Questions and Answers

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1- when was the puritan part of the colonial period?

- early 1600 to about 1750 or so

2- why we call it colonial period? ‫ليه نسميها الفترة االستعمارية‬

- (which represents all of the time that the British ruled the colonies
in North America) the PURITAN period is because of the broad
influence of the Puritans and their specific religious practices.

3- How did religion shape the literature of the Puritan period? ‫كيف شكل‬
‫الدين االدب في الفترة البيوريتان ؟‬
- Connections between Biblical events and own lives. ‫روابط بين‬
‫االحداث االنجليية والحياة الشخصية‬
-Used writing to explore their inner and outer lives for signs of
God’s work. ‫استخدام الكتابة الكتشاف حياتهم الداخلية و الخارجية كإشارة لعمل‬
4- Genres that the Puritans favored:
- Sermons ‫الخطب‬
- Religious poetry ‫الشعر الديني‬
- Historical narratives ‫السرد التاريخي‬

5- Describe the contribution of Thomas Jefferson to the American

revolution and to the American literature? ‫اوصف اسهامات تومساس‬
- 1743 – 1826 ‫ولد ومات‬
- the third president of the United States ‫ثالث رئيس المريكا‬
- the main author of The Declaration of Independence, ‫المؤلف االساسي‬
‫العالن االستقالل االمريكي‬
- Jefferson was interested in science, invention, architecture, religion
and philosophy as well as education ‫كان مهتم بالعلوم واالختراع والتخطيط‬
‫والدين والفلسلفة باالضافة للتعليم‬
- Most of his works were written for political purposes, ‫معظم اعماله‬
‫كانت الغراض سياسية‬
- Jefferson believed in the separation of Church and State. ‫كان يؤمن‬
‫بفصل الكنيسة عن الدولة‬
- he founded the University of Virginia ‫اسس جامعة فيرجينيا‬
- The Jefferson Bible is one of his common writings. ‫انجيل جيرفرسون‬
‫هو واحد من اشهر كتاباته‬
- He excluded all magic and supernatural elements. ‫استبعد فيه السحر‬
‫والعناصر الخارجة عن الطبيعة‬
6- mention 4 types of salve narrative: ‫اذكر اربع انواع للسرد العبيد‬
 Autobiographical : the enslaved wrote it by himself or herself
‫سيرة ذاتية يكتبها العبد بنفسه او نفسها‬
 Biographical, ‫ سيرة ذاتية يكتبها احد اخر عن العبد‬written by someone
 Fictional narratives ‫سرد خيالي‬
 Oral histories ‫تواريخ شفهية‬

7- my country is the world and my religion is to do good : who said that

and write about him : ‫ من قال وتكلم عنه ؟‬: ‫دولتي هى العالم وديني هو ان اعمل الخير‬
 Thomas Paine (1737-1809) ‫ولد\ ومات‬
 His writings: Common Sense (1776) , Rights of Man (1792), The
Age of Reason (1795) , Agrarian Justice (1796). ‫اهم اعماله‬
 He was born in England ‫ولد في انجلترا‬
 He immigrated to the United States in 1774 just in time to inspire
and participate in the American Revolution 1774 ‫هاجر الى امريكا عام‬
‫ليلهم ويساهم في الثورة االمريكية‬
 He focused on human rights, the importance free thinking, ‫ركزعلى‬
‫حقوق االنسان واهمية التفكير الحر‬
 He was among the first American writers to propose the
cancellation of slavery ‫من أوائل كتاب االمريكين الذين ساهموا في الغاء العبودية‬

‫ من اهم االسئلة السؤال التالي‬:

8 . Importance of Slave Narratives in United States Literature: ‫اهمية سرد‬

‫العبودية في ادب الواليات المتحدة‬
 Persuade the South that slavery went against the moral and
spiritual values of America
‫اقناع الجنوب أن العبودية ضد االخالق والقيم الروحية ألمريكا‬
 Exposed the shared humanity of Africans, thus their equal
entitlement to basic rights
‫عرض الجانب االنساني المشترك عند االفارقة وبالتالي تسليط الضوء على حقوقهم‬
 Opened dialogue about slavery and freedom in 18th and 19th
19 ‫ وال‬18 ‫فتح حوار عن العبودية والحرية في القرن‬
 Chronicle evolution of white supremacy, particularly in the South
‫سجل تاريخي لسيادة البيض خصوصوا في الجنوب‬
 Gave voice to generations of African Americans ‫منح صوت الجيال‬
‫االفارقة االمريكين‬

 Although the people of Bahamas island ran to greet Columbus and
his crew, brought them food, water, gifts, he took fifty of them as
slaves to do whatever he wants.
 As soon as he arrived in the Indies, he took some of the natives by
force to learn and might give him information of whatever there is
in these parts.
 Columbus wanted most to know: Where is the gold? He had
persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to
the lands, the wealth, he expected would be on the other side of the
Atlantic-the Indies and Asia, gold and spices
 On Hispaniola, Columbus built a fort, the first European military
base in the Western Hemisphere.
 Because of Columbus's exaggerated report and promises, his
second expedition was given seventeen ships and more than twelve
hundred men. The aim was clear: slaves and gold. They went from
island to island in the Caribbean, taking Indians as captives.

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