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Skin by Sophie

Brand and logo presentation

Original brief
“Business Name: How do I want to be known and compared to competitors?

Lunar I want to provide a less clinical/medical experience than a dermatologist/estheticians

but a more results driven experience than a relaxing facial at a spa.
Lunar because of several things:
I want a facial treatment with me to be part of a woman’s weekly/monthly
- Personal tie with Luna(r!) maintenance of her appearance.
- the words connotations with the moon and luminescence. Luminous meaning
brightness, shining, glowing, radiating (all things you want healthy skin to look like!). Pinterest Board:
- the lunar cycles supposed influence on female energy. I want to have some crystals
in the treatment room and a to pull a little bit of my spirituality into the business. Really love the colour theme and the patterns, would really like the logo background to
- Astrology, lunar cycles and astrology are very popular and on trend at the moment have one of these kind of patterns!

Tag line Mock logo idea

Skin by Sophie A few drafts of the same idea below. Happy for every element to be scrapped, not
precious about any of it. But my reasons for everything:
Overview of business
- The hand and moon – symbolising me giving you luminous skin
Skincare and Facial Treatments.
Most facials are bespoke to the individual needs of the client and price is based - Green colours (mint, pistachio, sage) – warm colour, not too medical (like blue) but
on time rather than the specific treatments involved. Alternatively, there will be a still a kind, healing colour. Earthy and natural.
price list for treatments. All treatments are non-invasive (I won’t be offering fillers, - ‘Skin by Sophie’ – tells you what I offer without too much detail. Detail can be
microneedling, botox etc.) and are a more natural approach to improve the look of explained on Instagram page, website, facebook page etc.
your face. Wasn’t included in the mock but maybe just ‘LUNAR’ on its own, no hand, but the ‘U’ is
a half crescent moon!
Treatments include:
- Microdermabrasion – for wrinkles, acne, pigmentation and scarring I like the green colours in the mock logos but also pale blues and cream colours.”
- Microcurrent – for lifting and tightening facial muscles to reduce signs of aging
- High frequency – to kill acne causing bacteria
- Galvanic – to loosen congested pores and infuse serums into the skin
- Vacuum suction – for lymph drainage and contouring the face
All products use during treatments are vegan and cruelty free.

Target audience and market

Predominantly women aged 20- 60 who have disposable income and care about their
appearance. E.g women who regularly get their nails done, hair done and other salon

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Colour palette


C-12 M-0 Y-11 K-0 C-23 M-2 Y-26 K-0 C-33 M-2 Y-27 K-0 C-54 M-22 Y-50 K-4
R-231 G-243 B-234 R-209 G-227 B-203 R-185 G-218 B-200 R-131 G-164 B-138
#E7F3EA #D1E3CB #B9DAC8 #83A48A


C-9 M-22 Y-19 K-0 C-19 M-40 Y-40 K-7 C-25 M-52 Y-54 K-17 Notes
R-234 G-207 B-201 R-201 G-157 B-141 R-175 G-121 B-101
This colour palette should be
#EACFC9 #C99D8D #AF7965 able to support a large range of
combinations and have enough
built in contrast to work nicely
on web. You can also use tints
of the selected colours to create
further variation, and add pure
Monos black and pure white for the
contrast options.
I have included colour references
for print and web across all colours
for ease of use.
C-6 M-2 Y-6 K-0 C-58 M-44 Y-X53 K-70 C-75 M-65 Y-60 K-80
R-243 G-246 B-243 R-56 G-60 B-53 R-30 G-31 B-31
#F3F6F3 #383C35 #1E1F1F
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Skin by Sophie

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Using the logo


Skin by Sophie Skin by Sophie Skin by Sophie

Clear background Colour background Texture background


The logo has been designed with the above backgrounds in mind. Where other
backgrounds are used, alternate versions of the logo have been produced -
as presented on the following page.

LUNAR | Skin by Sophie 5

Alternate versions


Skin by Sophie Skin by Sophie Skin by Sophie

White Mono White text


In all versions of the logo, the gold colured moon is kept constant. The texture
should help this to sit on any backgrounds. Otherwise, I have provided a white
version, to sit on dark backgrounds. A mono version to sit on light or cream
backgrounds and a version with white text to sit on darker backgrounds.

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Logo motifs

Colour Mono White


I have selected elements of the logo to export separately to be used as motifs

across other designs. This should be useful in areas where the whole logo may
not be required - for example; in the corner of a social post or as a stamp on a
loyalty card.

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Using the logo | socials


I have provided an option for the logo in a square and cover photo format. This can
be used across all digital accounts and profiles.

LUNAR | Skin by Sophie 8

Using the logo | print

Next appointment
Skin by Sophie

Skin by Sophie Sophie Broome

dermal specialist
Appointment card Day
07793 502905

Skin by Sophie Skin by Sophie


I have opted for a portrait business card to best fit the logo, whilst pulling aspects of
the logo onto the reverse.

LUNAR | Skin by Sophie 9



I have provided a selection of 8 background textures that capture an ethereal,

calm feeling, whilst also allowing the ‘LUNAR’ logo to sit in the sky. Either these
textures or a coloured background from the palette can be used to enhance the
presentation of the logo, or as brand assets elsewhere.

LUNAR | Skin by Sophie 10

Logo | typographical option

White (background included for visibility) Colour


This typographical version of the logo can be used in an email signature, or

anywhere where the other logo might be too complex. I have provided PNGs and
PDFs in Mono, White, and colour options for visibility in different areas.

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Typeface pairings


AaBb Cc DdEeFfGgHhIiJ jKkLl MmNnOoPp Qq RrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz

Aileron thin


Znikomit and Amsterdam may not be appropriate for all uses, and will especially
struggle with body text on web. I have selected Aileron as a complimentary font, as it
is thin enough to sit well with both Znikomit and Amsterdam.
I would suggest using Znikomit as header text, Aileron thin as body text, and
Amsterdam for quotes or ‘signing off’.
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