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Home-Based Laboratory Performance Task: Transport Mechanisms

General Biology 1
by Group B5 11 Stem Amethyst
Part 1 : Diffusion
Each member of the group must perform the procedures at their
homes. Each group member's data and results will be compiled.
Interpretations and conclusions must come from the set-ups
made by each group member and the data they have gathered.


1. Place approximately 200 mL of hot water, room temperature

water (tap water) and cold water into 3 separate clear

2. Gently place a tea bag on the surface of the water in each

container at the same time. Do not disturb or move this tea bag.

3. Observe what happens in the set-up

Documentation by Izella Lope Brillantes
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
Documentation by Divine Grace Dela Cruz
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
Documentation by Venice de los Reyes
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
Documentation by Rhyne Clarince Jumiller
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
Documentation by Rema Joy Teologo
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
Individual Observations:
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
The water immediately It took a while for the water The tea leaves took
Izella Lope turned golden brown after I to interact with the tea minutes to interact with
Brillantes placed the tea bag in the hot leaves but it is not as slower the cold water and for
water. The tea leaves compared to the tea bag them to spread.
interacted with the hot water placed in the cold water.

When you add hot water When tap water is poured on The tea bag does not
to a tea bag, the a teabag, the molecules inside have as much steam in
molecules in the tea bag the bag begin to move, and so cold water, so it does not
Divine Grace on until the teabag gradually
move considerably travel as fast. It takes a
Dela Cruz spreads out. It takes a long
faster. The energy is long time for them to
time for the teabag to spread
more readily released in spread completely across
evenly throughout the water,
a shorter period of time. the water.
turning it into a golden color.
Individual Observations:
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
The moment you place the The tea bag floated as I placed it at The moment I placed the
the surface of the water but unlike in
Venice de los tea bag at the surface of the the cold water, the tea bag submerged
tea bag at the surface of the
Reyes water it will absolutely cold water, it only floats
after 5 mins and the water slowly
submerged the fastest changed into a brownish color which
and did not submerged even
concludes that the tea leaves inside is after 5 minutes. After 10
because the heat will cause
successfully moving and diffusion is minutes, it only made the
the molecules to move faster.
occurring. water turn yellow.

My observation of the My observation of the My observation of the

last tea was faster than second tea: the tap water is first tea the cold water is
the two of them. When I better than the chilly water. slower, and the cold
Rhyne Clarince
put in the hot water, the The tap water will appear water has the light color
color of the tea will the color but is light in of tea.
appear immediately. And color
the dark color appears.
Individual Observations:
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
The tea bag floated around The tea bag floated around a The teabag easily sank
Rema Joy in the cold water for a while little but mostly stayed under down the water when
Teologo before sinking gently. Its the water, just like it did in placed in hot water. Its
leaves contain less energy the cold water. Its leaves, leaves have a lot more
and take a lengthy time to however, have a small energy, and it dissolves
dissolve evenly in the water. amount of energy and it also into the surrounding
take some time to dissolve in water much faster.
the water.

Group Observation:
Hot Water Tap Water Cold Water
The moment the tea bag The tea bag floated as it was The moment the tea bag was
was placed at the surface placed at the surface of the placed at the surface of the cold
of the hot water, it water but unlike in the cold water, it only floats and did not
submerged automatically water, the tea bag submerged submerged even after 5 minutes
the fastest because the after 5 mins and the water while after 10 minutes, it only
heat will cause the slowly changed into a brownish made the water turn yellow,
molecules inside the tea color which concludes that the therefore, the molecules of the
bag to move faster. tea leaves inside is successfully tea bag don't have as much
moving and diffusion is energy that it takes a long time
occurring. to spread evenly throughout the
cold water.
Our group discovered that the filter paper of the
teabag actually act as a selectively permeable membrane
which allows the water to interact with the tea molecules
that causes diffusion. Also, the speed of diffusion of the
tea molecules depend on the temperature of the water that
you will pour in the cup. Hot water is the best choice in
order to make a good tea! This group arrived at the
conclusion that the filter paper in a teabag acts as a
selectively permeable membrane and the diffusion of tea
molecules is always faster when hot water is being used.
Part 2 : Osmosis
General preparation of raw eggs in a vinegar solution:
1) Prepare five raw eggs. Make sure that the eggs have no cracks.
2) In five separate containers, place the eggs and submerge them
in vinegar. Make sure that the eggs are fully submerged in the
vinegar. Cover the set-up and leave it for 48 hours.
3) Check the set-up. The outer covering of the eggs should react
with the vinegar. Carefully peel or scrub off the shell. Do it very
carefully and make sure not to burst the eggs. There should be a
membrane left after the shell have been scrubbed off.
4) Measure the circumference of the eggs (center) using a tape
5) Now, the eggs are ready to proceed to the experimental set-ups.
Again, only perform what is being assigned by your group. Use
the data in the table below to know what is assigned to you.
Documentation: Egg submerged in vinegar
Izella Lope Brillantes Divine Grace Dela Cruz Venice de los Reyes

Rhyne Clarince Jumiller Rema Joy Teologo

Next Procedures:
1. Prepare now the set up assigned to you. The five set-ups are
explained on the table given.
2. Members 1 to 5 will submerge the shell-less eggs in the five
different set-ups. Cover the set-ups and leave them for another
48 hours.
3. Examine the setups. Members 1 to 5 will remove the shellless
eggs carefully from the submerged setup. They should repeat
measuring the circumference of each egg and record their
findings. Do not forget to photograph the setups and the whole
4. Make sure that the shell-less eggs will not burst because you
shall present the eggs in a PPT presentation.
Set-up Circumference Circumference
before submerging after submerging

Egg submerged in

by Divine Grace
Dela Cruz 16 cm 13 cm

Egg submerged in

by Rhyne Clarince
17 cm 17 cm
Set-up Circumference Circumference
before submerging after submerging

Egg submerged in

by Izella Lope
Brillantes 15 cm 13.2 cm

Egg submerged in

by Venice
de los Reyes
17 cm 18 cm
Set-up Circumference Circumference
before submerging after submerging

Egg submerged in

by Rema Joy 17.5 cm 19 cm

Set-up : Egg submerged in

Individual Observations: Divine Grace Dela Cruz

After the egg was submerged in vinegar for 48 hours, it

was left with a membrane that holds the egg's insides after the
eggshell has been dissolved; this membrane is selectively
permeable. After that, the submerged egg in vinegar was also
submerged in a syrup for another 48 hours, and my observation
was that the egg's size shrank and the membrane became so soft
that it shriveled.
Set-up : Egg submerged in

Individual Observations: Rhyne Clarince Jumiller

When I soak the egg in saltwater for 48 hours, I notice that it

becomes floppy and floppy when I touch it, and I also feel the
marshmallow when I touch it. Also, the egg only floats and
never submerged fully.
Set-up : Egg submerged in

Individual Observations: Izella Lope Brillantes

The egg became smaller in size, softer and the yolk changed in
dark orange color after i submerged it in egg whites
Set-up :
Egg submerged in

Individual Observations: Venice de los Reyes

After soaking the egg in the vinegar for 48 hours, and

automatically move it in another container that contains food
coloring made the egg bigger and adapt the color of the water.
The moment the egg was out of the said container, it looked like
it was gonna explode any moment.
Set-up :
Egg submerged in

Individual Observations: Rema Joy Teologo

The color of the egg changes as the water passes through the
membrane; the egg's size changes as well, since it grows and
This group discovered that the thin membrane of the egg
acts a selectively permeable that lets substances pass through
inside and outside of the egg. In the experiment we conducted, we
find out that the eggs that were submerged in syrup and egg
whites were hypertonic while the eggs submerged in food coloring
were hypotonic which means they expanded letting the water go
inside. Lastly, the egg submerged in salt water was isotonic. - We
can conclude in this activity that the process made using eggs
submerged first in vinegar and placing it in set ups like syrup, salt
water, egg whites, and food coloring will result to different
changes in the appearance of the egg.
Group B2 Members:

Venice de los Reyes

Rema Joy Teologo

Izella Lope Brillantes

Divine Grace Dela Cruz

RhyneClarince Jumiller

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