left/right) external rotors.
runs the control algorithm in real time to stabilize the eight-rotor The dynamical model of the aircraft will be obtained us-
rotorcraft, and therefore, it reads the information provided by ing the Lagrangian method. This approach is based on the
the inertial navigation system (INS) and the GPS sensors and two basic forms of energy stored in dynamical systems: the
sends the control signals to the four inner motors. The second kinetic energy and the potential energy. Let I = {i, j, k} be an

generalized force
d ∂L ∂L
− =F (7)
dt ∂ q̇ ∂q
where F = (Fξ , τ ). Fξ defines the translational force applied to
the aerial robot due to the control inputs and relative to the frame
I, and τ is the generalized moments vector. The small body
forces are ignored, and we only consider the principal control
inputs u, ux , uy , and τ , where u represents the total thrust, ux is
the control input for x-axis displacement, uy is the control input
for the y-axis displacement, and τ is the generalized moment.
Then, the force applied to the mini-helicopter relative to the
frame B is defined as
F̄ = uxı̄ + uy j̄ + uz k̄ (8)
ux = ux r − ux l = f5 − f7 (9)
Fig. 3. Eight-rotor rotorcraft scheme. Where fi is the force produced by uy = uy r − uy l = f8 − f6 (10)
the motor M i with i = 1, 2, . . . , 8, and fj with j = 9, 10, 11, and 12 are the
additional forces produced by the lateral motors. uz = u + f9 + f10 + f11 + f12 (11)
  where ux r and ux l are the control inputs for the front motor
external reference set of axis, and let B = ı̄, j̄ , k̄ denote a set and the rear motor in x-axis respectively, and uy r and uy l are
of coordinates fixed to the rigid aircraft, as shown in Fig. 3. defined similarly for the right motor and the left motor in y-axis.
Let q = (x, y, z, ψ, θ, φ) ∈ IR6 be the generalized coordi- u is defined as
nates vector for the flying machine, where (x, y, z) denote the
u = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4
position of the center of mass of the rotorcraft relative to the
frame I, and (ψ, θ, φ) are the three Euler angles (yaw, pitch, and with
roll) that describe the orientation of the aerial vehicle. There-
fore, the model could be separated in two coordinate subsystems: fi = ki ωi2 , i = 1, . . . , 8
translational and rotational. They are defined, respectively, by where ki > 0 is a parameter depending on the density of air,
ξ = (x, y, z) ∈ IR3 (1) the radius, the shape, the pitch angle of the blade, and ωi is the
angular speed of the each motor “i” (Mi ,i = 1, . . . , 8). There
η = (ψ, θ, φ) ∈ IR3 . (2) exist additional forces f9 to f12 acting on each one of the four
The translational kinetic energy of the rotorcraft is expressed as main rotors (see Fig. 3). These forces are due to the airflow
generated by the lateral rotors, which means that the magnitude
m ˙T ˙ △
Ttrans =
ξ ξ (3) of vectors f9 to f12 are functions of the lateral airflow produced
2 by the corresponding lateral rotor. The induced wind speed in a
where m denotes the mass of the rotorcraft. The rotational ki- propeller is defined as follows:
netic energy is given by   12
△ 1 V = (12)
Trot = η̇ T Jη̇ (4) 2ρA
where J is the inertia matrix. where f is the thrust generated by the propeller, ρ is the air
The only potential energy which needs to be considered is density, and A is the propeller area [7]. In order to clarify the
due to the standard gravitational force g. Therefore, potential notation, we will use the subscripts p for the main rotor and
energy is expressed as subscript s for the lateral rotor. The thrust f generated by the
main rotor and the lateral rotor can be expressed as
U = mgz. (5)
Following the approach, the Lagrangian is given by fp = 2ρAp V̂ Vp (13)

L (q, q̇) = Ttrans + Trot − U where Vp is the induced wind speed in the main propeller, and
V̂ is the total induced wind speed by the set of rotors, which is
m ˙T ˙ 1 T
ξ ξ + η̇ J η̇ − mgz.
= (6) given by
2 2
The model for the full eight-rotor aircraft dynamics is   12
obtained from the Euler–Lagrange equations with external V̂ = (Vs cos α + Vp )2 + (Vs sin α)2 (14)

where ū = ux r + uy r + ux l + uy l . Consequently
Fξ = RF̄
where R is the transformation matrix representing the orienta-
tion of the rotorcraft from B to I. We use cθ to denote cos θ and
sθ for sin θ.
 
cψ cθ cψ sθ sφ − sψ cφ cψ sθ cφ + sψ sφ
R =  sψ cθ sψ sθ sφ + cψ cφ sψ sθ cφ − cψ sφ  . (19)
−sθ cθ sφ cθ cφ
The generalized moment is given by
   4 
τψ j = 1 τM j

Fig. 4. Main thrust behavior with incoming lateral wind due to lateral τ =  τθ  =  (f3 − f1 ) dc  (20)
propeller. τφ (f4 − f2 ) dc
where dc is the distance from the center of gravity to any in-
where α is the angle between the main rotor axis and the lateral ternal rotor, and τM j is the couple produced by motor Mj . The
rotor axis. It is important to note that without extra lateral rotor moment-compensation vector is
Vs = 0, this implies that V̂ = Vp , and (13) becomes  
fp = 2ρAp Vp2 . (15) △
τc =  bux  . (21)
◦ buy
Introducing (14) into (13) with α = 90 , we obtain
1 Therefore, the Euler–Lagrange equation can be rewritten as
Vs2 2

fp = 2ρAp Vp 1 + 2 . (16)
Vp mξ¨ + [0 0 mg]T = Fξ (22)
The additional nonlinear term Vs2 /Vp2 appearing in this
1 ∂  T 
Jη̈ + J̇η̇ − η̇ Jη̇ = τ + τc. (23)
equation is related to the airflow produced by the corresponding 2 ∂η
lateral rotor, which does not appear in (15). Nevertheless, this
Note that the Lagrangian function (6) does not contain cross
extra term has an almost linear behavior mainly for large values
terms in the kinetic energy combining ξ˙ and η̇. Defining the
of Vs . In practice, we consider the parameter Vp as constant at
Coriolis vector as
hover, since this parameter depends on the thrust generated by  
the main rotor to stabilize the mini-helicopter. In our experiment, 1 ∂  T 
C (η, η̇) = J̇ − η̇ J (24)
we work in a region where the relationship (Vs /Vp ) ≤ 1 holds. 2 ∂η
It then follows that we can rewrite (23) as
Vs2 2 √

1+ 2 ≤ 2. (17) Jη̈ + C (η, η̇) η̇ = τ + τc (25)
Finally, the equations of motion for the eight-rotor mini-
The thrust behavior with respect to (Vs /Vp ) is shown in rotorcraft are expressed as
Fig. 4. Fig. 4(a) shows the region defined by Vs ≤ Vp where
the nonlinear model is approximated by a straight line with mξ¨ = Fξ + [0 0 − mg]T (26)
slope m̄ = 0.64 that intercepts the vertical axis at yb = 0.77. Jη̈ = τ + τc − C (η, η̇) η.
˙ (27)
Fig. 4(b) shows the nonlinear behavior of (17) when Vs > Vp ,
which is approximately a straight line with slope m̄ = 1 without IV. CONTROL STRATEGY DESIGN
drift in the vertical axis.
The additional term in (16) will be compensated to effectively In this section, we present a feedback control scheme for the
decouple the translational and rotational displacements. attitude stabilization and position of the eight-rotor aircraft. Tak-
The force in each one of the four main rotors is affected by the ing advantage of the fact that by compensating the perturbation
lateral thrust fs of the corresponding lateral rotor. The lateral forces the resulting system has translational and rotational dy-
thrust, in turn, depends on the control actions ux and uy applied namics that are decoupled, we are able to propose a simple linear
to lateral motors. Considering identical lateral motors, forces f9 control strategy. In order to further simplify the analysis, and
to f12 can be expressed as follows: since J is nonsingular, let us consider the following linearizing
control law:
f9 = bux r f10 = buy r f11 = bux l f12 = buy l
τ = C(η, η̇)η̇ + J(τ̃ + τc ) − τc (28)
where b ≥ 0 is the approximate slope in Fig. 4(a). Then, the
force vector F̄ can be rewritten as follows: where
F̄ = [ux uy u + bū] (18) τ̃ = [τ̃ψ τ̃θ τ̃φ ]T (29)

are the new inputs. Then mÿ = uy (45)

η̈ = τ̃ + τc. (30) mz̈ = u − mg + bū. (46)
Rewriting (26), (27) gives Letting us propose the following control inputs:
mẍ = ux cos θ cos ψ − uy (cos φ sin ψ − cos ψ sin θ sin φ) ux = −mσb (b1 ẋ + b2 (x − xd )) (47)
+ (sin φ sin ψ + cos φ cos ψ sin θ) (u + bū) (31) uy = −mσb (b3 ẏ + b4 (y − yd )) (48)
mÿ = ux cos θ sin ψ + uy (cos φ cos ψ + sin θ sin φ sin ψ) u = −mσb (b5 ż + b6 (z − zd )) + mg − bū (49)
− (cos ψ sin φ − cos φ sin θ sin ψ) (u + bū) (32)
then the translational dynamics (44)–(46) becomes
mz̈ = −ux sin θ + uy cos θ sin φ − mg
ẍ = −σb (b1 ẋ + b2 (x − xd )) (50)
+ cos θ cos φ (u + bū) (33)
ÿ = −σb (b3 ẏ + b4 (y − yd )) (51)
ψ̈ = τ̃ψ (34)
z̈ = −σb (b5 ż + b6 (z − zd )) (52)
θ̈ = τ̃θ + bux (35)
where xd , yd , and zd are the coordinates of the desired position of
φ̈ = τ̃φ + buy (36)
the multirotor aircraft. As in (41)–(43), the control parameters bi ,
where the horizontal plane coordinates are represented by x and for i = 1, . . . , 6, should be carefully chosen to obtain a critically
y, and z is the vertical position. The control inputs u is the damped response for the translational dynamics.
main thrust or main collective input (directed out the bottom of The stability of the translational and rotational dynamics
the aircraft), and τ̃ψ , τ̃θ , and τ̃φ are the new angular moments in (41)–(43) and (50)–(52) is given next, which is inspired
(yawing moment, pitching moment, and rolling moment). The from [12]. This stability analysis is carried out in a continuous-
control inputs to develop lateral displacements are denoted by time framework. In practice, the control algorithms have been
ux and uy . implemented in a microcontroller using the fastest sampling
A. Attitude Control The closed-loop systems (41)–(43) and (50)–(52) can be rep-
resented as double integrators as follows:
The control of the attitude can be obtained by using the fol-
lowing PD controllers: ẋ1 = x2
τ̃ψ = σa (−a1 ψ̇ − a2 (ψ − ψd )) (37) ẋ2 = ũ. (53)
τ̃θ = σa (−a3 θ̇ − a4 θ) − bux (38) The proposed control law has following structure:
τ̃φ = σa (−a5 φ̇ − a6 φ) − buy (39)
ũ = −σp (k̄1 x1 + k̄2 x2 ). (54)
where σp is a saturation defined as
 p, Then, the candidate Lyapunov function is
if s > p
σp (s) = s, if −p ≤ s ≤ p . (40)  k̄ 1 x 1 + k̄ 2 x 2
−p, if s < −p V (x1 , x2 ) = σp (t)dt + k̄1 x22 (55)
0 2
Introducing (37)–(39) into (34)–(36), we obtain
for any constants k̄1 > 0 and k̄2 > 0, and then
ψ̈ = σa (−a1 ψ̇ − a2 (ψ − ψd )) (41)
V̇ (x1 , x2 ) = σp (k̄1 x1 + k̄2 x2 )(k̄1 ẋ1 + k̄2 ẋ2 )
θ̈ = σa (−a3 θ̇ − a4 θ) (42)
+ k̄1 x2 ẋ2
φ̈ = σa (−a5 φ̇ − a6 φ) (43)
= −k̄2 σp2 (k̄1 x1 + k̄2 x2 ). (56)
where ai are positive constants such that the polynomials s2 +
ai s + ai+ 1 are stable (for i = 1, . . . , 6). In practice, the control Note that V (x1 , x2 ) is positive definite, and V̇ (x1 , x2 ) is nega-
parameters ai for i = 1, . . . , 6 are chosen to obtain a critically tive definite; therefore, the closed-loop system is asymptotically
damped controller (see proof below). stable.

B. Horizontal Displacements and Altitude Control

Note that from (41) to (43), ψ, θ, φ → 0. For a time T , large
In this section, we present two methods that have been im-
enough ψ, θ, and φ are arbitrarily small, and therefore, (31)–(33)
plemented to estimate the translational speed of the multirotor
reduce to
aircraft: One of them is vision-based, and the other uses the GPS
mẍ = ux (44) measurements directly.

A. OF Measurement
Computer vision is an important tool for robotics. Extract-
ing the relevant information from image sequences from the
scene may allow robots to perform missions autonomously [4].
In this paper, we use the OF from image sequences to esti-
mate the translational speed of the rotorcraft. The estimate of
the horizontal speed will be used to perform autonomous hover
flights without lateral displacement. There exist many different
methods for computing the OF [6], [8]. There exist intensity-
based differential methods, frequency-based filtering methods,
or correlation-based methods. In this paper, we tested the Lucas–
Kanade pyramidal method, which is an intensity-based differ-
ential method [1].
Consider two discrete functions I1 , I2 ∈ Rm u ×n v represent-
ing two gray-scale images at different time instants, and let
Gp i be the gray-scale value of a particular pixel p = (ui , vi )T . Fig. 5. OF basic scheme.
Then, the gray-scale values for pi that appear in two consecutive
images are defined, respectively, as
Gp 1 = I1 (u1 , v1 ), Gp 2 = I2 (u2 , v2 ) CONTROLLER PARAMETERS VALUES

where ui and vi are the row and column pixel coordinates,

respectively. Given a specific image point p1 ∈ I1 , the aim of
the approach is to find another image point p2 ∈ I2 such that
Gp 1 ≈ Gp 2 . Moreover, the relationship between matched pixels
p1 and p2 is given by
p2 = p1 + r = [ u1 + ru v1 + rv ]T
where r = [ ru rv ]T defines the image displacement or OF TABLE II
and minimizes the following residual function:
u p 1 +w u v p 2 +w v
ǫ(r) = (I1 (p1 ) − I2 (p1 + r))2
u p =u p 1 −w u v p =v p 2 −w v

where wu and wv are two integers that define the size of the
integration window. The Lucas–Kanade OF algorithm has an a maximal interval when the mini-helicopter is appropriately
adaptive integration window, which means that it is able to stabilized at hover. The measurement of the angular speed ω
handle large pixel motions and this representation acts as a low- is obtained by using the gyro information on each axis. An
pass filter (see [1] for a complete description). altitude-stabilization algorithm in closed loop is used to keep
OF can be generated by two kinds of observer motion: trans- the distance d constant and equal to some desired value.
lational motion (Ft ) and rotational motion (Fr ). Let us assume
that the camera is moving with translational velocity v and an-
gular velocity ω while viewing an object at distance d and offset VI. PRACTICAL RESULTS
β from the direction of travel, as depicted in Fig. 5. The OF can Real-time experiment results are presented in this section to
be mathematically expressed as follows: validate the performance of the eight-rotor rotorcraft during au-
v tonomous hover flight. We have observed, in practice, that the
OF = sin β − ω. (57)
d decoupling strategy presented in Section IV does not exactly de-
The maximal OF is obviously generated when the plane that couple the flying vehicle due to unsymmetrical rotor structures.
contains the features is perpendicular to translational motion To compensate for these modeling errors, we have trimmed the
direction (β = 90◦ ) [8]. The velocity can be estimated from gains in the radio control before the experiments.
(57) as follows: The control gains of (41)–(43) and (50)–(52) were adjusted,
in practice, to obtain a fast aircraft response but avoiding me-
OF + ω
v= d. (58) chanical oscillations as much as possible, and they are shown in
sin β Table I. Table II shows the saturation values using in the attitude
Note that singularities in the previous equation appear when and horizontal control law. The parameters were also chosen
β = 0◦ . Nevertheless, in our case, the roll and pitch angles in such a way that the aircraft attitude remains very close to a
are very close to zero, which implies that β = 90◦ ± 3◦ as desired point.

Fig. 6. Roll angle behavior for the rotorcraft in hover.

Fig. 10. y-Position behavior using OF measurements.

Fig. 7. Pitch angle behavior for the rotorcraft in hover.

Fig. 11. x-Velocity behavior using OF measurements.

Fig. 8. Yaw angle behavior for the rotorcraft in hover.

Fig. 12. y-Velocity behavior using OF measurements.

Fig. 9. x-Position behavior using OF measurements.

The parameters of the camera have been estimated with the

method proposed in [6]. The matrix calibration of the camera is
  Fig. 13. x-Position behavior using GPS measurements.
276.78 0 51.5462
Mcal =  0 298.34 120.634  (59)
time elapsed between two consecutive frames acquired is around
0 0 1
60 ms, which means that the image sampling rate is around 15
and the focal distance is f =3.5 mm. The helicopter’s altitude is FPS.
regulated in closed loop using an infrared sensor Sharp 2Y0A02. In the experiment, the mini-helicopter was stabilized at hover
This sensor measures altitude in the range 0.20–1.5 m. The applying the proposed control strategy. The desired position and
desired values for the position are xd = 0, yd = 0, and d = angular orientation is zero. The control strategy for stabilizing
0.60 m. For such altitude, a relative displacement of 0.01 m is the attitude performed well and is shown in Figs. 6–8. The
represented by a four-pixel displacement in the image plane. The attitude values are smaller than ±3◦ , and except for a slight

Fig. 14. y-Position behavior using GPS measurements.

Fig. 18. Input control signal of x-left motor.

Fig. 15. x-Velocity behavior using GPS measurements.

Fig. 19. Input control signal of y-right motor.

Fig. 16. y-Velocity behavior using GPS measurements.

Fig. 20. Input control signal of y-left motor.

GPS. Figs. 17–20 show the control signals applied to each one
of the lateral motors.

In this paper, we have proposed a novel multirotorcraft aero-
dynamical configuration whose translational and rotational dis-
placements are decoupled. This feature is particularly useful for
Fig. 17. Input control signal of x-right motor. vision application since the orientation of the aircraft can be held
constant independently of the lateral displacements. Indeed, a
camera can be used to estimate the translation speed from the
disturbance in the pitch angle at around 55 s, we think this noise OF without having to compensate for the errors induced by the
may come from the radio communication link. The estimated angular displacements. A precompensation has been introduced
linear position and linear velocities using the OF approach are to improve the decoupling of the translational and rotational
plotted in Figs. 9–12, while the same variables are shown in the movements. This precompensation cancels the additional lift
Figs. 13–16, but in this case, the estimation was obtained using of the inner rotors produced by the airflow coming from the

lateral rotors. The simplified dynamical model of the rotorcraft Hugo Romero was born in Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo,
is given by six independent double integrators that have been Mexico, on November 7, 1972. He received the Bach-
elor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Insti-
stabilized using PD controllers. An eight-rotor aircraft proto- tuto Tecnológico de Pachuca, Pachuca, Mexico, in
type has been built and tested experimentally with the proposed 1996, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in
on-board control strategy. automatic control from the Centro de Investigación
y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV), Mexico
We have used two different strategies to estimate the trans- City, Mexico, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in auto-
lational speed: OF indoor and GPS outdoor. The OF measure- matic control from the University of Technology of
ments were carried out keeping the aircraft at a desired altitude. Compiègne, Compiègne, France, in 2008.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the
Under such conditions the OF technique provided more precise Center for Research on Information Technologies and Systems, Universidad
measurements of the translational speed than GPS. However, Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico. He also holds a Post-
the OF technique has several limitations when used outdoors. doctoral position with the Laboratorio Franco-Mexicano de Informática y Au-
tomática Aplicada, UMI-CNRS, CINVESTAV. His current research interests
Indeed, the light intensity and the contrast of the image pro- include computer vision, real-time control applications, nonlinear dynamics
duce errors in the estimation of the speed. Therefore, GPS and control, unmanned aerial vehicles, embedded systems, and underactuated
sensors give, in general, better results outdoors than the OF mechanical systems.
It has been experimentally shown that the proposed eight-
rotor configuration is appropriate to achieve velocity damping
indoors using OF and outdoors using GPS. This is an important Sergio Salazar was born in Tlaxcala, Mexico, on
October 7, 1966. He received the B.S. degree in elec-
step toward autonomous navigation. tronics engineering form the Benemérita Universidad
Autónoma of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, in 1992, the
M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Cen-
tro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico
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