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1. administer (v) to dispense or apply something to an individual (e.g.,

to administer medicine)

2. analysis (n) the action of looking carefully at something in order to

explain it

3. anatomy (n) the physical structure of an organism: human, animal

or plant

4. biochemistry (n) the chemical processes within and relating to living


5. diagnose (v) to identify the nature of an illness by examining its


6. heal (v) to return to health; to restore in structure and function

(e.g., of an injury or diseased tissue)

7. identify (v) to recognize someone or something and be able to say

or prove who or what they are

8. interpret (v) to take meaning from something

9. irregular (adj) happening at an uneven rate, duration or occurance

(e.g., an irregular heartbeat)

10. malfunction (v) to fail to function in the correct or usual manner

11. microbiology (n) the branch of science that studies very small living
things (e.g., bacteria, viruses)

12. outpatient (n) a patient who attends hospital for treatment but does
not remain overnight

13. pathology (n) the scientific study of the causes and effects of dis-
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14. perform (v) to carry out an action, task or function (e.g., to perform
an operation)

15. physician (n) a doctor, especially one who is a specialist in diagnosis

and medical treatment rather than surgery

16. physiology (n) the branch of biology that deals with the normal func-
tions of living organisms and their parts; the functions of
living organisms and their parts

17. practitioner (n) someone who is actively engaged in a discipline or

profession (e.g., medicine)

18. prescribe (v) to advise and authorize the use of a medicine or

treatment for someone in writing

19. record (v) to write down and describe in detail

20. theatre (n) a room where medical operations take place in a

hospital (i.e, an operating theatre)

21. treat (v) to give medical care to someone for an illness or injury
(e.g., to treat a patient)

22. treatment (n) medical care given to someone for an illness or injury

23. functioning (adj) working or operating in the right way

24. disease (n) an illness of the body

25. analyze (v) to look at something in detail in order to understand

and explain it

26. health (n) the state of your mind and body

27. history (n) events of the past (e.g., medical history)

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28. illness (n) a state of sickness in the body or mind

29. patient (n) a person who receives medical treatment at a hospital

or surgery

30. prevent (v) to stop something from happening

31. breakthrough (n) an important step towards achieving something (e.g.,

a medical breakthrough)

32. bypass (n) an operation in which a new pathway is created for the
transport of substances in the body (e.g., a heart bypass)

33. cardiac (adj) relating to the heart

34. circulation (n) the movement of blood through the vessels of the body
induced by the pumping action of the heart

35. congestive (adj) referring to abnormal accumulation of blood in tissue

36. eradication (n) the complete removal of something (e.g., the eradica-
tion of smallpox)

37. fatal (adj) pertaining to or causing death

38. fatality (n) a death that occurs by accident, in war, by violence or

from disease

39. immunity (n) the ability of the body to avoid or resist infection or

40. incubation peri- (n) the time between somebody being exposed to infec-
od tion and the appearance of the first symptoms

41. infection (n) an illness in a part of the body caused by bacteria or

a virus
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42. mortality (n) the number of deaths in a particular period, or in a

given situation

43. organ (n) an inner structure of the body consisting of cells and
tissues that perform a specific function (e.g., the liver, the

44. oxygenate (v) to supply with oxygen

45. rejection (n) the failure of the body to accept a new organ following
a transplant operation

46. resistance (n) the ability of a organism to remain unaffected by

harmful agents in its environment; the ability of a microor-
ganism to withstand the effects of a drug

47. set (v) to put something in place (e.g., set a target)

48. surgery (n) a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and

conditions requiring operative or manual procedures; the
process of operating on a patient

49. symptom (n) a sign that is regarded as indicating a condition of


50. tissue (n) a group or layer of similarly specialized cells that to-
gether perform a specific function (e.g., muscular tissue)

51. transplant (n) a medical operation in which an organ is transplanted

into someone's body; (v) to take an organ from one person
and implant it into another person

52. vaccine (n) a substance used to stimulate the production of an-

tibodies and provide immunity against one or several

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53. valve (n) a fold in a blood vessel that maintains the flow of blood
in one direction

54. characteristic (n) an identifying aspect of something or someone

55. goal (n) something to aim for or try to achieve (e.g., a ten-year
goal to eradicate malaria)

56. heart (n) the organ that pumps blood around the human body,
located on the left-hand side of the chest

57. hypothermia (n) a condition that affects the human body at very low

58. operate (v) to perform surgery

59. preparation (n) a mixture of substances (e.g., medicine)

60. release (v) to set something free (e.g., the release of gases)

61. technique (n) a specific way to do something; a skill

62. temperature (n) how hot or cold something is

63. transmission (n) the passage or transfer of something from one person,
place or thing to another (e.g., a disease)

64. vaccination (n) an injection that protects a person from a disease

65. abdomen (n) the part of the body that contains all of the structures
between the chest and the pelvis, including organs such
as the stomach, small intestine and bladder

66. anterior (adj) relating to the front of something

67. artery (n) a muscular tube through which oxygenated blood is

carried from the heart to all other parts of the body
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68. breastbone (n) the sternum; a thin flat bone in the upper middle of the
front of the chest

69. capillary (n) any of the small blood vessels that carry blood around
the body

70. cardiovascular (adj) relating to the heart and blood circulation

71. collagen (n) the main protein found in skin and bone, sometimes
used in cosmetic surgery

72. digestive (adj) connected with the process of digesting food; aiding
the process of digestion

73. forearm (n) the lower part of a person's arm between the elbow
and the wrist

74. gastrointestinal (adj) related to the intestines and the stomach

75. inferior (adj) opposite of 'superior'; lower; in anatomical terms, the

stomach is inferior to the heart

76. lateral (adj) relating to the side of something; a location on one

side of the body or an organ

77. limb (n) an arm or leg

78. medial (adj) towards the centre of the body or organ

79. nutrient (n) an element in food that living things need in order to
survive and be healthy

80. pelvis (n) the large bony frame near the base of the spine to
which the legs are attached

81. platelet
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(n) a small, disc-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus,
found in large numbers in blood and involved in clotting

82. posterior (adj) located further behind something (e.g., the lungs are
posterior to the sternum)

83. proximal (adj) relating to the stage that follows the current one

84. shoulder blade (n) either of the large, flat triangular bones which lie
against the ribs in the upper back

85. skeleton (n) the internal or external framework of bones and carti-
lage that supports the body of a person or animal

86. superficial (adj) (of a wound) affecting only the surface of the skin or
just beneath it (e.g., a superficial burn)

87. superior (adj) better than or higher; in anatomical terms, the heart
is superior to the stomach

88. trunk (n) the main part of a human's or animal's body except for
the head, arms and legs

89. vein (n) a blood vessel that carries blood that is low in oxygen
from the body back to the heart

90. ventricle (n) a cavity of a bodily part or organ (e.g., a chamber of

the heart)

91. vertebrae (n) the bony segments that form the spinal column

92. vessel (n) a tube or canal through which a body fluid (e.g., blood)
is transported or circulated

93. anatomical posi- (phr) the standard position of the human body when it is
tion standing up, with the face, feet and palms facing forward

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94. cell (n) the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all
known organisms; the smallest unit of life

95. immune system (n) a system in the human body that protects it from
disease and infection

96. plane (n) a flat surface

97. access (n) the ability to enter a place or system; (v) to enter a
place or a system

98. database (n) an organized and searchable collection of information

99. keyword (n) a word or phrase that you type on a computer key-
board to search for information

100. log in (log on) (v) to access an online system using personal identifying

101. log out (log off) (v) to disconnect from an online system

102. search engine (n) a powerful computer system that can search a very
large amount of information almost instantly

103. telemedicine (n) remote treatment and diagnosis of patients using

telecommunications technology

104. username (ID) (n) a name that is unique to each user of a system that is
used to identify them

105. administration (n) the management of a course, business or website

106. AI (artificial intel- (n) a field of computer science that develops intelligent
ligence) machines that imitate human thought and reasoning

107. automation

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(n) the use of technology (e.g., robots) to carry out a

108. back up (v) to make a copy of a file

109. backup (n) a copy of a file

110. bookmark (n) a website saved on an internet browser so that it can

be viewed quickly

111. capture (v) to get an image of something in a digital format (e.g,

screen capture)

112. data processing (n) the transformation of raw data into a form that can be
used for a specific purpose

113. data sharing (n) the sharing of data through digital devices

114. digital image (n) a picture in electronic form that can be viewed on a
digital device

115. DNA (deoxyri- (n) a self-replicating material present in the chromosomes

bonucleic acid) of nearly all living things, which carries genetic informa-

116. DNA sequencing (n) the process of determining the nucleic acid sequence
in a chromosome

117. document (n) an electronic file or record found on a digital device

118. eRx (e-Prescrib- (n) the electronic transmission of a patient's prescription

ing) to a pharmacy

119. ICD (implantable (n) a battery-powered, surgically implanted device in a

cardioverter de- patient's chest, used to monitor heart rhythm

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120. medical infor- (n) IT applications designed to improve clinical efficiency

121. MeSH (Medical (n) a vocabulary list produced by the US National Library
Subject Head- of Medicine
ings thesaurus)

122. National Insti- (n) the US government's medical research centre

tutes of Health

123. The National Li- (n) the world's largest biomedical library located in Mary-
brary of Medi- land, USA
cine (NLM)

124. PACS (pic- (n) an archiving system that provides storage and easy
ture archiving access to medical images from a variety of devices
and communica-
tion system)

125. password (n) a secret word made up of letters, numbers and sym-
bols used to log in to accounts

126. patient records (n) private medical information about a person

127. PDF (Portable (n) a file format used for digital documents
Document For-

128. personalized (n) medical treatment customized to a specific patient


129. search (n) the act of looking for information on the internet; (v) to
look for information on the internet

130. search operator

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(n) a sequence of characters used to help focus a search
when using a search engine

131. sensor (n) a device that responds to a physical stimulus (e.g.,

heat, light, sound, motion)

132. software (n) the programs and other operating information used by
a computer

133. sync (synchro- (v) to connect devices so they both have the same infor-
nize) mation and files

134. URL (Uniform (n) the address of a webpage on the internet

Resource Loca-

135. VLE (virtual (n) an online platform used by schools and universities
learning environ- on which resource for learning and teaching can be ac-
ment) cessed and student progress tracked

136. webpage (n) a hypertext document that is displayable on a web


137. hyperlink (n) a clickable link or button on a website that can take the
user to a different webpage

138. communicable (adj) infectious; able to be transfered from one person to

another (e.g., a communicable disease)

139. congenital (adj) present since or before birth (e.g., congenital heart

140. contagious (adj) spread by direct contact (e.g., a contagious disease)

141. decline (v) to gradually become smaller, fewer or worse

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142. degenerative (adj) relating to the process through which tissue deteri-
orates and loses its functional ability

143. demographic (n) a particular sector of a population

144. diagnosis (n) the process of determining the nature of an illness by

examining its symptoms

145. discomfort (n) a mental or physical uneasiness that causes some


146. drop (n) a fall in the amount, level or rate of something

147. growth (n) the progressive development of a living thing, espe-

cially the process by which the body reaches its point of
complete physical development

148. hereditary (adj) genetically transmitted from parent to offspring

149. incidence (n) the occurrence, rate or frequency that something hap-
pens or has an effect

150. increase (n) a rise in the size, degree or amount of something

151. infectious (adj) able to spread from one person to another (e.g., an
infectious disease)

152. inflammatory (adj) relating to or causing pain and swelling through

infection or injury

153. neoplastic (adj) relating to a disease where there is abnormal growth

in the tissues (e.g., cancer)

154. non-communica- (adj) relating to a disease that cannot be transmitted from

ble one person to another

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155. non-contagious (adj) relating to a disease that cannot spread through
contact with another person

156. parasitic (adj) relating to diseases spread by parasites (e.g., malar-

ia, which is spread by mosquitoes)

157. perinatal (adj) at or about the time of birth, immediately before and

158. pessimistic (adj) tending to believe that bad things will happen or that
something isn't going to be successful

159. prevalence (n) the percentage of a population that is affected with a

particular disease at a given time; the fact or condition of
being common at a particular time or place

160. primary research (n) a methodology used by researchers to collect data

directly, rather than relying on previously collected data

161. prognosis (n) a forecast of the probable course of a disease

162. projection (n) a forecast or estimation about a future situation based

on what is happening now

163. qualitative re- (n) a scientific method involving observation to collect

search non-numerical data

164. quantitative re- (n) a method that generates numerical data or data that
search can be converted into usable statistics

165. rise (n) an increase in the amount or level of something; (v) to

increase in level or position

166. sample (n) a small representative piece of something

167. scenario
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(n) a description of a sequence of events, or of a situation
of how things might develop

168. secondary re- (n) the summary or collation of previously gathered re-
search search

169. statistical (adj) relating to statistics

170. statistics (n) collection of facts shown in numbers that provide

information about something

171. steadily (adv) in a gradual, even and regular manner

172. characteristic (n) an identifying aspect of something

173. data (n) raw information gained from research or observation

174. decrease (v) to become smaller or fewer

175. developing world (n) a part of the world that is less developed in terms of
its economy and infrastructure

176. developed world (n) a part of the world that is more developed in terms of
its economy and infrastructure

177. environmental (adj) relating to the environment and its affect on humans
and animals

178. gradual (adj) changing little by little; not sudden

179. identify (v) to find or point out

180. maternal disease (n) an illness that affects a baby before it is born

181. population (n) a group of individuals who have something in common

group (e.g., ethnicity, age, gender)

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182. questionnaire (n) a set of questions to be answered by people who are
taking part in research

183. interview (n) a formal conversation where questions are asked by

a researcher to gather information

184. respiratory dis- (n) a problem with breathing


185. transmission (n) the transfer of something, such as a disease, from one
person to another

186. variation (n) a difference between individuals

187. adverse (adj) harmful or unfavourable (e.g., the adverse effects of

a drug)

188. anaesthetic (n) a substance that induces a state of controlled, tempo-

rary loss of sensation or awareness

189. analgesic (n) a class of drug designed to relieve pain without a loss
of conciousness

190. antiviral (adj) relating to an agent that kills a virus or suppresses

its ability to reproduce

191. autonomic (adj) not conscious; relating to the autonomic ner-

vous system, which controls involuntary or unconscious
processes (e.g., breathing)

192. bacteria (n) single-celled microorganisms

193. contaminant (n) a chemical that damages or pollutes

194. lipid (n) a substance such as fat, oil or wax that dissolves in
alcohol but not in water

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195. metabolic (adj) relating to the metabolism of a living thing, whereby
food is converted into energy

196. molecular (adj) consisting of or relating to the smallest amount of a

substance that can exist

197. relieve (v) to make pain or symptoms less serious or severe

198. soothing (adj) making a painful part of the body more comfortable

199. substance (n) a particular material

200. therapeutic (adj) relating to the treatment of a disease or disorder

201. toxic (adj) poisonous, especially when capable of causing

death or serious debilitation

202. toxicology (n) the branch of science relating to the study of poisons

203. virus (n) a microorganism, smaller than a bacterium, that can

infect cells and change how they function

204. membrane (n) a thin layer of tissue that covers a structure or cavity

205. nucleus (n) the centre of a cell that contains the genetic informa-
tion of an organism

206. pharmacology (n) the branch of medicine concerned with the study of

207. protein (n) an organic compound that is a principal component of

all cells

208. separation (n) the process by which something is divided into parts

209. accredited (adj) officially approved or recognized as being of an

acceptably highquality or standard
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210. acute care (n) a branch within healthcare whereby a patient is given
activetreatment for a severe injury or illness

211. admission (n) the act or process of accepting someone into a hos-
pital, clinic or other treatment facility as an inpatient (e.g.,
patient admission)

212. Alexandria Plan (n)a system of 24-hour care developed at the Alexandria
Hospital in Virginia in the 1960s

213. behavioural dis- (n) a problem with a person's behaviour that has a nega-
order tive impact on their life (e.g., attention deficit disorder)

214. care cycle (n) a tool for understanding the status of the care process
for a given medical condition

215. discharge (n) the action of giving a patient permissionto leave hos-
pital; the flow of fluid from part of the body (e.g., nose,

216. emergency med- (n) a medical speciality concerned with the care and treat-
icine (accident ment of acutely ill or injured patients who need immediate
and emergency medical attention

217. fracture (n)a break in bone or cartilage

218. hospital ward (n) an area in a hospital shared by patients of a particular

kind (e.g., a children's ward)

219. minor injury (n) a non-serious injury that cannot be treated at home
(e.g., injuries to soft tissue, muscles, ligaments and ten-

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occupational (n) the use of assessment and intervention to develop,
therapy recover or maintain the meaningful activities of individuals

221. prevention (n) the action taken to decrease the chance of getting a
disease or condition

222. procedural skills (n) the skills necessary tofollow a formal medical proce-

223. recovery room (n) a room in a hospital where patients are placed and
carefully monitored following an operation under anaes-

224. rehabilitation (n) the process of helping someone who has suffered an
illness or injury restore lost skills and regain maximum

225. screening (n) a way of identifying people who may have an in-
creased risk of a particular condition, so that early treat-
ment can be offered (e.g., breast screening)

226. teaching hospi- (n) a hospital linked to a medical school, where medical
tal students receive their practical training

227. triage nurse (n) a nurse who works in emergency room settings, as-
sessing patients' conditions and monitoring them

228. vital signs (n) clinical measurements (i.e., pulse rate, temperature
and blood pressure) that indicate the state of a patient's
essential body functions

229. waiting room (n) a room where people can sit when they are waiting to
be seen by a a healthcare professional

230. department

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(n) a division in a large building or organization, specializ-
ing in one specific area (e.g., the cardiology department
in a hospital)

231. management (of (n) the process of making a chronic condition more easy
a condition) to live with

232. promotion (n) activity that supports or gives publicity to something

(e.g., health promotion)

233. allergy (n) an immune response to a foreign substance that is not

typically harmful to your body

234. detect (v) to discover the presence or existence of something

(e.g., to detect a disease in its early stages)

235. diabetes (n) a disease whereby the body cannot produce enough
insulin to control the amount of glucose in the blood

236. dietician (n) an expert whose job it is to advise people on diet and

237. examine (v) to inspect or study someone or something very thor-

oughly in order to discover something

238. false positive (n) an examination result that incorrectly confirms that a
specific condition or attribute is present

239. fatigue (n) a feeling of extreme tiredness, usually resulting from

hard work, exertion or illness

240. immunization (n) the process by which a person is made immune or

(inoculation) resistant to an infectious disease by the administration of
(vaccination) a vaccine

241. injection
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(n) the action of putting a drug into someone's body using
a needle

242. interval (n) a short period of time between two things

243. lifestyle modifi- (n) the altering of long-term habits and maintaining the
cation new behaviour for months or years

244. migraine (n) a severe headache that affects vision, felt as throbbing
pain on the side of the head

245. minimize (v) to reduce the amount of something to the smallest

amount possible (e.g., to minimize risk)

246. monitor (ob- (v) to observe a patient's vital signs over a period of time

247. nausea (n) the feeling of sickness you have when you want to

248. physiotherapist (n) a person qualified to treat disease or injury by physical

(physio) methods (e.g., massage, exercise)

249. podiatrist (n) a person qualified to care for and treat people's feet;
a chiropodist

250. practice (n) the business or premises of professional people (e.g.,

a general practice, a dentist's practice)

251. primary care (n) the healthcare you receive first when you are unwell
(e.g., a family doctor)

252. profiling (n) identifying patients likely to develop specific condi-

tions, using data from patient records

253. salmonella
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(n) a type of bacteria that grows on food and causes
illness in humans

254. self-manage- (n) the management of a condition (e.g., diabetes) by the

ment patient themselves

255. sympathize (em- (v) to show that you share or can relate to another per-
pathize) son's feelings

256. vascular (adj) relating to blood vessels (i.e., arteries and veins).

257. advice (n) help or guidance given to someone else (e.g., medical

258. cancer (n) any malignant growth caused by abnormal and uncon-
trolled cell division

259. clinic (n) a facility where patients visit specialist healthcare


260. pain relief (n) the lessening of a patient's pain, usually through med-

261. pill (n) a mixture of a powdered drug and a cohesive material,

usually circular or oval, swallowed by a patient

262. surgery (GP (n) a facility where patients visit general practitioners

263. syringe (n) a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids

from a patient

264. barrier contra- (n) an old-fashioned term for any form of contraceptive
ceptive that prevents someone from becoming pregnant by stop-
ping the sperm reaching the egg (e.g., a condom)

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265. benchmark (n) a standard or point of reference with which other things
can be compared

266. emphysema (n) a long-term, progressive condition that affects the

lungs, causing shortness of breath

267. epidemic (n) a widespread occurrence of a particular infectious

disease happening at a particular time in the same com-

268. ethnic origin (n) the classification of people to particular categories, on

the basis of similarities, such as culture, nation, etc.

269. exposure (n) the process of coming into contact with something that
is harmful

270. family planning (n) the practice of planning the number of children you
have as a family

271. health hazard (n) something that can pose a danger to a person's health
(e.g., smoking)

272. health risk (n) something that could cause a negative health conse-
quence to a particular person or group of people due to a
specific disease or condition

273. heatstroke (n) an illness with a fever and often loss of consciousness,
caused by being exposed to excessive heat

274. heatwave (n) a period of abnormally hot weather

275. human rights (n) the basic rights that every human should have

276. infant mortality (n) the death of a child below the age of one year

277. legislation
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(n) the laws controlling a specific thing; the process of
making and enacting laws

278. maternal mortali- (n) the death of a woman whilst pregnant or within 42 days
ty of termination of a pregnancy

279. measure (n) the extent, quantity, amount or degree of something,

as determined by measurement or calculation

280. middle-income (adj) relating to people who earn an average salary

281. obesity (n) the state of being very overweight, with a high percent-
age of body fat, in a way that is detrimental to a person's

282. occupational in- (n) bodily damage incurred whilst working


283. osteoarthritis (n) a disease that causes pain and stiffness, particularly
to hip, knee and thumb joints

284. phenomenon (n) a unique and remarkable thing that happens

285. pollutant (n) a chemical that pollutes the environment when it is


286. population-wide (n) relating to the entire population of a country or area

(e.g., a population-wide campaign to promote healthy

287. public health (n) the promotion and protection of people's health by the

288. respiratory dis- (n) a type of disease that affects the lungs and other parts
order of the respiratory system

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289. vector-borne (adj) relating to human illnesses caused by parasites,
viruses and bacteria transmitted by mosquitoes, etc.

290. work-related (adj) of an event happening in a working environment

(e.g., a work-related injury)

291. cardiovascular (n) an illness that affects the heart


292. control (v) to exert power over something

293. nutrition (n) the process of obtaining the food necessary for health
and growth

294. recognize (v) to know something because you have encountered it


295. preconception (n) the period before a pregnancy

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