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‫مدارس م ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــار الدول ة‬

Mayar International Schools Issued:01
Weekly Plan ( 1 ) 2022-2023
Date 4/9 to 9/8 Grade (5Di2) Week# 1
Day Subject Class Work Homework Due Date

Music ‫التعرّ ف عﻠى مفهوم اﻻيقاع ودوره ﻓﻲ الموسيقى والدراما وتطبيق تمارين ايقاعية باﻷيدي واﻷقدام‬

S.S Unit1. Lesson 2. Aerial and Satelite Images

Sunday Science 1.1 The Circulatory System (The Heart) P.3-4

Check the Workbook for

Math Unit 1, 1.1 Place Value
marked questions for HW
Mon, 5/9

IT E-school Training

Eng. Elements of Story

‫عر‬ ( ‫تمهيد ) ورقة عمل‬

P.E. Fitness

Eng. Ivy's Journal - Genre & Vocab

Check the Workbook for
Math Unit 1, 1.1 Place Value
marked questions for HW
Tue, 6/9

‫وطن ة‬.‫ت‬ ‫ﺟﻼلة المﻠك عبدﷲ اﻷول‬


Science 1.1 The Circulatory System (Blood Vessels and blood) P.4-5

‫عر‬ ( ‫ ) استماع وتحدث‬+ ‫قراءة موﺟهة قيمية‬

Eng. Ivy's Journal - Introduction

‫اسﻼم ة‬.‫ت‬ ‫ الرسم القرآنﻲ‬+ ‫تمهيد‬

‫عر‬ 8‫آيات من سورة المدثر ) قراءة ﺟهرية ( ص‬

French lexique de salutation et de prendre congé. Livre p. 3

Check the Workbook for
Math Unit 1, 1.1 Place Value
marked questions for HW
Wed, 7/9

‫مه‬ ‫اشغال ﻓنية‬

‫اسﻼم ة‬.‫ت‬ ‫الرسم القرآنﻲ‬


‫عر‬ 8‫آيات من سورة المدثر ) قراءة تفسيرية ( ص‬

Eng. Dictation

Science 1.1 The Circulatory System (The Blood circulation) P.5-6

‫عر‬ ‫أوراق عمل المﻠزمة‬

Check the Workbook for
Math Unit 1, 1.1 Place Value
marked questions for HW
Thurs, 8/9

Eng. Figurative Language

S.S Unit1. Lesson 2. Aerial and Satelite Images


‫عر‬ ‫أوراق عمل المﻠزمة‬

IT SmoothY Revision

French lexique de salutation et de prendre congé. Livre p. 3

Aloha lesson 1 lower beads

Eng. Ivy's Journal -Reading & Discussion

Eng. Ivy's Journal -Reading & Discussion

‫اسﻼم ة‬.‫ت‬ ‫الرسم القرآنﻲ‬

Science 1.1 The Circulatory System (Heartbeat and Pulse) P.7


‫عر‬ ‫ قراءة‬+ ‫خط‬

Check the Workbook for
Math Unit 1, 1.1 Place Value
marked questions for HW
Sun, 11/9

Eng. Ivy's Journal -Reading & Discussion

P.E. Fitness

**Important Remarks**
Subject Remark

English Dictation - My View Book page 89 "During the 1900s-----The Great Migration."

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