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I Supply ONE or ONES: A: I'd like two pounds of grapes, please. B: Which ______? The green ______ or the red _______? A: The red _______, please. B: Anything else, madam? A: Yes, a pineapple, please. B: Which _______? A: That small _______ on the left. Choose the correct form of the verb: A: Why are you working hard these days? B: Because Ill buy / Im going to buy a house, so Im saving as much as I can. A: What will you buy / are you going to buy Mary for her birthday. B: A CD. A: She hasnt got a CD player. B: Oh. Ill buy / Im going to buy her a book then. A: Dad, can you fix this for me? B: I cant, sorry. Ask Mum. Shell do / Shes going to do it for you. A: Why have you got so many eggs? B: Because Ill make / Im going to make an omelette. A: What will you do / are you going to do today? B: Its Johns birthday, so Ill make / am going to make him a cake. A: I have an appointment with the bank manager this afternoon. B: Why will you see / are you going to see him? A: Because my husband and I will start / are going to start our own business and we need some money. A: I havent got enough money to get home. B: Ill lend / Im going to lend you some, if you like. How much do you want? A: Three pounds is enough. Ill give / Im going to give it back tomorrow. Write the correct future form: Philipp_____________15 next Wednesday. ( to be) They ______________ a new computer. (to get) I think, my mother ______________ this CD. (to like) Paul's sister ________________ a baby. (to have) They ________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive) Just a moment. I ________________ you with the bags. (to help) In 2020 people _________________ more hybrid cars. (to buy) Marvin _________________ a party next week. ( to throw) We ________________ to Venice in June. (to fly) Look at the clouds! It ________________ soon. (to rain) Translate these sentences:

II 1 2

3 4 5 6

III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IV

1 Poslijepodne u traiti ro endanski poklon za Jane.................................................................... 2 Ja u sutra pripremiti ruak. ....................................................................................................... 3 Izgubit e svoje kljueve ako ne pazi na njih. ......................................................................... 4 Uzet u Katein auto. Bit e ljuta na mene zbog toga. ................................................................ 5 Ostavit emo prozor otvorenim tako da daak svjeeg zraka moe ui. .................................. ................................................................................................................................................... V Translate into English: Rahman Davy je mladi iz Indije. Bio je siromaan i elio je dobar posao. Doao je u London prije 4 godine i potraio posao. Bilo je teko pronai dobar posao, budui da je njegov engleski bio jako oskudan. Onda je otiao na veernje sate kako bi nauio engleski jezik. Kasnije je dobio dobar posao. On sada pria engleski jako dobro.

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