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“History of Family”


Prof. Dr. Neviyarni S, M.S., Kons


Azahra Hardi Cusinia


Guidance and Counseling

Faculty of Education

Universitas Negeri Padang


TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................2

MIND MAPPING....................................................................................................3

HISTORY OF FAMILY..........................................................................................4

A. Development of Family Counseling.............................................................4

B. History of Family Counseling.......................................................................5

C. History of Family Counseling in Indonesia..................................................5

D. Family Counseling Figure.............................................................................7

E. The Growth of Family Counseling...............................................................8

Questions and Answers..........................................................................................10



A. Development of Family Counseling

The history of the development of family counseling in the world
comes from mainland Europe and the United States. The early twentieth
century originated in Europe, but a more vibrant development took place in
the 60's and beyond in the United States. A striking difference is that the
United States stream has been oriented theoretically (academic setting), for
example by adhering to well-known psychology schools, while Europe
originated from practitioners (doctors, especially obstetricians) without
thinking about the theoretical aspects.  
In 1919, namely after World War I, Magnus Hirschfeld founded the
first clinic to provide information and advice on sexual matters at the Berlin
Institute for sexual science . A similar information and advice center was
established in Vienna in 1922 by Karl Kautsky and then another center was
established again in Berlin in 1924. Other businesses were immediately
organized, namely in the countries of Northern Europe especially in Denmark
and Sweden. 
Around 1932 there were several hundred centers for marriage and
family counseling in Germany and Austria. These centers provide information
on family planning, marriage, and family counseling . At that time the
community accepted the assumption that marriage and family matters should
be assisted by professionals who have been trained to handle these
problems. This period came and ended with the rise of Hitler's rule in
In the US, there are two determinants, each of which is related to the
development of its movement: (1) the development of family education which
is pursued in "academic settings" and then into adult education as another
setting; (2) the emergence of marriage and family counseling, especially in
relation to relationship problems between family members (husband, wife, and
children in the social context).
B. History of Family Counseling
The term family counseling is the same as family therapy , the latter
being more popular in the US. This is because during its later development,
family counseling was mostly worked on by therapists in the field of
psychiatry. Earlier in the US, the term family counseling was better known ,
because of the pioneering sociologist Groves.     
In 1957 the annual session of the American Orthopsychiatric
Association (AOA) by Bowen was noted as the emergence of national
level family therapy , where in May 1957 there was a section meeting on the
family in the field of AOA. In the trial it can be noted: (1) there was an
awareness among the pioneers of the movement: (2) there was an emerging
family practice career in less experienced therapists.    
The decade of the 60s was the decade of children and adolescents in the
family therapy movement (Olso et.a 1980 in Willis, 2011; 27). It is clear that
this decade has emerged testing ideas in the literature and the development
of family therapy nationally in the US. The emergence of the psychiatrist
Donald Jackson, and then the Bateson Project until 1962. Jackson founded the
Mental Research Institute (MRI) in Palo Alto. Then with Ackerman in 1981
he published the journal "Family Process" which was the first journal
containing the theory of family therapy , as well as on its therapy and
research. Jackson is concerned about the communication between clinical
research and family issues. MRI is concerned with family therapy  Types of
methods that can be chosen by school counselors in administering classical
counseling services are: 1) lecture method; 2) discussion; 3) experiment; 4)
demonstration; 5) group work; 6) recitation; 7) field trip; 8) practice / drill.
C. History of Family Counseling in Indonesia
The development of family counseling in Indonesia is buried by the
vibrant development of guidance and counseling in schools. Guidance and
counseling in schools in the 60s and even nowadays are felt as a necessity,
because there are so many student problems, such as learning difficulties,
social adjustment, and student behavior problems that cannot be solved by
ordinary teachers. So BK teachers are needed to help students. 
However, from the start, there were very few of these BK graduations, so
the school made the policy of becoming an ordinary teacher and concurrently
BK. This has tarnished the BK's name because many of the counseling
teachers' treatment was not in accordance with BK principles, such as scolding
students, and some even hitting them.
Regarding family cases, many are also found in school, such as students
who are alone and pondering. Investigator has investigated, it turns out that his
family is a mess, for example, father and mother quarrel and divorce. Some
indicators of BK development are as follows:
1. The supervising teacher does not specifically handle family problems,
but is taken care of in dealing with learning difficulties, learning
adjustments and student personalities. School guidance teachers find
learning difficulties and other problems such as social and personal
problems of students, related to the socio-psychological condition of
the family. For example, students' learning difficulties are thought to
stem from disharmony in communication between family members
and there is an imbalance in the family system.       
2. There is a misconception that family counseling is guidance for
prospective mothers and fathers who are about to enter married
life. They need family guidance, this assumption still happened until
3. In 1983, the Counseling Department of IKIP Bandung was pioneered
by the founding author, making family counseling as it is in their home
country, namely the United States. Family counseling orientation is the
development of individual family members through a solid family
system and harmonious communication among family members.
D. Family Counseling Figure
1. Virginia Satir
Virginia Satir is a social worker psychiatrist affiliated with the Chicago
Psychiatric Institute (CPI) . Satire with Jackson at MRI to develop
communication patterns in the family. Satir contributes his ability to
interpret and practice complex formulations revealed in his various
methods. His most famous book, "Conjoint Family Therapy", suggests the
desimilation of family therapy as a method.   
After leaving MRI, Satir was the first to become director of the Esalen
Institute in Big Sur, California . At that time he was the first person to
become famous in teaching and training in humanistic psychology. The
center of attention in Esalen is about growth, awareness, and feelings in
the same way as developmental interest in sensory processes.     
2. Jay Haley
When the Bateson Project ended in 1962, Jay Haley joined Satir and
Jackson on MRI. According to Haley, the therapeutic encounter is
characterized by paradoxical situations, understanding, and management in
the direction of effective therapy. Haley suggests that when the therapist
builds a benevolent framework where change is taking place, the therapist
also allows the client to continue the unchanging behavior and leave the
paradox for as long as the unchanged behavior persists.
The goal of therapy according to Haley is to define and change the
family hierarchy that is achieved through the struggle for therapeutic
power which is characterized by the targeted selection of the therapist and
the implementation of intervention strategies. How change occurs and how
symptoms develop is not important to Haley. How insight and awareness
occur, and knowledge of the family system, is irrelevant to Jay Haley's
3. Salvadore Minuchin
Dropping out of the Mental Research Institute (MRI ), Haley joined
Minuchin at the Children's Guidance Clinic of Philadelphia (in the
60s). According to Minuchin, important factors that determine the pattern
of interaction in the family are: family structure, boundaries of authority
for family members, family system processes, and the division of tasks
within the family. 
E. The Growth of Family Counseling
Following the discovery of family therapy in the 50s and its operation in
the 60s, the family counseling movement has grown in an unprecedented
1. Range of Problems      
Initially, family therapy / family counseling moved to study and
handle cases of schizophrenia and juvenile delinquency. And then develop
theories about family interactions with various problems. Meanwhile it
also deals with psychotic problems.
In the next development it leads to enrichment and restoration of
family problems, namely alcohol, drugs, delinquency, body aches,
emotional disorders, marital adjustment problems, and the relationship
between children and parents.
2. Experts / Practitioners      
They mostly come from psychiatrists and mental health professionals,
numbering about 4,000 (Hansen cs. 1982). There are three large
professional organizations that accommodate these
professionals: (1) American Association for Marital and Family Therapy
(AAMFT); (2) The Marital and Family Therapy Section of the National
Council on Family Relations (MFTNCF); (3) American Family Therapy
Association (AFTA).  
AAMFT was the largest with 25% of therapists joining it and had
10,300 members in 1983 (compared to only 973 members in 1967).
MFTNCF is the oldest who prioritizes family life and quality. Reorganize
interest-based matters regarding marriage counseling. Number of members
900 (1984). AFTA is the youngest and smallest. Founded in 1977 by
the "Family Process" group and recorded only 150 members, then
developed into 700 professionals.  
3. Publication       
In 1958 Nathan Ackerman published his first book entitled "The
Psychodynamics of Family Life". This book contains the diagnosis and
treatment of family relationships. In 1961 Don Jack joined Ackerman and
found "Family Processes" which is a journal about family theories and
therapy. Since then, books and journals on family therapy have
mushroomed. In 1980 there were 400 titles, while in 1970 there were only
200 titles.      
4. Training      
In 1955 the new family training exercises were held in five
locations across the US. 175 training centers in the US and Europe,
Canada, Mexico, Australia. Demekian are also training centers in
psychology, psychiatry, and social work . Between 1970-1980 there were
4,000 students who were trained plus seminars and workshops. The total
involved was about 10,000nts
Questions and Answers

1. The pioneer of family counseling named is...

a. Peter Laqueur d. Magnus Hirschfeld

b. Donal G. Langsley e. Karl Kautsky
c. David M. Kaplan

2. One of the functions of family counseling at school, namely?

a. to help sick students d. to help students who have

b. to help a student who had a background problems
fight with his girlfriend caused by their families
c. to help students with grades e. to help students who often
problems leave during class hours

3. Family counseling approach that paying particular attention to the

relationships between siblings and one's position in the family is...
a. Adler’s approach d. Psychoanalytic
b. Behavior approach e. Transactional approach.
c. Logotherapy

4. The current tendency for pathological patterns in families is due to past

family experiences can be done by doing ... approach.

a. Logotherapy d. Adler
b. Transactional e. Behavior
c. Psychoanalytic

5. To make clients who are facing problems can find the meaning of their
suffering and also the meaning of life and love is the purpose of ...
a. Transactional b. Adler
c. Behavior

d. Psychoanalytic
e. Logotherapy
6. Describe the reason of development of family counseling in United States!
Answer: In the United States there are two determinants, each of which is related
to the development of the family counseling guidance movement, namely: (a)
There is a development of family education that is cultivated academically and
later becomes adult education; (b) The emergence of marriage and family
counseling, especially in relation to relationship problems between family
members (husband, wife and children) in the social context.
7. Explain about transactional approach in family counseling!
Answer: The basic purpose of transactional analysis of family counseling is to
work with the contract structure carried out by each family member to the
counselor. In general, these contracts have the objective of an independent and
functional family structure. The contractual model places the client's
responsibility for determining one's goals and working toward those goals.
Family counseling with a transactional analysis approach in its sessions, family
members are endeavored to respond directly to one another to express their
thoughts and feelings openly and get feedback from other members. They as
family members are expected to: (1) be responsible for their behavior and think
about how it affects the family as a whole; (2) is responsible for determining
when they complete the contract and then developing a new contract or ending
8. Why is in Indonesia need family counseling based on school?
Answer: School guidance teachers does not specifically handle family problems,
but is involved in handling the problems of learning difficulties, social
adjustment, and student personalities. School guidance teachers find learning
difficulties and other problems such as social and personal problems of students,
related to the socio-psychological condition of the family.


Roses are red

Violets are blue
About History of Family we learnt
On the Tuesday evening
So be ready.
With Ma’am Neviyarni.


Fals-Stewart, W., & O'Farrell, T. J. (2003). Behavioral family counseling and

naltrexone for male opioid-dependent patients. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 71(3), 432.

Hunter, S. V. (2006). Understanding the complexity of child sexual abuse: A review

of the literature with implications for family counseling. The Family Journal,
14(4), 349-358. 

Miranda, A. O., Bilot, J. M., Peluso, P. R., Berman, K., & Van Meek, L. G. (2006).
Latino families: The relevance of the connection among acculturation, family
dynamics, and health for family counseling research and practice. The Family
Journal, 14(3), 268-273.

Pollock, S. L. (2006). Internet counseling and its feasibility for marriage and family
counseling. The Family Journal, 14(1), 65-70.

Wolf, C. T., & Stevens, P. (2001). Integrating religion and spirituality in marriage
and family counseling. Counseling and Values, 46(1), 66-75.


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