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B. Transept. O. Brewhouse. ABBOT'S HOUSE.

Hospitis adventus, praesens sitis atque futura,

peace. In 1009, however, in accordance with a resolution

1526-1527. In 1533 he was sent to Rome on an embassy to

497 miles across the Mediterranean in twenty-eight to thirty

north, and with France as her southern neighbour on the Gabun

for the combustion of the hydrogen, and the mixture is passed

princes. These laments may at times be wearisome to the modern

says, an incomprehensible unwillingness to accept the

of the present day. Nor is the merely professional advocate

and the chairmen of certain quarter sessions; and in salvage

the French commander, Cozi Nikolo, and was closely investing

them. Even if we do not accept all the stories of his murders

Spain, who were numerous in the province of Elvira, the modern

The principal examples of such machines are those of W. S.

and peptones are white powders, readily soluble in water, with

There is no good history of Agenais; that published by Jules

courts, but chiefly to the formation of a national Aetolian

Persia, Arabia, Central Asia, and even distant Syria and

feeling the cold light of scientific investigation. Lastly,

on. Apart altogether from the facts that this investigation

viz. (Videlicet), Namely.

and the sea was quickly followed by the German association,

directions and on behalf of the charterer in signing bills of

colonies. Years afterwards, when an old man, Adams undertook

comprising literary anecdotes, critical reflexions, and

are characterized by their fine yellowish-green fluorescence.

has been found of much value in the treatment of emphysema, early

Plante's cell.

Consular Courts.

m. N. Of Avezzano. It was originally a town of the Aequi,

Aberdeenshire remained for generations the stronghold in

of Cypselus described by Pausanias (v. 17) and in extant works.

priestly ritual: the old account of Korah's revolt against the

the Puritan of his time. He was able and learned, abnormally


be consulted. The Geologischer Fuhrer durch die Alpen,

by a whole system of lesser affluents; the Guadiana, which,

tributaries were made at the same time by the Rev. George

of succeeding to the throne, because he had an elder brother,

vice-admiral and rear-admiral, corresponding to general,

clergy was waning, but even in the political sphere it was far

the yearly value of this trade being fully L. 250,000; the

place. Gypsum is found in large quantities in the plain of

is celebrated for the vigorous resistance it made against Philip

examined. Melanins obtained from tumours form black,

the enclosure of the gill-clefts, which in the larva opened

he recommenced his travels; and his only gratification, in

1878); Arthur Arnould, L'Etat et la revolution (1877);

rises and ends entirely within Switzerland. Its total

Spain), constituted a single diocese subdivided into six

bill of exchange for the honour of any party thereto. Act

Breche de la Meile (La Berarde to la Grave), snow. . . . . . . . . 10,827

parties, rights of passengers as such (the ``Moses Taylor,''

American Journal of Archaeology, &c. (all since about 1885).

accumulator is so affected that about 30% of its charge is

he resolves into the needs of fitness. Hogarth applies these

received the unusual compliment of a German translation.

a distal, smaller and more glandular chamber. In birds the

``to arrest . . . according to the civil laws and ancient

quotes this work and makes separate mention of the cuttaca

it was related that ``a certain English monk called Elmerus,

Modern development.

the K.C.I.E. was conferred on him. But he did not live long

Maupertuis, and received its present constitution in

his country within the closer ken of civilized European

York. The campaign of 1799 ended in disaster, but friend and

other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or

and movable, is, as a matter of fact, never moved; it

industry and care, and developed a mathematical theory which

livelihood, and nominate to the bishop such as are worthy,

the New Zealand Institute, vol. ii. p. 131), no less than

oxus, acidus, sour, and oxos, acetus, vinegar.

The finer analysis of the objects which please aesthetically

possesses great theoretical importance (A. W. Hofmann),

however, it is earthy and pulverulent. The colour varies

assumed. Gold, silver, copper, pure or mixed with tin or

the minutest detail, knew not only the circumstances but the

in ground-plan, motives, stone-craft, wall decorations and

shall not fall apart by religiously and morally incompatible

of Holstein was notorious (see SWEDEN, History). During

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