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AIP Athletic Training Plan

Training overview

I want you to reference this file with the excel document, truly understand what we are
trying to complete with this program .. study these exercises before your training session so
you are familiar with the movements .. these are foundational and will be progressed into
more advanced variations ..

This program aims to develop and improve performance utilizing a variety of methods
emphasizing, foot and ankle strength, core function, stability, mobility, explosiveness and
elasticity through the use of plyometric and ballistic type exercises with an emphasis on fascial
integration. Speed, timing, coordination, rhythm, reflexes and balance are common identifiable
qualities of the elite athletes and the ability to demonstrate these qualities at speeds relevant
to sport performance is what matters most. If you want to increase performance, become more
explosive, faster and dynamic this training is for you.

The problem is conventional western training ideology places a large emphasis on excessive
heavy weightlifting that doesn’t respect natural biomechanics and fascial integration. This ends
up fragmenting the body with slow strength abilities not particularly relevant to most sports. All
of this changes the muscular equilibrium (equivalent force production on both sides of the joint
– the opposite of imbalance), alters neuromuscular patterns, efficiency and impulse .. while
simultaneously destabilizing the joint, decreasing athletic performance and increasing risk of
injury. We need to upgrade the software without damaging the hardware. My goal with this
system is to retrain the body to develop fluidity in movement, mobility and control for
effortless power delivery, speed, agility, reaction and other relevant qualities to sport. ..
enhancing the neuromuscular abilities while training the stretch shortening cycle and elastic
qualities of the muscle/connective tissue… KEYS TO UNLOCK YOUR ATHLETIC POTENTIAL.

I focus on enhancing the nervous systems ability to fire and produce force at high speeds in
short periods of time over a variety of movements. Placing high importance on the use of
instability, proprioception, change of direction, plyometric jumps, bounds, sprints, medball
throws, core and high nervous system activity.

Training Set Up

The training schedule develops these attributes over the course of several weeks (an option to
deload after each 3 week block) .. this is just phase 1 .. there is a system to progress you over
the next few months to ensure consistent progress and adaptation it gradually increases in
intensity. It is designed to be run 4-6 per week. Consisting of upper body/lower body specific
training with a 5th day for restorative work.
Included within this plan are video demonstrations, explanations and descriptions of the
training and implementation of the exercises, attached is a file with the exact training
For any modifications/adjustments or questions please feel free to contact me at

Warm Up

Bodyweight plyo warm up or additional workout as needed

Gradually ramp intensity to not accumulate excess fatigue.

Proprioceptive Jump Rope

Jumping rope is an amazing warm up/workout that enhances your fascial system, conditioning,
coordination, timing and rhythm while developing and enhancing the elastic qualities of your
lower body. Each jump trains the stretch shortening cycle in a low intensity method. Utilizing
the stretch reflex and release of stored elastic energy.

Key points
 Make contact with ball of feet and toes
 Land soft with elastic return
 Light and relaxed
 Ensure core engagement is maintained

How to
 Repetitions of 12-15 jumps per variation
 Repeated for 1-2 sets or 10-15 minutes straight for full workout
 Intensity – light to moderate, focus on being lose and fast contact
 Rest – as needed between variations gradually build up to full completion of workout
without breaking
Slant Board Balance – lower days

Dynamic Balance Footwork – upper days

Foot Activation

Balance Pipes

(If not available perform foot activation series or perform using foam rollers, pvc pipes, airex
pad, any unstable surface) -

Balance and foot training exercises help to improve performance by enhancing foot to glute
connection and creating more fascially driven connective movement. In sports performance
the foot and ankle are critical for the ability to transfer and express force. Proprioceptive
training enhances and speeds up reaction time as well as reflexes. These can be performed
on slant boards, pvc pipes. Airex pads or any unstable surface. Performing a combination of
static strength exercises, dynamic exercises to improve stability through controlled
movement and landing as well as foot specific strength work to regain proper foot/ankle

Key points
 Perform movements in a relaxed fashion with emphasis on foot glute and core connection.
 Trust your nervous system to balance and react
 Maintain upright posture and alignment

How to
 Repetitions of 10-12 reps per variation or total of 30 seconds
 Repeated for 1-2 sets
 Intensity – light to moderate, focus on being lose and controlled
 Rest – as needed between variations gradually build up to full completion of workout
without breaking

Ball Work Upper/Lower


The ball work work is proprioceptive mobility, stability and strength in stretching. It is
plyometric in nature forcing the muscles to rapidly stretch and then fire back. These
sequences restore equilibrium of the joints/muscles and improve its ability to produce force
through enhanced structural balance. This mobility work is critical for fluid pain free
movement, rotational strength, speed and power and ability to transfer forces in the body.
Fixing compensation patterns by eliminating restrictions through dynamic multidirectional
movements that prepare the body for performance training ahead. These are also great for
enhancing the connection and wiring of the body’s fascial system

Key points
 Perform movements in a relaxed fashion with emphasis on speed “let go, contract/relax”
 Trust your nervous system to balance and react
 To progress increase range of motion and speed of movements

How to
 Repetitions of 10-12 reps per variation, stop once speed and quality diminishes
 Repeated for 1 set
 Intensity – light to moderate, focus on being lose and controlled
Rest – as needed between
Hurdle routine

This series of movements is foundational for improving speed and rate of force development by
training and developing the stretch shortening cycle in a linear and lateral fashion while
challenging coordination and precision of movement. The various exercises throughout this
series develop timing, rhythm and neuromuscular efficiency. Practice these movements as
needed to until they are perfected and fluid. This can be performed with a variety of tools
such as hurdles, cones, or alternative utensils to mark spot if necessary. Hurdles are spaced
3.5 – 4ft apart depending on athlete height and size.

Key points
 Perform movements in a relaxed fashion with emphasis on speed “let go, contract/relax”
 Use your feet, toes and ankles actively to push away from ground and make contact with
the ball of your foot
 Short contact time and quiet feet are main priority
 Arms are lose and connected with each movement

How to
 Line of 8 hurdles 3.5 – 4ft apart.
 Repeated for 1 – 2 sets as needed
 Intensity – high intensity, not aerobic effort, begin slow to maintain looseness gradually
speed movements up
 Rest – as needed to maintain maximal output
Beginning Plyometrics / Plyobox

The jump variations improve explosive power and improve ground reaction with a strong carry
over to sports that involve sprinting, jumping and quick changes of direction, due to enhancing
the stretch shortening cycle with cyclic eccentric dominant muscle actions most commonly
displayed in sports. I recommend starting with a 6-12 inch plyo box and gradually increasing
each week as you become proficient with these movements

Key points
 Perform movements explosively, focus on fast ground contact with ball of foot
 Stay quiet on your feet
 Arms are loose and connected with each movement

How to
 Reps of 10-12 each (per leg)
 Repeated 2 sets
 Intensity – maximal speed and intensity while maintaining rhythmic movement
 Rest – as needed to maintain maximal output, approx. 1 minute

Depth drop/hurdle hop series

Some of the most advanced variations for improving vertical jump and speed due to high
relative forces. This improves your ability to rapidly absorb and redirect force, trains the
stretch shortening cycle and elastic qualities through eccentric overload. Increases
neuromuscular efficiency and power. Begin with 12, 18, 24 inch boxes and gradualy

Key points
 Perform movements explosively, focus on fast ground contact with ball of foot
 Stay quiet on your feet
 Arms are lose and connected with each movement
 Controlled, trust your reflexes
 Prioritize maximal vertical jump and intent versus height of box

How to
 Reps 8-9 jumps
 Repeated 2/3 sets
 Intensity – maximal speed and intensity while maintaining rhythmic movement
 Rest – 2/3 minutes to maintain intensity

Upper Body Plyometrics

Upper Plyos

Plyometrics are a great way to train the stretch shortening and explosive ability of your upper
body for improved power and force output often neglected. These are foundational
movements that will be progressed into advanced variations.

Key points
 Perform fast and reflexively
 Utilize multiple joint ranges of motion
 Fast contacts are most important
 Maintain core engagement

How to
 Reps of 6-8, or stopping once speed slows
 Repeated 1 – 2 sets per exercise
 Intensity – maximal speed and intensity
 Rest – as needed to maintain maximal output, approx. 1 minute
Medball Ballistic Power/Throws

Upper Body Plyos Medball Power + Explosive Upper Body Extras

Medball Elastic/Rebounding

These variations allow us to train for greater rate of force development in the upper body
through a variety of movements while adding a rotational component that helps to
integrate the entire torso, core with the limbs during movement.

Key points
 Perform fast and powerfully as possible
 Utilize synchronicity of entire pody to generate more force
 Perform both elastic and power focused variations
 Maintain core engagement

How to
 Reps of 6-8, or stopping once speed slows
 Repeated 1 – 2 sets per exercise
 Intensity – goal is maximal intensity, speed and output
 Rest – as needed to maintain maximal output, approx. 1 minute

Core Training
Core Stability

Glute ham/hyper machine .. additionally can be performed on stability ball

Placing an emphasis on stability mobility and strength through flexion, extension as well as
rotation that integrates the upper and lower body for more fluid and explosive movement.
This will improve motion and connectivity versus static or conventional fixed static training
of the abdominals and spine.

Key points
 Perform exercises in a controlled and fast manner
 Hold tension throughout entire core and foot, point and curl toes
 Perform with the greatest range of motion accessible to you
 Maintain core engagement through fluid movement

How to
 Reps of 8-10, or stopping once speed slows
 Repeated 1 – 2 sets per exercise
 Intensity – first slow, prioritize control, gradually speed up movement.
 Rest –approx.. 30s between

Isometric routine

Positional Isometrics are great for improving local muscular endurance and strength while
developing the tendons and connective tissue to enhance explosive performance and
reduce potential injury risk.

Key points
 Perform with maximal and full body tension for 20/30s or until you feel full activation
 Actively pull yourself down using opposing muscles into position

How to
 30s duration holds, up to 2 minutes accumulated
 Repeated 1 set or as needed
 Intensity – maximal tension
 Rest – 30s between

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