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This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as “MOU” is made this ___

day of November 2017
The Government of the State of Tamil Nadu, acting through the State Project Director,
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Tamil Nadu and the Director, Education, which term or expression,
unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context, shall mean and include his
successors-in office and assigns of the First Party
The Haselfre Foundation, which is a Public Charitable Trust (recognized by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, Government of India (IICA Hub# A000197) having its registered office at
1-A, Kingston, 20/17, M. G. Ramachandran Road, Kalakshetra Colony, Chennai 600090,
Tamil Nadu, India, which term or expression, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject
or context, shall mean and include its successors and assigns of the Second Party
Each individually a “Party” hereto and collectively the “Parties”
1. The Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009 has mandated quality education for the
holistic development of all students culminating in attaining excellence in their lives, so
that they will be a blessing to the society and the world at large. The First Party is
committed to the objectives of the RTE Act 2009 for providing quality education to
2. The Second Party (as per the objectives in Memorandum of articles in the by-laws of
Haselfre Foundation) has developed the Nidara Digital Child Development and Quality
Education program, which is specially designed for the Government Primary Schools and
has objectives that are consistent with those of the Government of Tamil Nadu, SDG 3, 4
& 5, and Items II & III of Schedule VII of Company’s Act 2013
3. The First Party mandates the Second Party to improve the Quality of Education for
children studying in Government Primary Schools in terms of ‘Class and Age
Appropriateness’ as part of realizing the Potential of Children in any number of
Government Primary schools from all Districts in Tamil Nadu under the condition that:
3.1. The First Party will not bear any expenditure on the above initiative
3.2. The First Party will bear the expense of repairing the room, flooring and doors and
windows of the room earmarked as the Digital Lab in each school
3.3. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Second Party to bear all other capital and
operational expenditures incurred on the Nidara Digital Quality Education program
3.4. The First Party will assist Haselfre Foundation in its efforts to secure CSR funds for
the programme.
3.5. The First Party also permits the District Collectors to formally assist the second party
to obtain CSR funds for the schools in their Districts and makes it available to the
Haselfre Foundation for the introduction and conduct of the program
3.6. The Districts, Blocks and Schools will be decided by the CSR funding partner
3.7. It shall be the responsibility of the Second Party to manage and audit the CSR funds
for the program
3.8. Initially, the MOU will be done for 5 years. After assessing the learning outcome and
performance of students, the period of MOU may be extended with mutual consent.
Now therefore this MOU witnesseth as under –
4. Definitions& Interpretations
4.1. Definitions
a) “Affiliate” means a person who controls or is controlled by or shares common
control with the Second Party;
b) “Children” means students of the Schools that are eligible to participate in
the Program;
c) “Confidential Information” means:
i. Student Information;
ii. Proprietary Information; and
iii. all information which a Party discloses to the other under conditions of
d) “Coordinator” means a Nidara School Coordinator appointed by the Second
Party for undertaking activities under the Program for a School. Thus, they are
the contractual staff of Haselfre Foundation however they will be reporting to
the school principal;
e) “Director” means the Director (Basic Education) of the Government of Tamil
Nadu; “State Project Director” means the State Project Director (SPD) of
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) from the State Project Office , Tamil Nadu;
“Secretary” means the Principal Secretary or the Secretary for Basic
Education of the Government of Tamil Nadu;
f) “District” means any of the current 32 Districts of Tamil Nadu;
g) “Effective Date” means the date first given in this MOU;
h) “MOU” means this Memorandum of Understanding, together with the recitals
and all Annexure and Attachments;
i) “Principal” means the Head Teacher of the Government Primary School
whether designated as Principal or Head Master or addressed by another
designation and includes a person discharging the duties of a Head Teacher;
j) “Program” means the Nidara Digital Child Development and Quality
Education program of the Haselfre Foundation;
k) “Program Assets” means the assets of the Second Party kept in the Room;
l) “Proprietary Information” means processes, methodologies and technical
and business information, including drawings, designs, formulae, flow charts,
data and computer programs of the Second Party;
m) “Room” means the room provided in the school to the Second Party for
undertaking activities in relation to the Program;
n) “School” means a Government Primary School in a District eligible to
participate in the Program;
o) “Students” means students of the Schools that are enrolled for the Program
by the Second Party;
p) “Student Information” means all information relating to a Student generated
as a result of a Student’s participation in the Program.
q) “Vocational Skills” means life skills (conversation and communication) in
the context of students in the program from primary schools.
4.2. Interpretations
a) Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa;
b) Words denoting persons shall include juridical persons. A reference to a
natural person will include a person of any sex;
c) The term Articles, refers to Articles of this MOU;
d) The words "include" and "including" shall not be construed as terms of
e) The words “District” and “Block” refer to administrative units of that
name. The word “District Collector” refers to the administrative head of a
f) The words "day" "month" and “year” mean "calendar day" and "calendar
month" and “calendar year” unless otherwise stated;
g) The words "writing" and "written" mean "in documented form", whether
electronic or hard copy, unless otherwise stated;
h) The headings and use of bold type in this MOU are for convenience only
and shall not affect the interpretation of any provision of this MOU;
i) The Annexure to this MOU form an integral part of this MOU and will be
in full force and effect as though they were expressly set out in the body of
this MOU. The Annexure shall be interpreted with reference to the
provisions of this MOU. In the event of a conflict between the MOU and
the Annexure thereto, the terms of the MOU shall prevail;
j) Any word or expression used in this MOU shall, unless defined or
construed in this MOU, bear its ordinary English language meaning.
5.1. The rights and obligations of the Parties under this MOU shall be subject to what is
contained in the Proposal of Haselfre Foundation.
5.2. The First Party authorises the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan of
Tamil Nadu and Director, Basic Education to operationalize this MOU and take all
further necessary steps on its behalf.
5.3. The Second Party may perform its obligations under this MOU directly or through
an Affiliate; provided that notwithstanding such performance by an Affiliate, the
Second Party shall remain responsible for the performance of its obligations under
this MOU.
6.1. Soon after the execution of this MOU the State Project Director (SSA) and
Director (Basic Education) shall take a meeting of APOs of selected districts and
Block Education Officers of selected blocks and other stakeholders of the Districts,
selected Blocks and the Second Party. In the meeting the Second Party shall
explain the Program, the requirement of infrastructure, the time frame and manner
of implementation, the support needed and other relevant details. The State Project
Director (SSA) and Director (Basic Education) shall issue an order finalising the
activities to be undertaken by the concerned stakeholders and the time frame for
such activities.
6.2. Director (Basic Education) shall in the meeting emphasise that it would be the
responsibility of each Principal to:
6.2.1. make available a Room in good condition of desired dimension with power
supply to the Second Party exclusively for the conduct of the Program;
6.2.2. cooperate fully with the Haselfre Foundation to integrate the program in the
daily schedule for the class;
6.2.3. Provide all necessary data of the children in the program.
6.3. Director (Basic Education) shall issue instructions about the program to Principals
and other Block level stakeholders.
6.4. Director (Basic Education) shall appoint District and Block level nodal officers,
who will maintain contact with the Second Party and proactively take steps for
resolving difficulties and for the effective implementation of the Program.
6.5. In accordance with decisions taken in the meeting, each District and/or Block nodal
officer shall organise meetings in each Block of Principals, other select
stakeholders and the Second Party. The Second Party shall explain the Program,
the activities to be undertaken by the concerned stakeholders and particularly the
Principals and the time frame for such activities. Specifically the Second Party
shall explain the requirements of infrastructure at the Schools and the manner in
which the infrastructure gaps if any shall be addressed. The suitability of
infrastructure at a School shall be decided considering, inter alia, factors such as:
a) General availability of facilities and infrastructure in the area where a School is
b) Availability of Room of appropriate size and whether it can be used to securely
house the Program Assets;
c) Availability of power including back-up power;
d) Availability and quality of electrical fixtures;
e) Availability if internet service provider;
f) Availability of chairs/stools and tables for 30 children;
g) Hygiene of premises.
If there are infrastructure gaps for items at (f) such gaps shall be addressed by the second
6.6. In the meeting at the Block level the schedule by which the Second Party shall visit
each School to pre-audit the infrastructure shall be finalised. The schools will be
visited by Block level nodal officers and second party jointly.
6.7. Based on its assessment, the Second Party in consultation with the Block level
officers will decide the time frame for the implementation of the Program in each
School. The Parties acknowledge that the Program will be implemented in Schools
and in classes in a School in a phased manner.
6.8. The Second Party shall thereafter:
a) Appoint Nidara School Coordinators with one Coordinator being appointed for
one School. The Second Party shall train each Coordinator before
b) Take custody of the Room and take steps necessary to make the Room fit for
activities under the Program;
c) Identify Children eligible for the Program;
d) Provide the Program Assets.
6.9. On receiving particulars of Students from the Principal the Nidara School
Coordinator shall give each Student a unique identification and password. The
Principal in consultation with the Coordinator shall recast the time table for classes
covered under the Program, as far as practicable, such that each Student on each
working day spends a period of at least 45 (Forty Five) minutes on the Program.
6.10. The total duration of the program in one academic year will be a maximum of 150
hours. Attendance shall be compulsory as for other classes.
6.11. The Second Party may also conduct the Program during School holidays and
vacations for interested Students with the approval of the concerned District
Education officials. In such a situation, the Principal shall cooperate in the
implementation of the Program during holidays and vacations.
6.12. The Second Party shall test a Student on induction to the Program and periodically
thereafter so that the progress made by each Student can be monitored.
6.13. The Second Party shall provide periodical reports to State Project Director (SSA)
and/or Director (Basic Education), District Collectors and APOs of concerned
districts, and Block level Officers of the concerned blocks. The Principal will be
provided with a report indicating the progress of each Student.
6.14. The Nidara School Coordinator will periodically keep the Principal briefed of the
progress of the Program and the difficulties being faced if any. The Principal will
try to reasonably mitigate the difficulties.
6.15. The Parties acknowledge that:
a) no teacher of the School, other than the Principal, shall be compulsorily asked
to devote time to the Program;
b) The Program Assets and the services of the Nidara School Coordinator shall
not be used for any purpose other than the Program.
7.1. Whenever new Schools are proposed to be added to the Program, Haselfre
Foundation shall take decision in consultation with the CSR partner and keep the
authorities informed. No additional approval other than this MoU is necessary.
8.1. The Second Party will not charge any fee from any Student, School or the
Administration of the Government of Tamil Nadu in performance of its obligations
under the Program.
8.2. The necessary funds will be obtained from the Corporate Social Responsibility
initiatives of the entities from the Public (State and Centre) and Private sector. It
shall be the responsibility of the Second Party to manage and audit the CSR funds
for the program.
9.1. The State Project Director (SSA) and Director (Basic Education) may review once
every year the progress of the Program and decide, in consultation with the Second
Party, steps necessary to make the Program more meaningful.
9.2. The State Project Director (SSA) and Director (Basic Education) may have the
Program independently audited at the end of the program at their cost. The results
of such audit shall be shared in full with the Second Party. The results of each such
audit shall be discussed and acted upon as necessary.
10.1. Each Party acknowledges that it shall keep confidential the Confidential
Information of the other. Each Party will take all reasonable steps, consistent with
accepted practice to ensure the security and confidentiality of Confidential
10.2. Each Party shall maintain Student Information confidential. Select student
Information relating to an individual student shall be disclosed only to the Student,
the parents of the Student, the Principal, and to such other persons as the State
Project Director (SSA) and Director (Basic Education) may designate.
10.3. Reports, except where individual Student Information is necessary, shall aggregate
Student Information by age, class, School, Block, District or otherwise so that
Student Information relating to a particular Student is not made public.
10.4. The Second Party may use the Student Information:
a) to improve the Program;
b) better customize the Program to Student needs;
c) in publications;
d) in advertisements; and
e) For soliciting CSR funds from donors.
Provided, that in relation to paragraphs c) to e) above, the Second Party shall not
make public Student Information relating to a particular Student unless the
parents of the Student have agreed otherwise.
10.5. The Second Party shall not sell or provide to a third Party Student Information
relating to any individual Student.
11.1. The First Party shall provide the custody of the Room in school covered under the
programme to the Second Party free of cost for the duration of the Program for use
strictly in accordance with this MOU.
11.2. No property right in the Room shall vest with the Second Party as a result of this
MOU. The Second Party acknowledges that it only has permission to the custody
and use of the Room in accordance with this MOU and that it has no property right
in the Room.
11.3. The First Party acknowledges that it has no property rights in the Program Assets
and all property in the Program Assets vests entirely with the Second Party. The
First Party further acknowledges that the Second Party does not need its approval
for moving Program Assets into or out of the Room as required for the conduct of
the programme.
12.1. This MOU shall come into effect on the Effective Date and remain in force for a
period of five years. After assessing the learning outcome and performance of
students, the period of MOU may be extended with the permission of the State
Government mutual consent. The MOU will then stand terminated in accordance
with the terms of such agreement and fresh MOU will be done.
12.2. In case a Party seeks to terminate this MOU for fault, it shall give notice to the
Party at fault and give such Party reasonable time to correct the fault. The Party
giving notice shall before deciding to terminate this MOU reasonably take into
i. the reply of the Party at fault;
ii. the steps in mitigation taken by the Party at fault; and
iii. Other extenuating circumstances.
13.1. The Second Party does not warrant that the Program will give any particular results
in the case of a particular Student.
13.2. The Second Party undertakes to make the Program a success on best endeavour
14.1. No notice, acceptance, approval, consent or claim under or in pursuance of this
MOU shall be valid unless sent by registered mail or reputed courier to the under
mentioned address and received by the other Party.
For First Party: For Second Party:

15.1. Any failure of a Party hereto to enforce any of the provisions of this MOU or to
require at any time performance by the other Party of any of the provisions hereof
during the term of this MOU, shall in no way affect the validity of this MOU or
any part hereof, or the right of either Party thereafter to enforce each and every
such provision.
16.1. This MOU shall be construed, governed and implemented in accordance with the
substantive and procedural law of India.
16.2. In case a dispute arises, the Parties shall amicably endeavour to settle the dispute
without seeking to either terminate this MOU or to seek legal redress.
16.3. In case the parties are unable to settle the dispute they shall refer the dispute to the
Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu and his/her decision shall be final.
16.4. The Parties shall seek legal redress only if the nature of the dispute is such as to
make this MOU non-operational.
17.1. This MOU can be amended only in writing and under signature of both Parties.
The document seeking to make amendment shall specifically mention that it
purports to amend this MOU in accordance with this Article.
18.1. This MOU is executed in two counterparts, each counterpart being equally valid.
Each such counterpart shall be deemed an original.
19.1. The Parties shall not be liable to each other for failure or delay in the performance
of any their obligations under this MOU to the extent of such failure or delay is
caused either by riots, civil commotion, wars, hostilities between nations,
Government orders, regulations, embargos, action by Governments or any agency
thereof, act of God, storms, fires, accidents strikes, sabotages, explosions, or other
similar or different categories unforeseen by the Parties concerned and beyond
their exercise of due diligence and reasonable control of the Parties.
19.2. In the event that either Party is wholly or in part prevented from or hindered in
carrying out or observing any of the terms of this MOU, for any cause set forth
hereinabove then, such Party shall give written notice to the other Party as soon as
maybe, detailing in full the reason for such prevention or hindrances and the
Parties shall in good faith consult each other and take necessary measures for the
resolution of their difficulties.
20.1. Nothing in this MOU shall be construed as establishing or implying any
partnership or joint venture between the Parties to this MOU or shall be deemed to
constitute a Party as the agent of the other Party or authorizes either Party to:
a) incur any expenses on behalf of the other Party;
b) to enter into any engagement or make any representation or warranty on behalf
of the other Party;
c) to pledge the credit of or otherwise bind or oblige the other Party;
d) To commit the other Party in any way whatsoever.
21.1. If any provision of this MOU, or any part thereof, shall be found to be illegal,
invalid or unenforceable the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of such
provision or part provision shall not affect the other provisions of this MOU which
shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties shall negotiate in good faith and
substitute for any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision a valid and
enforceable provision which achieves to the greatest extent possible the objectives
of this MOU.
21.2. No failure to exercise or enforce and no delay in exercising or enforcing on the part
of either Party to this MOU of any right, remedy or provision to this MOU shall
operate as a waiver of such right, remedy or provision in any future application nor
shall failure preclude any or further exercise or enforcement of such right, remedy
or provision or the exercise or enforcement of any other right, remedy or provision.
22.1. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. In interpreting this
MOU no regard shall be had of the negotiations leading to this MOU or the
documents prepared for or in the context of such negotiations.
22.2. If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provisions of this MOU or as to
matters not provided therein, the Parties to this MOU shall discuss and resolve
such doubt in good faith.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have by duly authorized representatives set
their respective hands and seal on the date first above written in the presence of:

Signature Signature

State Project Director (SSA) Trustee, Haselfre Foundation

(Party of the first part) (Party of the second part)
D.P.I. Campus, College Road, Nungambakkam Kingston, 29/17, MGR Road
Chennai – 600 006, India Kalakshetra Colony, Besant Nagar
Chennai – 600090

Director (Basic Education)

D.P.I. Campus, College Road, Nungambakkam
Chennai – 600 006, India

Date Date
(Seal) (Seal)

Witnesses Witnesses

1. Name & Address 1. Name & Address

2. Name & Address 2. Name & Address

Annexure 1
1. At the beginning of the initiative and periodically thereafter
a. Introduce herself to all the teaching staff of the school; the functionaries of the
Education Department such as Block Coordinators, Cluster Coordinators and
other concerned stakeholders such as PTA members.
b. Assist in the preparation of a time table that would cover every eligible child
for a period of at least 45 minutes on every alternate day.
c. Ensure that the data required for every child is filled in the standard Nidara
child database and sent to Haselfre Foundation for uploading and assigning a
unique identification and password for each child.
d. Coordinate events including PTA meetings.
e. Keep Haselfre Foundation informed and escalate problems as necessary.
f. Follow the Standard Operating Procedure for the Nidara program.
2. Every Working Day
a. Arrive at the school at least 30 (thirty) minutes before the school starts.
b. Ensure that all the furniture, electrical including UPS are in place and
functioning; ensure availability of laptops with Headphones in the designated
room; ensure connectivity to the Internet.
c. Ensure cleanliness of the designated room and availability of dust bins.
d. Ensure that the students neatly leave their shoes/ chappals outside the
designated room.
e. Maintain effective liaison with the Internet Service Provider and resolve
problems so that there is no disruption.
f. Turn on the electricity; if there is an electrical shutdown, turn on the UPS.
g. Ensure that the UPS is always on charge mode.
h. Switch on all the laptops and check if all of them are working properly.
i. Open the Nidara Sign-in page and keep it ready.
j. Ensure that children come in at allotted times, sign-in and do their learning.
k. Ensure that children attend only the sessions intended for their class.
l. Ensure that every child signs-off at the finish in time.
m. Ensure that at the end of the day, no child is left in the room alone.
n. Ensure that all the furniture, headphones, mouse, laptop etc. are safe and
accounted for.
o. Remove the history from all the systems and run the anti-virus protection.
p. Switch off all the systems as per the designated order.
q. Send daily report as designated.
Annexure 2
The Principal/Head Master

No:______________________ Dated: _November 2017

Subject: Nidara Digital Quality Education Program
Attention is drawn to the Government Act of ……and its programs for the learning of all
children; create a supportive environment and by strengthening the education system at all
1. As a part of the mission of ……it has been decided to collaborate with the Haselfre
Foundation, in the District ………., as provided below.
2. The Haselfre Foundation runs the Nidara Digital Child Development and Quality
Education Program for ………….. children. This integrated academic program supports the
individual needs of students and includes studies in the core curricular areas of reading,
writing, math, science, and social science, as well as specialist curricular areas of art, world
explorer, world language and technology. The Nidara program seeks to bring out the true
potential of the child with an international perspective.
3. Your school has been tentatively selected by Haselfre Foundation for implementation
of the Nidara program.
Preliminary Activities
4. A meeting of all selected schools in a Block will take place at a time and place that
shall be intimated to you by ________________. Along with the notice of meeting a
questionnaire shall also sent to you. You must personally attend the meeting with the
completed questionnaire. This meeting will be attended by representatives of Haselfre
Foundation and representatives of the Education Department.
5. In the meeting the details of the Nidara program and the support expected of you will
be discussed. In this meeting a schedule of visits by representatives of Haselfre Foundation to
selected schools will be finalised.
6. The Nidara program will target students in all primary classes (1 to 5).
7. You must on return to your school inform all the stakeholders about the Nidara
program and request them to be present during the visit by representatives of Haselfre
Foundation. It is necessary that you and all teachers in the school too must be present during
the visit by representatives of Haselfre Foundation. The representatives of Haselfre
Foundation will explain in detail the program to all those present.
8. For implementing the Nidara program, Haselfre Foundation will need one room
exclusively for the program. This room should have at least one electrical plug point in
working order and be big enough to accommodate 30 students with laptops. It should also be
possible for Haselfre Foundation to obtain Internet connection in the room, for which they
will bear the necessary costs. The room should also have doors and windows that can be
securely closed. If any repair to the room, flooring, doors and windows is required it will be
done by the Government at its cost. You must identify such a room for your school to be
finally selected for the Nidara program.
9. During this visit the Haselfre representatives will assess:
a. Whether the doors and windows are in proper shape;
b. Whether the windows and doors can be locked when the school is closed;
c. Whether the room/ building is capable of handling bad weather especially
heavy rain and wind;
d. Availability of power;
e. Availability of UPS;
f. Electrical work required for connecting all the 40 laptops;
g. Requirements for lighting;
h. Internet modem and routers and power socket for UPS with necessary fuse
i. Necessary cabling for fan (s)/ table fan;
j. Cabling for internet;
k. Availability of chairs/ stools and tables for 40 children;
l. Carpentry work for placing the laptops mouse and head phones;
m. Availability of cupboard to keep spares;
n. Availability of garbage can;
o. Proper place to keep slippers outside the room.
10. Based on the assessment, Haselfre Foundation will make the arrangements to fill the
gaps in infrastructure. In order to facilitate work you are requested to ask a local electrician
and a local carpenter to be present for discussions with representatives of Haselfre
11. Depending on availability of the required infrastructure and the intent of the CSR
funding partner your school will be finally selected for the Nidara program.
12. Please note that the Nidara program is entirely free and no fee will be payable by
any student or school.
Activities after selection of your school
13. Once your school has been finally identified for the Nidara program, the Haselfre
Foundation will appoint a Nidara Coordinator to operationalize the Nidara program in
consultation with you. The responsibilities of the Nidara School Coordinator are at
Attachment 1 to this letter. The Nidara School Coordinator will be trained by Haselfre
Foundation before being appointed to your school.
14. You will thereafter:
a. Inform the Nidara School Coordinator and Haselfre Foundation the details of the
children who will participate in the Nidara program. Each child shall then be
given a unique identification and password;
b. Recast the time table, in consultation with the Nidara Coordinator, so that each
child on each working day spends a period of at least 45 minutes on the Nidara
program. Attendance shall be compulsory as for other classes.
15. The Nidara Coordinator will periodically provide you with reports indicating the
progress of each child.
16. In case there are any difficulties in the conduct of the Nidara program, you should
address them in consultation with the Nidara School Coordinator.
17. Please note that no teacher of the school shall be asked to devote time to the
Nidara program. Further the infrastructure provided by Haselfre Foundation and the
services of the Nidara Coordinator shall not be used for any purpose other than the Nidara
program. They may participate on a voluntary basis.
18. The success of the Nidara program shall heavily depend on the interest that you take
and your cooperation. It is expected that you shall extend the maximum permissible
cooperation to the program.
(State Project Director (SSA) and/or Director (Basic Education)
Copy to:
1. District Collector ____________
2. APO ____________
3. Block Coordinators & Cluster Coordinators ____________

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