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297 3 ‘CANDIDATE PLEASE NOTE RIG or eon hn ona ern {hs oot wth your ansmer shee. Spee test cope 02207010 FORM TP 2021173 MAYAUNE 2021 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION? BIOLOGY UNIT 2—Paper 01 J hour 30 minutes 10 JUNE 2021 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet, Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the Same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following is NOT a form of energy storage? Sample Answer (A) ATP @2060 (B) Lipid (©) Alcohol (D) Lactic acid The best answer to this item is “ATP”, so (A) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it compietely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, You may return to that item later. ‘You may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2020 Caribbean Examinations Councit All rights reserved 0220701 0/MI/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner Item 1 refers to the following two types of biological pyramids, labelled X and Y, which represent different parameters of a particular food chain. oO x Y Which of the following correctly identifies the pyramids and the appropriate FIRST trophic level? x Y First Trophic Level A) Number Biomass Phytoplankton 8) Biomass ‘Number Phytoplankton © Biomass ‘Number Evergreen tree ® ‘Number Biomass Evergreen tree 2. Which of the following correctly outline the roles of chloroplasts in photosynthesis? I. Sites of conversion of light energy to ATP II, Involved in eyelic and non-cyelic photophosphorylation III. Absorb light mainly in the green part of the spectrum @ Land ttonly (B) Land Il only (©) Mand iil only (D) LMand Il Item refers to the following diagram. 3. Which of the structures labelled I, Il, III and IV represents the region where ATP synthase is located? @ ot @) © m ® wv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 - Scanned with CamScanner EE 4. -3- Which of the following molecules is NOT 6. produced by the Krebs cycle? (A) co, (B) ATP Acetyl-CoA, (D) Reduced NAD Item refers to the following flow diagram which shows the pathways involved in anaerobic respiration in yeast. Glucose 1 Pyruvate Ethanal m0 Ethanol Which of the labelled stages above involve(s) decarboxylation? (A) only @ only (©) Land It only (D) Hand Ill only A (02207010/MJ/CAPE 2021 Which of the following is true about the thylakoid? (A) It consists of two membranes. (B) It manufactures enzymes for the process of photosynthesis. @ _kisinvolvedinthelight-dependent reaction of photosynthesis. (D) tis involved in the ight-independent reaction of photosynthesis. (em 7 refers to the following schematic diagram which summarizes the main steps in glycolysis. Glucose Vi Fructose bisphosphate y ‘Triose phosphate | ={ ‘Triose phosphate Vv Pyruvate At what stage does substrate level phosphorylation occur? @ 1 ® © WW @® wv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Scanned with CamScanner eon energy flowand nutrient Which of the following pairs of statements correctly distinguishes betw cycling in ecosystems? Energy Flow Nutrient Cycling © | Cccurs through an ecosystem | Occurs within an ecosystem (B) [Driven by photosynthesis Driven by respiration (©) [Driven by respi (D) [Occurs within an ecosystem | Occurs through an ecosystem ion Driven by photosynthesis tem 9 refers to the following diagram showing part of the nitrogen cycle. ‘Nitrogen gas in. IL the atmosphere Protein in Nitrate "ants ions av SA Protein in ions *——— dead plants a Which of the rows in the following table correctly identifies the bacteria that are involved in Steps 1, Mand Il? Nitrogen-fixing Nitrifying Bacteria Bacteria (A) I tL i (B) I i IL (©) ML L u e m t 1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02207010/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner Item 10 refers to the following simple diagrammatic representation of a nutrient cycle, ‘Animal ® Plants | Bolland Air litter, water @ @ and insects -—~__ Decomposition] @) 10. Which of the stages labelled I, Il, Il! and IV is critical for nutrient eyeling in ecosystems? @ 1 (B) tl © © Ww 11. Whichofthe followingrepresentlimitations 12, of using pyramids of energy to describe relationships between trophic levels in ecosystems? 1. Assingle grass plant has the same status as a tree. IL It requires combustion of representative samples which may be time-consuming, III. It may be difficult to assign a species to one trophic level, for example, omnivores. (A) Land I only (B) Land Ill only (@® Mand itl only (D) 1, Mand I 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Which of the following examplesshowsthe indirect value of biodiversity conservation? (A) Obtaining lumber from forest trees (B) Obtaining medicinal products from plants (©) Generating an income for the guides of nature tours @ Enjoying recreational activities in natural environments GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Scanned with CamScanner 13. Which of the following explains the significance of the mitochondria in muscle having more cristae than mitochondria in skin cells? (A) More ATP synthase for ATP production (B) Increased surface area for Kreb’s cycle reactions (©) Steeper hydrogen ion concentration ‘gradient in the mitochondria @ Increased surface area for absorption of pyruvate for ATP production Item 14 refersto the follo The total amount of fight absorbed in a tropical rainforest was measured to be 1 10*KJm?yr~!. Only 1% of this energy ‘was trapped in food production, with 10% of this production being transferred to the next trophic level. 14. Which of the following shows the amount of energy, in Kim? yr', available to the primary consumers? (A) 10 @B) 1x10 @ 1x10 (D) 1x10" 15. Which of the following statements concerning a food web is INCORRECT? Food webs show how much energy flows through an ecosystem. (B) The complexity of food webs in most ecosystems makes them very stable. (©) Food webs have more than one organism feeding at different trophic levels. (D) Food webs can be used to predict the results of disturbances in the community. (0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 16. ‘The active uptake of many ions occurs at the roots of green plants. If the respiratory enzymes inthe roots ofaplantarepoisoned, atwhich ofthe followingroot tissues would the movement of ions be totally stopped? (A) Xylem (B) _Epidermis @ —_ Endodermis (D) Cortex parenchyma Which of the following statements is INCORRECT concemingthe entry of water into plant roots? (A) Water moves through the roots by osmosis. (B) __ Waterpotential outside the root hair is higher than inside. (©) Water moves passively down the water potential gradient, Water inside the root hair is less concentrated than water in soil. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Scanned with CamScanner Item 18 refers to the following electron micrograph of a sieve tube. 18. Which of the labelled structures above is responsible for the provision of nutrients to the sieve tube element? @ (B) © () I u iit Vv 19, The presence of myelin increases the speed of transmission of a nerve impulse by 1. insulating the axon II. allowing the movement of Na ions along the axon, TIL. allowing action potentials to "jump" between nodes of Ranvier (A) Tand ITonly @) Land {I only (©) Wand Hlonly (D) 1, Mand itt GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner Item 20 refers to the following diagram of a neurone in the human nervous system. Direction of Impulse 20. Which of the labelled structures correctly identifies a dendrite? (A) I ® wu © ml @® wv 21. Anormal pulse is due to (A) arterial systole (B) arterial diastole @ __ ventricular systole (D) ventricular diastole 22. Which of the following is NOT a property of hormones? (A) Hormones travel in the bloodstream to the target organ. @) A large amount of hormones must be secreted to produce the desired effects. (Cc) Hormones are secreted by ductless glands which have a rich supply of blood. (D) Hormones produce their effects at sites different from where they are made. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 we Scanned with CamScanner -9- Item 23 refers to the following diagram of a longitudinal section of a mammalian heart. Wie x 23. Which of the following is true for the structure labelled X? (A) Receives impluses from the brain to initiate contraction of the atria (B) Delays impulses for a fraction of a second before they travel down into the ventricles (C) Separates the right ventricle from the left ventricle (®) Conducts impluses very rapidly to the base of the ventricles Item 24 refers to the following graph which shows the oxygen dissociation curves of haemoglobin at three different partial pressures of carbon dioxide. Partial pressure of ‘carbon dioxide (mm Hg) oo 100. 60 40 20 Percentage saturation of haemoglobin 2 40 «60 «80100 Partial pressure of oxygen (mm Hg) 24, From the graph, it can be deduced that at (A) high partial pressures of oxygen, the rate of release of oxygen from haemoglobin increases, (B) low partial pressures of oxygen, the rate of release of oxygen from haemoglobin decreases © _ high partial pressures of carbon dioxide, the rate of release of oxygen from haemoglobin increases (D) _ low partial pressures of carbon dioxide, the rate of release of oxygen from haemoglobin, increases GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 4 Scanned with CamScanner 26. 2, ee gm. 28 refers to the fol (A) @ © (v) Oy) (B) © ) The target cells of the a The fi wing photomlerograph of ells front a human Dood! sent Which of the photomicrographs labeled 1, Hl, Land LV shows a neutrophil? 1 " MW WV uretic hormone are cells of the glomeralar capillary and renal eapsule Joop of Henté and distal convoluted tubule collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule al convoluted tubule and collecting duet pro n the removal of exeess amino a stage subsequently fed into the ornithine cycle to produce urea, ‘These processes take place in the @ (B) (C) ) liver lungs kidneys pancreas GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner ue Item 28 refers to the following diagram which shows a synapse. The numbered arrows represent movement of substances across the neurone membranes. Presynaptic neurone Postsynaptic neurone Direction of transmission of action potential 28. Which of the following correctly identifies the substances moving across the membranes at points 1,11, I and IV? I 1 1 Vv (A) | Acetylcholine | Ca** kK Na" (B) |ca* Acetylcholine | Na” ca @ |r Cat Acetyleholine | Na* (D) | Nar K ca Acetylcholine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner -12- lem 28 refers to the following graph which shows the sodium ion concentration as fluid passes along the kidney tubule Concentration of sodium ions Region of tubule 29, The region of the descending loop of Henlé is represented by @m 1 er © mW © W Item 30 refers to the following diagram of a model of major components of a generalized homeostatic system in an organism. ee ee 30. Which of the following statements BEST explains the significance of the control centre? (A) __Itacts as a stimulus to send information towards the effector. (B) _Itstimulates both the detector and the effector to produce a response. (@)__Itacts as a reference point to determine the mode of action by the effector. (D) It stimulates the detector to measure the incoming information in the system. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner S13 31. Ahealthy individual is one who is 34. The role of complement in the immune system is to 1. not exhibiting symptoms of an infectious disease (A) release histamines Il. not suffering from any physical @ enhance phagocytosis injury (C) suppress T-helper cells, Ill, capable of thinking clearly at all (D) release antigens from microbes times (A) Tand only 35. Which of the following types of responses (B) Land Il only would MOST likely be involved in (C) Mand Ill only producing immunoglobulins? @) = I, Wand It (A) Non-specific immune (B) Physical immune Item 32 refers to the following table which (C) Cell-mediated summarizes statistical data recorded for @ Humoral HIV infections in Country X during the period 2019 to 2020. 36. ‘The world’s population lives under the constant health threat from infectious viral diseases that affect the respiratory systems, In recent years there have been more cases Population | NumberofPeople Year) Number — | Living with HIV 2019 | 456 600 5000 in developing countries. Which of the [2020 [456 600 5600 following is the MAIN social factor that results in these viral diseases getting out 32. What is the incidence rate of HIV during of control? the period 2019 to 2020? (A) Rural-urban migration causing (A) 0.012% overcrowding @ 0.13% (B) Antibiotic drug resistance forms of © 12% pathogens ©) 13% @& Less investment in childhood immunisation programs (D) Difficulty in producing a vaccine 33. Which of the following is a long-term due to high mutation rates consequence of exercise in mainta physically fit body? 37. A characteristic of memory B-cells is that @ Increased VO, max they (B) Decreased stroke volume (C) Increased glucose stores in muscles (A) survivea few days in blood plasma (D) Decreased concentration of @ _ remain inthe blood, tissue fluid and myoglobin stores lymph for many years (©) directly reduce the symptoms associated with an infection (D) produce many different antibodies in response to infection by one antigen GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02207010/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner ae 38. Whichofthefollowingstatementsdescribe 41, Which of the following are MOST likely both B and T lymphocytes? associated with artificial immunity? @ They divide by mitosis and are 1. A vaccination using attenuated produced before birth pathogens (B) They divide by mitosis and mature IL. Inoculation with antibodies against in the thymus gland a specific antigen (© They produce plasma cells and are III. Maternal antibodies crossing the produced before birth placenta to the foetus (D) They produce plasma cells and ‘mature in the thymus gland @& and Monty (B) [and I only (©) Hand IM only ‘tem39 refersto the following table of BMI (D) 1, Mand til values for individuals. 42, Compared to non-smokers, smokers are * 5 aaa BEE eB at a greater risk of suffering from a stroke I, | Underwei 16.5-18.5 MOST likely because of an increase in the IL [Normal 18.6-24 Tl. [Overweight [25-30 (A) levels of dopamine | IV. | Obese 330 (B) deterioration of the lung tissue : (©) rate of cell division in the lung tissue probability of blood clots forming inappropriately 39. Johnis 1.7mtall and weighs 75kg. Which ofthe categories labelled I, 11, I and LV in the table BEST describes John? (A) I @® 0 eu o wv 40. Which ofthe followingis NOTan example of the use of monoclonal antibodies? (A) Locating tumours (B) Diagnosing AIDS (© Detecting pregnancy @) Diagnosing dengue fever i GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 0220701 0/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner 43. 45. -15- tems 43-14 refer to the following diagram of an antibody molecule. re +—_v Which of the labelled structures allows flexibility in binding? @ |! ®) 1 © m © Ww ‘The molecule in the diagram above is produced by (A) macrophages @ lymphocytes (©) erythrocytes (D) neutrophils Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the long-term use of alcohol? (A) Dehydration of brain cells (B) _—_ Demyelination of nerve cells (C) Impaired nervous transmissions @ _Reduced inhibition and impaired judgement END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02207010/MJ/CAPE 2021 Scanned with CamScanner

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