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ra Chemistry Chapter 1, Salts of normal elements [1 (IA) to 17 (VIIA)] are genera ly 2. Ferrous salts are in colour An An example of weak alkali solution ie Both ammonium and sodium hydroxide are used in an lytical chemistry for identifying. .. of sll hydroxide solution to give 2 : . coloure: ne Zinc chloride solution reacts with ammonium precipitate 6. Calcium salts with sodium hydroxide give........-precipitates. 7. Ammonium hydroxide is a weak alkali which dissociates partially to furnish... precipitate..........-.metal hydroxides. Sodium zincate and water is obtained on reaction of .. and .....-.-...-Salt dissolve in sodium hydroxide. Oxides and hydroxides of certain metals sich a8 «1+ om are amphoteric in nature. Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides react with give salt and water only. An oxide of a metal which is amphoteric in nature is. Zn(OH)y, Pb(OH), and Al(OH), are......-.--hydroxides. _ a white precipitate is soluble in excess NH,OH. colourless 2. light green ammonium hydroxide 4. cations . white 6. white insufficient, soluble 8. zinc oxide inc, lead 10, zine, lead, aluminium 11. acid as well an alkali 12, lead oxide, PbO 13. amphoteric 14. AgCl .OH™ ions whict ! _.with concentrated caustic soda. FOB Ans. fa) ns, Column A. 1, Copper(Il) nitrate 2. Iron(Il) sulphate 3. Magnesium chloride 4. Cobalt chloride 5. Iron(IIl) chloride 6. Potassium dichromate Copper(ll) oxide Column A Copper (Il) nitrate Iron (II) sulphate Magnesium chloride Cobalt chloride Iron (Il) chloride Potassium dichromate Copper (Il) oxide Green White Reddish brown Orange Blue Black Yellow Green Reddish brown White Blue Yellow Orange Black Column B a suou salts of which elements are generally coloured (b) Normal (a) Transition (a) Inner-transition (©) Lanthanides Which one of the following salt solutions on reaction with excess of nmonium hydroxide solution gives a deep blue solution ? (a) FeCl, (aq) (b) CuSO, (aq) (©) Ab GO,)s (aq) (d) ZnSO, (aq) Which one of the following salt solutions on reaction with excess sodium hydroxide solution gives a clear solution finally ? (b) CuSO, (aq) (a) (PBNOs)» (aq) (o) FeCl, (aq) (d) ZnSO, (aq) The precipitate of which of the following compounds is soluble in excess of ammonia solution ? {a) Iron({l) chloride (b) Magnesium chloride (c) Copper(Il) sulphate (d) Lead nitrate Which one of the following salt solutions on reaction with excess of ammonium hydroxide solution results finally in dissolution of the precipitate first formed ? (a) AICI; (aq) (b) FeSO, (aq) (0) Fe(SO,)3 (24) (d) ZnSO, (aq.) Hydroxide of this metal is soluble in sodium hydroxide solution : (a) Magnesium (b) Lead (©) Silver (4) Copper The hydroxide which is soluble in excess of NaOH is : (b) Fe(OH)2 (a) Zn(OH)2 (© Fe(OH), (@) Al(OH), ‘Name the reagent from the following which can be used to distinguish zinc nitrate solution from magnesium nitrate. (@) NHsOH (aq) (b) NaOH (aq) (0) BaCl, (a) H2S0, The oxide and hydroxide of which metal is amphoteric : (a) Zinc (b) Copper (©) Iron (a) Manganese Anhydrous iron(III) chloride is prepared by : (a) Direct combination (©) Decomposition (b) Simple displacement (d) Neutralization D 5 ) Ans.” ope woe 6. Name two coloured and two colourless metal ions. A strong and weak alkali. A salt of zinc which is efflorescent ? olution of a salt. ‘The ion responsible for the blue colour of an aqueous § sitive ions. ‘One metal which forms more than one type of P .d caustic alkali. A yellow monoxide that dissolves in. hot and concentrate A chloride which gives reddish brown precipitate with sodium hydroxide solution ? A metallic hydroxide which is insoluble in caustic soda but soluble in excess: of NH,OH? ‘A metal that evolves a gas which burns with a pop sound when boiled with alkali solutions ‘An oxide which dissolves in both acid as well as base ? An amphoteric oxide. ‘A metallic hydroxide soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide solution. Coloured-Cu2*, Fe** colourless—Mg”*, Pb** Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ammonium hydroxide (NH,OH) Zinc sulphate (ZnSO,) 4. Copper Iron 6. Lead monoxide, PbO Ferric chloride 8. Copper hydroxide, Cu(OH), Zinc, Zn 10. Lead oxide; PLO ‘Aluminium oxide (A103) 12. Zinc hydroxide, Zn (OH), Chapter 4. Analytical Chemistry —— —————— What do you observe when (write equations if necessary) + 1. Sodium hydroxide solution is slowly added and then in excess to zine sulphate solution 3. Toa solution of lead nitrate small amount of sodium hydroxide is added and then excess of sodium hydroxide is added. * 3, When sodium hydroxide is added to a solution of ferric chloride write equation for the reaction taking place. 4. Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to Iron(Il) sulphate solution. 5, Ammonium hydroxide is added to iron(II) sulphate solution. 6 Ammonium hydroxide solution is slowly added and then in excess to copper sulphate solution. 7. Ammonium hydroxide is added to zinc sulphate solution. Write the name and the formula of the final product. 8. Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to copper(II) nitrate solution in small quantities and then in excess. 9. Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to zine nitrate solution in minimum. quantities and then in excess. 10. Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to iron(II1) chloride solution. ‘Ans. 1. Sodium hydroxide solution when slowly added to zinc sulphate solution, a white precipitate of zine ‘hydroxide is obtained, which is soluble in excess of sodium hystroxide to form a clear solution of sodium zincate. ZnSO, + 2NaQH —> Zn(OH), | + NaySOq White ppt Zn(OH) + 2NaQH — NapZn0O, | + 2H30 Sodium zincate 2. A curdy white precipitate of lead hydroxide is formed which dissolves in excess NaOH giving a colourless solution. 3, ‘When sodium hydroxide solution is added to ferric chloride, a reddish brown precipitate of ferric ‘hydroxide, insoluble even in the excess of the sodium hydroxide, is obtained FeCl, + 3NaOH —> Fe(OH), + + 3NaCI (Redalish brown) | dirty green ppt. of ferrous hydroxide Fe(OH)>, insoluble in excess of NH,OH, is formed. ‘reddish brown precipitate of iron (III) hydroxide is formed. onium, hydroxide solution, when slowly added to copper sulphate solution, light blue Gipitate of copper hydroxide is obtained, which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide to ‘an intense deep blue solution of tetra amine cupric sulphate. CuSO, +2NH,OH —> Cu(OH); 4 + (NH4),S0, Pale blu pet CuSO, +4NH,QH — [Cu(NH),150, +440 Tetra amine cupric sulphate (soluble complex) Deep blue solution, ‘of Zn(OH), formed which redissolves to give a colourless solution of tetraamine zinc HH) ,)505. ght blue ppt. is formed which on addition of excess of ammonium hydroxide dissolves blue solution is formed e ppt. is formed which disappears (dissolves) in excess of ammonium hydroxide ppt. of ferric hydroxide insoluble in excess of NH,OH is formed. apter 4. Analytical Chemistry SEE SE TS PETES TELAT Write balanced chemical equations to show the reactions of the following 1, Aluminium and caustic potash solution. 2. Aluminium oxide and sodium hydroxide. 3, Aluminium oxide and potassium hydroxide. 4. Zinc oxide and potassium hydroxide 5. 6. 8 9. 10. n 12, 13. | 14. 15 Ans. 1 2: 10. it. 12. 13. jde solution , jum hydrox Zinc is heated with sodium hydronee Zine oxide dissolves in sodium hydro Cc soda solution and zine oxide. Caustic soda solution and aluminium omtce Caustic soda solution and lead monoxide: Action of KOH on CuSO4 Action of KOH on CaSO4 Action of KOH on 2x80, ; a Action of KOH on Fe3(SO9)s jpitated aluminiu™ an! Action of sodium hydroxide on freshly Precip + Zine oxide is treated with sodium hydroxide $0) aKAIO2 + SH 2 * —m 2Al + =2KOH + 2,0: ots aborinale roxide. Alumni — Cauite potas + HO ALO, + 2NaQH —» 2NaAIOz Aominn Sodan Sat oxide hydroxide luminal i ALO; + 2KOH —> 2KAlOz + Hy Aluminium Potassium Poti oxile hydroxide aluminate a ZnO + 2KOH —» KyZnO, + Ho Zine Potassium Potassium oxide hydroxide zineate a Zn + 2NaOH—> NajZnOz + Mp Sodium incate ZnO + 2NaOH—> NaZnO, + H,O Sodium zineate ZnO + 2NaOH —+ NajZnO, + HO Zinc oxide ‘Caustic soda ‘Sodium Water sincate ALO; + 2NaOH —> 2NaAlO, + HO Aluminium — Causticsoda Sodium meta Water oxide aluminate PbO + 2NaOH—> Na,PbO, + HO Lead oxide Causticsoda Sodium plumbite water CuSO, + 2KOH —> Cu(OH),t + K,SO, Copper sulphate Potassium. Copper hydroxide Potassium Blue solution hydroxide (Blue ppt) sulphate Cu(OH), + KOH—> No reaction (Excess) MgSO, + 2KOH —> Mg(OH), 1 + K,SO, Magnesium, Potassium Magnesium hydroxide Potcesiutn sulphate hydroxide (A whit Mg(OH), +) KOH—yNorenane ee (cen) ZnSO, + 2KOH —+ Zn(OH), 4 Zine sulphate | Potassium Zinchydtoxdde. poten (Colourless) hydroxide (White ppt) pi hl Zn(0H). + 2KOH—4 — KyZn0, _, 5y Pha (Excess) Potassium zincate ne x (Water soluble) Fe,(50,)3 + 6KOH —> 2Fe(OEy Fexseiiae | Youstan pe! Hi. ob aKED, (Brown) hydroxide (Reddish brown ppt) Fe(OH); + KOH— Noreaction |? (Excess) Potassium sulphate 1 3 4 5. 6 1 v Chapter 4. Analytical Chemistry Zine nitrate solution and calcium nitrate solution, Sodium nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution. Iron(IIl) chloride solution and copper chloride solution. Iron(ll) sulphate solution and copper(II) sulphate solution. Zine nitrate solution and calcium nitrate solution. Iron(Il) chloride and Iron(III) chloride solution. Add NaOH solution in excess to the two solutions. The one in which white ppt. initially forme} dissolves in excess of NaOH solution is Zn(NOs)y solution and the other is Ca(NO3)2 solution Add freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution to the two solutions. Then by the side of the test pour cone. sulphuric acid to each slowly. The one in which brown ring appears is sodium n solution while the other is sodium chloride solution. ‘Add NaOH solution to both the solutions. The one which gives a reddish brown ppt. is ironill chloride solution and the one which gives blue ppt. is copper chloride solution. When sodium hydroxide solution is added to iron(II) sulphate solution, a dirty green pre is formed. When sodium hydroxide solution is added to copper(II) sulphate Solution, lig precipitate is formed. When ammonium hydroxide is added to zinc nitrate solution, a white precipitate is formed. The precipitate dissolves when excess of ammonium hydroxide is added.When ammonium hydro is added to calcium nitrate solution, no visible reaction occurs even with the addition of excess NH,OH. When sodium hydroxide is added to iron(II) chloride, dirty green precipitate of Fe(OH), is forme FeCl, + 2NaOH —> Fe(OH), ¢ + 2NaCl Z When sodium hydroxide is added to iron(II) chloride, reddish brown precipitate is formed FeCl, + 2NaOH —> Fe(OH), + 3NaCl Qt. Ans. Ans. Ans, Ans. Tienes sal chemistry tie en analy al chemistry t© PreciPitate ine, What are the use of sodium and ammonium hydroxid analytic Soxtium hydroxide and ammonium hyetroxide are used metal hydroxide ‘4 fon ne acts coud ht and Zandt which One Gut ofthe following metallic ona AIP; Catt, Cet, Poot and ZA OT norm Which dissolves iran excess of either aqueous sodium hydron a feadl salt from a SOlUHION Conny, ansa white hydra, hydroxide?" . Zn Which reagent can be used to distinguish a solution containing zine salt ? Ammonium hydroxide, added t ‘ 4 e dered form was 10 Sy A metal, whose alloy is used in the construction of aircrafts, in the pow’ tion was over, the solution ,,, hydroxide solution, a colourless gas was evolved and after the 122° colourless. (i) Name the powdered metal added to sodium hydroxide solution (Name the gas evolved. @ Aluminium (i) Hydrogen ‘ : fate the colour of the precipitate observed when caustic soda solution 18 added to the followic, solutions (prepared in water) : (ii) Ferrous sulphate crystals (®) Copper sulphate crystals (iii) Ferrie chloride crystals (iv) Lead nitrate crystals (vi) Calcium chloride () Zine chloride crystals (vii) Zinc sulphate. () Blue (ii) Dull green (iii) Reddish brown (vi) White curdy (iv) White (v) White (vii) White gelatinous. . The questions (i) to (v) refer to the following salt solutions listed A to F : (A) Copper nitrate (B)_Tron(It) sulphate. (©) Tron(ill) chloride (D) Lead nitrate (6) Magnesium sulphate (F) Zinc chloride (i) Which two solutions will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute hydrochloric aii followed by barium chloride solution ? (ii) Which two solutions will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute nitric acid followedly silver nitrate solution ? (iii) Which solution will give a white precipitate when either dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuti acid is added to it? (iv) Which solution becomes a deep or inky blue colour when excess of ammonium hydroxide is adv! if | to it? (v) Which solution gives a white precipitate with excess ammonium hydroxide solution ? (i) Band E (Ironll sulphate and magnesium sulphate). (ii), Cand F (Ironll chloride and zine chloride) (iii) D (lead nitrate) (iv) A (copper nitrate) (v) F (Zine chloride) What do you observe when caust then in excess : (i) FeCl; (ii) Al(SOy)3 (iii) ZnSO, (iv) Pb (NOs), (v) CuSO, Also give balanced chemical equations. (i) A reddish brown ppt. of ferric hydroxide is obtained which is insoluble in excese of cat“ solution. soda solution is added to the following solutions first a little FeCl, + 3NaQH — Fe(OH), 7 +3NaCl Ferric hydroxide (Reddish brown ppt.) luminiy ne ‘um hydroxide is obtained which is soluble in excess of Cu(OH),1+NaSO, Copper) (hydroxide) (Pale dive ppt) ‘What are amphoteric metals ? Describe their reactions with hot caustic alkali. ‘What are amphoteric oxides ? Why these oxides react with NaOH ? Those metals which react with both alkalies as well as acids are called amphoteric metals ¢ Zn Sn, Alete, They react with caustic alkalies ike NaOH, KOH on heating and liberates Ha gas, Zn+2NaOH (aq) —> NajznO, + Hy? Sodium zineate Zinc — (Cone.) ?n+2KOH (aq) —> . Kzn0, +HaT Zine (Come.) Potassium zincate $n +2NaOH (aq) + H30 —> NagnO, + 2H,7 Tin {Conc:) ‘Sodium stannate $n + 2KOH (aq) +20 —> Kygn0; + 2H, T qin (Cone) Potassitum stannate 2QNaAlO, +3H,h 2NaOH + 2H; 0— Sodium aluminate zal + Aluoinium OH+2H,0— > 2KAIOQ, + 3H,7 aA BA Potassium aluminate ‘Alumini i est ‘ : sh both acide as-well as bases are called amphoteric oxides, Oxides 0 jes which reac We t with strong alkalies like NaOH to form complex salt Those ox ‘AL, etc., react ampheteri and water, oo 4 2NaOH (aq) — NajZnO, +H,0 ge (core) Sodium zincate sNaOH (aq) —?_ Non, + #20 ic metals like Zn, Sn, SO + Se ae OH (aq) —> a i ALO; + aN) sodium aluminate ‘Aluminium oxide tie Pw Q Ans. Q2 Ans. jum hydroxide solution is added first in a small quantity, then in excess to the aqueous salt solution of copper(il) sulphate, zine nitrate, lead nitrate, calcium chloride and iron(Iil) sulphate. Copy thy following table and write the colour of the precipitate in (i) to (v) and the nature of the precipitate ) in (vi) to (x) Aqueous salt solutio Copper(il) sulphate Zinc nitrate Lead nitrate Calcium chloride Uron(Iil) sulphate Colour of ppt. when NaOH added in a small qua } (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) w) Nature of ppt. (soluble or insoluble) when NaOH is Aqueous salt solution Colour of ppt. when NaOH is added in a small quantity Nature of ppt. (soluble or | insolubleywhen NaOH is Copper(Il) sulphate Zinc nitrate Lead nitrate Calcium chloride Iron(Ill) sulphate iz added in excess Blue Insoluble White Soluble White Soluble White Insoluble Reddish Brown Insoluble Three test tubes contain calcium nitrate solution, zinc nitrate solution and lead nitrate solution respectively. Each solution is divided into two portions. Describe the effect of : @ (ii) Effect of adding sodium hydroxide solution Adding sodium hydroxide solution to each portion in turn till itis in excess. Adding ammonium hydroxide to each portion till itis in excess. Effect of adding ammonium hydroxide solution Solution Small amount _ In excess Small amount In excess Calcium nitrate | A white ppt. __| No change. No precipitate. | No change. Zinc nitrate | A white ppt. White ppt. dissolves, | A white ppt. | A white ppt. dissolves gives a colourless to give a colourless solution. solution Lead nitrate | A white ppt White ppt. dissolves | A white ppt. | No change. to give a colourless solution. Rania gt ony ET, Four aqueous #8) to iv) that were eu Solutions A. B,C and D. Write ‘Nt performed o1 To solution a = nan = Oh = —— ] sodium Peat! —i 1 solution were adiear te \e | (i) To solution pe ie hydroxide nota \ added was 6) Bcontains Fe tons \a a! Gi) To solution © arp, \= ] hydroxide was aga? Vie 4 slowly til in excess, sitet cay contains C2" ions | (iv) To solution D tea | solution “and aq hydroxide solution wor tiv} D contains Pb** ions added ; | @ White ppt. of calcium hydroxide is fo (ii) Reddish brown ppt. of Fe(OH), is Fis: (ii) Pale blue ppt. is formed which (iv) Awhite ppt of lead hydroxide 4, Sodium hydroxide solution is added details of the precipitate, Match the i i Gives deep blue solution with excess of ammonium hydroxide. AgClis formed, to the solutions containing the ions mentioned in list X. Y gives the ons with their coloured precipitates. | List X TEEN ~—F = sat = Pe List X List ¥ | @ A A, Reddish brown (i) Fee D.Whitesolublein excess | di) Fe’ nu B. White insoluble in excess (vy) Cut E. White soluble in excess (iti) Se C. Dirty green tiv), Cat? FBlue \ a) ee White Soluble in excess Wi) Fe > Dirty green iii) Zn > White soluble in excess (iv) eS! > Reddish brown — () Cu? Blue (vi) Ca?* > White insoluble in excess. 5. Certain blank spaces are left in the following table and these are labelled as A, B, C, D and E. Identity each of them. ie ] Lab Reactants Products | Drying agent | Method of preparation of used formed collection (i HCl gas NaCl + H,$0, A conc, HSO, | ae | | = | ra NI, gos Mg (OHNE | _D | =z | J ie (B) Upward displacement of air ims. (i) (A) NaHsO, + HCl (i) (©) MgsNo+! ; ae (DB) C20 jisplacement of a ; ee owl t performed on four different aqueous solutions which are ving hows the tests a student p The following table shot Shservations provided, identify the cation present. W. Based on i Saale Observation | Conclusion | Chemical test a 4 Ke jum |A dirty white ppt. is form To solution ‘x’ ammum | which dissolves in excess to @ | de is added in minimum antity first and then in excess. solution ’Y’ ammonium roxide is added in minimum tity first and then in exces | Eee form aclear solution. ‘A pale blue ppt is formed which dissolves in excess to form ‘| « clear inky blue solution. | clear inky blue 20°

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