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“You want to watch a movie at the cinema this weekend. You ask several friends to go with
you. Two of your friends cannot make up their minds. Offer to treat them so they can go with

At school while in rest time

Nico: Hi guys,do you have any plan to spent this weekend?

Havidz: Hello nico, I think i’m free this weekend.

Bintang: I’m also free this weekend.

Rafly: Me either, shall we go to somewhere to spend weekend?

Nico: I'm planning to watch a movie at the Cinema, but I don't want to go alone. Do you guys
want to join me?

Havidz: Sure, i will join, i heard Marvel release a new movie that called “Thor: Love And
Thunder”. What about we watch that movie?

Nico: Yeah, i’ve also been waiting for this movie for a long time and i really want to watch it
with you guys.

Rafly: How much is for 1 ticket?

Havidz: For 1 ticket it cost fifty thousands rupiah (Rp.50.000), because this ticket is for
weekend so the price is more expensive.

Bintang: Wow, the price is higher than i thought.

Nico: What do you think about the price, is it too expensive for you guys?

Bintang: Hmmm, actually that’s kinda expensive for me.

Rafly: Yeah, for me too.

Havidz: For me, no problem with the price.

Nico: So, do you guys still wanna join?

Havidz: I will join, if bintang and rafly join too.

Bintang: Actually, I really want to join you guys,but i think i can’t, i don’t have enough
money since i’ve spent them for my motorcycles.

Rafly: Me neither i’m sorry guys.

Havidz: So you guys can’t join? come on this movie is fun to watch.

Nico: Come on guys i don’t want both of you miss this movie! i can pay half of the ticket for
you two, since my birthday is upcoming.

Rafly: But i don’t have money at all.

Bintang: Me too.

Havidz: Could i pay the other half for you two? Is it sound good? Don’t worry about the
price, because yesterday i got an extra pocket money from my grandma.

Bintang: You don’t need to do that, that’s gonna bother you, and i don’t want that happen.

Rafly: Yeah, guys that just gonna bother both of you.

Havidz: Don’t think like that guys, that’s not a problem for us, i just want all of us can watch
the movie together.

Nico: Yeah, Havidz right, don’t think like you will bother us, because we don’t think like

Bintang: Both of you must be kidding right?

Rafly: You two must be joking right?

Nico: No, we are serious right now.

Havidz: No, we are not.

Bintang: For real? That’s gonna bother both of you, and we don’t want that happen.

Havidz: Chill out guys,that’s not a big deal for us.

Rafly: You guys serious?

Havidz: Yes, we are.

Nico: Of course.
Bintang: Well, since both of you insist me then i will join. Thank you so much guys for the
treat. I really appreciate it.

Rafly: Me neither, i will join too, thank you guys for the treat.

Nico: All right guys, not a problem.

Havidz: Great, i will order the ticket right now from the app.

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