C-Analysis M. W. D. S-3rd Class

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‫تسم هللا الزحمه الزحيم‬

Analysis Methods for Water Distribution Systems-3rd Class

)‫(طرق تحليل أنظمة توزيع المياه‬
Dr. Sataa A. Al-Bayati (10-11)

Methods of analysis are:

1. Sectioning)‫(المقاطغ‬
2. pipe equivalence)‫(االوثىب المكافىء‬
3. Relaxation)‫(االرخاء‬
4. Computer programming)‫(الثزمجح تالحاسىب‬
5. Electrical analogy)‫(المشاتهح الكهزتائيح‬
6. Linear theory )‫(الىظزيح الخطيح‬
7. Heasted)‫(هيسرذ‬
8. Newton Raphson)‫(ويىذه رافسىن‬
The purpose of these methods is to find the discharge for each pipe & the
pressure at each junction (node ‫(ػقذج‬.

1.Method of Sections
It is quick, approximate, exploratory)‫ (أسرطالع‬, & simple.

1. Cut the network by a series of line
 Not necessarily straight or regularly spaced.
 It chosen with regard to varying sequence of pipe sizes &
district characteristics.
 The lines may cut the pipes at right angles to the general
direction of flow.
 Lines may be horizontally.
 For more than one supply conduit, lines may be curved.

2. Estimate the demand for each areas beyond each section, depends on;
a) Population density.
b) Characteristics of zone: residential, industrial, commercial,

The demands are:
a) Domestic: decreases from section to section.
b) Fire, Table (1)
It remains the same until high value district has been passed.

Table (1) Required fire flow [Fair, et al]

population Fire flow Duration
gpm mgd h
1000 1000 1.4 4
2000 1500 2.2 6
4000 2000 2.9 8
6000 2500 3.6 10
10000 3000 4.3 10
13000 3500 5.0 10
17000 4000 5.8 10
22000 4500 6.5 10
28000 5000 7.2 10
40000 6000 8.6 10
60000 7000 10.1 10
80000 8000 11.5 10
100000 9000 13.0 10
125000 10000 14.4 10
150000 11000 15.8 10
200000 12000 17.3 10

3. Estimate distribution-system capacity at each section.

a) Tabulate number of pipes of each size cut count only pipes
that deliver water in the general direction of flow.
b) Determine the average available hydraulic gradient (head
losses ‫)خسائز الشحىح‬. It depends on,
i. Required pressure in the system.
ii. Allowable velocity (2 - 4ft/s).
Note: Hydraulic gradient (friction resistance)
HL = 0.001 – 0.003 (1‰ – 3‰).

4. Determine the capacities of existing pipes & sum them.

This done by using Hazen-Williams Diagram, or the following Hazen-
Williams formula)‫ (مؼادلح هايزن ويليامز‬,

Q = 0.27853 C D2.63 S0.54
Q = capacity, mgd
C = roughness constant)‫ (ثاتد الخشىوح‬,
D = pipe diameter, ft
S = slope, or hydraulic gradient.

We can use a diagram for quick calculation.

5. Calculate deficiency)‫(ػجز‬
Deficiency = required capacity – existing capacity.

6. Modified system
For the available hydraulic gradient, select the sizes & routs of pipes
to cover deficiency. Some existing small pipes may be removed to
make way for larger mains.
Adding or removing pipes done according to the designer. If the
deficiency is small no pipes are added but the velocity & head loss
must be within the limits. If the deficiency is large the pipes must be
added or changed with larger sizes.

7. Determine size of equivalent pipe for the modified system & calculate
Reduce high velocity by lowering the HL.

8. Check important pressure requirements against modified network.

Usefulness of section method:

1. For preliminary)‫ (أوليح‬studies of large & complicated distribution
2. Check upon other methods of analysis.

Example (1):
Analyze the network of the following Fig. by section method. The hydraulic
gradient available within the network is 2‰. The value of C = 100 in the
Hazen-Williams formula, and the max. daily use (domestic demand) =
150gpcd. The fire demand is taken from Table (1). Population as follows,
Section a-a b-b c-c d-d e-e
Population 16000 16000 14000 8000 1500

Note: All pipes without number are 6-in diameter.


1. Section a-a
Population = 16,000
a) Total demand = domestic use + fire demand
= 16,000 × 150gpcd + 5.6mgd
= 2.4 + 5.6
= 8mgd.

b) Existing pipes)‫(االواتية المىجىدج‬:

One 24in
HL = 0.002 → Hazen-Williams Diagram → Q = 6mgd.

c) Deficiency:
8 – 6 = 2mgd (large deficiency)

d) If no pipes are added,

The 24in must carry Q = 8mgd.
Diagram → HL = 0.0033 ≈ 3‰ OK, why excepted?
V = 3.85fps < 4fps OK

2. Section b-b
Population = 16,000
a) Total demand = 8mgd

b) Existing pipes:
2 – 20in → 20in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q20in = 3.7mgd
Q2- 20in = 3.7 × 2 = 7.4mgd.
c) Deficiency:
8 – 7.4 = 0.6mgd (low deficiency)

d) No pipes are added,

The 2 – 20in must carry Q = 8mgd.
Q = 7.4mgd & HL = 0.002 →Diagram → Equivalent pipe= 26in

Q = 8mgd & Dia.= 26in → Diagram → HL = 0.0022 < 3‰ OK

V = 3.2fps < 4 OK

3. Section c-c
Population = 14,000
a) Total demand = 14,000 × 150 + 5.6
= 2.1 + 5.6
= 7.7mgd.

b) Existing pipes:
1 – 20in → 20in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q20in = 3.7mgd

2 – 12in → 12in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q12in = 1mgd

Q2-12in = 2mgd

5 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.16mgd

Q5-6in = 0.8mgd
Total Q = 3.7 + 2 + 0.8 = 6.5mgd.

c) Deficiency:
7.7 – 6.5 = 1.2mgd (large deficiency).

d) Pipes added & removed:

Pipe added:
2 – 10in → 10in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q10in = 0.6mgd
Q2-10in = 1.2mgd
Pipes removed:
1 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.2mgd

Net added capacity = 1.2 – 0.2 = 1.0mgd.

e) Modified capacity = 6.5 + 1.0 = 7.5mgd

Q = 7.5mgd & HL = 0.002 →Diagram → Equivalent pipe= 26in

Modified system must carry Q = 7.7mgd,

Q= 7.7mgd & Dia.= 26in →Diagram→ HL = 0.0021 < 3‰ OK
V = 3.1fps < 4 OK

The layout after analyzing section c-c is:

4. section d-d
Population = 8,000
a) Total demands = 8,000 × 150 + 5.6
= 1.2 + 5.6
= 6.8mgd.

b) Existing pipes:
2 – 12in → 12in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q12in = 1mgd
Q2-12in = 2mgd

8 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.16mgd

Q8-6in = 1.3mgd
Total Q = 2 + 1.3 = 3.3mgd.

c) Deficiency:
6.8 – 3.3 = 3.5mgd (large deficiency).

d) Pipes added & removed:

Pipes added:
1 – 16in → 16in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q16in = 2.1mgd

2 – 10in → 10in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q10in = 0.6mgd

Q2-10in = 1.2mgd
Total pipes added, Q = 3.3mgd.

Pipes removed:
2 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.16mgd
Q2-6in = 0.3mgd

Net added capacity = 3.3 – 0.3 = 3mgd.

e) Modified capacity = 3.3 + 3 = 6.3mgd

Q=6.3mgd & HL =0.002 →Diagram → Equivalent pipe= 24.4in

Modified system must carry Q = 6.8mgd,

Q= 6.8mgd & Dia.=24.4in →Diagram→HL =0.0022 < 3‰ OK
V = 3.2fps < 4 OK
The layout after analyzing section d-d is:

5. Section e-e
Population = 1,500
a) Total demands = 1,500 × 150 + 1.8
= 0.2 + 1.8
= 2mgd.

b) Existing pipes:
2 – 8in → 8in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q8in = 0.35mgd
Q2-8in = 0.7mgd

6 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.16mgd

Q6-6in = 1mgd
Total Q = 0.7 + 1 = 1.7mgd.

c) Deficiency:
2 – 1.7 = 0.3mgd (low deficiency).

d) Pipes added & removed (previously):

Pipes added:

1 – 10in → 10in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q10in = 0.6mgd
Pipes removed:
1 – 6in → 6in & HL = 0.002 → Diagram → Q6in = 0.16mgd

Net added capacity = 0.6 – 0.16 = 0.4mgd.

e) Modified capacity = 1.7 + 0.4 = 2.1mgd

Q=2.1mgd & HL =0.002 →Diagram → Equivalent pipe= 15.8in

Modified system must carry Q = 2mgd,

Q = 2mgd & Dia.=15.8in → Diagram → HL = 0.002 < 3‰ OK
V = 2.3fps < 4 OK

The modified system is shown in the following Fig.

Final layout of the network

Circle Method)‫(طريقة الدائرة‬
It is sectioning method. It is used for design or investigates)‫ (ذحقق‬the
minor pipes.

Example (2):
Assuming water is to be delivered to a fire through not more than 500ft
of hose. Find by circle method, the water available at the circumference
of a 500 ft circle placed in the center of the shown network. Also find the
number of hydrants, if the capacity of each one is 250gpm. The pressure
in the 12in feeders)‫ (مغذياخ‬being 40 psi & the residual hydrant pressure
not less than 20 psi. Take C = 100 in the Hazen-Williams formula.


Feeder: 12-in
Lateral: 6-in

The pipes cut by the circle, the average length of these pipes from their
feeder)‫ (مغذي‬pipes to the hydrants within the circle, & the hydraulic
gradients of these pipes:

1. Hydraulic Gradients:
4-6in, length = 1000 – ½(500) = 750ft.

H. gradient, S = h/L = (P/γ)/L = P/γL

S = [(40 – 20)Lb/in2 × (144in2 /ft2)] / (62.4Lb/ft3)(750ft)
= 0.0616
= 61.6‰

4-6in, length = 1250 – ½(500) = 1000ft.

H. gradient, S = (20 × 144) / (62.4 × 1000)

= 0.0462
= 46.2‰

2. Pipe capacity
C = 100
4-6in & S = 61.6‰ → Diagram → Q6in = 1mgd = 700gpm
Q4-6in = 4 × 700 = 2800gpm
4-6in & S = 46.2‰ → Diagram→ Q6in = 0.9mgd = 600gpm
Q4-6in = 4 × 600 = 2400gpm

Total Q = 2800 + 2400 = 5200gpm

3. Number of standard fire streams (hydrants),

5200 / 250 = 20.8
Use 21hydrants (with each one 250gpm capacity).

What is the usefulness of this method?

2.Method of Equivalent Pipes
It is used for changing complex pipes system to single equivalent line.
This method cannot be applied directly to pipe systems containing
crossovers)‫ (ذقاطغ‬or take-offs)‫ (سحة‬.
What is Equivalent Pipe?

1. Head losses through pipes in series are additive.
2. Head losses through pipes in parallel are identical, why?

Example (3):
Find an equivalent pipe for the network of Fig. below. Express Q in mgd, S
in ‰, H in ft. Use C = 100, & Q = 1.5 mgd.

What are the required parameters for each pipe?

1. Line ABD
2 pipes in series (AB & BD)
Added head losses.
Assume Q = 1mgd.
a) Pipe AB
L = 3000ft

Q = 1mgd & Dia. = 12in → Diagram → S = 0.0021
HL = S × L = 0.0021 × 3000 = 6.3ft.

b) Pipe BD
L = 4000ft
Q = 1mgd & Dia. = 16in → Diagram → S = 0.00052
HL = S × L = 0.00052 × 4000 = 2.1ft.

c) Total head losses

= 6.3 + 2.1
= 8.4ft.

d) Line ABD, Q =1mgd & HL = 8.4ft, D =? , L =?

Any pipe that will do this is an equivalent pipe for line ABD.
Choose 12in or 16in.

Now we choose 12in, S = 0.0021, Q = 1mgd.

This need to modify its length,

HL, ft Length, ft
2.1 1000
8.4 x

x = (8.4 × 1000) / 2.1 = 4000ft.

Equivalent pipe for ABD: 12in, S = 0.0021, L = 4000ft, Q = 1mgd

Total HL = 8.4ft.

Equivalent pipe for ABD: 12in, S = 0.0021,

L = 4000ft, Q = 1mgd- Total HL = 8.4ft.

2. Line ACD
2 pipes in series (AC & CD)
Added head losses.
Assume Q = 0.5mgd.
a) Pipe AC
L = 4000ft
Q = 0.5mgd & Dia. = 10in → Diagram → S = 0.00142 = 1.42‰
HL = S × L = 0.00142 × 4000 = 5.7ft.

b) Pipe CD
L = 3000ft
Q = 0.5mgd & Dia. = 8in → Diagram → S = 0.0042 = 4.2‰
HL = S × L = 0.0042 × 3000 = 12.6ft.

c) Total head losses

= 5.7 + 12.6
= 18.3ft.

d) Line ACD, Q =0.5mgd & HL = 18.3ft

Any pipe that will do this is an equivalent pipe for line ABD.
Choose 10in or 8in.

Now we choose 8in, S = 0.0042, Q = 0.5mgd.

This need to modify its length,
HL, ft Length, ft
4.2 1000
18.3 x

x = (18.3 × 1000) / 4.2 = 4360ft.

Equivalent pipe for ABD: 8in, S = 0.0042, L = 4360ft, Q = 0.5mgd

Total HL = 18.3ft.

Equivalent pipe for ABD: 8in, S = 0.0042,
L = 4360ft, Q = 0.5mgd, Total HL = 18.3ft.

3. Equivalent line AD, choose HL = 8.4ft = HABD = HACD

What are the required parameters?
ABD & ACD in parallel with a given H
Assume head loss already calculated for one of the lines
e.g. ABD, 12in, HL = 8.4ft.

a) Line ABD
L = 4000ft, 12in, HL = 8.4ft
Use 12in & S = HL / L = 8.4 / 4000 = 0.0021 → Diag.→ Q = 1mgd.

b) Line ACD
L = 4360ft, 8in, & HL = 8.4ft
Use 8in & S= HL/L = 8.4 / 4360 = 0.00192→Diag.→ Q = 0.33mgd.

c) Total discharge
= 1 + 0.33
= 1.33mgd

d) Use equivalent pipe AD with Q = 1.33mgd, & HL = 8.4ft.

Assume equivalent pipe dia. = 14in.

14in & Q = 1.33 → Diag. → S = 1.68‰.

L = (8.4 * 1000) / 1.68

= 5000ft.
Equivalent pipe AD: 14in, L = 5000ft, HL = 8.4ft, Q = 1.33mgd.
See the Fig. below:

Eq. Pipe 5000ft -14in – 1.33mgd

3.Relaxation Method (Hardy Cross Method))‫(طريقة هاردي كروس‬
The water distribution systems have sources)‫ & (مصادر‬loads)‫ (أحمال‬. Such
systems either to design the original system or to expand the network.
Expansion means additional housing or commercial developments or
increased loads within existing area. Also prediction of required pressures in
the system is important.

Basic requirements:
1. Satisfy continuity, flow into & out each junction must be equal.
2. The head loss between any two junctions must be same.
3. The flow & head loss must be related by velocity-head loss equation.

The solution can be done by a trial & error hand computation. Now the
solution made by computers.




Q1 = Q2+Q3+Q4

Theory of Hand computation)‫(حساب اليذ‬:

How to find the velocity-head loss equation? Flows in the network is found
to be related by,
∑ hLc = hL-AB + hL-BC = ∑ K Qcn

∑ hLcc = ∑ K Qccn

∑ hLc = ∑ hLcc & ∑ K Qcn = ∑ K Qccn

hLc = clockwise headloss
hLcc = counterclockwise headloss
Qc = clockwise discharge
Qcc = counterclockwise discharge

If clockwise head loss, hLc > hLcc by ∆Q

∑ K (Qc – ∆Q)n = ∑ K ( Qcc + ∆Q)n

Expanding the summation & take only two terms,

∑ K (Qcn – nQcn-1 ∆Q) = ∑ K (Qccn + nQccn-1 ∆Q)

(∑ n K Qcn-1 + ∑ n K Qccn-1) ∆Q = ∑ K Qcn - ∑ K Qccn

∆Q = (∑ K Qcn - ∑ K Qccn) / (∑ n K Qcn-1 + ∑ n K Qccn-1)

If ∆Q = + → too much flow in clockwise → add ∆Q to counterclockwise

flows & subtract it from clockwise

The Darcy-Weisbach equation is used for computing the head loss,

hƒ = ƒ (L / D) (V2 / 2g)

= 8(ƒ L / gD5 π2) Q2

= KQ2

Where: K = 8(ƒ L / gD5 π2)

For the given source & loads shown in Fig.A, how will the flow be
distributed in the simple network, and what will be the pressures at the load
points if the pressure at the source is 60 psi? Assume horizontal pipes &
ƒ=0.012 for all pipes. Diameter & length of each pipe is indicated in the Fig.

Fig. A

Calculate head loss, K value for each pipe in the network using the
following equation,

K = 8(ƒ L / gD5 π2)

For pipe (1000ft, & 24in):

 0.012  1000 
K  8 5 2 
 0.00944
 32.22  

Fig. B shows the network with the head loss, K value for each pipe.

Fig. C shows the network with assumed flows:

Make the following tables:

Loop ABD
Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ
AB 0.00944 × 100 = + 0.944 2 × 0.00944 × 10 = 0.189
AD 1.059 × 25 = - 26.475 2 × 1.059 × 5 = 10.590
BD 0 0
∑ - 25.531 10.779
∆Q = -25.531 /10.779
= - 2.40cfs.

Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ
BC + 30.21 6.042
BD 0 0
CE 0 0
DE - 7.55 3.02
∑ + 22.66 9.062

∆Q = 22.66 /9.062
= 2.50cfs.

The corrections obtained in the table are applied to the two loops, and the
pipe discharges are shown in Fig. D.

Now the 1st iteration (cycle) is finished.

Use the new discharges (of 1st cycle) and do 2nd cycle.

Loop ABD
Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ

∆Q =

Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ

∆Q =

The new corrections obtained in the table are applied again to the two loops,
and the pipe discharges are shown in a new Fig.

Use the new discharges (of 2nd cycle) and do 3rd cycle.

Loop ABD
Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ

∆Q =

Pipe hƒ = K Q2 2KQ

∆Q =

The new corrections obtained in the table are applied again to the two loops,
and the pipe discharges are shown in a new Fig.

The final distribution of flow is obtained as shown in Fig. F.

The pressures at the load points are calculated as follows,

PC  PA   K AB QAB

= 60psi × (144psf/psi) – 62.4[0.00944 × (11.4)2 + 0.3021 × 92]
= 8640psf – 1603psf
= 7037psf
= 48.9psi

PE  8640   K AD QAD

= 8640 – 62.4[1.059 × (3.5)2 + 0.3021 × 62]
= 7105psf
= 49.3psi.

Now we used this method for analysis a network, how we can use this
method for design.

Computer programming
Computer is used for detailed computations that can not practical to perform
by hand. Many programs are available e.g. WATER CAD, Pipe++, HC6,
EPANET & Pipe-Pro.

- Fair, G. M., et al, 1968 “Elements of Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal”.
- Roberson, J.A., et al, “Hydraulic Engineering”, 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons.
Inc., New York.


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