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V ol. 16  No .

2              CHIN ES E J OU R N A L O F A ER ON A U T ICS               M ay 2003

Direct Torque Control System and Sensorl ess Technique of

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
1 1 1 2 2
HU Yu-w en , T IAN Cun , YOU Zhi-qing , T ang L i-xin , M . F . Rahman
( 1. A ero-P ow er Sci T ech Cent er, N anj ing Univer sity of A eronautics and
A st ronautics, N anj ing  210016, China)
( 2. School of Elec. Eng . A nd T ele. , T he University of N ew Sout h W ales , Sy dney A ustralia)

Abstract:   T he direct torque contr ol theor y has achieved g reat success in the control of induction
motor s. How ever, in the DT C dr ive system of Permanent M ag net Synchronous M achine ( PM SM )
pr oposed a few years ago, ther e are many basic theoretical problems that must be clarified. T his pa-
per describes an investigatio n about the effect of the zer o voltage space v ector s in the DT C sy stem of
PM SM and points out that if using t he zero voltage space vectors rat ionally , not only can the DT C
sy stem be driven successfully but also the tor que r ipple is reduced and the perfo rmance of the sy stem
is impr oved . T his paper also st udies the senso rless technique in the DT C system of P M SM and con-
figures the DT C system o f P M SM w ith sensor less technique including zero voltage space v ecto rs. N u-
mer ical simulations and ex per iment al tests have pr oved the theo ry corr ect . In the conditio n of sensor -
less , the DT C sy stem of PM SM is wide-rang ely speed adjusting, and the ratio o f speed adjustment is
1∶ 100.
Key words:  power electr onics; dir ect tor que contr ol; permanent magnet motor s; sensor less; st ator
flux linkage
无速度传感器永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统 . 胡育文, 田淳, 游志青, 汤立新, M . F . Rahman . 中
国航空学报( 英文版) , 2003, 16( 2) : 97- 102.
摘 要: 详细阐述了零矢量在永磁直接转矩控制系统中的作用, 指出如果合理应用零矢量, 不仅能
使永磁电机( P M SM ) 的 DT C 系统正常运行, 而且能减少转矩脉动的频率和改善系统的性能。还研
究了 PM SM 的 DT C 系统的无速度 传感器技术, 构建了包含零矢量在内的无速度传感器 P M SM 的
DT C 系统。仿真和实验都证明了理论的正确性。在无速度传感器的条件下, PM SM 的 DT C 系统实
现了宽范围调速, 调速比达到了 1∶ 100。
关键词: 电力电子; 直接转矩控制; 永磁电机; 无速度传感器; 定子磁链
文章编号: 1000-9361( 2003) 02-0097-06   中图分类号: T M 921. 5   文 献标识码: A

  T he DT C for induction machines proposed in many potent ial advant ages w ere found in t his
the middle of 1980' s has been used in many appli- scheme: f or example, the f ield-w eakening cont rol
cations already. In 1990' s, many at t empt s have becomes easier because the st at or flux linkage can
been m ade to implem ent t he idea of the DT C of in- be controlled direct ly in t he DT C syst em of a
[ 3]
duction to PM SM , how ever , the current con- PM SM ; sensorless cont rol becom es possible be-
trollers w ere not eliminated in these st rategies and cause t he met hod does not need accurate rot or posi-
could not cont rol t he torque direct ly by volt ag e tion inf ormat ion. In recent y ears, the m odif ied
[ 1]
space vect ors . Only the DT C t heory of PM SM st rat egy of the DT C sy stem of P MSM , w hich is
proposed in 1997 has t he same advant ag es as t he named Space Vector Modulat ion ( SVM ) , has been
[ 2]
DT C of an induction machine . Not just so, st udied further to reduce the t orque ripple [ 4] . T his

Received dat e: 2002-07-17; R evision received dat e: 2002-03-11

Foundation item : A eronaut ical Science Emphasis foundation of China( 98Z 52001) , D elt a Pow er Elect ronics Science & Education D evelopment
A rt icle U RL: ht t p: / / ww w . hkx b. n et . cn/ cja/ 2003/ 02/ 0097/
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
・ 98・ HU Y u-w en, TIA N Cun, Y O U Zhi-qing , T ang Li-xin, M . F . R ahm an CJA

[ 2]
is a st rat egy t o produce mult iple volt age space vec- rived
tors in t he sampling int erval. For convenience , T = 3 p[ D ( ix sin + iy cos ) -
this st rat eg y is called SVM -DT C, and the t radi- 2
tional st rateg y, w hich produces only one volt ag e 3
Q ( ix cos - iy sin ) ] = p s iy ( 1)
space vect or , is called Basic DT C . How ever , t he
dT 3p s
DT C syst em of PMSM has many basic theoret ical = [ 2 f L Q cos -
dt 4L D L Q
problem s t hat hav e not been clarif ied yet. F or ex- 3p s
am ple, what kind of role exact ly do t he zero volt- 2 s ( L Q - L D ) cos2 ] = [ 2 f cos -
4L D
ag e space v ect ors play on t he DT C system of 2 s ( 1 - L D / L Q) cos2 ] ( 2)
PM SM ? It show s clearly in Ref . [ 2] t hat zero volt- w here p is the Number of pole pairs; s and f are
ag e space vectors should not be used in the DT C t he st at or flux linkag e and rot or flux linkag e; D
syst em of PM SM w hen Basic DT C is adopt ed; and Q are t he components of the st at or flux link-
otherw ise, t he system cannot w ork properly . So , ag e on t he ax is of D and Q; ix and iy are the com-
there are no zero voltage space vectors in t he corre- ponent s of t he axis of x and y . T he load angle is
sponding sw itch table but six ot her volt ag e space t he ang le bet ween t he stat or f lux s and f . Here,
vectors. How ever, for t he SVM-DT C, w hy does f = constant , because the rotor is PM ex cit ed.
the syst em run in order when using t he zero volt- L D , L Q are D-ax is and Q-ax is inductance respec-
ag e space vect ors? Certainly, some abnormal st at us
could be emerged w hile debug ging t he SVM -DT C
Eq. ( 2) implies t hat t he torque increases with
control program. Is it because of t he zero volt ag e
t he increase in subject t o som e conditions. By
space vect ors? T herefore , w hat t he zero volt ag e changing quickly, the t orque can be changed
space vectors act as in the DT C sy stem of PM SM
quickly t oo.
is one import ant theoret ical problem. If t his prob-
In fact , any change consists of tw o part s:
lem is not solved, it cannot be said t hat a perf ect
angular change s of s and ang ular change f of
theory on t he DT C of a PMSM is established . f.
T he sensorless cont rol is an import ant t ech-
= s + f ( 3)
nique. In the F ield Orient ed Cont rol sy stem of
   can be cont rolled by select ing the proper
PM SM , the sensorless cont rol scheme has been
volt age space vect ors. s = 0, w hen zero volt ag e
show n up in literat ure , while , in the DT C sy stem ,
space vectors are select ed.
it has just began t o be st udied. DT C does not need
f is due t o the motion of t he rotor. T he
accurate rot or position information, w hich leads to
fast er t he rotor rotat es, t he larger t he f is. If t he
much easier im plement of sensorless control in t he
rotat ing speed is zero, f = 0.
DT C than in the Field Orient ed Cont rol of
PM SM . 2 Effect of the Zero Voltage
T his paper w ill carry out deeply research f rom Space Vectors
the aspects of basic t heory of DT C of PMSM and
the sensorless cont rol, etc; at t he same t ime, a ra- = s + f = ang ( Ui T s ) - !f T s ( 4)
tio of w ide-range speed adjust ment of 1∶100 is re- w here Ui is a v olt age space v ect or; T s is sampling
alized in t he experim ent device. int erval. If zero voltage space vectors are selected,
t hen it is seen t hat = f = - !f T s . T his m eans
1 Basic T heory of DT C of PM SM
t hat w ill decrease and hence the developed torque
If controlling s , let s = const ant , and ne- w ill be reduced, w hich is exact ly t he sam e as in t he
glect ing the st at or resist ance, t he t orque of t he induct ion machine syst em . T hus, it should be ac-
PM SM and it s diff erent ial coeff icient can be de- cepted naturally t hat if t he cont rol mode of the in-
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Direct T orque Cont rol Syst em and Sensorless T echnique of
M ay 2003 ・ 99・
Permanent M agnet S yn chronous M ot or

duction machine is adopt ed, the syst em would also Only w hen zero voltage space vectors are eliminat-
w ork properly . And t hen , the cont rol switch table ed , can t he motor w ork properly , t hat is t o replace
for t he positive direction operation is show n in T able 1 w it h T able 2. T he condit ion of t he neg a-
T able 1. Ref . [ 2] indicat es t hat the syst em w ill be tive direction is similar t o that of the posit ive direc-
oft en in a prot ect ed condition and operat es out of tion, w hich has been discussed above .
order if P MSM is under the cont rol of t his t able .
Tabl e 1 The switch tabl e for the positive direction operation
∀ , #, ∃( N) ∃( 1) ∃( 2) ∃( 3) ∃( 4) ∃( 5) ∃( 6)
#= 1 U 2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0)
∀ = 1
#= 0 U 7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0)
#= 1 U 3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0)
∀ = 0
#= 0 U 0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1)
[ 5] .
The t able is exactly t he same as t he one in t he induct ion mot or
Table 2 The switch table for the positive direction operation without using zero voltage space vectors
∀ , #, ∃( N) ∃( 1) ∃( 2) ∃( 3) ∃( 4) ∃( 5) ∃( 6)
#= 1 U 2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0)
∀ = 1
#= 0 U 6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1)
#= 1 U 3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0)
∀ = 0
#= 0 U 5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1)

  In T able 1 and T able 2, ∀ and # are t he out- 100%s, only equals - 1. 8°
. If driving a heavy
put s of the hyst eresis controller for t he flux linkag e load, is about 90°
, so t hat f / = 2% , t here-
and torque, respectively . If ∀ = 1, then t he actual fore, change of is very small. If !f = 300 r/ m in,
flux linkage is smaller t han the ref erence value. f / = 0. 2% only. Due t o t his reason, t he
T he same is true f or the torque. ∃( 1) -∃( 6) are region change of torque caused by f is also very small.
[ 2, 5]
numbers f or t he st at or f lux linkage positions .
On t he ot her hand, according t o t he ex peri-
U0-U7 are t he volt age space vect ors.
mental result , average change of set of f by t he
T herefore, Ref . [ 2] concludes t hat zero volt-
non -zero volt ag e space vect ors in sampling interval
ag e space vect ors w ork dif ferent ly in t he induct ion
T s , i. e. s , becom es about 9°
, which is 10-
machine and PM SM , and zero voltage space vec-
100 times t hat of f . T hus, the zero volt ag e
tors cannot be used in the PM SM . Ex planat ion
space vectors in t he DT C sy stem of a PM SM hold
cannot be given at t hat t im e, but experiment
t he t orque rat her than decrease it . T his is t rue on-
show s it clearly .
ly in t he case t hat the rot at ing speed is not too
However , in recent years, zero voltage space
high. If t he speed ex ceeds 10 000 rev/ min, de-
vectors have been used again nat urally w ith sat isf y-
creased t orque cont ribut ed by the zero volt ag e
ing experimental result s when SVM -DT C st rategy
space vect ors w ill cause more t han 6°of chang e in
is studied further . Why do bot h t he experim ent s
come t o t he contradictory conclusion? For the sake during T s of 100 %s. T heref ore t he decrease in

of the im provement of t he DT C t heory in PM SM , t orque cont ribut ed by t he zero volt age space vec-

it is necessary t o make clear w hat role zero voltage tors should be considered .
space vect ors play on t he DT C syst em of PM SM. 3 A Novel Cont rol Strategy of
s and f should have t o be calculat ed care-
DT C of P M SM
fully in order to make clear the role of the zero
volt age space vectors in sy nchronous m ot ors. It Considering t hat the zero volt age space vectors
can be seen t hat w hen t he rot or speed is less t han, have t he ability t o hold t he f unct ion holding
say , 5000 r / min, f is so small t hat it can be ne- t orque. T his novel st rategy including zero volt ag e
glect ed . F or example , if !f = 3000 r / min , T s = space vectors is show n below
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
・ 100・ HU Y u-w en, TIA N Cun, Y O U Zhi-qing , T ang Li-xin, M . F . R ahm an CJA

1 T e - Te > T/2 w here T is the range of t he allow ed torque rip-
if #= * *
0 T e - Te ≤ T/ 2 ple; T e is t orque reference; T e is the real torque .
- 1 T e - Te < - T/ 2 T hen t he sw itch table can be obtained as T able 3.
Tabl e 3 The switch tabl e f or the positive direction operation using zero vol tage space vectors
∀ , #, ∃( N) ∃( 1) ∃( 2) ∃( 3) ∃( 4) ∃( 5) ∃( 6)
#= 1 U 2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0)
∀ = 1 #= 0 U 7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0)
#= - 1 U 6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1)
#= 1 U 3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1) U5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0)
∀ = 0 #= 0 U 0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1) U0 ( 0 0 0) U7 ( 1 1 1)
#= 0 U 5 ( 0 0 1) U6 ( 1 0 1) U1 ( 1 0 0) U2 ( 1 1 0) U3 ( 0 1 0) U4 ( 0 1 1)

w here UQ and U D are t he com ponent s of the t erm i-

nal voltage U on t he ax is of Q and D, respect ively,
4 Sensorless Control T echnique
w hich can be calculated by t he UDC on t he DC side
4. 1 Orientation of the rotor pol e initial position and the space v ect ors in t he sam ple int erval; D and
In the DT C cont rol, only by t he acquisit ion of Q are the cont rolling variables in t he DT C st rategy
w hich region w here t he init ial posit ion of t he pole and have been calculat ed during t he cont rol. Ac-
lies am ong the six regions, can the space volt ag e cording to t he formula above, t he rotor rot at ing
vectors be select ed. T herefore, com pared w ith t he speed can be easily obt ained. However , it should
Field Oriented Cont rol st rat egy , DT C strategy re- be noted t hat the f orm ula only applies to calculat-
quest s much less accuracy of t he init ial posit ion, ing t he rot at ing speed in t he stable condition. Be-
w hich is t he advant age of DT C strategy. U nder cause !r is not equal to !s t otally in t he dynamic
the situat ion that t he load is not aff ect ed by t he ini- condit ion , some m odulat ion should have to be
tial rotat ing direct ion st rict ly, t he init ial posit ion done.
w ill be orient ated easily by using the f ollow ing
method. 5 Simulation and Experim ental T est
Switch on t he lower IGBT of the phase B and T he parameters of t he PMSM are given in t he
C, and at t he same time, control bot h the upper appendix. T he block diagram of a P MSM drive
and the low er t ransist ors of t he phase A in w ay of w it h DT C is shown as Fig 1, w here the f lux est i-
Chopping control ( t he dut y is 0. 1) . T hen t he flux mator can be expressed as
linkage s w ill be formed in t he direct ion of axis A D ( k) = D ( k - 1) + ( U D ( k - 1) - RiD ) T s
in t he motor, w hich causes the rot or pole t o turn Q ( k) = Q ( k - 1) + ( U Q( k - 1) - RiQ ) T s
to t he phase A of the motor , and the init ial posi-
2 2
tion of the rot or pole is orient at ed simultaneously. ( k) = D( k) + Q ( k)

4. 2 Sensorl ess control scheme

In t he st able condit ion , t he stator f lux linkag e
of synchronous mot ors rotates at t he sam e speed as
the rot or , that is !s = !r . In the st at ic ax is of t he
stat or , t here is
d∃s d -
!s =
= arctan = 2 2
dt dt D D + Q

for D = U D - i DR s
Q = U Q - i QR s
( U Q - i QR s ) - ( U D - iD R s )
!r = !s =
2 F ig . 1 T he block diagr am of a PM SM drive with DT C
D + 2Q
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Direct T orque Cont rol Syst em and Sensorless T echnique of
M ay 2003 ・ 101・
Permanent M agnet S yn chronous M ot or

DSP T MS320C32 is used for real t im e cont rol of zero voltage space vectors. It is proved correct that
the PM SM . t he response t ime of a t orque chang e f rom 5N m
Fig. 2 is t he simulation result s of the torque t o - 5N m is only 2ms, which is thoroughly sim i-
ripple under the control st rat eg y including and ex- lar t o t he results of simulation.
cluding zero voltage space vect ors , that is, Fig . 2
( a ) corresponds to t he control method in T able 2
and Fig. 2( b) to that in T able 3.

Ch 1: tor que reference

Ch2: tor que response 1div = 4N m
torque r esponse( - 5N m to 5N m)
Fig . 3  T he experimental r esults
Fig . 4 show s t he speed -tracking curve of t he
DT C sy stem of PM SM including t he zero volt ag e
space vectors w ith using sensorless technique.

Fig . 2 Simulation result s of tor que ripple

It can be seen in t he f igure that the torque
ripple is much more in the st rateg y w it hout using
zero volt age space vectors t han t he one w it h using Ch 1: speed r eterence 1div = 500r / min
zero volt ag e space vect ors, w hich m eans that t he Ch2: speed r espo nse 1div= 500r/ min
zero volt age space vect ors ex actly have the abilit y Fig. 4 Speed-tracking curve in the sensor less conditio n
to hold t he funct ion holding torque . In t his w ay , It can be derived from t his figure that al-
the sw it ching t im es of t he transist or w ill be re- though the f ormula t o est im at e t he speed, which is
duced sharply, and t he consumption w ill be de- adopt ed in t he sensorless cont rol, is relat ively sim-
creased w it h lower dist urbance. ple, it cont ribut es to a good performance when
It also show s some simulation result s of t he t racking the speed reference.
dynamic response under t he cont rol strat egy in- Fig. 5 indicates the speed error in t he DT C
cluding zero volt age space vectors. It can be ob-
served that t he response t ime of t orque chang e
from 5N m to - 5N m is 2ms only, which is t he
sam e as t hat in t he cont rol w ithout using zero volt-
ag e space vectors, and therefore, the dy namic re-
sponse will not be w orsened by using zero volt ag e
space vect ors.
Fig. 3 is t he experim ental result s of t he dy-
F ig . 5 Speed err or in the sensor less co ndition
namic response under the control strategy including
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
・ 102・ HU Y u-w en, TIA N Cun, Y O U Zhi-qing , T ang Li-xin, M . F . R ahm an CJA

syst em of PMSM w it h using sensorless cont rol. References

T his m otor' s rat ed speed is 1500 r / min . It [ 1]   French C , A carnley P . Direct t orque control of permanent
can reach t he max im speed 2000 r/ min w it h t he magnet drive [ A ] . In Proc of IE EE Indust ry A pplication
Societ y A nnual M eet ing [ C ] . Florida , U SA , 1995. 199-
aid of t he field-w eakening cont rol, and can f all to
the m inimum speed 20 r / m in by using nov el f ilt er [ 2]   Zhong L, R ahman M F, Hu Y W. A nalysis of direct
technique w hen t he mot or rotates at low speed . In t orque cont rol in permanent magnet synchronous drives[ J] .
IEEE Trans on Power Elect ronics, 1997, 12 ( 3 ) : 529 -
the mot ion cont rol of this syst em , the ratio is up to
1! 100, t he error ratio is less t han 2% and below [ 3]   Rahman M F, Zhon g L, Lim K W. A direct t orque con-
1% w hen the mot or is running at high speed . trolled in terior permanent magnet synchron ous m ot or drive
incorporating f ield w eakening [ J ] . IEEE T rans On Indust ry
A pplicat ions, 1998, 34( 6) : 1246- 1253.
[ 4]   Tang L, Zh ong L, Rah man M F, et al. A novel direct
6 Conclusions
t orque cont rol scheme for interior permanent magnet syn-
( 1) By dividing t he cont rol scheme of t he chronous machine drive syst em w it h low ripple in torque and
flux , and f ixed swit chin g f requency [ A ] . IEE E PES C , 33rd
torque to include regimes of increase, decrease and [ C ] . 2002. 529- 534.
hold, and using t he zero voltage space vectors to [ 5]   Takahashi I. A new quick-response and h igh -eff icien cy con-
hold t he t orque , t he DT C system of PM SM can trol st rat egy of an induct ion mot or [ J ] . IEE E Trans on In-
dustry A pplicat ion, 1986, 22( 5) : 820- 827.
not only w ork properly , but also improve t he per-
formance of the syst em . T heref ore t he zero volt ag e
HU Yu-wen Bo rn in 1944, a pr ofesso r
space vect ors should be used and should not be for- in the D epartment o f Electrical and
saken , in t he DT C syst em of P MSM . T hus, one Elect ronic Eng ineer ing . T el: ( 025 )
can draw t he conclusion that zero volt ag e space 4892867, E-mail: huy uw en @ nuaa.
edu. cn.
vectors should be used in t he cont rol of bot h Basic
DT C and SVM -DT C , w hich w ill solve t he previ-
ous cont radict ion. TIAN Chun   Born in 1973, she re-
( 2) Wit h t he help of t he f ilter, t he sensorless ceiv ed Ph. D. fro m N anjing U niv . of
Basic DT C st rat egy including the zero volt ag e A er o. & A str o. in 2001. Her research
interest is direct ed t owar ds electricit y
space vectors can decrease largely t he f requency of
and electr onics t echnolog y, mo dern
the t orque ripple and decelerat e to 20r/ min at low technolo gy of speed regulation, etc.
speed. T he rat io in t he m otion cont rol can reach 1
!100. YOU Zhi-qing   Born in 1977, she r eceiv ed B. S. fr om
N anjing U niv. of A ero. & Astro . in 2000. She is now
studying fo r master deg ree.
Appendix Tang Li-xin He is now pursuing Doctor deg ree in Scho ol
of Elec. Eng . & T ele of U niver sity of N ew South Wales,
Parameters of the machine used in simulation A ustralia.
Voltag e U n : 220 V Rated pow er P n : 1 kW M. F. Rahman  He is a v ice pr ofessor in School of Elec.
Rated speed W r : 1500 r/ min Rat ed current I: 2A Eng. & T ele of U niver sity o f N ew South W ales, Sydney
D-axis inductance L D : 0. 1133H Q-ax is inductance L Q : 0. 1295H A ustralia.
Stato r resistance R s: 20. 51& Magnet f lux linkage f : 0. 6115W b
Rat ed torque T 5N m Number of po le pairs p : 2

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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