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Rita I Abousleiman1 and Vassilios I Sikavitsas1,2


Muskuloskeletal tissue includes bone, cartilage, ligament, skeletal muscle and

tendons. These tissues malfunction either due to a natural injury, trauma, or a disor-
der. In all cases natural regeneration needs to be enhanced by medication and,
in many instances, by surgery. Surgical techniques are limited to suturing, auto-
grafts or allografts. Tissue engineering stems from the challenge presented by the
limited resources for natural implants and the ineffectiveness of previous curing
techniques. The challenge in tissue engineering resides in the design of a functional
bioreactor that would: (1) house the engineered construct under sterile conditions;
and (2) provide the appropriate stimuli that would result in a neotissue with bio-
chemical and biomechanical properties comparable to in situ tissue. The various
types and designs of bioreactors for the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissue, in-
cluding spinner flask, rotating wall vessel, flow perfusion, and mechanical loading
devices are presented in this paper.


In the year 2000, the major reason for physicians’ office visits was muscu-
loskeletally related1. Sixty two percent of all physicians’ visits for injury were mus-
culoskeletal, accounting for 56 million patients, out of which 7 million were hospital-
ized2. Comparably, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that 7.3 million
orthopaedic surgeries were conducted in 19962. One in every seven Americans have
a musculoskeletal detriment that limits or decreases their ability to function normally
at home, work, sports, or at play3. Each year, orthopaedic injuries in the U.S. cause
children to miss 21 million days of school and workers more than 147 million days of

Oklahoma University Bioengineering Center, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019
Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019

From the above figures it is clear that musculoskeletal disorders should be a ma-
jor concern for the scientific community. The Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons re-
ported that musculoskeletal conditions cost the economy more than $215 billion a
year; however, only $92 million is dedicated to orthopaedic research out of which
$15 million is for clinical research2.
Musculoskeletal tissues malfunction either due to a natural injury, trauma, or a
disorder. In all cases natural regeneration needs to be enhanced by medication and,
in many instances, by surgery. Surgical techniques are limited to suturing, autografts
or allografts4. Tissue engineering stems from the challenge presented by the limited
resources for natural implants and the ineffectiveness of previous curing techniques.
In order to engineer neotissue successfully there is a need to mimic the in vivo
environment and engulf the de novo grown tissue or “construct” in a sterile chamber
equipped with a specific stimulatory mechanism depending on the tissue of interest.
Thus bioreactors were introduced. The various types and designs of bioreactors for
the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissue are herein described and presented.



Muskuloskeletal tissue includes bone, cartilage, ligament, skeletal muscle and

tendons. All these types of tissue are strong and durable. Bone and cartilage are hard
and have high compressive strength, while ligaments and tendons are considered soft
tissue and poses high tensile strength5. Proliferation of tissue could be of two kine-
matically different types: appositional and interstitial5. In appositional growth the
new matrix is deposited on the surface causing the tissue to grow from the outside.
On the other hand, in interstitial growth cells multiply and deposit new matrix from
within the tissue. Soft tissue develops solely by interstitial growth, while in hard tis-
sue bone grows mainly appositionally and cartilage proliferates by both phenomena.
In this section a summary of the properties and pathologies of each tissue is pre-

17.3.1. Bone

Bone is a very durable and strong tissue. It is vascularised and has the capability
for healing. Bone tissue growth follows two general mechanisms; (1) intramembra-
nous ossification where cells of the inner layer of the periostium differentiate into
oteoblasts and start laying down bone matrix and (2) endochondral bone formation
where chodrocytes of the epiphyseal plate undergo hypertrophy resulting in the re-
sorption of the cartilage matrix which is replaced by spongy bone. Eventually the
calcified spicules udergo osteoclastic remodeling and new bone matrix is formed by
osteoblastic activity . Osteocytes, mature bone cells, do not have the ability to multi-

ply. As a result, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and multipotent cells are responsible for
bone regeneration. However, like any other tissue in our body, bone might undergo
trauma or a disorder under which condition the tissue would need help in healing.
Overstress of bone due to an injury or trauma results in stress fractures, bone
shattering and inflammation conditions such as apophysitis and periostitis7. Os-
teonecrosis is a bone disorder in which osteocytes lyse and die causing the degrada-
tion of a bone segment8. Osteonecrotic bone eventually looses its mechanical proper-
ties, fractures and sometimes even shatters. If osteonecrosis involves the sub–

chondral bone, the eventual fracture and collapse of the bone leads to irregularities in
the articular surface and subsequently to degenerative arthiritis8. The most common
methods to support healing of bone are cast and brace immobilization. However,
many fractures require additional internal or external support, and if a large segment
of bone is shattered eminently immobilization would not solve the problem8. In this
case a bone graft would be essential to provide the injured area with structural sup-
port and allow the bone to restore itself adequately. The main types of grafts cur-
rently used are autografts and allografts, however they both have their shortcomings.
Limited supply and donor site morbidity are major concerns in autografts; allografts
may induce an immune response or inflammatory reaction4. In order to enhance frac-
ture healing osteogenic methods using tissue engineering were employed.

17.3.2. Cartilage

Cartilage, composed mainly of water, collagen type II, and proteoglycans, is a

strong resistant tissue that is high is compressive strength6. It is described9 to be a
tangle of collagen fibrils intermingling with electrically charged proteoglycan mole-
cules balanced by inorganic ions. Cartilage grows by two principal methods: (1) in-
terstitial growth where the mature cartilage cells, chondrocytes, divide and prolifer-
ate; and (2) appositional growth where cells of the inner layer of the perichondrium
differentiate into chondroblasts and start laying down cartilage matrix. To maintain
its viability, being an avascular tissue, cartilage depends on the diffusion of nutrients
from the surrounding connective tissue6.
Cartilage is subjected to osmotic pressure accrued due to the large amounts of
water bound to hyaluronic proteoglycan molecules9. The tension present in the in-
termingling collagen fibers resists this pressure build up9. During physical motion,
stress is usually applied unevenly to joints inducing the development of osmotic pres-
sure due to the movement of water along the ion concentration gradient10. As a re-
sult, dynamic flow and mechanical stimulation are necessary in culturing cartilage-
like tissue in vitro.
Cartilage is in general of three types: elastic, fibrous, and hyaline. Elastic carti-
lage contains elastic fibers in its extra cellular matrix giving the tissue elastic proper-
ties. It is mainly found in the auricle of the external ear, auditory tube, epiglottis, and
in part of the larynx6. Fibrocartilage is a combination of cartilage and dense connec-
tive tissue and therefore, it has collagen type I in its matrix. Intervertebral discs, knee
and shoulder joints, and symphysis pubis all contain fibrocartilage. The presence of
fibrocartilage gives the tissue resilience which helps to absorb physical shocks and
stresses6. In addition to collagen type II, hyaline cartilage contains large amounts of
glycosaminoglycans. It provides structural framework for the larynx, trachea and
bronchi6. It also covers the articular ends of ribs and synovial joints, in which case it
is called articular cartilage. Articular cartilage covers the surface of bone mainly in
joints. It is a very durable tissue, however, it has poor healing capacity after in-
jury11,12 due to its avascular nature, low cellularity, and lack of undifferentuiated cells
within the tissue12,14. Lack of vascularization deprives cartilage of the normal re-
sponse to injury that starts by a fibrin clot formation and causes inflammatory cells to
rush to the scene followed by undifferenciated cells that would lie new matrix and
help rejuvenate the tissue15. This tissue may be damaged by trauma, inflammation or
may undergo progressive degeneration eventually exposing the underlying bone and
causing osteoarthiritis15. In many cases this leads to defective joint function resulting
in prosthetic joint replacement. However, prosthetic replacements lack the durability
of natural joints and are only appropriate for a limited number of patients that are in

severe pain conditions15. Marrow-stimulation techniques, such as drilling, microfrac-

ture, or abrasion arthroplasty, to promote cartilaginous tissue regeneration have been
attempted. Nevertheless, they failed to yield long-term solutions since they resulted
in the production of fibrocartilage, which lacks the biomechanical properties of ar-
ticular cartilage16. Due to the lack of a proper solution for the injuries and diseases of
articular cartilage there is a need for tissue engineering and bioreactors to device new
techniques for cartilage regeneration.

17.3.3. Tendons

Tendons are inelastic collagenous anatomical soft tissues9 that connect muscles
to bone. Tenocytes are spindle shaped cells, sparsely spaced, and sandwiched be-
tween parallel layers of collagen type I17,18. Tendons have different anatomical loca-
tions in the body and thus different cross sectional areas relative to the muscles they
are connected to. Depending on the muscle they serve, tendons are subjected to dif-
ferent stress levels and therefore their tensile strength varies remarkably9. Tendons
possess high tensile strength (σ: 50-105 MPa)17-19 but have poor intrinsic healing ca-
pabilities20. Most tendon injuries result in the degeneration and morphological altera-
tion of collagen fibers. The exact causes of collagen degeneration are still not very
well understood.
Tendon injuries affect several individuals yearly and in many cases prevent par-
ticipation in daily activities2. These injuries could be a result of an accident or over-
use. Overuse of soft tissue, tendons in particular, causes progressive damage where
the repetitive strain overcomes the ability of the tissue to repair itself7,21. This might
lead to tendinosis (tendon tissue degeneration without inflammatory response), ten-
donitis (tendon tissue degeneration with inflammatory response), edema, partial tears,
or complete ruptures20,21. Common examples include tennis elbow, swimmer’s
shoulder, little league elbow, runner’s knee, jumper’s knee, and Achilles tendini-
tis7,20. In most sports and activities, overuse injuries, termed as “tendinopathies”, are
the most common and challenging to diagnose and treat20. They produce a great di-
agnostic and therapeutic problem because the symptoms are often dispersed and non-
specific7. Common treatments to tendinosis and tendonitis include, but are not lim-
ited to, rest, strengthening, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids,
braces, cryotherapy, and surgery 20. Suturing techniques provide adequate mechani-
cal strength for the tendon and diminishes the gap between the tendon stumps. How-
ever, tendon replacement might be a necessity in case of peripheral nerve injury and
for patients with rheumatoid arthiritis21. Tissue engineering provides several choices
for tendon replacements and thus a functional solution for the common and recurring
tendon pathologies.

17.3.4. Ligaments

Ligaments, classified as dense connective tissue, have similar morphology to

tendons. They are composed mainly of fibroblasts sandwiched between layers of
collagen type I. However, since ligaments connect bone to bone they experience
traction forces from several angles giving their collagen fibers more varied direction-
ality than in tendons4. In addition, ligaments are shorter and wider than tendons, and
contain less collagen and more ground substance in their extracellular matrix. Liga-
ment injuries can be classified as being partial or complete and sometimes can in-
clude underlying bone injury and lead to osteoarthiritis18. Ligament regeneration is
not always successful and the problem could become chronic.

One of the major causes of ligament trauma is sports. Sport injuries result in a
great number of knee injuries including the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments
(ACL and PCL)4,18,22. In the year 2002, 12,400 ACL tear cases were recorded in in-
patient care in the United States2. According to the department of Human Health
Services the number of patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery increased
from 257,000 in 1998 to 365,000 in 200223, reflecting a 42% increase. ACL injuries
are considered problematic because the tissue usually does not heal. If kept un-
treated, an injured ACL could lead to meniscal damage and joint instability and even-
tually osteoarthiritis18. To reduce knee instability in affected individuals immobiliza-
tion and suturing techniques have been attempted, however they lead to decreased
mechanical properties in the long-term24. Autografts and allografts have resulted in
extended viability but also decreased mechanical properties compared to innate tis-
sue18. The patellar tendon has been frequently used to replace the ACL but the po-
tency of this repair mechanism is completely dependent on the revascularization of
the transplanted tissue that is progressively surrounded by the synovial membrane4,25.
Due to limitations associated with current graft methods for ACL reconstruction and
lack of capacity for self-repair, interest in tissue engineered solutions has increased22.


Tissue engineering uses the principles of engineering, biology, and chemistry in

designing a neotissue that would augment a malfunctioning in vivo tissue26. Since
the traditional methods of treating orthopaedic injuries and disorders are not com-
pletely effective and have several limitations, tissue engineering has gained remark-
able support as an approach to treat musculoskeletal disorders circumventing the
limitations of existing therapies4.
The main requirements for functional engineered tissue include reparative cellu-
lar components that proliferate on a biocompatible scaffold grown within a bioreactor
which provides specific biochemical and physical signals to regulate cell differentia-
tion and tissue assembly25,27-29. There are several approaches to tissue engineering.
One possibility is to seed the scaffold with auotologous cells in vitro and then im-
plant it into the defective site. Another approach is to engineer the whole tissue or
organ in vitro, using a biodegradable scaffold for integrity and support, and only im-
plant it in the patient when the morphological, biological and biomechanical proper-
ties of the engineered construct match those of the natural tissue. It is imperative,
however that cells synthesize a functional matrix at a rate sufficient to balance the
loss of mechanical integrity of the resorbed scaffold material30,31. A third application
of tissue engineering is to implant a non- biodegradable conductive scaffold. The
drawback of this method is that another surgical procedure may be needed to remove
the scaffold when the tissue heals. Further explanation and elaboration on the differ-
ent components of tissue engineering are included herein.

17.4.1. Cells

Cells are by far the most important component of an engineered tissue. They are
the living component of the construct. Given the suitable biomechanical and bio-
physical environment cells would start secreting matrix that would eventually form
the neotissue. The type and properties of secreted matrix depend on the different
stimuli that cells are subjected to. For musculoskeletal tissue engineering several
types of cells have been used. For example, osteoblastic cells have been widely em-

ployed in bone regeneration32, chondrocytes for cartilage33-35, and fibroblasts for ten-
don and ligament repair36,37.
It is imperative that cells used in the tissue construct have the ability to prolifer-
ate and deposit matrix at a high rate in order to be able to implant the neotissue in the
patient soon after the injury. Osteoblasts and chondrocytes are almost mature and do
not proliferate at a high rate38. As a result, the best and most abundant source of cells
is mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). MSC’s are undifferentiated pluripotent cells that
have the potential to differentiate into a number of mature cells of different lineages,
depending on the biochemical and biophysical stimuli that they are subjected to38-39.
These lineages include, but not limited to, osteoblasts (bone), chrondocytes (carti-
lage), and fibroblasts (tendon and ligament). MSC’s have been widely used as a
musculoskeletal repair therapy40-44. The most popular source of MSC’s is bone mar-
row, however MSC-like cells have also been extracted from other anatomical loca-
tions including subcutaneous adipose tissue12. It is necessary to mention that al-
though the number of MSC’s decline dramatically with age, their ability to
differentiate and repair tissue is retained41. Being intermediate between embryonic
and adult tissue MSC’s may provide an in situ source of healing cells throughout an
adult’s lifetime45.

17.4.2. Scaffolds

Cells are greatly affected by the surface to which they adhere. The type and
properties of the scaffold used for seeding cells could alter the proliferation rate and
extracellular matrix deposited by cells, and thus affect the final biomechanical and
morphological properties of the engineered tissue28. The primary objective of using a
scaffold is to provide mechanical stability and integrity to the construct and to supply
a template for three-dimensional organization of the developing tissue28. The final
goal is to obtain de novo tissue with biomechanical properties comparable to the
damaged tissue. Scaffolds with high stiffness like ceramic hydroxyapatite are thus
used for growing bone28, while polymers that are more compliant are often chosen as
scaffolds for cartilage, tendon, and ligament28. Scaffolds Used for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering

The scaffold used for tissue engineering must be non-toxic and biocompatible,
i.e. evades the immune response. Biocompatible scaffolds could be either non-
biodegradable or biodegradable. As mentioned earlier, a second surgery might be
necessary to remove the implanted non-biodegradable scaffold after the tissue heals.
If using a biodegradable polymer it is imperative that (1) the degradation products be
biocompatible as well, and (2) the degradation rate of the scaffold be comparable to
the tissue repair rate so that the implanted construct does not loose its mechanical in-
Non-biodegradable scaffolds include ceramics, metal (titanium), minerals (hy-
droxyapatite) and bioactive glasses46. Biodegradable scaffolds include synthetic poly
(α-hydroxy ester) polymers8,47 such as polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid
(PGA)33,48, poly (L-lactic acid) PLLA49, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) PLGA 32,50,51,
and polycaprolactone (PCL)52. Extensive research is being conducted on the regen-
eration of in vivo tissue using poly (α-hydroxyl esters)47,53. Since PLLA and its deg-
radation products are non-toxic and biocompatible, and since its degradation rate is
balanced by the rate of formation of human tissue54, this material has gained the ap-

proval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a variety of human clinical ap-
PGA scaffolds are widely used for cartilage tissue engineering33,48,56,57. Cartilage
implants on PGA had a morphology, cellularity and matrix composition (collagen
and glycosaminoglycan) comparable to normal cartilage49. Furthermore, the rate of
proliferation of chondrocytes seeded on PGA scaffolds was twice as high compared
to that of cells seeded on porous PLLA scaffolds49. PLLA scaffolds coated with fi-
bronectic have been shown to be a better scaffold for ligament tissue reconstruction
than PGA which has a very rapid degradation rate that could not be balanced by cell
matrix production in vivo22,36.
The use of natural acellular biomaterials as scaffolds for tissue engineering is
very desirable since these materials, when processed properly, elude the immune re-
sponse. Some of the natural biomaterials that are incorporated in designing scaffolds
for bone and cartilaginous tissues are hyaluronic acid58-60, agarose hydrogels14,61 and
alginate gels62. Collagen gel is used extensively as scaffolding material for tendon
and ligament applications31,37,63,64.
Composite scaffolds, designed by mixing synthetic polymers with natural bio-
materials, created a favorable environment for cellular proliferation. For example
cartilaginous constructs were engineered by using benzylated hyaluronan and PGA65.
Additionally, collagen microsponges were formed in the pores of a PLGA sponge66.
Chondrocytes seeded on the composite scaffold adhered to the collagen micro-
sponges, proliferated, and filled up the pores between the collagen and PLGA. Surface Modifications

To make biomaterial surfaces more conducive to cell attachment and spreading,

some surface modifications were incorporated to polymeric scaffolds47. Two exam-
ples of such modifications include enriching surfaces with fibronectin, a protein
widely present in the extracelluar matrix22, or incorporating RGD, a small adhesion
peptide, on the surface of the substrate51. Seeding Techniques

A large number of cells is required on the scaffold to achieve successful ex-

tracellular matrix deposition in vitro49,67. The final construct cellularity has been
found to be relatively independent of cell seeding number; however, extracellular
matrix components deposited were optimized with increased cell seeding density57,68.
Uniform cell seeding is required69 to obtain homogeneous tissue formation through-
out the scaffold especially in the middle part.
Culturing techniques widely affect the cell distribution throughout the scaffold.
One of the most common seeding techniques in the past is static culture; however, it
has been reported repeatedly to yield low seeding efficiencies70-73 and non-uniform
cell distribution within scaffolds46,56,70,72-75. Dynamic systems on the other hand,
yielded significantly higher seeding efficiency and homogeneity than static cul-

17.4.3. Stimulation Techniques

Cells within a construct respond and adapt to the chemical and mechanical stim-
uli to which they are exposed in vivo28,76. To achieve efficient cell proliferation,
proper differentiation and sufficient matrix deposition it is necessary to replicate the
actual tissue environment. Chemical Stimulation

Growth factors are polypeptides that support various terminal phenotypes and
stimulate cell proliferation28,77. Some of the most commonly used growth factors are
transforming growth factors-β (TGF-β)8,78-80 which regulate stem cell differentiation;
bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) induce in vivo osteogenesis8,81-84; and fibroblast
growth factors (FGF) are known to support angiogenesis especially in tendon and
ligament tissue8,42,79,85. Mechanical Stimulation

In vivo, cells and tissues are continuously subjected to mechanical stimuli that
affect the tissue’s developing morphology5 and its biomechanical properties86. Re-
cent research suggests that mechanostimulus may significantly increase the biosyn-
thetic activity of cells cultured in vitro29.
In vitro mechanical stimulation, by subjecting the scaffold to dynamic flow, has
been shown to provide a uniform cell distribution throughout the three dimensional
seeded construct resulting in a homogeneous matrix deposition48,67. Moreover, it has
been reported that direct mechanical strain applied on seeded silicone scaffolds in-
duces the differentiation of MSC’s into a ligament-like cell lineage in preference to
bone or cartilage cell lineages27.


A bioreactor is a device that provides a controlled sterile environment for the de-
velopment of engineered tissue69. It confines the cultured cells within barriers that
mimic the physiological conditions and provide mechanical stimulation to enhance
mass transfer and nutrient transport within the seeded cells25. The dynamic environ-
ment within bioreactors has been shown to affect the phenotype of differentiated
MSC’s, the deposition of extracellular matrix components, and the growth and de-
velopment of tissue48. Currently several designs of bioreactors are employed for dif-
ferent types of tissue culture. Some of the most favored bioreactor designs for grow-
ing orthopaedic tissue are those based on dynamic flow (for bone and cartilage) and
on mechanical cyclic stretching (for tendon, ligament, and bone). The different exist-
ing bioreactors for culturing tissue of the musculoskeletal system are included hence-

17.5.1. Autologous Cell Transplantation

Autologous cell transplantation includes harvesting functional cells from the pa-
tient, proliferating them in vitro, and implanting the expanded cell culture in the de-

fective or injured segment of tissue. The transplanted cells secrete healthy natural
extracellular matrix that would augment the deficiency in the tissue. Human bone
marrow MSC’s were cultured and expanded in vitro and then loaded onto a ceramic
carrier, and implanted into critical-sized segmental defects in the femurs of adult
rats39. The MSC’s demonstrated the capacity to rejuvenate defective bone and induce
osteogenesis and therefore could provide an alternative to synthetic or autogenous
bone grafts. Autologous chondrocytes were transplanted to defective knee sites, us-
ing microbeads coated with collagen type I11. The transplanted autologous chondro-
cytes were able to survive and yield hyaline-like cartilage. However, the mechanical
properties of the resulting matrix were inferior to that of native cartilage.

17.5.2. In Vivo Bioreactors

In vivo bioreactors is a bioengineering approach that depends on the conductive

properties of the implanted scaffold to recruit MSC’s from neighboring tissue. This
approach takes advantage of the physiological environment to supply the necessary
growth factors and nutrients to the construct. The main challenge is to find the ap-
propriate scaffolding material that would induce the differentiation of MSC’s into an
adequate lineage.
Several in vivo bioreactors were developed in an attempt to generate vascular-
ized host bone tissue62,81,87. For example, in the design of one in vivo bioreactor the
scaffold was composed of coralline cylinders and supplemented with BMP-2, a
growth factor that was shown to influence osteogenesis and osteoblastic differentia-
tion88,89. A vascular pedicle was incorporated into the scaffold to supply a channel
for the MSC’s recruited by BMP-2 from the blood circulation and into the bioreactor.
To isolate the bioreactor from the surrounding environment the scaffold was coated
with silicone. This would ensure the isolation of osteogenesis within the bioreactor,
thus bone formation would depend solely on the internal scaffold and the invading
cells with osteogenic potential. The designed in vivo bioreactors were implanted into
12 male rats and harvested after 6 weeks. The extracted implants demonstrated neo-
vascular ingrowth and new bone formation of 11.3%.
Another in vivo bioreactor was incorporated into the tibia of New Zealand white
rabbits. An artificial space was created between the tibia and the periosteum using
alginate gel62. Preosteoblastic cells were recruited from the inner layer of the perio-
steum. The engineered bone tissue was found to be biomechanically identical to na-
tive bone. When harvested and implanted into tibial defects, the engineered bone
completely integrated within the native bone tissue after 6 weeks with no apparent
morbidity at the donor site. It was hypothesized that by inhibiting angiogenesis and
promoting a more hypoxic environment within the bioreactor space, cartilage forma-
tion could be exclusively promoted.

17.5.3. Static Culture

Static cell culture has been widely used in the past. The cells are deposited on a
scaffold, supplied with the appropriate growth media, and cultured in an incubator.
However, numerous studies have shown that static culture results in a non-
homogeneous cell distribution35. Moreover, transport of nutrients into large scaffolds
have been proven to be problematic67 and consequently cells may grow preferentially
at the periphery of the scaffold32,46. In this case extracellular matrix components
would be deposited only on the external surface giving the engineered construct non-

uniform morphological and biomechanical properties. The presence or absence of

dynamic mixing primarily affects the final exracellular matrix deposited in the engi-
neered constructs33.
Most of musculoskletal tissue in vivo is subjected to some kind of mechanical
stimulation, and thus static cultures cannot mimic the physiological environment and
will not be capable of replicating the in vivo tissue. For example, chondrocytes in
vivo are heavily influenced by mechanical forces, and bone tissue is subjected to con-
tinuous mechanical stimuli caused by interstitial fluid flow. As such it is imperative
to apply a mechanical force during the culturing process to produce a phenotypically
correct tissue33,35,90.

17.5.4. Spinner Flask

In the spinner flask bioreactor seeded scaffolds covered with medium are at-
tached to needles and suspended from the top cover of the flask. Mixing of the me-
dium is sustained with a magnetic stir bar placed at the bottom of the flask91. Turbu-
lent mixing of nutrients in a spinner flask bioreactor significantly enhances the
biochemical compositions and alters morphologies of engineered constructs56.
Compared to static culture, constructs cultured in a spinner flask had higher cell
seeding densities and a more uniform distribution of cells57. However, for cartilage
tissue engineering the rotating wall vessel bioreactor has proven to optimize nutrient
transport and promote tissue growth and differentiation. For bone tissue the flow
perfusion method was found to enhance in vitro osteogenesis when compared to the
spinner flask32,92,93.

17.5.5. Rotating Wall Vessel

The rotating bioreactor was developed at NASA94. It is composed of two con-

centric cylinders, with the outside wall capable of rotating. Scaffolds are freely sus-
pended in the annular space between the two cylinders and are subjected to dynamic
laminar flow35. Scaffolds tend to float in the annular space by balancing gravita-
tional forces with centrifugal forces, thus establishing microgravity-like culturing
The rotating wall vessel (RWV) bioreactor provides a favorable hydrodynamic
environment conductive to cartilage phenotype differentiation and cartilage tissue
growth68,95. RWV systems induce chondrogenesis34 and provide a superior method
for studying chondrogenic mutations96. Accordingly, this system is widely used for
culturing cartilage tissue in vitro65. Differentiated chondrocytes were inoculated in a
RWV, without the use of any scaffolding material. After 90 days of cultivation, car-
tilage-like neotissue was formed, encapsulated by fibrous tissue that closely resem-
bled the perichondrium34. Bovine calf articular chondrocytes were seeded onto bio-
degradable polymer scaffolds and cultured in a RWV bioreactor97. After 40 days of
cultivation constructs had cellularities comparable to natural cartilage. Additionally,
in comparison with the native cartilage tissue the engineered construct had 68% as
much glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and 33% of the content of type II collagen.
Although turbulence in spinner flasks provides good uniform mixing, it seems to
result in unfavorable tissue growth98. For cartilage tissue engineering the RWV bio-
reactor appears to optimize nutrient transport and promote cartilage growth and dif-
ferentiation superior to other currently tested culturing techniques98. Conversely, the
spinner flask bioreactor seems to support osteogenesis more than RWV. Rat MSCs

were cultured on polymeric scaffolds for a period of 21 days using static, spinner
flask and RWV systems44. Cells cultured in the spinner flask had the highest alkaline
phosphatase (AP) activity, and osteocalcin (OC) secretion among the three culturing
systems. Additionally spinner flask constructs had higher proliferation rate and cal-
cium content than statically cultured constructs.

17.5.6. Flow Perfusion

Flow perfusion bioreactors utilize a pump to percolate medium continuously

through the scaffold’s interconnected pores46,90 resulting in improved mass transfer91,
homogeneous cell distribution and high seeding efficiency46 throughout the thickness
of the scaffold. Even though dynamic culturing techniques such as the spinner flask
and the RWV alleviate the external circulation limitations, only the flow perfusion
system eliminates the internal transport limitations since it forces media to flow
through the interior of the scaffold91,99.
Mechanical stimulation provided by fluid shear forces in flow perfusion culture
was shown to enhance the expression of the osteoblastic phenotype43. It has been
widely reported that fluid shear enhances in vitro osteogenesis32,92,93. Bone Marrow
MSC’s were cultured statically and in a perfusion system92. Only a surface layer of
cells was observed for statically cultured constructs as opposed to a homogeneous
cell distribution throughout the scaffold for perfused constructs. The proliferation
rate and AP activity patterns were similar for both types of culture techniques; while
scaffolds that were cultured under perfused conditions showed a significant increase
in calcium deposition. Osteoblastic cells were seeded on PLGA foams and cultured
for two weeks in three different bioreactors (RWV, spinner flask and flow perfu-
sion)32. Cell seeding efficiencies and OC content were similar for the three systems.
However, the spinner flask produced the least uniform cell distribution throughout
the foams and the RWV system resulted in the lowest levels of AP activity. Conse-
quently, the flow perfusion system appears to be a very attractive culturing technique
for bone constructs32. Interstitial flow plays a major role in bone homeostasis93. As a
result, engineered bone grafts must be adequately perfused for successful cell stimu-
lation, nutrient transportation, and bone regeneration93.

17.5.7. Mechanical Loading

Mechanical loading can enhance mass transport of nutrients through scaffolds

and directly stimulates cell differentiation, proliferation and molecular expression25.
Some of the techniques used for mechanostimulation of cell cultures in vitro include
compressive loading, longitudinal stretching, and substrate bending systems100
Since immobilization lowers the ultimate strength of ligaments and tendons emi-
nently, tissue engineers incorporated cyclic and continuous stretching in their soft tis-
sue replacement designs18. Several traction machines have been designed to study
the effect of stretching on fibroblast seeded collagen gels27,37,53,64,101,102. Designing a
bioreactor that would apply the mechanical stimulus to the construct and yet keep it
under sterile conditions is not a trivial task.
Collagen gels have long been used as scaffolds for tissue engineered constructs,
especially of dense connective tissue such as tendon and ligament. The magnitude
and form of stress applied during culture significantly affects the biomechanical
properties of collagen fascicles and other extracellular components30,103,104. Three
hours after stretching fibroblast seeded collagen gels, cells started aligning parallel to

the direction of the applied forces105. Fibroblasts continued to orient several hours
after suspension of stretch106 giving the construct a tendon-like appearance64. Due to
their highly developed actin cytoskeleton fibroblasts could be more responsive to
stretching than other types of cells105. Moreover, mechanical stretching increased the
secretion pattern of important growth factors (TGF-β, basic FGF and platelet derived
growth factor) in tendons79. This reveals that stretching may have a positive influ-
ence on tendon and ligament healing79. Human tendon fibroblasts from patellar ten-
don were cultured on silicone dishes37. Subsequently, cyclic biaxial mechanical
strain was applied to the dishes for 15, 30, and 60 minutes using a specially devel-
oped cell stretching system. Stretching for 15 minutes and 30 minutes resulted in an
increase in DNA synthesis after 6 and 24 hours. However, a cyclic biaxial strain of
30 minutes resulted in a decrease of cell proliferation. The authors37 hypothesized
that this duration of stress induced cell damage and apoptosis.
Cyclic strain could direct Human MSC’s to differentiate into ligament-like cells
in the absence of specific ligament growth and regulatory factors . Mechanical
stimulation of cultured ligament fibroblasts increased the expression of ligament
27,107 27,107 107
markers, namely collagens type I and type III , fibronectin , and tenascin-C .
Since bone is subjected to mechanical stresses in vivo it would be postulated that
mechanostimulus elicits differentiation, proliferation and regeneration of bone tis-
sue102,108. Brighton et al.109 observed a significant increase in the DNA content of
cultured rat osteoblasts at a strain of 0.04% applied for 15 minutes and for 24 and 48
hours. However, mechanical stretching at this strain rate resulted in a decrease in
collagen synthesis, proteoglycan levels, and AP activity. The proliferation rate of
human osteoblasts increased significantly after being subjected to a strain rate of 1%
for 15 minutes per day on three consecutive days102. The authors reported that AP
activity was not notably influenced by the level of cyclic strain applied. Osteoblasts
strained cyclically, at 15 minute intervals for one hour, experienced significant de-
crease in AP activity and increase in DNA and calcium deposition versus cells
strained continuously for one hour110. Osteoblasts were seeded on silicone dishes and
cultured for three days102. Uniform and cyclic biaxial strains were applied on the sur-
face of the scaffolds for duration of 15 minutes per day. Applying 1% strain in-
creased osteoblasts proliferation significantly. Strain rates above 1% caused a 20%
reduction in cell proliferation. The authors also observed that cyclic strains did not
affect AP activity noticeably. In another study, the authors108 further studied the ef-
fects of applying 1% strain to their seeded scaffolds by stimulating the osteoblastic
constructs 30 minutes per day for two days. Similarly to their previous results, a sig-
nificant increase in osteoblast proliferation and collagen type I release was observed.
However, AP activity and OC release were remarkably reduced. From these findings
it can be concluded that cyclic strain at physiological levels leads to an increase in
osteoblast activities related to matrix production but a decrease in activities related to
matrix mineralization108.
Contrarily to the previous findings, Palvin et. al. reported that AP activity is an
early marker of mechanically-induced differentiation of osteoblasts111. Osteoblasts
were exposed to cyclic pressure for one hour per day for up to 19 days112. Mech-
anostimulation increased the collagen and calcium deposition in the tissue matrix.
Human bone MSC’s were cultured on a silicone dish and subjected to 8% strain for a
total of six hours per day for three days82. AP activity and OC levels were increased
and collagen type I and II synthesis were upregulated. It seems that straining os-
teoblastic constructs for longer durations and at higher strain rates enhances the os-
teogenic differentiation of MSC’s and bone tissue regeneration.
Rat bone MSC’s were cultured in porous polylactic acid scaffolds and subjected
to four point bending deformation of 2500 microstrain at 0.004 Hz for sixteen days53.

Using a medium strain rate and long straining duration, it would have been expected
to get an increase in AP activity and mineral deposition as mentioned above. How-
ever, the reported results were contrary to the earlier findings. A potential explana-
tion for this discrepancy is that in the first experiment the cells where exposed to
stretching on a silicone dish with 1Hz frequency. The latter involved the application
of a four point loading, with low frequency (0.004 Hz), to a polymeric scaffold53. As
a result, the experimental variability could be due to frequency differences, the type
of loading, or the scaffolding material.

17.5.8. Electric and Magnetic Stimulation

Since ultrasound has a strong influence on biologic activity, it has been widely
used in medicine as a therapeutic and surgical tool8,113. A single application of low
energy laser therapy on the middle cruciate ligament of a rat model significantly in-
creased the collagen fibril size113, thus promoting the healing process. Bone cells
modulate the activity of hormones, growth factors and cytokines when exposed to
electromagnetic stimuli114. Moreover, it is documented that electric stimulation pro-
motes osteogenesis115,116. An increase in osteoblast proliferation and AP activity
was reported when rabbit bone marrow was electrically stimulated116. Osteoblasts
cultured on nanocomposite scaffolds were electrically stimulated for six hours/day
for up to 21 days115. To apply electric current to their construct the authors designed
a bioreactor to house the culturing media during stimulation under sterile conditions.
After two days of stimulation a 46% increase in osteoblasts’ proliferation was re-
corded. After 21 days of stimulation calcium deposition increased by 307% and
upregulation of mRNA expression for collagen type-I was noted.


Tissue engineering provides a functional solution for the limited resources of

natural implants and the ineffectiveness of present curing techniques for muscu-
loskeletal disorders. The challenge in tissue engineering resides in the design of a
functional bioreactor that would: (1) house the engineered construct under sterile
conditions; and (2) provide the appropriate stimuli that would result in a neotissue
with biochemical and biomechanical properties comparable to in situ tissue.
Several bioreactor designs have been employed to engineer orthopaedic tissue
including dynamic flow and mechanical loading models. Using sophisticated con-
ceptions researchers were successful in engineering tissue with cellular density and
morphology that closely resembled cartilage, bone, tendon and ligament. However,
the mechanical properties of the neotissue were inferior to that of in vivo tissue. As a
result, there is a need to further explore the effects of biochemical and biomechanical
stimulations on the microenvironment of cells and innovate techniques to optimize
the mechanical properties of engineered tissue.
Moreover, scaling up bioreactor designs is a major challenge. Present in vitro
bioreactor designs exploit scaffolds that are in the scale of several millimeters for
cartilage and bone or a few centimeters for ligament and tendon. It is not possible to
predict the behavior of cells when cultured in a larger environment. Would dynamic
flow and fluid shear be sufficient enough to transport nutrients along the scaffold?
What about cell distribution and matrix homogeneity? These issues need to be thor-
oughly addressed and investigated in order to achieve bioreactor designs that would

mimic the in vivo microenvironment and yield constructs with morphology and bio-
mechanical properties comparable to the native tissue.

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