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TT Ny ore peech (1m very happy with your ‘results in the History exam) What oid Mr Reed tell his class yesterday? He said to the class, ‘I'm very happy with your results in the History exam oR He told the class (that) he was very happy with their results In the History exam. ‘® We can report people's words by using direct speech or reported speech. © Direct speech is the exact words someone used. We use quotation marks (°") In direct speech. 2.9. It’s nice to be home,’ Tom said. @ Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone said, but not the exact words. We do not use quotation marks In reported speech. We can elther use the word that after the introductory verb (say, tell, etc.), oF we can omit it. e.g. Tom said (that) it was nice to be home. Sas @ mez We can use the verbs say and tell both in direct and reported speech. Tellis atways followed by a personal object (told ime). © Say Is used with or without a personal object. When used with a personal object itis always followed by the preposition to (sald to me). Study the following exampl ‘Say and tell are also used with the following expressions: ‘Say good moming/aftemoon, etc, somethinginothing, ‘tc., one’s prayers, so, a few words tell the truth, aie, a secret, a story, the time, the dit- ference, sb one’s name, sb the way, one from another, one’s fortune 120 1p with say or fell in the A Katie (1) told... Dave that she had met a set of twins at a party. “They looked exactly the same, she (2) “Vcouldn't (3) the difference between them.’ ‘I've got a twin brother, to0,' (4) Dave. ‘Are you (5) ‘me the truth?” asked Katie, (6) ‘name.’ ‘His name's Stephen,’ Dave (7) her. ‘il take you to meet him tomorrow. ; a mehis B "You never listen to me,’ Tara (1) sin 1@ {900d morning 10 you three times today and you didn't answer.” she @) "To (4) you the truth, it makes me really angry. Why don't you listen to me? “Oh, hello Tara,’ said Jim, ‘Did you ust ©) someting?” © “Claire (1) ime that she and John are {getting married,’ (2) Sue. ‘She @ that they're going to have a big ‘wedding with lots of guests." That willbe expensive, @ Tom. I thought John (8) that they couldn't afford a big wedding." Well that's, what Claire (6) me.’ 7) Sue. “Tdon't think she would (8) allie” ~~.

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