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The earth is crying because the human race is destroying it.

The problem of urban sprawl is caused by growing cities. As a result, animals lose their habitats.
The problem of acid rain is caused by factories and cars releasing poisonous chemicals into the
As a result, trees, lakes and buildings are being
The problem of the destruction of the ozone layer is caused by chemicals from aerosol sprays
and fridges. As a result, more and more people are getting skin cancer.
The problem of deforestation is caused by trees being burnt or cut down. As a result, less and less
oxygen is being
The problem of litter is caused by the production of too much packaging and food waste. As a
result, diseases are spreading more easily.
The problem of contamination is caused by the dangerous chemicals from factories which are
being poured into oceans, rivers and streams. As a result, fish are dying.

1. Pollution can cause serious breathing problems, diseases like cancer, stomach illnesses.
To stop pollution, we should …
encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production
educate the public about the importance of recycling
ban cars from city centers
drive cars which run on unleaded petrol
fine factories which pollute the seas and rivers

2. Destruction of habitat. One of the main problems we’re concerned about now is habitat
destruction. The human population is growing, and is crowding animals of their natural
give financial support to poorer countries
plant more trees to replace those which have been lost
protect jungles and forests

3. Illegal hunting introduce harsher punishment for illegal hunters

raise public awareness about endangered species
encourage people to stop buying products which are from these
4. Litter Recycling is a process designed to recover and reuse materials instead of throwing
them away. Commonly recycled wastes include aluminum and steel cans, glass containers, and
paper. Other recycling programs collect plastic, used motor oil, and automobile tires. Recycling
helps conserve raw materials that manufacturers would otherwise need to use. It also keeps
materials out of landfills, helping reduce the pollution that may result from the disposal of
various waste materials.
Recyclable materials have the most value if they are not mixed in with garbage but sorted
before the garbage is sent for disposal. Separating recyclable materials is much more
complicated when done at a waste-processing plant. Such special equipment as conveyor
belts, screens, and magnets is needed to separate waste mechanically

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